How Hard is It To Raise a Bug?

Chapter 116

Chapter 114: It’S Scary

Although Sharka hangs up Yaheng’s help communication, he has also blocked him. But he didn’t intend to really ignore Yaheng and watch him die. This is so contrary to his nature.

Yu Mengruo was busy playing with the primitive Zerg, and Sharka felt that he should not interrupt their intimate interaction, so he called to his terminal: “Lord Uranos.”

J10 felt that Sharka sometimes winked, and the title he chose made him very satisfied, and he responded with a reserved voice: “Is there something wrong, Mr. Sharka.”

Sharka said: “If you can locate the female worm I just talked to, the location of Yaheng, Lieutenant General Leobard’s adjutant of the Sixth Army, can you notify the investigation team to arrest and control him directly. The reason is that He intends to bribe Wright, a member of the voyage spaceship **** team, to harm the high male worm and my hero, Lord Yu Mengruo. We hold Wright, a female worm who can testify, and the record of his transfer to Wright. This charge should be enough to arrest and imprison him. For a while.”

J10: “…Enough.”

Sharka said mildly: “Please remind them to act as soon as possible, and at the same time strengthen the confidentiality and security of the place where he is being held, try to arrange him in the cell where the male is held, and set up more mental shielding devices to prevent him from being exploited. Oberd was found through spiritual links, injured and even strangled.”

On the one hand, the system felt that the female worm that the host liked was really dirty, but on the other hand, it felt that he was very thoughtful – as long as the host did not make trouble, the system would be full of elders’ love for the host and the primitive worm king who had not yet broken its shell. He wanted to disturb them too much to play games, so he went to save Yaheng’s life according to Sharka’s idea.

After Yaheng was hacked by Shalkala, he felt that his only hope of surviving was shattered. In a daze, he flipped through his address book for a long time, and found that there was no one to ask for help. He raised his hand angrily, slammed it on the driver’s seat with a bang, and the instrument panel was overwhelmed and directly deformed. After smashing the aircraft, the female worm got out of it and was blown by the cold wind, calming down a little.

Although he returned with bad news this time, the lieutenant general would not kill him before the matter was exposed. It’s just… the new injury has not healed and the old injury will be added. The days of ease and freedom like now are probably really one day less. So Yaheng ignored the aircraft and walked along the street for a while, bought a cup of hot drinks, and bought desserts that were rarely eaten in adulthood, found a green belt bench and sat down, eating and drinking silently Looking at the surrounding scenery, as well as the Zerg on the road, all kinds of vehicles speeding.

Alas… After trying desperately for so long, he still can’t escape this ending…

Yaheng was enjoying the last peace and freedom. Unexpectedly, he was suddenly surrounded by plainclothes fighting troops he didn’t know, and he also encountered a mental attack from several male insects in an action group. He didn’t even have time to react and defend, so he was helpless. fell into a coma.

When he woke up from the coma, Yaheng found himself in a cell. The male who had attacked him before was very professional and caused him no new trauma other than a brief stupor.

Yaheng carefully observed the surroundings and felt that all this was very outrageous: First of all, this cell was not dark and damp at all, it was clean, dry, sunny and surrounded by soft walls, as if he was afraid that the Zerg trapped inside would collide and hurt himself. similar. Then, the door of this cell looked thin and fragile, and as long as he broke off the legs of the iron bed fixed between the floor and the wall and swung it up, it would be guaranteed to be broken in a few strokes.

Then, he was not restricted by his physical strength and put on gravity handcuffs and anklets, and he was fully capable of completing the above operations easily.

The intellectual brain terminal on his wrist has not been deprived, but the signal has been blocked, and there is no function that can be used on the Internet.

Yaheng didn’t expect that he would be arrested so soon because of what he was investigating. He felt that in theory, only the lieutenant general would lock himself in a cell where he was not afraid of escaping, but why would the lieutenant general treat him so favorably? He was locked in a high-end cell like this instead of a basement full of torture tools, which made him very puzzled…

The misunderstanding of “being preferentially treated” only lasted until lunch time. Yaheng heard the sound of a cart turning in the corridor and smelled the aroma of the food. He came to the door of the cell, looking for an angle where he would not be found immediately and could observe the outside as much as possible, and waited silently with bated breath.

Fortunately, this place didn’t plan to starve him for a few days first, and the food delivery person didn’t pass him. Yaheng heard a sound from the food delivery port on the door, and then it was opened, and a soft lunch box was pushed in, Yaheng heard it. Heng wanted to go out without blinking his eyes, trying to gather as much information as possible outside the cell—then, he was frightened by the manic mental power of various male insects mixed in the corridor, and his legs went weak. Sit down on the ground.

Hearing the movement, the Zerg who brought him the meal bent down and looked at the situation in the cell along the food delivery port. Yaheng was shocked to find that the one who brought him the meal was also a male of a high level.

The strange male said calmly: “Don’t be afraid, there are mental shielding devices everywhere. As long as you don’t run out to deliver food by yourself, the males in other cells will not be able to feel your presence. Mr. Shalka reported that he was suspected of conspiring to harm his hero…”

Having said that, he looked at the stunned female who knew about his situation – he knew that the essence of his mission was to protect the female, and it would not be good for Leobard to get as many points out of his mouth as possible. evidence of guilt.

Seeing the female worm’s face pale and trembling, the male worm prison guard was really worried that this guy would imagine some tragic plot that is not suitable for minors and would lose the courage to live, so he comforted: “Don’t worry, Mr. Sharka is To protect you, I specially reminded us to arrange for you to be secretly detained in this place, and we all know that trying to harm the higher male insect is definitely not your intention.”

– Unless she’s crazy, what sane female would take the initiative to trouble the higher males without any grudges?

“In order to ensure the smooth progress of the investigation, we will not let your hero, Lieutenant General Leobard, harm you.”

Yaheng: “…”

Although the prison guards were very gentle in order to gain Yaheng’s trust and cooperation, Yaheng, as a former lieutenant general and now a prisoner, could not agree with his words at all. Are there really any female prisoners in the world who can feel safe in a male prison?

This is completely different from the help he wants to seek by dialing the Sharka communication number in desperation! !

What did he do wrong to make Sharka hate him so much? ! Is it colluding with Wright to provoke his relationship with his hero? Or spread those false rumors on the Internet that promoted the progress of his relationship with his hero… He, he is not guilty of this? ! Is it not enough that he lost 5 million? !

How blind are the Zerg who think Sharka is righteous? ! He is a devil at all! !

As Ah Heng collapsed in the absolute safety of his cell, there was an air of joy on B612.

The growth of the little bug king is faster than a day, and his mental power is more and more active. According to J10’s estimation, it should be not far from breaking the shell. Its intellectual development has also become more and more perfect, and it has gradually begun to receive the regular memory inheritance of the old insect king. The direct change that its growth brought to Yu Mengruo is that Yu Mengruo can play with this little sister even more!

Since the bug king is also a creature known for its spiritual power, J10 will recently change some of the daily farming tasks on the planet from the single-player mode to the dual-player mode, and let Yu Mengruo and his sister team up to get in touch. For Yu Mengruo, it was like a farming game of the Liver King that could be played online with friends of similar level. If he could fast, he would be willing to play with his sister 25 hours a day!

As the main star, B612 can no longer satisfy the enthusiasm of the Zerg prince and Zerg queen. Although the earth crops brought by J10 are sold at high prices, it is too expensive to build greenhouses in order to adapt to the environment of other planets. Besides, Yu Mengruo is reluctant to sell them all to exchange money for other Zerg to eat – anyway, according to the system, it is not the earth’s plants that are really beneficial to the male insect’s spiritual power, but the spiritual power he paid in the process of planting the earth’s plants.

So Yu Mengruo sent Wright to the Fourth Army to buy a large number of crops suitable for border growth, determined to fill every inch of land suitable for cultivation on the surrounding planets with food, fruits and vegetables.

– It is much more economical to mark a territory this way than to claim sovereignty with a mining instrument.

Until J10 can’t bear it again.

J10: Excessive reclamation damages the environment, and it is the responsibility to protect the ecological insects!

The system drove these two royal families with excessive mental power growth and excess energy out of their task interface, and gave full play to their supernatural abilities to create a virtual online identity of an ordinary male cub for the little bug king, and let them go. Playing ordinary battle games on Xingwang, Huohuo is no match for the vast number of Zerg netizens who are precious in border land.

At the beginning, Sharka used both hard and soft skills to let Yu Mengruo learn to command a little bit, but this time J10 just induced a little: “Host, the original Zerg king was born to be the central brain of the original Zerg, and commanded the original Zerg to participate in the battle, so your sister must learn The commander must not skip class. Her **** team is not intelligent enough to form a team with her on the star network, or you can let her, a child without a broken shell, go online to form a team or fight with netizens of mixed quality, or you can let the sand Erka took her to play…”

Just kidding, if my sister and Sharka team up to play, and the wasteland game is temporarily banned, what does Yu Mengruo do every day to pass the time? Does he go to the mining area to mine with Wright, or live alone to answer male netizens’ questions about raising one hundred thousand spiritual powers? Strange male?

-Do not! no!

Yu Mengruo took the initiative to jump into the trap of J10’s persuasion, and said stupidly, “I don’t want to do things by myself, I also want to play with my sister, and let Sharka take us both!”

Witnessing the hero being beaten, Sharka: “…”

Thinking that these few days he was doing things in silence, the male master and his worm egg sister had a lot of fun, and the female worm, who always respected the male master, felt a rare itchy hand.

Just… I really want to pinch the hero’s face…

Didn’t he realize that he was left out and felt lonely? It’s all to blame that the system has to use the form of games to arouse the enthusiasm of the hero’s training, making the hero’s diligent to become addicted – you must know that most things in this world are too much, even if it is cultivating spiritual power!

Within a few seconds, Sharka managed to get rid of the itchy feeling in his hand, and once again successfully blamed all the mistakes on anything in the world other than Yu Mengruo, then raised his hand and gently touched Yu Mengruo’s cheek, Whispered: “Okay, Lord, it’s great that you are willing to play with us…”

The author has something to say: Most things in Shasha’s dictionary are overkill, but most certainly don’t include short-term care.

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