How To Ruin A Love Comedy

Chapter 49: Submerged to the Bottom of Our Chin

Drip. Drip-

A sound echoed.

Of some small things hitting against something else.

Under normal circumstances, it would have been a sound so faint as to go unnoticed. However, with her heightened senses, her ears caught the noise.

Miyuki, who had been dozing off in Matsuda’s arms, opened her eyes.

Careful not to wake Matsuda, she gingerly lifted her head and looked at the wide-open window.

Darkness enveloped the room, rendering things indistinguishable. After a few blinks to acclimate her eyes to the dark, the shapes of objects slowly came into view.

It was raining, albeit not much.

‘Is it a drizzle? It might get a bit humid when we go to watch the movie.’


She never used to find any particular appeal in rainy days.

In fact, she almost hated them: Water splashing everywhere, getting her shoes and clothes wet.

But ever since she met Matsuda, her perspective started to change.

To be precise, it began to shift from the day she fell asleep in his arms during a downpour.

Nestled in the warmth of Matsuda’s embrace on a chilly day, the tension and excitement that once consumed her subsided, replaced by a sense of calm.

That calm, harmonizing with the sound of the falling rain, made the day feel cozy.

Miyuki remembered that day with a playful smile and quickly buried her face into Matsuda’s arm.


Matsuda let out a murmur as he shifted slightly in his sleep.

His unconscious, baritone voice resonated through her ears.

It sounded incredibly pleasant. She wanted to hear more of it. And the fact that she was the only one awake also felt somewhat unfair.

Gently pressing her index finger against Matsuda’s abdomen, Miyuki watched for his reaction. Seeing that he remained asleep, she softly prodded various parts of his body.

Waking someone up like this is naughty.

She knew that, yet the temptation was too strong to resist.

While she lost her self-control and continued to poke Matsuda, he finally woke up and asked in a drowsy voice,

“What are you doing...?”

She immediately apologized, “Sorry...”

Of course, it was insincere.

Deep down, she was thrilled that Matsuda had woken up. The idea that he would now hold her tightly made her heart race.

“What time is it now?”

“I don’t know... Maybe around 2 AM?”

“Why are you up so early...”

“Because of the rain...”

“But I can’t hear the rain.”

“I heard it...”

“Is that so...?”

Matsuda pulled Miyuki closer by her waist.

Pressing her against himself, he said,

“Shorty is pretty naughty, isn’t she…?”

He spoke in a tone that made it unclear whether it was a compliment or a jab, then slipped his hand inside Miyuki’s t-shirt.

Feeling Matsuda’s hand caressing her waist, goosebumps popped up all over Miyuki’s skin, and she swallowed nervously.

It was different from the gentle strokes of a few hours ago—this time he was palpably touching her.

The problem was that she was willingly accepting his touch.

Afraid Matsuda might comment on her gaining weight, she tensed her abdomen and even made it easier for him to touch her by slightly arching her back.

She was nervous, yes.

But it was an excited kind of nervousness, not one born out of fear.

It was absurd how different she had become when she would have scowled in the past.

Mulling over whether she had lost her mind, Miyuki revisited what Matsuda had just said.


Naughty. The word sounded somewhat ‘bad’, but the thought that Matsuda found it satisfying made her oddly happy.

She remembered. Before going to sleep, she had initiated the kiss, letting her tongue slip into his mouth...

And now, feeling Matsuda’s touch like this...

It felt strange but delightful how she was gradually becoming more sexually awakened than before.

Her heart also fluttered pleasantly at the expectation of sharing even sweeter and hotter moments with Matsuda.

Miyuki stole a sidelong glance at Matsuda, feigning coyness as she playfully pouted.

“Don’t touch me...”

“What are you talking about?”

Ignoring her little act of petulance with a voice still heavy with sleep, Matsuda continued to caress her waist. Was it her imagination that she felt a certain affection in his touch?

“Are you cold?”

Matsuda’s question snapped Miyuki out of her contemplation. Feeling the cool breeze coming in through the open window, she was about to say she wasn’t cold but then changed her mind.

“Yeah... It’s cold...”

Matsuda immediately ceased his wandering hands around her waist and pulled her even closer to him.

The corners of Miyuki’s mouth stretched so far upward they couldn’t possibly go any higher. It wasn’t just that he pulled up the blanket; she was elated that he noticed what she wanted and held her tighter.

With a giddy smile hidden in her heart, she spoke.

“Want to wake up early and go to the supermarket? We need to buy breakfast ingredients.”

“What did you say...? I can’t hear you.”

“We need to buy stuff for breakfast.”

“Let’s just eat something like hot dogs at the movie theater.”

“Don’t you think it’s better to have a proper meal at home?”

“Quit it, I’m trying to sleep.”

“We should think about our health... Something with vegetables.”

“Hot dogs have vegetables. Onions and tomatoes.”

“Tomatoes...? You’re not talking about ketchup, are you?”


Matsuda’s absurd remark made her chuckle.

Despite being sleepy and annoyed, she appreciated that he diligently responded to each of her comments. It made her want to tease him even more.

“What kind of vegetable is ketchup...”

“It’s made from tomatoes, so it’s not entirely wrong.”

“But Matsuda-kun, if we go to the movies tomorrow, don’t do that thing you did last time to the person next to us...”



“Do you want to get scolded?”

“No, I was...”

Miyuki was about to say she’d go to sleep when her body jolted. It was because Matsuda had gently patted her butt. This time it wasn’t discreet, it was blatant.

Startled and almost leaping out of her skin, Miyuki relaxed as she heard Matsuda say, “Go to sleep.”

Feeling her tense muscles loosen, she observed Matsuda patting her in a steady rhythm, as if trying to put a child to sleep.

“I-I was about to sleep...”


It’s fascinating. Even though Matsuda’s hand touched an area she’d consider sensitive, there was no sense of discomfort, and she was remarkably calm.

‘I don’t know...’

Opting for ease of mind, Miyuki closed her eyes, feeling the continued comforting pats from Matsuda.

Her face must be flushing hot by now. Her body was the same. Did Matsuda know it too?

Will he do something next time knowing her body gets hot in his embrace?

Next time…

Should she sleep at Matsuda’s place again tomorrow... or perhaps, today?

Would she look too easy to suggest it first?

While pondering these questions, Miyuki soon drifted off to sleep. In a state of complete comfort, she fell into a very, very deep sleep.


The first thing I saw upon waking up was Miyuki, soundly asleep.

I watched her as she let out soft, rhythmic breaths, her face the picture of comfort. I glanced at the wall clock to check the time.

9:20 AM.

Even if we get ready and leave now, we’ll be cutting it close.

We slept in too long. Might as well give up on the morning movie.

It was surprising that Miyuki, who always woke up before me, was still asleep.

To think she’s sleeping so well after all that tossing and turning in the early hours… Remembering her antiques, I let out a laugh internally.

Miyuki lay there as if embracing a pillow, my arm tightly wedged between her breasts.

As I quietly felt the sensation of her chest, she let out a subtle chuckle, as if savoring some delightful flavor.

Did she dream of delicious food?

She looks so happy.

I lifted my head to examine her neck. The hickey had set well.

My mark... I wanted to show it off to everyone, but Miyuki would undoubtedly cover it with a bandage.

As I carefully tried to pull my arm away, her expression furrowed, and I couldn’t help but laugh.

Turning my body to the side, just like I had done in the wee hours, I gently patted her butt with my opposite hand.

“Wake up.”

At this, Miyuki’s eyes opened slightly.

Blinking a few times, she stared at me and said,

“...I’m sleepy...”

She closed her eyes again, her face breaking into a warm smile.

She even pulled my arm closer for good measure.

Chuckling, I leaned in close to Miyuki’s ear and whispered softly, in a tone she loved so much:

“Wake up. My arm’s falling asleep.”

At that, Miyuki’s shoulders jerked up, her body quivering.


Her moan is a little less suggestive than yesterday. Her eyes remain closed.

She’s usually so sharp, but her off-guard look right now... is not bad at all.

“Do you want some water?”

“No, I don’t...”

Her voice, tinged with a playful whine, makes me want to tease her even more.

Ah, I’m already in the mood.

Given how relaxed she is down there right now... the temptation is surging through me.

But I must resist. I’ve been putting in the work; there’s no way I can let it go to waste now that we’re almost there.

“Matsuda-kun... keep your hands still for a bit...”

Miyuki admonishes me in her half-asleep state.

Pretending I didn’t hear her, I gently touched her thigh and slowly rubbed it.


With a small, strangled cry, she finally lets go of my arm and sits up. Her shoulders slumped, she stares blankly ahead. When I pat her back, she rubs her eyes with her four fingers, leaving her thumb out.

She’s adorable beyond words.

Why not just live together? We can even go to school as a couple.

Of course, we’ll cut ties with the likes of Tetsuya.

“What time is it...?”


“What...? Then we should hurry and get ready...”

“Why obsess over a matinee? Take your time.”

“...Matsuda-kun has a point. Uh, let me go to the bathroom first.”

Miyuki grunts as she gets up and shuffles into the bathroom. The sound of rushing water is heard, and shortly after,


The bathroom door swings open.

“Matsuda-kun...! Is this your doing from yesterday...?!”

Miyuki walks over to me, pointing to the hickey on her neck.

Looking at her flushed, accusing face, I answered, letting out a big yawn.


“This looks like I’ve been bitten by a bug...!”

“So now I’m a bug?”

“That’s not what I mean...! Ugh...”

As if realizing she can’t get through to me, she exhales deeply and throws me a faint smile.

“Fine... you fool...”

She knew that I had left the hickey on her neck out of affection, and it seemed like she was trying not to make a big deal of it.

‘So, she’s not angry, huh.’

Lying back down on the bed, I teased her as she carefully sat beside me.

“Why were you so worked up saying ‘I don’t want water!’ earlier, but now you’re so composed?”

Instead of answering, Miyuki rested her head on my abdomen.

As I adjusted her mussed-up hair, which betrayed her embarrassment, I felt that our relationship had grown incredibly close.

The way she let me explicitly touch her butt earlier and just let it slide...

The way she’s letting her guard down and getting closer now...

Miyuki was sinking deeper and deeper into the trap I’d laid for her.

“Fool’s stomach is making noises...”

Miyuki said, pressing her ear against my belly.

With a sly grin, I rubbed the back of her neck.

“That’s because I’m hungry.”

However, it seemed Miyuki wasn’t sinking alone.

Beside her was me, and we were holding each other tightly, submerged to the bottom of our chin.

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