How I Reincarnated Into Naruto

Chapter 70

I'm back! Here's a double release!

“Hello, Father!” Mileena greets, affectionately; the symbiote kneels before her creator with great reverence.

She can hear the blood curdling screams of the Ninja Alliance forces as they are besieged by the Ten-Tails’ volley of wooden spikes in the background, but she doesn’t care. All that matters to her is that she fulfills the mission given to her. Rito is off to the side, watching the moment with a look of confusion mixed with estrangement.

Mileena holds out her hand to Jin and a small container grows out of her palm Jin takes the object from his creation and peers inside to see a pair eyes suspended within the container's incubation fluid.

Obito was right… That asshole, Danzo really did crush the eye he had. Jin reflects on the Akatsuki leader’s words as he examines the damaged optic. Meh. Easily remedied!

Jin is quick to nonchalantly dismiss the now deceased leaf elder’s actions while using the Naraka Path to summon the King of Hell, the deity opens its mouth wide enough for Jin to casually toss the container in and proceeds to chew. The Onikage looks on in anticipation, his excitement grows more and more with each bite the King of Hell takes; Jin doesn’t even notice that he is wearing the biggest smile like a child in a toy store. After a short wait, the King of Hell finally reopens his maw and Jin quickly reaches for and grabs the container; both eyes are fully repaired.

FUCK. …I finally have my own pair of Sharingan, but I don’t know wh--ooh! I should reward Mileena! A light bulb ignites in Jin’s head as he opens the container; he wears a pleased look on his face. “Mileena, come here… I forgot to get you a present for your birthday.”

Unsure of what her father is planning, Mileena takes a step forward, the symbiote is excited at the thought of receiving her very first gift. Jin empties the repaired contents of the container into his hands; his face turns green, grimacing over the fact that he is holding a pair of eyeballs.

Jin holds Shisui’s eyeballs over Mileena’s eyes and gently pushes them in, saying, “Six Paths: Shadow and Light Style Creation of All Things.”

Shisui’s eyes sink deep into Mileena’s face, completely merging with her own eyes. At first, her eyes feel warm, but then begin to profusely throb as they pulsate with chakra. Mileena is able to power through the pain as the very thought that her becoming stronger and more useful to her father only makes her happier and happier. However, the symbiote’s newfound elation makes her eyes throb even more; more and more chakra pulsates through her eyes. The overwhelming joy, power and pain feed into each other, making the newborn’s expression contort into a look of pure excruciating bliss.



Two enormous rock formations with the Hidden Stone crest carved on them both erupt from the ground and close in on the Ten-Tails. The behemoth is sandwiched by the two formations with crushing force; the Ten-Tails is stopped for the time being.

With the rain of spikes finally over, Jin undoes his Susano'o and Rito has his crystal wall shatter into countless dust particles that scatter in the cool Autumn night breeze. The shinobi that were protected by Jin and Rito run past them to the Ten-Tails.

“Do you think saving a few lives will wipe the slate clean, my fellow traitor?!” Obito calls out to Jin from the behemoth’s head.

Obito’s words silence the whole alliance army and they listen with uncertainty, Jin feels everyone’s burning gaze like they are daggers piercing directly into his soul. Mileena scoffs with contempt at Obito’s words while even Rito has his eyes trained on Jin.

“It doesn’t matter what you do now, they will only ever see you as trash…” Obito continues, he holds out his hand to Jin. “Join my side and together, we can create a true world of peace and happiness. Why fight this futile battle at all? Why risk your life for those who will persecute you later?”

Think of a cool comeback, Jin… Cool comeback… OH, those’ll do nicely! Jin takes a few steps forward and stares down Obito with a look of determination. “If the world chooses to become my enemy, I will fight, I will struggle, I will find a way to win! That’s what it means to be alive!”

Hearing Jin’s unexpected words, the Ninja Alliance forces’ collective resolve is bolstered by leaps and bounds, including Naruto’s.

“Well… you all heard the man, let’s win this!” A reinvigorated Naruto declares, standing tall as he re-enters his KCM 2 form. “Shadow Clone Jutsu!!”

The Hero of the Leaf creates three shadow clones; like orange, blazing streaks, each clone races off into different sections of the battle. All three clone high five each alliance member as they run by, sharing a small portion of Kurama’s chakra with each ninja they touch; the moment, the very instant someone receives the fox’s chakra, they sprout their own Nine-Tails cloaks. It isn’t very long before the entire battlefield is glowing red-orange due to so many having a tailed beast cloak. Even Rito and Echo receive chakra from Naruto; the only ones who don’t take Kurama’s chakra are Ayanami, Jin, Mileena, and (out of pride) Mecha-Naruto.

The entirety of the Allied Shinobi Forces faces down the Ten-Tails and the three enemy ninja on top of its head with a strong-willed defiance. The behemoth breaks free of Kitsuchi’s jutsu, shattering the two rock formations into countless pieces. It lumbers forward.

“Chaaarge!” Naruto roars.

The Ninja Alliance forces bravely stampede toward the Ten-Tails as a united front.

“The stuff you were saying earlier--you totally stole those lines from a couple of video games, didn’t you?” Rito whispers, teasingly.

Jin doesn’t answer, he merely looks away with a proud, amused look on his face.

The alliance all jump into the air, their formation changes and takes the form of a giant crimson bird soaring up to the Ten-Tails’ head.

“I will take the right side!” Lee declares, opening the Gate of Life; his skin turns red and his pupils disappear.

“And we’ll take the left!” Ayanami confidently responds in-turn.

Once the alliance forces have reached the crown of the Ten-Tails’ head, Lee goes right through Madara with a flying kick and severs the reanimation’s connection. Naruto throws a Rasenshuriken, it passes right through Obito with no signs of damage on his body, but is still able to cut his connection as well. Jin and Echo fly right toward Menma each with their own pair of black receivers.

From his left shoulder, Menma reaches for and pulls out his upper arm bone; the bone is modified to be a sword. “Dance of the Camellia.”

Menma’s movements are fast and nimble, he quickly parries both Jin and Echo’s receivers. However, Ayanami and Rito take advantage of the opening and flank him, slashing the doppelganger’s connection in a pincer attack with their respective Thunder God Blade and crystal sword.

As all of their connections have been removed, the three Rinnegan users are forced off and away from the behemoth by the Ninja Alliance. The Ten-Tails itself stumbles and falls on its side over a pile of boulders and debris. The three enemy shinobi recover as they’re in freefall and land safely on ground level, they nevertheless find themselves completely surrounded by the alliance forces with Ayanami, Jin and Naruto front and center.

“I’m not like you guys. I don’t wanna sever any of my bonds or have them cut off either!” Naruto exclaims.

“Shouldn’t cut our link to Ten-Tails.” Obito warns, dismissively.

“Now disappear!” Madara commands. “Fire Style: Great Fire Annihilation!”

“Fire Style: Bomb Blast Dance!”

“Wind Style: Vacuum Blast Barrage!” Menma takes a deep breath and exhales several blades of wind at different angles.

Naruto’s evil twin’s wind jutsu assists and magnifies both of the two Uchiha’s fire jutsu combining them into a scorching sea of flames. Jin conjures his Susano'o and has it protect Ayanami, Mileena, Mecha-Naruto, and himself from the flames; Jin finds himself and Ayanami sweating from the heat due to the fire’s sheer intensity. Naruto protects the rest of the alliance via their Nine-Tailed cloaks.

“Jin, have you seen the Bleach anime?” Rito asks, whispering.

“It was just a phase for me, but yeah. Why?” A confused Jin responds.

Rito explains in a whisper, “It just occurred to me that your Susano’o sword--it looks an awful lot like Renji’s shikai.”

Jin manifests his Susano’o to the point that it is a full skeleton and wields its unique sword. Jin examines his avatar’s weapon and sees the saw-like blade with many segments, it truly does resemble the soul reaper’s signature sword.

The flames die down, but the enemy continues to press their assault; Madara summons his Susano’o which fires a barrage of Yaska Beads, Obito uses Kamui to launch a volley of giant kunai, and Menma shoots the alliance with his finger bones.

Jin counters by having his Susano’o swing its unusually shaped blade. The segments separate yet remain connected by threads, extending the blade’s range drastically and becoming a bladed whip. The whip knocks back the numerous projectiles, scattering them all safely away from Jin’s allies.

“RAAAAAAAWWWWRRR!” The Ten-Tails release another earth shattering roar.

The tailed beast aggregate’s deafening cry creates strong turbulent winds, stopping everyone in their tracks as the behemoth has begun its maturation; the Ten-Tails' body has become less emaciated, it grows a complete left arm, and it is now standing on its hind legs.

Jin and Ayanami watch as Obito seizes the opportunity and leaps toward Kakashi faster than the eye can see, his icy fingers digging into the Copy Ninja’s shoulders. Both ninjas’ forms are distorted due to a spiraling void engulfing them; they swirl until they are completely pulled in and disappear altogether.

Son of a bitch! I… have no idea just how powerful or painful this Cataclysm is… Concerned, Jin pumps more chakra into his Susano’o. …Better play it safe and use the armored Susano'o.

The Ten-Tails emits an ominous white light; Jin shuts his eyes tightly and covers his ears, bracing himself for the inevitable. Seconds later, the entire area is covered in tornadoes that tear up the ground. To make things worse, the sky is blanketed by thunderclouds that scar the earth with great bolts of lightning. In the center of all this chaos, the behemoth continues to emit that eerie light.


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