How a Realist Hero Rebuilt The Kingdom

Book 8: Epilogue

Epilogue: The Friedonian Military, Eastward

The report from Kagetora was regarding the other area seeing heavy fighting as a result of the demon wave, the Duchy of Chima.

The Duchy of Chima was a small country in a region populated with many small and medium-sized states, and it was an old one that had survived through skillful diplomacy.

In this most recent demon wave, the current Duke of Chima had, in a way, used his children as bait to round up reinforcements from around the Union of Eastern Nations.

“For countries which send us reinforcements, in response to your performance, I will give each of you one of my six children, other than my eldest son, who is my heir, to serve as your retainer.”

The Duke of Chima had seven children who each had one special talent, and they were all said to be beautiful.

The eldest daughter, Mutsumi Chima, was a beautiful woman known for her ingenuity and martial ability, so she was particularly sought after.

Hearing that six of the brothers and sisters who were always sought after as retainers or marriage partners were being offered up, many countries sent their armies to assist.

Incidentally, I knew of this through Maria already, but the Kingdom of Lastania, where Julius and Jirukoma were, was in greater peril. The Duchy of Chima had plenty of countries already coming to their aid, so I figured it wouldn’t fall any time soon.

Though I wanted as many capable people as I could recruit, I already had three beautiful warriors just counting my fiancées, so I didn’t bite at the offer of one more. Those, among other reasons, were why we didn’t end up sending reinforcements.

Meanwhile, in case something happened, I sent Kagetora and many of his Black Cats out to gather intelligence.

Now, as for the actual situation in the Duchy of Chima, it didn’t look good, according to what was in Kagetora’s report.

Unlike in the Kingdom of Lastania, there wasn’t a concentration of one type of monster (like the lizardmen); instead a variety of monsters had pressed toward them en masse.

The shallow crossing at the Dabicon River, which was their northern border like in the Kingdom of Lastania, was wider than the one in Lastania, and it didn’t serve to impede the monsters.

It looked like an overwhelming number of monsters had pushed against them in force. If that had happened to the Kingdom of Lastania, they wouldn’t have lasted long. However, like I mentioned earlier, the Duchy of Chima’s unusual methods of diplomacy had gathered reinforcements from all over the Union of Eastern Nations. There were many monsters, but also many soldiers defending, so they were managing to hold the line somehow.

The war had turned into a stalemate where they hadn’t been broken, but couldn’t turn back the invaders, either. That said, if the situation worsened and the line was broken, there would be countries and villages laid waste by the monsters’ southern advance. That would create more refugees like Tomoe’s family, or like the siblings Jirukoma and Komain. That would inevitably influence our country too.

In order to prevent that, Kagetora had written his view that, “We must send reinforcements to the Duchy of Chima, and work with local forces to swiftly exterminate the monsters.”

I adopted that proposal, and I decided that the reinforcements from the Kingdom of Friedonia would advance east to the Duchy of Chima.

The day after the banquet, while the forces of the kingdom made hurried preparations to set out, I was saying my goodbyes to Sill, the princess knight of the Nothung Dragon Knight Kingdom.

“Well then, Sill. We’ll have to excuse ourselves. I leave the rest to you.”

“Yeah. It was only a short time, but I am glad we could fight together, and that we could become acquainted like this. If any remnant lizardmen try to attack this country again, this time, we will handle it as their allies.”

“I’ll be counting on you,” I said. “Come to our kingdom to play sometime too. You’re welcome there.”

“If the opportunity arises, I would be glad to. Sir Souma and Sir Hal, come visit us riding Madam Naden and Madam Ruby sometime too. We welcome those who have dragon partners like us.”

“Sure. Someday, we will.”

We exchanged a firm handshake.

Though the Kingdom of Friedonia and Nothung Dragon Knight Kingdom shared no border, it was easy to form a friendly relationship. Naden, who would be my wife, and Madam Sill’s husband-to-be, Pai, were friends too.

Beside us, Naden, Ruby, and Pai were saying their goodbyes too.

“Later, Naden, Ruby,” Pai said. “Take care, okay?”

“You too, Pai. Take care of your, I mean wife.”

“Give my regards to Saphie and Emerada too,” Ruby said.

“Sure. Will do. Bye now.”

With Pai waving goodbye, I took Naden and Ruby back to the camp where our companions were waiting for us.

In addition to our major companions, Julius and Princess Tia were there too.

I exchanged some pleasantries with those two, who had come to see us off, then spoke to my companions.

“We will be heading to the Duchy of Chima now, but I’ll be having a number of you return to the kingdom. Roroa, Poncho, Serina, Komain, you need not accompany us any farther.”

I was saying that to these four because there were people related to them in the Kingdom of Lastania. I had only brought Roroa because of Julius, and Komain because of Jirukoma. Poncho, who oversaw logistics, and Serina, his assistant, were supposed to support us from the rear normally, so there had been no need for them to come to the front line. The reason I had forced them to come was to make it easier for Komain, who served under Poncho, to meet her brother Jirukoma.

With the family members having been able to meet, and Julius and Jirukoma’s safety secured, there was less need to bring these four along.

“Roroa, please head back with Excel,” I said.

“Uh, yeah, I’m not sure bringin’ me along’d be much help anyhow.” Roroa seemed a little disappointed, but she accepted she would be returning to the kingdom.

“Poncho and Serina, I want you to continue managing the supply train from the rear. Komain, you can stay in this country for now, but...”

“No, I serve Sir Poncho. I go wherever he goes,” Komain said without the slightest hesitation.

“You’re sure? You haven’t seen your brother in a while, and you could spend some time together...”

She laughed. “It’s fine. The one who needs quality time with my brother right now is Madam Lauren. I’d just be in the way.”

“I guess you have a point.”

Well, if she was fine with it, then it was fine.

“Next, Excel.”

“I’m right here.” Excel came forward quietly and bowed to me.

“You really saved us in the battle at the Dabicon River,” I said. “If you hadn’t come, we’d have had a much harder time putting them down. Thank you.”

“Hehe! I only did what any retainer should. Besides, there were perks, like having you hold me. I think it gives me a nice story to tell the princess and Juna when I get back.” The way Excel said that with a smile gave me a headache.

“It’s fine to tell them what happened, but don’t embellish too much, okay?” I said wearily.


“That aside, you did well. Return to the kingdom and resume your duties protecting the country in my absence.”

“I’d prefer to accompany you, though, sire.” Excel made a sidelong glance in my direction.

Aisha took my right arm, and Roroa took my left, and Naden jumped on my back to try and intimidate Excel.

I sighed. “I’d rather not upset my fiancées any more than they already are, so please, no.”

“Oh, my, I don’t see the harm. You call me the commander-in-chief of the National Defense Force, but all I’m doing is staying in the center of the country and holding down the fort. I could accompany you...”

“That’s enough, Grandmother.”

Turning in the direction of the sudden voice, there stood Juna, who was supposed to be back in the kingdom.

Huh?! Why was Juna here?!

Excel’s eyes were wide too. “Juna? Why are you here?”

“We thought you might drag your feet about coming back to the country, Grandmother, so Sir Hakuya sent me to bring you back. It looks like we were right.”

“Oh, my, you think you can stop me?” Excel shot her a defiant look.

Juna didn’t back off one little bit. “Yes. I’ve brought the ultimate weapon for getting you to come home.”

“An ultimate weapon to use against me, you say?” Excel’s brow twitched.

Juna pulled something from her pocket. It seemed to be a letter in an envelope. It was stamped with the Walter family crest.

“Th-That’s!” Excel was clearly flustered. I had never seen the usually aloof Excel this disturbed before.

Juna smiled and declared to Excel, “If you won’t be a good girl and do as you’re told, I’ll reveal the contents of this letter, you know?”

“Urgh... You win. I’ll comply.” Excel kneeled in front of me and bowed her head. “Well then, sire, I will be returning to the kingdom ahead of you.”

“Uh, yeah...”

I gave an empty response, unable to follow what just happened, and Excel departed as if her stubbornness from before was all a lie.

While everyone was still dumbfounded, I asked Juna, who was the only one smiling, in a small voice, “Um, Juna? What exactly is that letter...?”

“Hehe! It’s a love letter that Grandmother wrote to my grandfather.”

“L-Love letter?!”

“Yes. It’s veeeery syrupy and sweet. I suspect the House of Vargas has something like this in store too, as a measure against Grandmother.”

Ahh, she wouldn’t want that getting out. I could understand it now.

Whew... I’m exhausted...

Excel really was a tempest of a woman. She made all the waves she could, then left.

Well, that was all the people returning to the kingdom decided.

To be honest, I wanted to send Tomoe back too, but depending on the situation in the Duchy of Chima, I might need her ability, so I decided to bring her and her bodyguard Inugami along with us.

When I was finished giving orders, Roroa and I stood in front of Julius and Princess Tia. Julius extended his hand, so I took it firmly.

“Souma,” he said. “You really helped us this time. I’m sorry that this country has nothing to give you as it is now, and we can only offer our words in thanks.”

“No need to worry about it,” I said. “This dispatch of reinforcements was requested by the Empire, anyway. Besides, I was able to forge relations with this country, which is inside the Union of Eastern Nations and has ties to the Nothung Dragon Knight Kingdom. That’s not nothing to show for my efforts.”

“It’s the same for us. We were able to forge friendly relations with the Kingdom of Friedonia after all.” Julius smiled a little. He had the expression of a man who had been set free from his demons.

In the expression of Julius who had broken the bonds of his past and was now looking to the future, I felt like I was seeing the proof that he had grown as a person.

“I don’t want to fight you as you are now, Julius,” I said. “I’ll bet you’d make a far more fearsome enemy than before.”

“I could say the same of you. If I tried to tussle with your country now, I’d have to take on both you and Roroa. That could only be a hassle.”

“If we find ourselves at odds again, I’d like to settle it peacefully next time. How about a drinking contest?”

“I’m sick of alcohol. In a test of arms...there would be too much of a gap. How about a race?”

“Can I use Naden?”

“That’s not fair, and you know it.”

While we were verbally sparing, I noticed Roroa, who was next to me, seemed a bit fidgety. It seemed like she had been able to fit in with Julius and Princess Tia during yesterday’s banquet, but she was still a bit stiff around them when everyone was sober.

Taking her feelings into consideration, I put my hand on her lower back and pushed Roroa forward.


“Go on, you say your goodbyes too, Roroa.”


Having stepped forward a little awkwardly, Roroa turned to Julius and Tia then saluted.

No, why did she salute there? Was she that tense?

“Well, I’ll be headin’ back now,” Roroa said. “You take care, Big Brother, Big Sis.”

“O-Okay! You take care too, Roroa!”

Whether she was dragged along by Roroa doing it, or it just came naturally, Princess Tia saluted too.

It was a strange scene with two adorable princesses saluting each other.

Julius and I watched over the two of them, wry smiles on both of our faces.

It was the same day, at the same time, in the central city of the Duchy of Chima, Wedan.

In this region with many small to medium-sized nations, this city was home to the castle that housed the Duke of Chima, a nation who had used diplomacy to join influential factions and protect their house. It was as solidly built as you would expect. It bordered on mountains to the south, and a river that was connected to the Dabicon to the north.

The historical dukes of Chima would dig in here when attacked by hostile forces, and while repelling enemies in a siege battle, they awaited allied support to overcome the difficult situation.

Because this city backed onto the mountains, the castle of Duke Chima, Wedan Castle, was halfway up a mountain, in a position where it could look down on the city and what lay outside the city walls.

In Friedonian terms, the castle of former General of the Army, Castor, Red Dragon Castle, was the closest comparison in terms of layout.

There was a single child up on the walls of Castle Wedan.

That child, who looked to be about ten years old, sat on the edge of the wall, a piece of charcoal racing across a piece paper on a wooden board. Where the kid was looking now, on the other side of the wall, the armies of the Union of Eastern Nations were fighting with the monsters.

There were so many monsters they seemed to blot out the earth. However, Duke Chima’s unusual diplomacy had gathered many reinforcements, and they had somehow lasted through the enemy’s offensive.

There were many sounds coming from the battlefield. There was the sound of metal striking metal, the sound of magic exploding, the sound of monsters roaring, the soldier’s battle cries. Those sounds were all reaching this castle.

In the middle of those sounds, the kid silently kept dragging charcoal across the paper.

“You’re drawing again, Ichiha?” Turning to the sudden voice, there was a beautiful girl of about twenty years of age with black hair going down to her waist standing there.

The woman wore an outfit that was like a hakama, and she gave off an impression like a traditional Japanese beauty, but she wore leather armor over that outfit and carried a longsword over her back.

When the kid saw her, he narrowed his eyes. “Mutsumi?”

The beautiful, strong woman was Mutsumi Chima, the eldest daughter of the current Duke of Chima, and the kid was the youngest of her five brothers, Ichiha Chima.

Ichiha cocked his head to the side. “You didn’t go to the battlefield today?”

“Yeah,” she said. “Father insisted I not let the lords see what a tomboy I am. I’m staying home today, since I have no other choice.”

Seeing how dissatisfied Mutsumi looked, Ichiha giggled. “I can’t blame him. The lords out there are fighting because they want you to come be their wife.”

The Duke of Chima had sent a notice saying, “For countries which send us reinforcements, in response to your performance, I will give each of you one of my six children, other than my eldest son, who is my heir, to serve as your retainer,” to every country in the Union of Eastern Nations.

This was a strategy the old and wise Duke Chima was using to save his own country, also positioning his sons and daughters into powerful factions that could be effective on the battlefield.

He said he’d offer them as retainers, but the boys and girls of House Chima were well-known to be beautiful. If they would accept, a marriage could be arranged for them to go to any country as a bride or groom. If that happened, Duke Chima would become a relative of many influential powers, so it would be all he could ask for.

Of all the Chima brothers and sisters, Mutsumi was the most popular.

With her excellent ingenuity and martial ability, the lords were fighting to distinguish themselves on the battlefield in order to make her their wife, or their son’s.

While watching the battlefield, Ichiha asked Mutsumi, “I’m sure that whoever is fighting the best out there is going to say they want you to be their bride. How do you feel about that?”

Mutsumi’s answer was very simple. “It doesn’t matter to me. I like people with power after all. I’m fine if it’s someone who is personally strong. Or someone who can upend the battlefield with their ingenuity. Someone who can command a lot of soldiers would be fine too. Whoever they are, I want to watch someone whose name can make the world tremble from the closest spot to them. If I could marry someone like that, that would be the best.” Her words became tinged with glee.

Sensing the words came from her heart, Ichiha smiled wryly. “Is that how it works...?”

Mutsumi mussed her little brother’s hair. “You’ve become a good man too. Instead of just staying here drawing pictures, why don’t you work out?”

“Don’t ask for the impossible. My body is weak.”

Ichiha had been born with a body that was not naturally strong.

He often grew sick at the change of seasons, when temperatures changed most, and would be confined to his bed. Because of that, he didn’t practice martial arts like his elder brothers, instead staying cooped up in his room reading, drawing pictures as a hobby, and becoming more and more introverted.

He said, “Besides, the world has forgotten I exist.”

She was silent.

It was said that the House of Chima had seven highly capable brothers and sisters.

Hashim (Age 25) — Eldest Son: An excellent politician.

Nata (Age 22) — Second Son: Muscular man who wielded a giant ax.

Mutsumi (Age 20) — Eldest Daughter: Really beautiful, with excellent martial abilities and ingenuity.

Gauche (Age 18) — Third Son: The best archer in the world.

Yomi (Age 17) — Second Daughter: Elder twin sister, excellent mage.

Sami (Age 17) — Third Daughter: Younger twin sister, also an excellent mage.

Nike (Age 16) — Fourth Son: Beautiful boy. His spear moved faster than the eye can follow.

This was how the seven of them were known, but Ichiha Chima, the fifth son who had just turned ten this year, was not included among the capable brothers and sisters.

He had the same regular features as his older brothers, but he was still a kid, the scrawny, sickly introvert who was always drawing pictures, so he was not known throughout the world.

Naturally, he was not included as one of the rewards offered by Duke Chima.

Mutsumi was at a momentary loss for what to say, but she forced a cheerful smile, and slapped Ichiha on the back.

That sudden hit made Ichiha’s head arch backward. “Wh-What would you do if I fell?!”

“I didn’t hit you that hard. You were feeling down, so I did that to put some spirit in you.”


Then Mutsumi hugged Ichiha from behind, whispering in his ear, “You don’t need to worry. I’m sure you’ll be a great person one day.”

“...On what basis?”

“A woman’s intuition. I feel like, out of all us brothers and sisters, you’re the only one who’s seeing something else. That goes for what you’re drawing now, too. I think you probably have something the rest of us would never think of.”

“Something...? I don’t think I have anything.”

Ichiha was sulking, but Mutsumi smiled at him. “Well, of course you don’t. The hardest thing to see is yourself. So... Ichiha, get more involved with other people. I’m sure it will be one of them who realizes your true value.”

Ichiha still looked sulky, but he took Mutsumi’s words about involving himself with others to heart.

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