How I became the Empress of Hell

3.68: BTGG

I awoke several hours later with a start, coming back to my senses completely forgetting where I was and what I had been doing. Harrow was still sleeping beneath me but her eyes opened slowly as she felt me shift atop her. We held each other’s gaze for a moment before I sat back and yawned. At some point while we slept she had willed her cock back inside her body, but evidence of our pairing was still smeared all over my inner thighs.

“That was fantastic, Empress.”

I looked back at her with a faint smile but as I studied her closely my expression changed to one of confusion as I opened my minion menu to confirm my suspicions.

“My corruption should have taken effect already… I don’t know why it isn’t working. Do you feel any different?”

She turned her head to the side and stared up at me as she seemed to be considering my words. After a moment, she gave me a naughty grin that morphed into a more devious one as I watched her.

“Perhaps it’s my own domain resisting the effects of it… It might be beneficial to go another round or three to really make sure it takes.”

I narrowed my eyes at her and pursed my lips.

“Harrow… did you prevent my corruption from taking hold just to have sex with me again?”

 Her mouth dropped open in a look of mock horror, but I could see the corners of her lips struggling to resist a broad smile from breaking out on her face.

“I guess given the fact you have total control over your domain it makes sense you could do such a thing, but the fact you did is rather infuriating.”

“Are you saying you didn’t enjoy our coupling, Empress? Was my body not to your satisfaction despite the screams of ecstasy and exaltation you elicited earlier that would speak to the contrary?”

A low growl rumbled in my chest but instead of giving into the rising anger, I merely scoffed and sat back on the bed.

“Harrow, I agreed to do this to gain another ally, not to spend all day having sex with you! Despite what you, my author, or any of my “wives” believe, I do have other things to do besides spending every waking moment in bed!”

With that, I moved off the bed and stood up. I checked the time and saw that it was rapidly approaching evening in the real world. I had several notifications reminding me that I needed to stop soon in order to eat, and I knew it wouldn’t be too long before it actually kicked me out to ensure my health. I sighed loudly and turned back to Harrow.

“I need to log out for a while, Harrow. My real body needs to take a break and get some food. Can you make a door so I can leave? I might be back if you promise to actually hold up your end of the deal.”

Harrow vanished immediately along with the bed that she had been lounging on, and she reappeared directly in front of me. She reached forward and took one of my hands but I quickly pulled away and glared at her. She gave me a slightly wounded look and exhaled loudly through her nose.

“I apologize for the deception, Allexus. I promise I won’t resist the effects of your corruption next time. To show you my sincerity, you can use this domain as a temporary sanctuary to save and log out.”

Notifications appeared on my HUD and I quickly checked them. An offer to set Harrow’s Domain as my temporary sanctuary popped up and I cocked my eyebrow and sighed through my nose as I gave the sultry Nymphette Demon a long stare. After a few seconds, I clicked accept and closed the menu.

“One chance, Harrow.”

She nodded happily and I logged off without another word.

After turning off my system I was greeted by the sight of Emily standing in front of her vanity holding up some shirt I couldn't see. I stared longingly at the love of my life who was clad only in a pair of skimpy black panties and immediately moved off the bed and wrapped my arms around her. She set the shirt she had been holding down on the vanity and leaned back into me as I placed a trail of kisses from her shoulder up to her cheek. She turned slightly and kissed me deeply, letting out a sigh of contentment as she pulled away.

“How's my girl?”

I kissed my fiancée's shoulder and clutched her tightly.

“Better now. Today was a lot, Em.”

“Are you alright?”

“I think so. Maybe a bit… overwhelmed… if I'm being honest. The whole ambush thing and Gehenna, Noelle, and then the new recruits. Did you get a chance to meet them?”

She slowly turned in place so that she was now facing me before giving me an amused smirk.

“Depends. Are we talking about Xerez, Tess, and Shadow… or Harrow?”

I rolled my eyes and let out an exasperated sigh.

“Ugh! Don't even get me started... I regret making that deal with her.”

I briefly explained everything that happened with Harrow after the others left, and just how manipulative she was turning out to be. Before I could voice any further concerns about her, however, Em forbade me from talking about the game until I agreed that we could go out to dinner for a date night. I happily accepted and we both quickly moved to get dressed as we chatted about Harrow and what my plans with her might be. 

Em disappeared into the bathroom to do her makeup, and I was about to just put on the minimal amount of makeup I knew how to apply before an idea popped into my head. I left Em's dorm room and walked over to Jade's door. I listened for the sounds of talking or… other activities… before knocking. 

“Who is it? I'm in the middle of studying at the moment.”

“It's Allie, Jade. I was wondering if you could help me with something.”

After about 20 seconds the door opened and I saw the mounds of paperwork and medical textbooks that covered the entirety of Jade's desk, floor, and bed. She wore a curious expression that was tinged with hints of annoyance.

“What's up, babes? Everything OK?”

I nodded enthusiastically and gave her an apologetic look.

“Yeah! Yeah. Everything's all good. I was gonna ask for your help with doing my makeup for a date with Em, but I didn't realize you had been attacked by a tornado. I can uh… just do it myself. Sorry for interrupting you!”

I started to turn away to head back to Emily's room when Jade grabbed my arm.

“Stop… get your ass in here, girl. I could use a bit of a break… and helping you get all dolled up to go on a date with my best friend is a welcome change of pace. Before we get started… do you already have an outfit picked out for tonight?”

“I was just gonna wear this.”

I motioned to the collared black button down shirt I wore unbuttoned with a simple green cami underneath, along with a pair of nicer black denim capris and my strappy heels. Jade studied me for a moment before clucking her teeth.

“The capris and button down are cute. The heels aren’t bad, but I feel like they don't fit the vibe the rest of the outfit has. As for the cami…? It's a bit… plain. What if you went with something like…”

Jade paused as she searched through a nearby closet and reemerged with a dark green cross strap halter top. She stood in front of me expectantly with the garment in hand, and after we stared at each other for a few seconds I reluctantly stripped off my top and she helped me put on the new one. After tightening the straps to accommodate my smaller chest size, she looked at me with an appraising expression before her face settled on a huge grin.

“You are gorgeous, Allie… OK! Go ahead and sit over in front of my vanity and hit that switch on the side of the mirror.”

“The uh… vanity that has two textbooks that likely have more highlighter in them than actual ink?”

She snorted and shook her head.

“Yes… that one. Sorry… I did say you caught me in the middle of studying.”

“This looks less like studying and more a hurricane of paper.”

“Says the woman who openly stated she uses a ‘floor-drobe’ at home.”


We both giggled as I took a seat in front of a large white vanity with a large LED backlight that I switched on after Jade swiftly retrieved her books. After retrieving a large black and white makeup case she set it on the desk and motioned for me to look up at her.

“Dark green and black to match the top and to offset the bright green of your eyes. Maybe a dot of white on the inner corner of your eye to make the whole thing pop. Normally I’d go with some wispy faux lashes to really play up those big beautiful eyes of yours, but I’m guessing you have zero experience wearing fake lashes?”

Jade looked at me expectantly for a few seconds before I realized she had asked me a question.

“Don’t be mad… but…  I honestly have no idea what you just said. My brain completely tuned out everything after I switched on that LED light. I’m sorry, Jade.”

She smiled at me warmly and shook her head.

“No need for an apology, Allie. Sensory processing issues are common in people with ADHD… especially if it's a topic your brain doesn't find particularly engaging. What I had asked was if you had any experience wearing fake lashes.”

I shook my head and she chuckled softly.

“I figured as much. If you're up for it you can try them, but they take a bit to get used to the first couple of times.”

“Make me look super sexy, dearest goddess of beauty and fashion. Speaking of… how did you get so good with all of this? You know an absolute fuckton about makeup and fashion for being a nursing major.”

“My mom, my aunt, and my sisters work at a beauty supply store and hair salon owned by my family. I grew up around all that stuff, so it was hard to not absorb most of it. “

I nodded in understanding and closed my eyes gently as she began to apply a cream all over my face and eyes.

“You mentioned having sisters, and based on how you phrased it they're… older than you?”

“Yeah. I'm the youngest out of six. I have two brothers and three sisters. The eldest is Stephanie, then Marcus, Liz, Will, Bethany, and then me. What about you? Any siblings?”

“I have a foster sister, but we were never super close. But otherwise, nope. I actually don't have any living blood relatives. Well… none that I would still consider family. My mom's dad died when she was really young, and her mom passed when I was like… 10? Both of my grandparents on my dad's side are super religious, and never accepted me after I came out. My dad completely cut ties with them after his mom straight up told me I was going to burn in hell forever at my fourteenth birthday party.”

After Jade remained silent for a moment I chuckled awkwardly.

“Sorry… ADHD overshare. Didn't mean to trauma-dump on you.”

“You're fine, Allie, I was trying to figure out what the look is missing. You are more than welcome to trauma-dump on me whenever, babes. I am an exceptional listener. Especially when it comes to the people I care about.”

After applying a set of fake lashes and finishing the rest of my makeup, Jade brushed my hair softly and applied an oil that smelled like coconuts and something floral. She pulled most of my hair into a tight braid except for two perfect spiraled curls she left on either side of my face to frame it. She grinned at me as she studied my face closely, before clucking with her teeth.

“Yeah, I think you need to skip the button down. That top looks way too fucking good on you to cover up in any way. Take a look.”

She motioned towards the mirror and I turned and looked at my reflection. My eyes widened as I stared at the gorgeous woman in front of me. Jade had applied something sparkly in a vague c-shape from the top of my cheek bone up to above my eyebrow. My lips were glossy and full, but not in a way that felt garish or over-the-top. But the thing that drew my attention was my eyes. She had given me a smokey look with a dark green shimmer on my lids. Both of the inner corners of my eye were white that blended into the darker green and black. The lashes made my eyes look absolutely stunning and my heart raced slightly as I thought about what Em would say. The look was completed with a pair of dangly gold earrings that had a gemstone the same color as my eyes.

I stared at my own reflection for what felt like a full minute before turning to Jade with a stunned look on my face.

“Jade… thank you so, so much! I look fucking amazing! I never knew I could look like this… Em is gonna fucking freak when she sees my eyes.”

“Em is gonna freak when she sees what, babe?”

Emily's voice sounded from outside in the common room and I quickly turned away from her as she walked in the room. Jade quickly caught on to what I was doing and moved to block Em's line-of-sight.

“Nope. You can't see her until you're both ready to go. Now go finish getting dressed while I make sure your ultra-hot fiancée is ready to blow your mind.”

I heard Em grumble something as she walked out. I gave Jade a confused look until she shot me a sly grin.

“You're already ready, babes. I just wanted to build up the anticipation before the big reveal. Trust me, it'll be worth it.”

After a few moments Em called out and Jade joined her in the common room. She instructed Emily to turn around and then motioned for me to join them both. After a moment Jade pointed at me and turned to see her best friend's reaction.

“Alright my love, you can turn around.”

Emily turned quickly and her eyes went wide and her jaw dropped open in an almost cartoonish manner.

“Oh. Oh my god. Holy shit, babe. You look… You look amazing! No. Better than amazing. You look fucking perfect! My god, Allison… I… holy fuck you are hot!”

She rushed over to me and put her arms on me to embrace me, but stopped short and just stared at my face. I began to blush slightly until I finally took a second to actually look at the woman in front of me. I felt my breathing hitch and my brain went into overload as I stared at the vision of feminine perfection that was my fiancée. She wore an off-the-shoulder black gothic-style lolita dress with crimson highlights. Her legs were clad in sexy-as-fuck black fishnet stockings and she wore a pair of mid-calf platform boots. She had styled her hair with sideswept bangs and a punky spiked look. Her makeup consisted of a crisp black cat eye with red eyeshadow, a rosy blush on each of her cheeks to give her a little color to her otherwise super pale skin, and bright red lipstick done in an ombre style with black lip liner. To complete the look, she wore a pair of dangly black metal skull earrings with rubies for eyes.

As I stared at Emily, my heart rate skyrocketed. She was the epitome of my every waking fantasy brought to life. I was completely speechless for almost a full minute before I finally found my voice.

“My god, Em. How? How do you get more beautiful every time I see you? What did I do to earn my very own big titty goth girlfriend?”

Em laughed and her grin made me smile so much it felt like I was floating. She cocked an eyebrow and gave me an amused smirk. She opened her mouth to say something but both of us quickly turned towards Jade as she spoke.

“Holy shit! You two look so hot! Kinda makes me wanna get all dolled up and go out with Tiffany.”

Em and I caught each other’s eye and grinned widely as we had the same thought. I nodded to her wordlessly and she turned back towards her best friend.

“Double date?”

“As long as Tif is down… Fuck yes! Uh… just out of curiosity… where are we planning on going?”

We both stared at Jade for a moment and then at each other, completely dumbstruck. We both burst into laughter as we realized that neither of us had come up with a plan for our last minute date. I gave Jade a sheepish grin and shrugged before she turned her attention to her phone. 

“I’m open to any suggestions if you got any. You can also ask Tiffany if she has any ideas.”

After Jade’s phone buzzed she read the text Tiffany had sent.

“Tif’s in. She suggests maybe axe-throwing at that tavern down on Main street?”

I scoffed loudly and shook my head.

“You plan to put four hot women in a room with a bunch of dudes who are all drinking and give us access to sharp weapons? That seems like a recipe for disaster. No… wait! Actually we should do that… it would give you a chance to practice treating real injuries.”    

 Emily snorted and Jade just rolled her eyes and shook her head.


I let out a long groan and grimaced.

“Ugh, Em… No… I’m sorry. I hate mini-golf.”

“Who hates mini-golf? It’s fun!”

“It’s so… boring. I need something more engaging.”

Em pulled me towards her and kissed me softly on the cheek as she giggled.

“Ahhhh, I love my neurodivergent fiancée and her never-ending quest for dopamine. So… no mini-golf.”

Jade huffed and put a hand on her hip before walking past us and back into her room.

“I’m going to go get changed, you two decide where we’re gonna go, yeah?”

We both hummed our approval and continued brainstorming.


“Nope. Especially since I absolutely refuse to let you take those boots off. And bowling shoes would totally kill the look you got going.”


“Nah, nothing good is showing right now. Plus movies are terrible for actual dates since no one is talking and there’s little chance for connection.”

“OK, right? Thank you! I only suggested it cause I have no clue what to do, but I always thought the same thing about movies. It's a fine activity for friends, but as a date it actually sucks since everyone’s focus is entirely on the screen instead of the other person.”

“Ohhhh what about this new arcade place that has a full bar. It just opened up not too long ago. They actually have a bunch of the original VR arcade games.”

“Whoa! Like… with the controllers and everything? Those games were awesome! Do they have Eternal Combat 8? My dad and I used to beat the everliving shit out of each other in that game.”

My heart sank as a memory of my dad and me playing Eternal Combat together resurfaced in my mind. Em immediately saw my facial expressions and turned me towards her, pulling me into a tight embrace.

“Hey, we don’t have to do the arcade thing, we can–”

“No, I want to.”

“Are you sure?”

I nodded and gave her a smile as I thought about how my father would have reacted to meeting Emily.

“He’d have liked you a lot, you know. He always wanted me to find someone who was super driven who could bring out the best in me. The fact you could have given him a run for his money in most games would have sealed the deal.”

“I wish I had the chance to get to know him. He sounds like an awesome dad.”

I nodded and hugged my fiancée tightly before letting out a long, drawn out sigh. I pulled back slightly and Em kissed my forehead. We remained like that for a moment before Emily moved back and grinned at me.

“So… we good with the arcade?”

“Yeah, let’s do it!”

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