How a Realist Hero Rebuilt The Kingdom

Book 17: Chapter SS2

Poncho Comes Home

In the noble quarter of Parnam, many properties had once belonged to the corrupt nobles Souma punished. These properties had since been given to Souma’s newly hired military or civil officials (instead of the old guard, who didn’t want them because of how they came to be uninhabited) or were used to house foreign guests. Poncho’s mansion was one such case.

“Whew, I’m finally home, yes.”

Having returned from a trip to the Spirit Kingdom and made his report to Souma, Poncho was finally able to make it home in the evening.

“I wonder how everyone’s been getting on without me, yes.”

Poncho was greeted by the mansion’s servants, who were largely managed by Serina, as he passed through the gate, then went and opened the front door. Two little figures leapt at Poncho the moment he did.

““Father! Welcome home!””

His usual, more rotund build would have absorbed the impact, but he was currently slimmed down due to both Serina and Komain demanding another child from him, so he felt the blow hitting his internal organs directly.

“Gwugh...! I-I’m home, Marin, Maron.” Poncho gagged a little before recovering enough to pat his two five-year-old girls on the head.

Marin was the daughter he’d had with his first wife, Serina, and Maron with his second wife, Komain. They looked like twins, both pudgy in the same way their father was, but Maron’s skin had a slight reddish tinge, which made it easy to distinguish them.

“Hey, hey, you went to that place called Abroad, right?”

“Did you bring back gifts? Are there any sweets?”

The girls were begging for food the moment he returned. Oh, yes, Poncho could have absolutely no doubt that these were his children with Serina and Komain.

As he returned their embrace, Poncho said, “I did bring back something for you, but I’d like to see your mothers first, yes.”

The twins looked at one another.

“Father kissed our mommies goodbye!”

“Now he’s going to kiss our mommies hello!”

“D-Don’t say that so loudly, yes.”

Poncho was intimidated seeing his daughters be so direct about it. The servants who were watching from a distance all chuckled.

Then, two women came down the stairs.

“Welcome home.”

“Welcome home, Poncho.”

It was Poncho’s wives, Serina and Komain.

They were in the clothes they were used to wearing at home, a maid outfit and a traditional ethnic costume. Marin and Maron, who were hugging Poncho, each cried, “Mommy!” before jumping off of their father and rushing over to their respective mothers. They both lovingly patted their daughters on the head.

“Marin, did you greet your father properly?”

“I did! I said, ‘Father! Welcome home!’”

“And you, Maron? Did you greet him too?”

“I did! He said he brought gifts too!”

The mothers both smiled wryly at their daughters’ boisterous smiles.

Poncho walked over to the four of them at a relaxed pace.

“I’m home, yes. Serina, Komain, did I miss anything while I was away, yes?”

“Nothing all that important... If I were to reach for something to tell you, it would be that we were, perhaps, a little lonely? Both at the absence of our husband and the resulting decline in the number of dishes on the table,” Serina said without a hint of guilt, bringing a wry smile to Komain’s face.

“We don’t get to try your experimental dishes when you’re not around, after all. It’s so like Serina, mixing love with hunger... I can never tell which of the two is greater; her love for you or her appetite for the food you cook.”

“Are you not the same, Komain? Marin and Maron would never have been born if we weren’t like this.”

“Ah ha ha... I suppose not.”

Poncho felt a warm, fuzzy feeling in his heart as he watched them. Back when he first entered Souma’s service, he could never have imagined that one day his wives and daughters would welcome him home like this. He savored the happiness as he set down his bag.

“Now then, I’ve brought back bean tea and spices from the Spirit Kingdom, and I’m going to use them to fix up a delicious meal for all of us, yes.”


Marin and Maron raised their arms and jumped into the air when they heard there was going to be good food. Unable to wait, they picked up his bag and rushed off to the kitchen with it. When they were gone, Serina and Komain subtly approached Poncho, planting a kiss on each of his cheeks, then whispered in his ears.

“Darling, we’ve had a break because of your trip, but let’s get back to work tonight.”

“Marin and Maron have been pestering us for a little brother or sister, and we need to do our best for them.”

Hearing this, Poncho knew he wouldn’t be able to gain back his weight for the foreseeable future.

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