How a Realist Hero Rebuilt The Kingdom

Book 8: Chapter 4

The manami, or demon wave. It was a phenomenon of monsters appearing en masse from the Demon Lord’s Domain and moving south.

The second year after Souma assumed the throne, the 1,547th year of the Continental Calendar, was the year that the third demon wave after the Demon Lord’s Domain’s appearance broke out.

In cases where monsters overflowed from a dungeon, even if those monsters formed groups, there were, at most, several dozens of them. But in the case of a demon wave, over 10,000 monsters would suddenly invade the nations of mankind.

Naturally, unlike when they emerged from a narrow dungeon, the monsters would be scattered across the border as they invaded, so there would be fewer monsters on any given battlefield, and the pressure put on defenses would vary from place to place, depending on the monsters’ weakness or strength.

However, if thousands of powerful monsters invaded at once, a small country would be mercilessly trampled underfoot, and a medium-sized country would likely face an existential crisis.

One of the locations seeing heavy fighting in this year’s demon wave was the Kingdom of Lastania on the northwest edge of the collection of small- to medium-sized countries known as the Union of Eastern Nations.

This country had a population of under 20,000 and a force of merely 500 career soldiers, but a swarm of over 5,000 monsters was now bearing down on it.

Most of them were lizardmen, which had lizard heads and scaly upper bodies that were humanoid, but their legs more in line with a small beast. (If one were to compare them to a dinosaur from Souma’s world, the closest would be a deinonychus.)

Their name may be lizardmen, but their actions were purely bestial in nature, and there was no sign of the high intelligence said to be possessed by the demons.

There were also countless chimeras lurking around near the lizardmen.

The number of these monsters was more than the Kingdom of Lastania could handle alone, but both the Union of Eastern Nations they belonged to and the Nothung Dragon Knight Kingdom they were allied with were being affected by the demon wave and were too busy attending to their own problems to be able to send help.

So, in response to this situation, the Kingdom of Lastania gathered the people who had been unable to escape southward in time to the country’s sole walled city, Lasta, and settled in for a siege.

Unfortunately, the Kingdom of Lastania only had a regular army of around 500 men, and even with another fifty volunteer soldiers, they still had fewer than 600 men in total. These weren’t numbers that could repel over 5,000 monsters.

To make up for that, they conscripted 3,000 combat-capable men from the 10,000 citizens they had taken in and assigned them to guard the castle walls. This brought the number of defenders up to 3,500, but most of them were ordinary people. A common person couldn’t take on even a weak monster alone, so it was fair to call their situation desperate.

But the Kingdom of Lastania was still doing a good job of holding out.

—Noon of the 15th day, 10th month, 1,547th year, Continental Calendar—On the walls of Lasta—

“Archers, take aim! There’s no need to target distant enemies on the ground! Focus fire on those climbing the walls and be sure to hit them!”

Julius was giving commands at the southern gate of the walls as they were attacked by lizardmen.

Julius was a visiting general in this country, but no one in this land was a more experienced commander than him, so he had temporarily been given total control over the forces of Lastania.

Before Julius’s eyes, he could see soldiers focused on the enemies that had approached the gate. They had arrows nocked and turned toward the gate that must not fall.

Julius hurriedly shouted at them. “You fools! Focus on the enemy in front of you!”

“No, but if the gate were to fall...” one of the soldiers began objecting. “Uwah?!”

His legs gave out as a lizardman poked its head through the arrow slit in front of him. It had climbed up the wall.

The lizardman stood before the soldier, who was too shocked to regain his footing. It flicked its lizard tongue and opened its mouth wide to feed on the soldier.

“Eek!” The soldier raised his arms to cover his face in abject terror.

In the next instant, the dull sound of something piercing flesh reached the soldier’s ears. However, the man didn’t feel any pain, so he hesitantly dropped his arms.

There was a single saber piercing the lizardman through the mouth.

“...I warned you,” Julius said.

It was his saber piercing the lizardman.

Julius pushed the lizardman against the edge of the wall along with his saber. Then, kicking it in the torso, he sent it over while tearing his saber free. The dead lizardman’s body fell straight down the outside of the wall.

Eventually, realizing he had been saved, the soldier looked up to Julius. “Th-Thank you so much!”

“...Hmph.” Julius swung his saber, flinging the lizardman’s blood from it, then raised his voice once more. “Listen! The enemy is not fighting a siege! The ones surrounding this castle don’t have the intellect to enter a house through the front door to begin with! They try to climb both the walls and the gate! That’s why you should all focus on the enemy in front of you!”

“““Yes, sir!”””

Impressed by their commander’s show of bravery, the soldiers’ morale went up just a little.

The soldiers fired on the lizardmen as they tried climbing the walls and knocked them down with thrusts of their spears. The sight gave Julius a moment of relief, but he continued shouting.

“That’s the way! Don’t let up on guarding the anti-air repeating bolt throwers on the corners of the walls! If they’re destroyed, fliers will be able to cross the walls and attack those behind us!”

He was referring to those warped chimera monsters that wandered around within the pack of lizardmen. These monsters were a mishmash of different animal features, and it was not possible to describe them uniformly. Some crawled on the ground, while others flew, making it more difficult to respond to them.

It wasn’t that the lizardmen and chimera monsters were working together. The chimeras were scavengers. When the lizardmen attacked the soldiers, the chimeras stalked the area, looking to claim the dead soldiers and lizardmen’s meat for themselves.

They were nothing but scavengers so long as those around them were dangerous to them, such as the soldiers and lizardmen. But if the chimeras encountered weaker prey, they would attack fiercely.

If the anti-air repeating bolt throwers were destroyed, the winged monsters would attack the non-combatants hiding behind the walls. That had to be prevented at all costs.

One of the experienced soldiers rushed over to Julius. “Sir Julius, do you think the other walls are safe?”

“Madam Lauren is defending the east gate, and Jirukoma is protecting the west gate. We have positioned many of the regular forces on the north side, where there is no gate. If I am being honest, the defenses are weakest here. So long as there is no breach here, I doubt they will get through anywhere else.”

“I see...” The experienced soldier nodded in satisfaction, then returned to his post.

Julius continued directing the troops as he watched him go. “Listen! Those behind us cannot fight! To defend them, we must not let the enemy get past us here! If we fight hard and buy time, I am sure reinforcements from another country will eventually arrive! We must be patient until then! Everyone, be brave, and fight!”

“““Yeahhhhhh!””” the soldiers cried out in response.

Maybe the soldiers on the east and west walls heard, because a cheer went up from both of their groups as well.

Even surrounded by the heated atmosphere of a battle to the death, Julius was maintaining his natural coolness, and he had a firm grasp of the current situation.

I know I said that to the soldiers, but...I have no idea when support will arrive, he reflected grimly. I cannot be sure that it will. We’re managing to hold them off for now, but if they continue to wear us down, then eventually...

Julius shook his head. If their commander was overcome by negative thinking, the men would panic. He had to stay cool and composed.

Julius glanced north toward the royal manor. Behind him there was someone he wanted to, had to, protect, no matter what happened.

I won’t let these things eat Tia!

Clinging to the innocent smile of the girl who had saved his heart, Julius continued giving orders.

Eventually the sun went down, and night fell on Lasta.

Maybe the lizardmen had poor night vision, because they didn’t attack at night. In their place, the chimera monsters grew more active, and while none tried crossing the walls, they feasted on the corpses of soldiers and lizardmen that were scattered outside the walls.

They couldn’t lower their guards, but for the soldiers who had fought through the day, night was an important time of rest.

Julius, who had been commanding from atop the wall for the entire time, went on break too, and he sat around a campfire with Jirukoma and Lauren. They had both fought hard at their own positions, and the signs of exhaustion were visible on each of their faces.

Julius asked Lauren a question. “This makes five days now, doesn’t it? How many have we lost?”

Lauren bit her lip. “Another hundred today... If we were to tally up all the dead and heavily wounded, it would be around 600.”

That meant almost a sixth of the roughly 3,500 defending soldiers had been rendered unfit for combat.

Jirukoma sighed as he maintained his kukri blades. “We’re at less than 3,000 defenders... Meanwhile, the enemy doesn’t seem to have dropped from 5,000. Even though I’m sure we killed a fair number of them today.”

Julius crossed his arms and spat out his next words. “It seems like more and more keep piling in from the north. Honestly, it troubles me.”

The terror of the demon wave was that monsters would be replenished, with one group following another like waves. It was exhausting to think that, no matter how many they defeated, the number of enemies would never go down.

Admittedly, these were unintelligent monsters, so if too many were in an area, not all of them could participate in battle. That meant they would go past this city and move further south. In other words, while their numbers wouldn’t decrease, they would never build up too much either.

“Do you think the lands to the south are all right?” Lauren pondered.

“We’re in no position to be worrying about others.” Julius completely rejected her concern. “For as long as we hold out here, the number of monsters going south will be kept lower. From the point of view of the countries in the south, even if our country is ultimately destroyed, I’m sure they want us to hold out as long as possible and slay as many monsters as we can.”

“While they have their own countries and families to think of, that does feel a little heartless,” Lauren admitted.

“That’s just how things are. If you haven’t first taken care of yourself, you can’t extend a helping hand to others.”

“I suppose you’re right... I’m sorry, Sir Julius, Sir Jirukoma.” Lauren bowed deeply to the two of them. “I’m sorry for getting foreigners like yourselves caught up in a battle like this. I even have Sir Julius taking full command of our forces... I feel pathetic.”

Though Lauren clenched her fists and bowed her head with a pained look on her face, Jirukoma laughed heartily and put his arm around Julius’s shoulder.

“Raise your head, please, Madam Lauren. We are fonder of this kingdom than you may think. Right, Sir Julius?”

“Get away from me. This is suffocating.” Julius brushed the other man’s arm away, then loudly cleared his throat. “Well...I had no time to escape south after all. As for commanding the troops, there was no one more capable than me, so this was the inevitable result. I’d rather not die under the command of some incompetent fool after all.”

“Hahaha! You say that, but you didn’t have the slightest intent of fleeing without Princess Tia.”

“...You talk too much.”

The awkward frown on Julius’s face made Jirukoma and Lauren burst out laughing.

Light footsteps approached near the three of them. When the three looked up, a petite figure was bringing something large toward them. When that person approached the campfire, Julius’s eyes went wide as he realized who it was.

“Princess, why have you left the royal manor?!”

It was the princess of this country, Tia Lastania. She was wearing her usual Tyrolean-style dirndl with an apron over the top, and she held an earthenware pot in her mittened hands.

When Tia saw Julius, her face burst into a smile.

“I was helping the ladies in town hand out food,” she explained as she offered the pot to the three of them. “Lord Julius, Lauren, Sir Jirukoma. It’s bread porridge with pumpkin and milk. I’m sorry this is all we have for you after you’ve fought so hard...”

“D-Don’t be ridiculous, princess! We gratefully accept it!” Lauren sputtered.

She saluted as she accepted the pot, and Jirukoma patted his belly with a laugh.

“We’re hungry from fighting after all. I’m sure anything will feel satisfying at this point.”

“That’s a rude way to put it...” Julius shook his head in exasperation, but his expression had softened slightly from before.

Then the three of them sat around Tia’s pot of bread porridge to eat.

Tia shrewdly sat herself down in a position where her shoulders would be touching Julius’s. That put a wry smile on Lauren’s face, but she suddenly returned to a more serious expression and asked Julius a question.

“Ultimately, is holing up here our only option?”

“Now that we’re surrounded, escape is impossible,” Julius answered in a calm tone between sips of porridge. “If the enemy were sentient, we could negotiate, but they have nothing in their minds beyond eating the prey in front of them. They just repeatedly attempt to rush the walls. That’s why we’re barely able to fend them off. But...if this is a battle of attrition, it’s going to be difficult.”

“Lord Julius...” Tia grasped his sleeve, her eyes wavering with uncertainty.

Julius put his own hand atop hers as he said, “Whatever the case, we must hold out for now, whatever it takes. We will hold the city while waiting for reinforcements to come from somewhere. That is all we can do now.”

“Will reinforcements...really come?” Tia asked hesitantly. “Father was saying he’s asked the Nothung Dragon Knight Kingdom and Union of Eastern Nations to send help.”

Julius shook his head. “They may come, but as the other countries of the union and the Dragon Knight Kingdom are also affected by the demon wave, their arrival will be delayed. They all have to prioritize their own countries after all.”

“Oh...” Tia’s shoulders slumped.

Feeling bad for her, Jirukoma asked Julius, “You sent out a request for reinforcements using your own connections, didn’t you? Do we have any hope of them showing up?”

“You did?!” Tia’s face shot up and she looked at Julius.

Unable to meet her pleading eyes, Julius turned away as he answered. “I give us fifty-fifty odds. In the end, it’s a matter of if that man will send troops or not.”

Julius’s connections. That meant relying on his little sister Roroa, who was now the candidate to become third primary queen to the provisional king, Souma Kazuya of the Kingdom of Friedonia. It meant having Roroa put in a word with Souma to have him dispatch troops.

For Julius, they were both people he had been antagonistic toward, but he could in no way afford to be fixated on that now. To protect the darling girl who was beside him, Julius was prepared to bow his head to those he was at odds with.

However, on hearing him say the odds were fifty-fifty, Jirukoma tilted his head to the side questioningly. “Is it really fifty-fifty? I understand there are two options for Souma, to send troops or not, but isn’t there the question of whether your sister passes the request along or not too?”

“No, Roroa will definitely pass it along.”

“You sound certain.”

“My sister is calculating, but once emotions get involved, she’s indecisive. If the brother she exiled comes to her for help, she won’t be able to decide what to do on her own. She will leave the decision up to Souma.”

“So that’s why it’s King Souma’s decision, huh...” Jirukoma shrugged, showing a hint of exasperation. If Julius had asked his sister for help knowing that personality of hers, he was one devious fellow.

Julius laughed derisively at himself before looking at Tia. “Princess. This is the kind of man I am. I’ll even take advantage of my own family if necessary. The blood of the venomous snake of the Princely House of Amidonia still runs in my veins. So...”

“But you’re doing it for us, right?” Tia interrupted Julius’s self-rejecting words. She enveloped his left hand with her own and gave him a warm smile. “It’s okay if you’re a venomous snake. When I see you doing whatever it takes to defend us, Lord’re so reliable, and lovable. If the reinforcements come, and you feel bad for what you’ve put your sister through, I will bow my head down alongside you. Because I want your sister to understand that you did it for us.”


When he was touched by Tia’s smile, Julius could feel the old obsessions inside him melting away.

Julius naturally put his right hand atop Tia’s hands, which were wrapped around his left hand.

They sat together in silence.

Sensing the atmosphere between the two of them, Jirukoma and Lauren quietly slipped away.

The next day, the lizardmen began attacking the walls of Lasta at daybreak.

Their numbers still didn’t appear to have dropped from 5,000 so it was clear another pack of lizardmen had joined up with them.

After days of continuous battle, the defenders’ exhaustion was building.

If this had been an ordinary siege, the attackers would have avoided pressing the attack in a way that only increased losses, seeking instead to find an opening in the defense. They would have desisted immediately when it became clear the defenders wouldn’t break, trying instead to limit the damage to their own forces.

The lizardmen, however, tried scaling the walls no matter how many of their fellows fell, charging in to eat the people inside. The death of their comrades and the exhaustion of their forces meant nothing to them.

Because of that, the defenders had almost no time to relax, and they had been pushed to the edge both mentally and physically.

Even so, the soldiers of Lastania up on the walls fought their hardest to prevent a break in their defenses.

When Jirukoma was giving commands near the west gate, one of the volunteer soldiers, who were made up of refugees, came to ask him a question.

“What do you think those things are thinking about when they attack?”

“What do you mean...‘what are they thinking about’?”

“It feels like, rather than trying to take the city, they’re only trying to eat us,” the soldier said. “If they’re that hungry, surely they could just eat the monsters that are lurking around. I mean, they don’t seem to be buddies, as far as I can tell.”

Jirukoma was silent, nodding. That was certainly something he had sensed too.

The first thing the lizardmen did after scaling the walls was try to bite the soldiers. He’d seen that action as a sign of intense hunger.

Looking at the way they continued to rush the walls in search of food, no matter how many of their kind fell, they seemed to have hardly any intelligence. However, if that were true, then why didn’t they try to sate their hunger on the chimera monsters that were nearby? The chimera monsters were feeding on their corpses after all.

Is there some deep reason for it...? Jirukoma wondered, then pushed the thought away. He couldn’t sense any intellect from the lizardmen out there. There was likely no deep reason, and the reason why was probably incredibly simple.

For instance...

“Perhaps we look tasty to them? Maybe that’s why they rush to us?” he suggested.

“Like they think we’re a delicacy?” the soldier asked.

“Who knows. Please, ask the lizardmen.”

While they were talking about that, there was a shout from a soldier near the west gate.

“Sir Jirukoma! They’re close to pushing through on the north side of the western wall!”

The moment he heard that voice, Jirukoma readied the twin kukris that were his favored weapons.

The man who had been asking Jirukoma questions steeled himself, placing a hand on the hilt of the sword slung over his back.

“Strike team, let’s go,” Jirukoma said simply to the volunteer soldiers around him, then took off running toward the northern side.

About five volunteer soldiers followed behind him.

When they eventually reached the point where the lizardmen were close to pushing through, Jirukoma simultaneously severed the heads of two that had just climbed up the wall. Those who had followed him each took down the lizardmen near them, securing the wall.

When Jirukoma saw that they were done, he gave an order to those who had followed him. “We’re lightening the load here. Follow me!”

No sooner had he said that than Jirukoma leapt down outside the wall where lizardmen were swarming.

Using wind magic to land safely, he spun himself around, cutting apart the lizardmen around him. Then he cut his way through the middle of the pack, taking down one target after another.

The members of what was called the strike team did likewise, cutting down any lizardmen they could get their hands on.

Being a fighter by nature, Jirukoma couldn’t command the whole force as well as Julius might. However, as a single warrior, he was better than anyone in this kingdom. Because of that, when there was a point in the western defense that looked like it may fail, he and his men would jump in and use their rare combat ability to push the enemy back.

In addition to the martial prowess of Jirukoma and his men, it raised morale whenever Jirukoma displayed his power, so the western wall’s defense was sturdier than any other.

“That’s enough,” he ordered. “We’re going back.”

Whenever the number of lizardmen near the wall dropped off to a degree, Jirukoma immediately ordered a retreat. Though the six of them could launch sneak attacks, they would eventually be surrounded and pulverized.

It was also true that, because they had to keep moving around to avoid being surrounded, they couldn’t keep it up for long. Regardless of the reasons why, it was unwise to stay long.

Jirukoma and his men found indentations in the wall that had to be over ten meters high, quickly bounding up it to return.

“Still...there’s just no end to them, is there?” one of the volunteer soldiers complained as Jirukoma wiped his own sweat from his brow.

Jirukoma slapped that volunteer soldier in the back to encourage him. “We’ve come to this land to return to our homelands. If you let something like this make you whimper, going home will never be anything more than a dream.”

“I-I know, but...”

That was when it happened.

There was the sound of a bugle from the middle of Lasta.

This was the sign to check for smoke signals, and the soldier on lookout shouted, “Sir Jirukoma! There are smoke signs from the east gate!”

“From Madam Lauren, huh?” he called. “What do they say?”

“It’s a sign for the commanders to gather!”

The smoke signal was calling for the commanders, which was to say Jirukoma and Julius, to gather. That must mean that Lauren had something to discuss with them.

“Understood.” Jirukoma nodded sharply. “I will be leaving this place briefly! Everyone, hold your positions! You must hold out until I return! Understood?!”

“““Yeahhhh!””” the soldiers roared.

Jirukoma nodded, then jumped onto a horse prepared and waiting on the inside of the wall.

When Jirukoma reached the center of the city, Julius and Lauren were already there.

“Madam Lauren, has something happened?” Jirukoma asked as he dismounted his horse.

Lauren took off her helmet and stuck it under her arm, then suddenly cried, “I’m sorry!” and bowed her head. “I just received the report, but from what the person managing the castle’s armory says, our supply of arrows is about to run out.”

“No arrows...” Julius murmured.

This was a serious issue. It was only because they had ranged weapons like bows and arrows that the conscripts were able to fight. Without enough arrows, their ability to defend the walls would take a big hit.

Julius squeezed his temples. “It’s only been six days since we settled in for the siege. Did we not have reserves?”

“It’s because the number of regular soldiers we had was low to begin with. We should have had enough to last for two weeks with our current numbers, but the enemy offensive has been intense. Not to mention that many of the men aren’t used to using a bow and arrow, so I think that made us burn through them faster. We currently have the blacksmiths in town making more, but at the rate we’re going through them, they can’t keep up.”

“It’s hopeless then...”

“I’m sorry.” Lauren bowed her head in despair.

Jirukoma put a hand on her shoulder. “Raise your head, Madam Lauren. Surely this isn’t your fault. I believe the people of this country are doing well to hold out while at a disadvantage. If it comes to it, we’ll drop bricks from the rampart, scatter oil, and fend them off with spears.”

“Sir Jirukoma...”

Lauren’s eyes were moist, and Jirukoma patted her on the shoulders to calm her down.

Once he could see Lauren had regained her composure, Jirukoma spoke to Julius. “Still, if it’s come to this, we really are going to be relying on reinforcements. I don’t suppose any of them might happen to be nearby already?”

However, Julius shook his head.

“With us surrounded like this, there’s no information coming in. There’s little hope of reinforcements from inside the Union of Eastern Nations, so...I guess it’s up to the Nothung Dragon Knight Kingdom.”

“What about reinforcements from the Kingdom of Friedonia? You said you sent a request there, didn’t you?”

“Even if Souma is sending reinforcements, this country is a long way from there. If we consider the pace their troops would move, I can’t see them arriving today or tomorrow.”

“I see...”

The two men frowned, then it happened.

One of the soldiers rushed over in a hurry, taking a knee as if he’d stumbled and fallen over. Looking closer, he had gashes on his arm like he’d been clawed.

“I-I have a report, Captain!”

“Where did you get those wounds?!” Lauren cried.

The soldier kept his head bowed and rapidly gave his report. “The lizardmen rushed the north wall, and they have broken through in places! More than ten of them have headed for the castle and are now fighting the guards!”

Before the soldier could finish his report, Julius had started moving.

“Julius!” cried Jirukoma.

He ignored his fellow soldier, mounted his horse, and raced headlong toward the castle. He couldn’t sit still once he heard the castle was under attack.

Princess Tia...

The royal couple and Princess Tia were in the castle. The princess, the girl who had set Julius’s hardened heart free.

Rushing down the cobblestone road, Julius reached the castle to see lizardmen crawling around the castle like geckos.

“Dammit! Haaaaaa!” he shouted.

Deciding to ignore the lizardmen outside the castle, he rushed into the building still on horseback. Not far inside, he found three lizardmen feasting on the bodies of what must have been the guards. He raced past them, making an angry swing and severing one of their heads from its body as he did.

With an effort, he calmed himself down and thought, If they’ve made it inside the castle, Princess Tia and her family will have fled deeper and deeper inside. There were refugees inside the castle too. In that case, they will have headed for...the great hall!

If one needed a place deep inside that could hold many people, the great hall was about the only one that would be apt.

Having come to that conclusion, Julius raced down the corridors with their high ceilings. He encountered one lizardman along the way, but he calmly dispatched it with his sword. Then he spotted three lizardmen clustered around the door to the great hall. They were clawing at the door, trying to get in.

“Move it!” Julius dismounted from his horse and put his hands on the ground.

In the next moment, spikes of earth erupted through the corridor floor, impaling the three lizardmen at once. It was the same earth-type magic his father Gaius had once used.

The lizardmen let out a muffled cry, then moved no more.

Julius didn’t so much as look at them as he rushed to the door of the great hall. He tried prying the door open, but...he couldn’t.

Julius pressed his body to the door, knocking on it and calling out to the other side. “Princess Tia, are you all right?! It’s me! Julius!”

“Lord Julius?!”

He heard a young girl’s voice from inside. The moment he realized it was Tia’s, Julius was so relieved that his legs nearly gave out beneath him.

There were, however, still quite many lizardmen left, so Julius turned his back to the door and stayed alert.

Most likely, a barricade had been set up inside. He heard movement inside for a while, then eventually the door opened, and Tia burst out to hug him.

“Lord Julius!” she cried.

“Princess Tia... Thank goodness you’re safe.” Julius hugged her back gently.

Beyond the door, he could see Tia’s parents and the refugees. Some were relieved to see Julius, while others were scared witless and unable to comprehend the situation. Their responses varied greatly.

Julius separated himself from Tia and addressed the rest through the door.

“Please, wait in this great hall for now. There are lizardmen wandering around the manor. Our allies will be here soon, I am sure.”

While Julius was calming the people in the great hall, Jirukoma caught up with him. “Julius, it was too reckless for you to come alone!”

“Hmph, you were simply too slow.”

Julius made a snide remark, but Jirukoma pulled on Julius’s arm as if he had no time to care about that.

“Just come. There’s something strange going on outside.”

“Strange?” Julius asked, alert.

He told Tia and the others to close the door tight once more, then cut his way through the lizardmen along with Jirukoma to get back outside.

When they looked up to the sky, they saw a formation of well over a hundred wyverns passing over Lasta. They must have been flying high, because they looked awfully small.

They were likely flying at a height where the anti-air repeating bolt throwers wouldn’t target them.

These clearly weren’t monsters. It was an air force on the side of mankind.

Jirukoma squinted. “Are those...Nothungian soldiers?”

“No, Nothung wouldn’t use wyverns... Besides, they’re coming from the south.”

When Julius said that, he saw something fall from a wyvern. As they squinted up into the skies, some uncountable number of the things suddenly popped open like flowers blooming.

White, round objects were scattered through the sky. They were almost like a swarm of jellyfish.

As they fluttered toward the castle walls, it became clear that there were armed soldiers hanging beneath those white, round things. Then, at that moment, threading between the floating white objects, a big, black shadow descended to the ground.

Swimming through the air like a fish in water, a creature like a massive black sea serpent landed in front of Julius.

It had long whiskers, and horns on its head. It held something resembling a gondola in its hands.

Seeing it was unlike a wyvern or dragon, Julius and Jirukoma both feared it was a new monster attacking and readied their weapons. When they did, the monster shrank before their eyes.

At last, before it shrank away completely, a figure jumped down from its back.

That person in a military uniform with a black cape turned to them and said, “It’s been a while, Jirukoma. You too...Sir Julius.”

Julius was more taken aback. “Sir...Souma, huh.”

This was the first reunion between the current King of Friedonia, Souma Kazuya, and the former Crown Prince of Amidonia, Julius Amidonia, after a whole year.

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