How a Realist Hero Rebuilt The Kingdom

Book 9: Chapter SS1

Cast of Characters Arc 1: Children and their Guardians

This happened around the time that Souma had returned from the Union of Eastern Nations, had flown to the former king Albert’s old domain on Naden’s back, and was anxiously waiting for the children to be born.

Hakuya was in the castle, dealing with the “souvenirs” Souma had brought back.

“I’ve returned, sir!” Tomoe chirped.

“Welcome home, Little Sister. I am glad to see you’re safe.”

With that enthusiastic greeting, Hakuya patted Tomoe on the head. Then he looked at the two standing behind her.

“These must be the two you’ve brought back from the Union of Eastern Nations. Sir Ichiha Chima of the Duchy of Chima, and Madam Yuriga Haan of the steppe country Malmkhitan, right? A messenger kui from His Majesty has apprised me of the situation. I am the Prime Minister of this country, Hakuya Kwonmin.”

“I-I’m Ichiha Chima. I’ll be in your care.”

“I am Yuriga Haan. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Prime Minister.”

Ichiha was timid, while Yuriga was bold.

Though it was more obvious with Ichiha, it was plain to see that Yuriga was tense, too. The reason she appeared bold was that she was putting up a strong front.

With a slightly wry smile, Hakuya said to the two of them, “There’s no need for overly formal greetings. You are the school friends of His Majesty’s little sister. Feel free to just call me Hakuya.”

Ichiha looked nervously. “O-Okay, Sir Hakuya.”

“Very well,” Yuriga said.

Tomoe looked over at her. “Ah, but that doesn’t mean you can just call him by name. You have to call him Mr. Hakuya when he’s acting as your teacher, Yuriga.”

“Why are you only saying that to me?! I have at least that much common sense!”

“Do you really...?”

“Just how do you look at me?!”

“Like this?” Tomoe stared unamusedly at Yuriga.

“Don’t look at me like that, you little kid!”

Tomoe’s response was slurred into incomprehensibility as Yuriga pulled on her cheeks. Tomoe must have found how fast Yuriga got angry amusing, because she was grinning even as she pulled her cheeks.

“H-Hold on, you two! You’re in front of Sir Hakuya, you know?” Ichiha tried to intercede, but he didn’t have a personality that let him speak firmly, so they weren’t listening to him.

Hakuya watched the noisy three in front of him in surprise.

So... she can make a face like that, too. The little sister who was so reserved and shy about everything is having fun like a girl her age when she’s with Madam Yuriga and Sir Ichiha.

When he thought about it, there had been no one but adults around Tomoe before now. Both in the refugee camp and since coming to the castle, she had been surrounded by older people like Souma, and Liscia, and Hakuya, so she’d had no friends her own age.

But now Ichiha and Yuriga were here, which must be why Tomoe was playing around so happily.

Whatever the case... I’m just happy to see her enjoying herself. Hakuya thought with a gentle look on his face.

“Now, listen here!” Yuriga said demandingly. “I’m older than you two, get it? Show a little respect.”

“Whaaa? But Yuriga, you’re only a little bigger than I am,” Ichiha protested.

“W-Well, I’ll get even bigger! In all sorts of ways!”

“I think Ichiha’s going to get big,” Tomoe contradicted. “Mutsumi and his brothers and sisters were big, after all.”

“Y-You think...?” Ichiha asked hopefully. “I’d like that.”

“Hold on! You’re a little squirt, too, Tomoe! You’re gonna be small forever, aren’t you?”

“Murrgh. Big Sister Liscia has a good figure. I’m sure I’ll be just like her...”

“You’re the former king and queen’s adopted daughter, aren’t you?” Yuriga shot back. “Your adopted sister’s figure doesn’t come into this.”

“It does, too! One of these days I’m going to be as bouncy as Juna...”

“Um, this conversation is getting awkward to listen to. Can we maybe stop it? Are you listening?”

As he watched the children endlessly keep making noise, Hakuya pressed a hand to his forehead.

He was pleased to see Tomoe so energetic. However, he suspected that the three of them together were too energetic.

I believe His Majesty decided I would be in charge of educating them until they are able to attend school next spring. The little sister was no problem on her own, but if I have to teach this boisterous trio... I’m in for a real headache.

While he listened to the boisterous children, Hakuya imagined his future being dragged around by these three, and he felt just a little dispirited.

After a little while, the three of them settled down.

“These are... incredible.” Looking at what was in front of him, Hakuya let out a sigh of admiration.

With introductions out of the way, Hakuya and the children had come to Hakuya’s room in the castle.

There were several pieces of paper spread out on top of the table where Hakuya normally taught Tomoe. These were all pictures of monsters that Ichiha had drawn.

“What is this? It’s kind of creepy,” Yuriga said as she lifted up one illustration and scrutinized it.

Maybe he was used to that response, because Ichiha took the paper from her with a forced smile.

“Ahaha... It really is weird, huh. Drawing all these pictures.”

“It is not!” Tomoe said indignantly, taking him by the hands. “Big Brother said your pictures are mankind’s treasure.”

“T-Tomoe...” Ichiha got embarrassed and blushed a little.

Yuriga must have found that hard to believe, because she cocked her head to the side while looking at the pictures. “They don’t look like such great pictures to me.”

“No, these are excellent pictures.” Hakuya placed his hands on Yuriga’s shoulders and spoke in a gentle voice. “Because monsters are dangerous, it is difficult to create circumstances where researchers can study them in the field. That means those studies advance slowly. However, Sir Ichiha has accurately captured their defining traits, and on top of that, he has categorized them in his own way. With further sorting and organization of these pictures, I expect the study of monsters would advance greatly.”

Ichiha tried to disagree in a vanishingly small voice. “N-No... You’re exaggerating...”

“There was no hyperbole in my words.”

Hakuya honestly believed what he’d said.

“On this continent, I believe we could call Sir Ichiha the foremost expert on monsterology. That he is only a ten-year-old boy makes me eager to see what the future has in store for him. I believe this is a rare gift from heaven. I should have expected no less from His Majesty the recruitment maniac. His sometimes-bizarre behavior causes me headaches, but when it comes to finding talented personnel, I have to be impressed with him.”

“You’re awfully harsh on your lord and master,” Yuriga commented.

“H-He’s been through a lot. An awful lot.” Tomoe clapped a hand down on Yuriga’s shoulder as if to say, Don’t say any more.

Souma’s bizarre policies often led to more work for Hakuya, and Tomoe had seen the exhaustion on his face time and again. Of course, Souma, the source of that exhaustion, often looked tired himself, so she couldn’t really blame him for it. But...

Hakuya cleared his throat loudly. “Ahem... Anyway, these are magnificent pictures. I’d like to compile them into a book someday. Under Sir Ichiha’s name, of course.”

“A... a book? No... It’s too much for me.” Ichiha shook his head back and forth.

Hakuya gave him a small smile. “Naturally, when the time comes, I’ll help oversee the process. Countries which place a high value on mystery like the Lunarian Orthodox Papal State take a narrow view of this sort of research into the unknown. In order to avoid agitating them, perhaps we should intersperse as little personal opinion as possible, and simply report the truth in a matter-of-fact way. Like a dictionary or encyclopedia, a basic handbook that leaves the speculation to the person making use of it.”

“A monster encyclopedia... you mean?” Ichiha asked.

“Oh, that’s a good name, the Monster Encyclopedia. If we’re going to the trouble of making it, we’ll want it to be a book every future monsterologist will keep close at hand.”

“If that could happen... it would be wonderful. I-I’m getting all excited now,” Ichiha said happily.

Hakuya felt the same. He was an unparalleled lover of books, and when it came to written works, he could hardly contain himself.

Despite the large age gap between them, Hakuya and Ichiha eagerly discussed the composition of their Monster Encyclopedia, while Tomoe and Yuriga were left out, watching them with exasperation.

“It’s amazing men can get so engrossed in all this nonsensical stuff, don’t you think?” Yuriga complained.

“Ahaha! Juna told me that’s just how they are, you know? She was repeating what she’d heard from Duchess Walter, but that’s supposedly what’s cute about them.”

“Is that how it works?” Yuriga wondered. “Then they could be at this forever. Show me around the castle. Somewhere we could get good food would be preferable.”

“Sure. Let’s go to the Ishizuka’s Place cafeteria. I wonder if Poncho is in?”

Leaving behind the two excited men, Tomoe led Yuriga out of Hakuya’s room, pulling her by the hand.

For all their squabbling, the two were good friends.

Incidentally, Hakuya and Ichiha were still talking when the two returned after getting a snack from Poncho, only making them more exasperated.


“I’m terribly sorry!” Inugami cried.

In the day care that took care of the children of women who worked at the castle, that member of the clandestine Black Cats unit was kneeling with his head bowed in front of Tomoe’s real mother, Tomoko.

Tomoko’s eyes went wide at his suddenly bowing his head to her, but when he raised his face, Inugami spoke with a voice full of chagrin.

“Even though His Majesty entrusted me with Lady Tomoe’s safety, I took my eyes off her, and Lady Tomoe was exposed to danger. I am truly sorry!”

Inugami was apologizing to Tomoko over the incident in the Union of Eastern Nations.

When they were staying in Wedan Castle, the castle of Duke Chima, Inugami had left Tomoe’s side on a request from Souma despite being her bodyguard.

In that span of time, Tomoe had slipped out of their room and gone to explore the castle, resulting in her getting into a fight with some officers from the forces of the Union of Eastern Nations.

Ichiha’s efforts and Souma’s timely arrival had prevented anything too bad from happening, but Inugami still regretted leaving Tomoe’s side.

“Please, stand up, Sir Inugami,” Tomoko said in a gentle tone of voice, having heard the details. “If you don’t, Rou is going to climb on your back, you know?”


“Ah! Don’t stand, after all!”

He hadn’t noticed because he’d been distracted by the apology, but a four-year boy with wolf ears was attempting to climb Inugami’s back.

Rou was Tomoe’s little brother.

Rou kept climbing up Inugami’s side, and when he reached the peak of his back, he grinned as if in pride at reaching the summit.

The heartwarming scene made Tomoko smile.

“It all happened because of Tomoe being naughty,” she said kindly. “You were away because of your duties, so it is nothing for you to be concerned about.”

“But if anything were to happen to Lady Tomoe...”

Inugami couldn’t stand up with Rou standing on his back, so Tomoko crouched down in front of Inugami and poked him in the snout.

“I’m happy about it.”

“Huh? You’re happy?”

“That’s the sort of personality that girl always had before. Mischievous and curious about everything. When she was younger, she was the sort of energetic kid who was always disappearing on you. Like me when I was little. She was a troublesome little tomboy.”

Mischievous and full of energy. With a tomboyish streak she’d gotten from her mother.

Inugami blinked, unable to connect this description of Tomoe he was hearing from Tomoko with the Tomoe he’d known up until now.

Tomoko continued speaking with a look of nostalgia in her eyes. “Our family has been through a lot. We lost my husband to sickness soon after Rou was born, then we were driven from our homeland by the monsters, and drifted to this land as refugees. That girl’s current personality was formed in that environment.”

When Tomoko spoke, she seemed sad about not having been able to let her daughter remain a tomboy. It hurt Inugami to see that.

“Madam Tomoko...” he began.

However, Tomoko gave him a gentle smile.

“But lately she’s been much more cheerful. That must be because His Majesty, along with her adopted parents Lord Albert and Lady Elisha, has been so good to her. If she’s gotten to the point where she can be naughty and sneak out of her room, I couldn’t be happier. I’ll give her a stern talking-to later, though. I truly am grateful to all of you.”

Seeing the mischievous look on Tomoko’s face, Inugami added, “But if anything were to happen to Madam Tomoe...”

“If anything were to happen, you’d protect her, right?”

When she looked at Inugami, her eyes were serious. It was proof of her trust in him.

Seeing those eyes, Inugami crossed his arms in front of himself. “Of course. Even at the cost of my own life.”

“Oh, my. Do take care of your own life. If you don’t, Rou would be sad. He’s grown so fond of you. Rou, do you like climbing on Sir Inugami’s back?”

“Aye!” Rou responded energetically.

Inugami turned his face downward in an equal mix of happiness and shame.

Then Tomoko gently asked him, “Are you free after this, Sir Inugami? I have a break coming up, so would you join me for tea?”

“Yes, ma’am. I have nothing scheduled, so I will accompany you.”

Inugami lifted Rou up from his back and placed the boy on his shoulders. With his point of view elevated even higher, Rou cooed with delight.

Tomoko laughed. “Hee hee! You don’t need to be so formal with a common person like me, you know?”

“I-It’s just my nature, you see. I’ve been in the military so long, always around nothing but men, so I had little chance to interact with women... Ah! I wasn’t supposed to say the part about my military record!”

“Tee hee. I’ll pretend I never heard it, then.”

And so the two of them (plus Rou on Inugami’s shoulders) walked off side-by-side.

They were of similar races, so even if Inugami was wearing a mask, they looked like nothing if not two parents with their child.

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