How a Realist Hero Rebuilt The Kingdom

Book 16: Epilogue

Epilogue: That is Her Way of Life

—Some time after the signing of the Armistice of Valois—

When Fuuga’s forces had fully withdrawn from the newly decided borders of the Euphoria Kingdom and the world was at peace once more, Souma and Maria appeared together on broadcast receivers in fountain plazas around both of their countries.

“Hey! Look at Lady Maria’s hair!”

“Yeah. But she looks so peaceful now—like she’s been set free from something that was possessing her.”

“She’s so pretty... I wish I could be like her.”

Many in the crowd were surprised by Maria’s short hair. However, there was no shadow over her expression now. Seeing the peaceful look on her face, they were relieved to see that she hadn’t been forced to cut it or anything like that. For the citizens of the former Empire who had watched her throw herself from the balcony in despair, it was a relief to see her alive and smiling so peacefully.

“We have something to tell everyone in the Kingdom of Friedonia and the Euphoria Kingdom today,” Souma began, and then Maria stepped forward.

“It involves what has happened so far, and the futures of our countries.”

Then, the two of them went on to explain the Armistice of Valois to the people of both kingdoms. The northern territories of the former Empire would become part of the Great Tiger Kingdom, while Maria would abdicate the throne to take responsibility for their loss in the war, and her sister Jeanne would reign as the new Queen of Euphoria. They also explained the Euphoria Kingdom would join the Maritime Alliance.

Souma had prepared a new map of the continent, showing that the Maritime Alliance rivaled the Great Tiger Kingdom in size. Because he showed them a physical map rather than just telling them, it put the people of both kingdoms at ease. For the people of the Euphoria Kingdom who had narrowly escaped destruction at the hands of Fuuga, having their security guaranteed for the immediate future made them welcome this alliance.

“Now then... Jeanne.”


When Maria called her sister’s name, Jeanne appeared on the broadcast and knelt in front of her. She placed the tiara that had marked her as queen on Jeanne’s head, saying, “From now on, I entrust you with this country’s future.”

“Yes, ma’am! I will work with all due diligence so that I don’t bring shame upon your name, Sister.”

With the formal transfer of power completed, Maria announced that to strengthen their country’s bonds with the Kingdom of Friedonia and also ensure that her influence in the Euphoria Kingdom would not be a hindrance to Jeanne, she would be marrying King Souma, the head of the Maritime Alliance. At the same time, they announced that Hakuya the Black-robed Prime Minister would be marrying the new Queen Jeanne as her royal consort.

Because Souma had saved Maria during the war and rescued the Empire from its plight, people in both countries supported the marriage.

Although the Kingdom of Friedonia and the Euphoria Kingdom were two separate nations, they would move as one. The people would informally call the combination of these two countries the Gran Friedonia Empire. And Souma, who was to become Souma Euphoria Friedonia, would be called Emperor Friedonia.

◇ ◇ ◇

With the curtain falling on the conflict, we left Hakuya, who was now prime minister of the two nations, with Piltory and his family in the Euphoria Kingdom and took Maria back to the Kingdom of Friedonia with us.

There was a mountain of work waiting for me when I got back to Parnam Castle. Now that we were working with two countries under one system, the amount of work that came my way had increased.

Liscia and I both looked at the high piles of paperwork with dismay.

“You know, this sight brings back memories,” Liscia said, and I agreed entirely.

“Yeah...and we don’t have Hakuya with us this time. Though, we do have more people than we did back then.”

“R-Right! I’ll do my best to help!”

I glanced sideways at Ichiha, who was clenching his hand with enthusiasm.

The moment I got back, I’d appointed him, Hakuya’s protégé, to be acting prime minister in his teacher’s absence. He had Hakuya’s seal of approval, and he’d be taking over Hakuya’s role in the Kingdom going forward.

“Huh?” Liscia tilted her head to the side. “Come to think of it, where’s Madam Maria? She’d be a lot of help...”

It was true, considering Maria had supported a great nation all by herself, that having her administrative abilities would be a great help. Not to mention her charisma. She could more than fill the hole left by Hakuya.

“Ah...I wouldn’t count on Maria to help,” I warned Liscia. “I mean, if we really can’t manage, she might lend a hand occasionally.”

“Hm? Why not?”

“As soon as we got here, she ran off, saying she had things she wanted to do.”

“Things she wants to do, huh? Well, we can’t force her if she doesn’t want to do it then.” Liscia sighed and shrugged.

Maria had worked herself to the bone for her people and country before now. We all felt that since she was finally free, she should do as she pleased for a while.

I clapped my hands and tried to change gears.

“Well then, how about we get to work? Liscia, call Roroa and Colbert... He’s going to need to put up with this for a while before assisting Mio.”

“Got it. I’ll send a messenger to the Carmine domain.”

“Ichiha, send any documents that need royal assent to me.”

“Will do, sire.”

Some time after that, Roroa and Finance Minister Colbert were in the governmental affairs office to discuss the budget.

Bang! The doors of the office flew open.

“Wh-What’s goin’ on?!” Roroa exclaimed as this unannounced guest came in without so much as a knock at the door.

Colbert and I were both surprised. We looked towards the door to see a “casually dressed” Maria wearing overalls and a shirt. The white hat she was wearing was just barely fashionable, but everything below that wouldn’t have looked out of place on a farmer.

Behind her was Naden, looking exhausted.


Maria strode on over, walking past Roroa and Colbert to stand in front of my desk. Then, she laid a map of the country with a bunch of marks on it down in front of me.

“There’s been repeated crop failures in the village of Osahl, halfway between Red Dragon City and Lagoon City. It looks like harmful insects and lack of sunlight are responsible. It could lead to a famine there if we don’t do something.” We all looked at the map as she talked. “I’m requesting you send agricultural gelins to eradicate the pests and food aid to support the people for the time being.”

“R-Right. Got it. I’ll get on that right away.”

“Also, Roroa.”


“The village of Ryan in the northwest is a center of trade and has a large population. I want to set up a school there. Do we have the budget for it?”

“Uh, listen, if you just ask me that all of a sudden, I’m not gonna be able to tell ya anythin’...” Roroa said, dodging the question, but Colbert signed and stepped in.

“We have the profits from the recent lorelei event, don’t we? Couldn’t you use those?”

“No, no, I was plannin’ on puttin’ those towards the next event...”

“I do believe I helped you with that lorelei event, didn’t I?” Maria said, rounding on Roroa with a pleasant smile.

Her beautiful and intense smile is intimidating Roroa... I could relate.

“You used my publicity to make that money, yes? Calling it a dream collaboration between the Prima Lorelei and the Singing and Dancing Former Empress? You’re going to tell me I can’t use that money?”

“Augh, fine! Take the money, ya darn thief!”

“Oh, goodness, a thief? That’s not a very nice thing to call someone.” Maria chuckled.

She had Roroa right where she wanted her. Well, it wasn’t easy outmaneuvering the woman who once ran the Empire in these sorts of negotiations. I sure as hell couldn’t...

This is what she wants to do, huh? I thought, looking at the smile on Maria’s face.

The night I’d arrived in Valois during the war, she’d told me with tears in her eyes...

“I didn’t want to just be nice to everybody!”

“I wanted to play favorites!”

And Maria had chosen to do just that. She began helping the people she really wanted to, those left behind by society without support. Shortly after arriving in the Kingdom, she had hounded Naden into flying her all over the place so she could investigate the situation in this country. Now that she’d found all these potential seeds of future discontent, she was going around remedying them one by one.

Basically, she wanted to do philanthropy. It was also the reason she’d cut her long hair.

Because going into the hinterlands usually meant getting dirty, the long hair was likely to get in her way. Without the pressure she’d been under before, Maria had now become incredibly aggressive about getting things done.

Having attained the result she wanted, Maria rolled up the map again and smiled.

“Okay, I’ll be taking off for a while. Oh! And I’m borrowing Naden again too.”

“Hold on! You’ve been riding me however you please, but the only one who’s normally supposed to ride me is my partner!”

“The partner of your partner is your partner. Come on now, let’s go.”

Maria talked Naden into it, then led her out of the office by the hand. Jeanne had said before that Maria was like a tempest, and, well...that’s exactly what she was like.

Then, as she was almost out the door, Maria stopped and turned to face me. “Oh! I’ll be back for our wedding. Love you, Souma.”

As she said that, Maria blew a kiss in my direction.

◇ ◇ ◇

After that, Maria refused to become a primary queen because she didn’t want the restrictions, and went on to do great things as our third secondary queen, a lorelei, a medical practitioner, a philanthropist, and in a variety of other roles.

She built fountain plazas in areas where the broadcast could only be listened to before, and rolled out equipment so it could be listened to in areas where even that hadn’t been an option. She built schools where there were none nearby, and supported industry in areas that suffered from poverty. Maria even made the case for improving our system of medicine, and got the motion to increase taxes to improve medical coverage to finally pass the national assembly where it had been defeated before.

“That was faster than I thought...”

“Sure was.”

Roroa and I were both flabbergasted when we heard this.

And with the funds she procured, we would go on to build hospitals and clinics all over the Kingdom. Sometimes she would hold charity concerts with Juna and the other loreleis, directing the money they raised to further help the needy.

And so, she came to be called the Angel of Friedonia.

“Wait, that’s a rank up from being a saint!”

“Hee hee, I wonder why.”

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