How a Realist Hero Rebuilt The Kingdom

Book 17: Chapter 7

Chapter 7: Unsettling Signs

—One day in the 7th month, 1553rd year, Continental Calendar—

It had already been several months since we sent the research team to the Euphoria Kingdom.

On this hot day, following a series of hot days, I received a message from Ichiha reporting he’d finished summarizing the data we’d collected on monsters and demons. I gathered eight people in the meeting room: five of my wives, Liscia, Aisha, Juna, Roroa, and Yuriga; Tomoe the Wise Wolf Princess, who had now become our chamberlain; Acting Prime Minister Ichiha; and finally, Julius the White General.

I had gathered people with knowledge in a variety of fields, but with Hakuya no longer among us, this had totally turned into a family meeting. Yuriga was one of my wives (even if her current position was kind of iffy), Tomoe was my honorary little sister, Ichiha was her fiancé, and Julius was my brother-in-law. Considering the season, it felt like the relatives were all getting together for the Obon holiday.

Incidentally, my other two wives, Naden and Maria, were away. Maria was out doing her usual charity work, and Naden was flying her around. Maria was a powerful woman now that she’d been set free from her responsibilities as empress. They used to say the best kind of husband was one who’s healthy and out of the house, but in our family, it was the opposite... But I digress.

“All right, Ichiha. Get right to it.”

“Okay. Understood.”

Ichiha passed around handouts to everyone. Aisha, who had dumped all her stats into being a warrior, grimaced the moment she saw written materials. She wasn’t illiterate, but she said anything complicated made her head hurt. Ichiha ignored her as he headed back to his seat and started explaining.

“With the help of Prime Minister Hakuya and my sister Sami in the Euphoria Kingdom, we’ve been able to learn about a number of the demons in the Demon Lord’s Domain. My monster identification system uses the warped nature of monsters to identify them by individual parts. My sister Sami has turned that around. She is identifying anything in the witness reports that don’t seem warped as a demon.”

Ichiha flipped through his handout, and we turned to the same page.

“The most sighted demons were ogres, orcs, kobitos, and a devil-like humanoid race with bat wings.”

“Mr. Kobold...” Tomoe’s face darkened.

It seemed she had trouble lumping the man who saved her in with the demons.

Incidentally, Julius and Yuriga had already been told Tomoe’s story. Everyone here shared a view of monsters and demons based on the Dungeon Origin of Life Theory proposed by Genia.

“Are the bat-winged demons different from dragonewts like Madam Carla?” Aisha raised her hand and asked.

Oh, yeah, the dragonewts’ wings are kinda bat-like, huh? If you weren’t aware of dragons and wyverns, it would be a reasonable mistake to assume they were bat wings.

Ichiha shook his head. “If they were dragonewts, the reports would say there were dragonewts. But the only thing they say is that they had bat wings. It seems probable that the witnesses imagined them as being similar to devils in our fairy tales.”

“Yeah,” I agreed. “They would think that, huh?”

If you just stuck a pair of bat wings on a person, they’d look like a devil, a gargoyle, or maybe a vampire. As far as I was concerned, if elves existed, vampires weren’t that far-fetched. They were both fairy tales in my mind.

Next Juna raised her hand. “You mentioned ogres. Would they be different from the ones that we saw at the dungeon in the Republic?”

“Oh, those gorilla ogres, huh?”

“Gorilla ogres?” Liscia, who’d stayed home that time, cocked her head to the side.

It seemed the word gorilla hadn’t translated for her, but when I explained that they were buff, four-limbed creatures that resembled Old Man Owen, the light went out of her eyes.

“They sound...insufferable.”

“I know, right? Even for ogres, those ones were completely warped.”

“Yes, that’s right,” Juna agreed. “Those ogres didn’t seem like they could be sapient.”

Ichiha flipped through the papers. “According to the contact reports, they weren’t warped in that way. They were just large, red-skinned humanoids with horns on their foreheads.”

“Horns, huh... Do ya mean like the kind that Big Sis Cia grows when she’s givin’ someone an earful?”

When Roroa said that, Liscia slammed her hands down on the table and leapt to her feet.

“Hey, Roroa! What is that supposed to mean?!”

“Nya ha ha, yeah, that’s it! That’s what I’m talkin’ about!” Roroa said, putting her fingers beside her temples to mimic horns.

Yeah, sometimes I feel like Liscia grows horns when she’s lecturing me too...

“Hey, Souma? You aren’t thinking anything rude, are you?”

“Huh?! No, not at all...”

Liscia gave me the stink eye, having read my mind, so I averted my eyes.

“The Dungeon Origin of Life Theory, was it?” Julius said, stroking his chin with a thoughtful expression on his face. “The idea that the various races of mankind, as well as animals, may have originally been born in dungeons... That was Genia M. Arcs’s idea, wasn’t it? And Souma’s theory was that there may have been a malfunction in those dungeons, and monsters are the failed outcome, yes?”

“Hm? Yeah, that’s right,” I said. I did come up with that during the Monsterology Symposium, huh?

The dungeons in the nations of mankind now spat out monsters, so the same malfunction could be affecting the ones in the Demon Lord’s Domain. If demons saw the monsters as something the dungeons just produced on their own, the same way we did, monsters and demons might be opposed to one another. The theory that had come to mind when I considered that monsters and demons might be different.

“In that case,” Julius continued, “if they are failures produced by malfunctioning dungeons, do the dungeons have something they were originally trying to produce? If humanlike monsters are failures, then what are demon-like monsters failures of?”

“Oh! I see! We can work backwards from the failed product!” Ichiha’s eyes widened.

“What do you mean?” Tomoe asked, tilting her head.

Ichiha pulled out a pen and drew the gorilla ogre we had seen in the Republic alongside an ordinary ogre on the back of one of the reports.

“The only thing that divides monsters from demons is how warped they are as living creatures. If the warped ogres that His Majesty saw were monsters, then those might have originally been meant to turn out like these more humanlike ogres that were seen deep in the Demon Lord’s Domain. To borrow an expression from His Majesty, the gorilla ogres are failed ogres.”

It makes sense. So, the original function of the dungeon had been to make ogres similar to humans, but after many long years, it broke down and started putting out dumb monsters with swollen upper bodies that walked on all fours?

Ichiha put a finger to his lips as he thought.

“That relationship probably doesn’t just apply to ogres. There are monsters called zombies—which are like rotting people, and skeletons—which move despite being nothing but bones. I can imagine they were created in a failed attempt to make humans.”

“Turning that around, could there not also be complete versions of the monsters that resemble people?” Julius said, building on Ichiha’s explanation. “The Kingdom of Lastania was attacked by lizardmen during the demon wave. If we were to assume those monsters with humanoid bodies were somewhat social creatures and had a more complete version of their race that isn’t found in the nations of mankind, then...”

“Then it might be out there as one of the demon races, huh?” I finished for him.

“Your view is that the demons are races that had been previously undiscovered on this continent, right, Souma?”

“Yeah.” I nodded.

“So, would the complete lizardman be...a dragonewt, maybe?” Roroa asked, crossing her arms in thought.

“No.” Ichiha shook his head. “I studied the lizardman remains we brought back. The parts of its body were different from those of a dragonewt’s. Even if they had been completed, they wouldn’t have been dragonewts.”

If anything, they’d have been dinosaur people, not half-dragon people. In my head, I imagined a drawing from a science magazine I’d read that had a feature on what dinosaurs might have looked like if they hadn’t gone extinct and evolved to be like humans, as well as Banho the Dragon Knight from one of the Doraemon movies. Are there undiscovered races like that in the Demon Lord’s Domain?

As I thought about it, that stirred up my spirit of adventure.

“Anyway, if there are monsters that resemble people, I think it’s interesting to work backwards from that and imagine what humans or demons they might have been meant to be. I’d like to borrow the help of my sister Sami in the Euphoria Kingdom and the other monster researchers to look into it,” Ichiha said.

We all nodded in agreement.

Just as we had decided on a direction for our investigation into the demons, the doors to the meeting room swung open violently with a loud bang.

“We’re home!”

“I’m tired...”

There at the door stood an energetic Maria and an exhausted Naden. They’d returned after their charity work.

“Welcome home, you two,” I greeted them. “Where did you head off to this time?”

“We were looking out west for a suitable place for a school,” Maria said, taking a seat at the round table. “It seems the big bridge over the river northeast of Lagoon City has collapsed due to age and strong winds. That’s interrupting travel between the coastal cities north and south of the bridge, so please send a team to repair it.”

“Hm? But we haven’t received a report about that.”

“That’s because I came straight back after hearing about it from the locals,” Maria explained, to which Ichiha nodded.

“Reports like that go to the local lord first, and then they request assistance from the capital if necessary, so it tends to take some time. I’m sure we’ll receive the request sometime tomorrow.”

That made sense. Come to think of it, we were able to act swiftly when calamity struck the God-Protected Forest because Aisha received word from her father and I happened to be there with a unit of military engineers from the Forbidden Army nearby. If we had to go through the official process for requesting aid, it would have taken us longer to arrive at the forest. Because of what happened, we’d set up a system to allow immediate contact in case of an emergency. But when their lives weren’t at stake like now, it was a lower priority and could take a while. That’s something I need to work on... But first...

“Got it. Ichiha, have the military engineers prepare so we’ll be able to send them out immediately.”

“As you command, sire.”

“Good... Now, why are you looking so tuckered out?” I asked Naden.

She had buried her head in her arms on the round table as soon as she was seated.

Naden looked up and sighed. “When it comes to schools, you have to listen to the parents’ opinions, right? Well, I was forced to look after all the kids while Maria did that.”

“Hee hee. No matter where we go, Naden’s always a hit with the children,” Maria said cheerfully. Naden was a ryuu, which made her somewhat special. Out of all my wives though, she was the most like a girl from my old world. Naden could interact with people, unrestrained by rank or status, instead looking at things from the perspective of whoever she was dealing with. And she was quite a hit with the townsfolk here in the capital too.

“Would you like to try going on an educational program? Like Together With Big Sister, maybe?” I suggested.

“Oh, that would be nice. Will you come sing and dance with me?” Juna said, clapping her hands.

“Give me a break...” Naden replied before burying her head again.

Maria, who had been watching Naden with a smile, noticed the documents on the table.

“What are you all talking about now?” she asked.

“Monsters and demons. Also, a mushroom and a giant?” Liscia explained with a sigh. Maria cocked her head to the side.

“I’m not sure what you might mean by the latter two?”

“We received materials from the investigation team we dispatched to the Euphoria Kingdom, including witness testimony from the campaign. So we were discussing how some of the things they saw didn’t seem like monsters or demons.”

“Ahh, and those would be the mushroom and giant.” Maria picked up a copy of the materials. “Hmm. I’d heard of the giant myself. Something about a sparkling giant wearing full mail, flying through the sky... But this mushroom is new to me.”

“Is it?” Liscia asked.

“My father was emperor then, and I was only ten years old, but... Oh!” Maria pressed a finger to her lips, seeming to realize something. “After returning from the Demon Lord’s Domain, Father said something as he was bedridden with guilt over all the men he lost.”

“Hm?! What was it?!” I asked, causing Maria to pinch her temples as she tried desperately to remember.

“I think it was... Right, tracks. They said they saw tracks.”

“Tracks? Like...from the wheels of a carriage?”

“Yes. But said they were apparently wide and deep, almost like an empty moat or a dried-up river. And parts of horses and men were scattered in the bottom, crushed to the point they were no longer recognizable...”

“““Yikes...””” Everyone cringed a little as they imagined that.

Tracks that looked like a dried-up river, huh? If they were made by wheels, how large were they? And the wheels supposedly were massive enough to make mincemeat out of the men and horses they’d rolled over.

“If there’s one’s that those tracks were left by the gigantic mushroom monster,” Ichiha said, causing Tomoe to cock her head to the side.

“What do you mean, Ichiha?”

“Well, we had witnesses saying that the mushroom-shaped monster shook the earth as it crushed people underneath it, right? If it left tracks, not footsteps, we can assume it moves on wheels or something similar. If it looked like it had wheels, I’m sure no one would identify it as a giant. In that case, I was thinking this might have been the mushroom.”

“That makes sense,” I agreed. “If you’re right, then we can probably assume it’s some kind of weapon.”

“Yeah.” Liscia nodded. “Maybe it’s similar to the land battleship Albert, which Souma used in the Battle of Red Dragon City. That left tracks behind it, and could have crushed people too, right?”

Ohh, that. I guess someone could have done something similar, yeah.

“But...we used it as a fixed platform for cannons in the Battle of Red Dragon City, so we didn’t go around running people over. And we’d just stuck some wheels on it to force it on land, so it wouldn’t have been able to handle much abuse. I mean, we did have to retire the original Albert after the war.”

“Hmm,” Julius grunted. “Does this mean the demons have a land battleship that can move about freely?”

“If they do, it’s going to be trouble...”

At that point, it would be more of a tank than a battleship. If it really was a tank, considering the size of the tracks, it would have to be even larger than monster tanks like the Ratte or the Monster, neither of which ever went past the planning stage.

“I’d really rather avoid fighting those kinds of monstrous weapons,” I muttered, and everyone nodded in unison.

“If it leaves tracks, it’s a land-based weapon, right? Fuuga’s forces are the ones taking the land route...” Liscia said with a sigh, but I shook my head.

“No, we also have the flying giant to worry about. If they can make a weapon like this, the giant is likely just as difficult to handle. If it can fly, it could appear at sea, after all.”

“Good point...”

“Yuriga, could you pass this info to Fuuga? Although, I know it won’t change his plans.”

“Okay... I agree with you.” Yuriga nodded, her shoulders slumping. He wasn’t one for listening to others, after all.

With that, we decided to call it a day and continue our preparations working under the assumption that the mushroom was some kind of weapon used by the demons. Once everyone but Liscia, Aisha, Naden, and Maria had returned to their duties, Naden jumped on my back.

“Ah! Hey, cut that out, Naden.”

“It’s my day, isn’t it? I’m tired, so be nice to me.”

“Hee hee, you certainly look exhausted. Be good to her, Souma,” Liscia said, smiling wryly.

What they were saying was reasonable, so I gave Naden a pat on the head. She purred, clearly not minding the gesture.

Then Maria raised her hand. “Tomorrow is my day, don’t forget. Let’s do all the lovey-dovey things newlyweds do.”

“Oh, come on. You’re the one who’s been gallivanting around when we just got married, aren’t you?”

“Heh heh, being with you gives me the energy to run around like that,” she said, smiling.

“Does it now...”

I couldn’t argue with such a flawless smile.

But a mushroom-shaped weapon, huh? The moment I decided to deal with the Demon Lord’s Domain, there was nothing but fuel for my uncertainty. I had to do whatever I could to prepare, even if it seemed useless. There wasn’t any other choice.

◇ ◇ ◇

The two-pronged attack on the Demon Lord’s Domain from land and sea was planned for the 11th month. Up until then, the nations of the Maritime Alliance and the Great Tiger Empire of Haan, the largest nation on the continent, both worked on expanding their militaries and strengthening their administrations. During that period, the Great Tiger Empire of Haan carried out a strategy of actively propagandizing their people using jewel broadcasts.

“Finally, the time to settle things with the Demon Lord’s Domain is at hand!”

This was one such broadcast to the people before the offensive in the 11th month. While they obviously didn’t state clear objectives, they did say there would be a major operation in the near future. This broadcast had the desired effect, and Fuuga’s supporters were excited by the looming battle between their great man and the Demon Lord.

At the same time, this broadcast strategy served as a check against us who were supposed to be acting in conjunction with them. If we slacked off or delayed dispatching our forces, Fuuga and his people would decry us as traitors. Fuuga’s broadcasts didn’t play in the Maritime Alliance, but merchants and travelers brought word into our country, so there were people in our lands with great expectations for the results of the coming battle too.

That said, we couldn’t quash those hopes.

It had been decided we were going to the Demon Lord’s Domain with Fuuga’s forces, so trying to shut those expectations down would only damage morale, and confuse the populace. Even if I knew what they were up to, I had no tricks to avoid it. Hashim had pulled one over on us.

And so...the time of preparation drew to an end.

—Beginning of the 10th month, 1553rd year, Continental Calendar—

“All right, Souma. The time has come.”

Fuuga wasted little time with pleasantries before getting right into it on our broadcast call.

If people were privy to the contents of today’s meeting, that would probably be remembered as a famous quote. Granted, my only thought about it was, Y’know, there was a pro wrestler who said something similar a long time ago...

Today was the last meeting before the two-pronged offensive. Either Fuuga’s will was absolute, or everyone else was busy preparing, because Fuuga was the only one attending on his side. Hashim had probably sat this one out as he was only going to be telling us things that had already been decided.

Meanwhile, we had Liscia and Yuriga attending on our side.

“I told you, Fuuga... The demons may have weapons we don’t know about. If you go in there like you’re out for a fun little trip, you’ll only humiliate yourselves.”

I objected to his incredibly casual attitude, but Fuuga let out a nasal laugh.

“Whether we go there with a positive or a negative outlook, the future won’t open up until we go. So, if it’s already decided we’re going, there’s no need to act all gloomy. Worrying is only going to make it tougher on you.”

Makubonnou... Have no worries... If I recall, that was something the Zen master Houjou Tokimune said as he faced the Mongol invasion of Japan. It was a lesson that said, “Don’t worry, act as you feel is right.” Maybe Fuuga had a similar mindset.

“Brother...” Yuriga said, stepping forward. “I am Sir Souma’s wife, and he is my husband. You and my husband will be facing a difficult enemy together. Normally, as the bridge between you, nothing would make me happier. But when it’s the Demon Lord’s Domain you face, my sense of unease wins out over that!”

Fuuga listened quietly to his sister’s desperate plea.

“I am still cheering for you! But I feel like this is too reckless! Shouldn’t you be more careful? Looking for the best way to handle it with Sir Souma?! One mistake could prove irreversible for you, as it did for the Gran Chaos Empire all those years ago! I’m worried!”

However, after some time, Fuuga shook his head and said, “I understand you’re saying that because you’re concerned for me.”


“But I can’t stop. Pressing forward is what makes me who I am.”

...Even if that means you die along the way, huh? I thought.

Fuuga looked straight at me.

“Next time we talk, it’ll be in person, at the northernmost point on this continent. I’m looking forward to it.”

“Sure, if we aren’t both dead then.”

“Ha ha ha! I’ll do my best to avoid that. You should too.”

With that, Fuuga cut off the transmission. Yuriga slumped to the ground, powerless, while Liscia hugged her around the shoulders.

As she rubbed Yuriga’s back reassuringly, Liscia looked at me and said, “So you have to go.”

“Yeah... Facing this was an eventuality. I would have preferred to avoid making contact like this, where Fuuga is in the driver’s seat, but...I’ve got to avoid letting them come into contact with Fuuga first.”

“Still, you can’t steal a march on Fuuga by sending our troops early. It’s too dangerous for the Maritime Alliance to contact the demons alone. We still don’t know anything about them. If we took major losses, we wouldn’t be able to withstand an attack from the Great Tiger Empire.”

“You’re right... If possible, I’d have preferred the forces taking the land route to have been people we could trust, like the Gran Chaos Empire under Maria.”

Now that the Empire was broken up and gone, that could only be a what-if scenario though.

Liscia got a sad look on her face. “I...can’t go with you, can I?”

“Sorry... You must lead the country if anything happens to me, Liscia.”

“I know. It’s just frustrating having to consider my position at times like this,” Liscia said, biting her lip. Unfortunately, she was going to have to deal with it.

Well, if we took heavy losses in this campaign, Fuuga would likely take massive damage too. Even if he didn’t die outright, he might take heavy wounds. If that took him off the battlefield, it risked causing the collapse of the Great Tiger Empire.

Great nations built on the charisma of one man had a way of collapsing when that charisma was gone. Conversely, if the Maritime Alliance pulled together, we could likely survive the chaos after the Great Tiger Kingdom collapsed. The Maritime Alliance wasn’t wholly reliant on the personality of one man, after all. If Liscia maintained good relations with Kuu, Shabon, and Jeanne and Hakuya, this nation would be able to survive without me. Liscia was the one who was of the Elfriedenian royal line anyways.

Well, it’d only make her worry if we talked about it, so I’m not going to say anything.

As we waited for Yuriga to calm down before leaving the jewel room...


Liscia’s children, Cian and Kazuha, tottered over as fast as they could; each hugged one of my legs tight.

Now that they were turning six in the 12th month of this year, they were bigger and heavier than before. Even with the benefits of Owen’s training, it was getting tough to walk with one of them on each leg.

“Hm? What’s up, you two?” I asked.

Kazuha looked up and grinned, but Cian’s face was still buried in my pants. As I kept wondering what this was about, Carla hurried over to us in her maid uniform.

“I-I’m sorry. They took off running because they wanted to be with you...”

“Nah, you don’t have to apologize,” I told her as Liscia picked up Kazuha. “Sheesh, you’re such a little ball of energy.”

“Yesh!” Kazuha replied exuberantly.

She seemed fine. The problem was... I put my hand on Cian’s head as he continued burying his face in my pants leg.

“What’s wrong, Cian?”

“Don’t go...” Cian looked up at me, his eyes full of tears. “Father, don’t go. If you go, you won’t come back.”

Hearing his plea, my eyes widened. Unlike the energetic Kazuha, Cian was a quiet boy who rarely asked for anything. These kids weren’t even six years old. Naturally, they didn’t know about the offensive into the Demon Lord’s Domain, and even if they’d heard people talking about it in town, they wouldn’t have understood. Despite that, Cian had figured out I was going somewhere dangerous.

Liscia looked at Carla, shocked, but the maid shook her head vigorously. It looked like she wasn’t the one who’d explained it to him.

Don’t tell me... I had one idea.

Liscia’s mother, Lady Elisha’s magic. When Lady Elisha was on the verge of death, she could send her memories to her past self. From what I’d been told, the one who received those memories felt like they were seeing the future. We hadn’t figured out what magic Cian or Kazuha had yet. However, if Lady Elisha’s ability had skipped a generation to be inherited by Cian, or he had a similar magic that could predict the future, what he had just said might be true...

I shuddered at the implications.

...And there was someone who was staring at Cian and me.

◇ ◇ ◇

Some days later, I gathered all my key retainers—except for Hakuya who was in the Euphoria Kingdom—in the audience chamber. I was sitting on the throne with my seven wives, including Maria and Yuriga, standing in a line behind me.

First, I called Excel, the commander in chief of the National Defense Force, and her second-in-command, Ludwin.

“Excel, Ludwin.”

““Yes, sir!””

They stepped forward and knelt at the bottom of the steps to the throne, bowing their heads.

I ordered them to raise their heads and stand.

Once they had, I continued, saying, “During this expedition to the Demon Lord’s Domain, the decisions we make in the field will be of utmost importance. I’ll have to go with the fleet myself. But...we’re being dragged into this by Fuuga and his Great Tiger Empire. In some ways, we’re not adequately prepared, so we have to expect the unexpected.”

“Yes. I agree,” Excel said with an imposing smile. “Even if the tides of this era have been on his side, he managed to build a massive empire over the course of several years. Everything I’ve heard suggests he is not a man to be trusted. We can’t be sure he won’t turn his forces around and attack this country while you’re away, sire.”

I nodded in agreement. “You have a point. We can’t be lax in our preparations... Ludwin.”


“We’ll be leaving our land and air forces behind, with the exception of Halbert and his Dratroopers, who will be aboard the island carrier. Harden our defenses in case Fuuga does anything shifty. Coordinate your actions with Madam Jeanne in the Euphoria Kingdom and Kuu in the Republic too.”

“Understood. I will defend this country with my life while you are away, sire.”

Nodding at Ludwin’s response, I called Julius and Kaede next.

Once they worked their way to the front, past all my other retainers, I said, “Strategist Julius and Staff Officer Kaede, I’ll be counting on you to support Ludwin. Hakuya will be here too while I’m away. I want the three of you to use your wisdom to guard this country against any schemes.”

“Yes, sir!”


I dismissed Ludwin and the other two before looking at Excel.

“Excel. The fleet has been organized, I assume?”

“All has been done as you commanded. We are prepared to embark at any time,” Excel said with a bow. I nodded.

“You will serve as commander in chief of our fleet, and take command during battles. Although we are also leaving behind the land forces, we will deploy all of our maritime forces. However, a portion of them will be left behind in order to respond to unexpected circumstances that may arise. We won’t just be bringing the carrier Hiryuu, but also the completed ships of the same model, Souryuu and Unryuu. You will also serve as captain of the Souryuu.”


Once I had dismissed Excel, I looked at my other retainers.

“The Demon Lord’s Domain is a danger that has constantly hung over the heads of all mankind, and also what made Fuuga into a great man. As things stand, the Demon Lord’s Domain is our communal enemy and the justification for taking military action against the other nations. If this threat can be removed, it will become more difficult for Fuuga to justify his military operations. That will help bring peace to our country and our comrades in the Maritime Alliance.”

With that, I paused to take a breath.

“If we can, I’d like to be as careful as possible, and try to seek dialogue with the demons, but...things may not go that way on the battlefield. We have to prepare for the unknown and be ready to make decisions at multiple junctures. I want you all to lend me your strength until this difficult trial is behind us!”

“““Yes, sir!”””

The whole group put their hands together in front of them and bowed their heads.

With everyone having been given their marching orders, I headed to the royal dining hall with my wives, plus Ichiha and Tomoe. The maids Serina and Carla were present too. Albert and Elisha, who had come to play with the children, were looking after them at the daycare.

I addressed this gathering of family and extras, saying, “I’ll be bringing Aisha and Naden along on this expedition.”

“Yes, sir. Understood.”

“Yeah, of course you would.”

Aisha and Naden, my top two wives when it came to combat, nodded.

“We can’t take Liscia, Roroa, or Maria,” I said. “They’re too influential to let anything happen to them... And if anything happens to me, you all have to be ready for it.”


“Even if I tagged along, there ain’t much I could do to help you, darlin’.”

“I always left command of our troops to Jeanne, after all...”

My three wives who had to think about their positions reluctantly nodded. Even if I couldn’t come back like Cian predicted, Liscia could work with Roroa and Maria to keep the domestic situation under control.

I’d really prefer it didn’t come to that though...

“That leaves Juna and Yuriga...”

“I’ll be handy in a battle at sea. Take me with you,” Juna said before I could finish.

It was true that I wanted Juna to come along and take command of the Albert II, which I planned to be aboard. But when I considered how young Enju and Kaito were...I hesitated. Juna smiled, seeming to see right through me.

“The children have plenty of reliable mother figures here in the castle. There’s nothing to worry about.”

“Juna... Okay. I’ll be relying on you.”


Once Juna had finished, Yuriga raised her hand and said, “I’ll go with you too. I’ll be more of a check against my brother with you than staying here in the Kingdom.”

“A check against him? Do you think you can do that?”

“To a degree... I’d like to think I will, even if only a little,” Yuriga said, not sounding terribly confident.

“Well, okay. I guess a little is better than nothing... Welcome aboard.”


“Now...Tomoe and Ichiha, could I ask you to come? We’d be keeping you at the rear, away from the front lines, of course.”

If we were going to contact the demons, Tomoe’s ability and Ichiha’s knowledge were going to be indispensable. I didn’t want to leave them anywhere too dangerous, so I’d have to be able to evacuate them immediately if there was a crisis.

They looked at one another, then nodded.

“Of course, Big Brother! It’s why you adopted me in the first place!”

“I feel the same way. Now’s my chance to repay you for hiring me.”

“Thank you, both of you,” I said, showing my gratitude. Having given orders to everyone, I moved to wrap things up. “Now then—”

“Wait!” someone interrupted.

I looked over to see Carla in her maid dress, arm raised.

“Your Majesty. Please, take me with you on this expedition.”

“Carla?” Liscia stared at her, eyes wide.

Carla looked at Liscia and thumped her chest with one hand. “The more bodyguards His Majesty has, the better. I’m sure you must feel uneasy not being able to go with him yourself, so I’ll defend him in your stead.”

“Well, I would feel a lot better with you there...” Liscia said, casting a look at me which said, How about it?

Hrm... Well, Carla is a powerful fighter, and it’d be reassuring to have her nearby, I guess.

She was still a slave (by her own request), so if anything happened to her, it wouldn’t have a wider impact. That helped lower the bar for bringing her along. She was always watching the kids for us too, so if she wanted to do some warrior stuff for the first time in a while, I had no reason to refuse.

“Got it. You come too, Carla.”

“Thank you!”

With that, we were all good to go. Now it was time to see how it all panned out... We headed off to the mysterious Demon Lord’s Domain, where monsters, giants, and mushrooms awaited.

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