How a Realist Hero Rebuilt The Kingdom

Book 16: Chapter 11

Chapter 11: Sisters

I had learned one thing.


Maria was basically like a cat when spoiled absolutely rotten.

The Saint of the Empire was purring with her head in my lap. She murmured contentedly each time I ran my fingers through her glossy hair. I rubbed my eyes as the morning sun shone in through the window.

Last night was...tough.

Maria had likely been at her limits emotionally. Her guilt over splitting the country and for having thrown away others for the sake of those she wanted to help, the uncertainty over how the people would view her action, and the relief at being set free from all her burdens... All those thoughts and feelings were whirling about inside of her, keeping her awake. And the few times she did manage to get to sleep, she’d sprung awake again right after.

And every time she did, I held her close.

True to my word, when I said I’d spoil her rotten, I did everything she asked me to. If she couldn’t sleep, I’d chat about all sorts of inconsequential things with her, and if she woke from a nightmare, I’d hold her tight and whisper I was by her side. If she cried, I would pet her gently, and if she shivered, I would share the warmth of my body. Basically, I responded to and accepted all of her desires in order to lighten her heart. That all led to now, with her head in my lap.

I was wearing a shirt and pants, while Maria was wearing a negligee, but I didn’t remember when we got changed... Actually, I was so tired that all my memories were kind of vague.

I’m gonna need to get a psychiatrist, or a counselor, or...something. I thought with whatever part of my brain still worked.

Even if I knew what kind of work they did, I didn’t have any specialized knowledge of the field. That’s why I was currently gathering people interested in the mind at Ginger’s Vocational School and having them collect medical cases. In this world, where faith was deeply tied to people’s lives, many issues of the psyche were brought to the church. Thus, I had Archbishop Souji and the confessional rooms of Kingdom Orthodoxy cooperate with them.

“Sir Soumaaa... Pet me mooore...”

“Fine, fine.”

I got back to the job of petting Maria’s head. I was a little worried she’d reverted to some childlike state.

“It’s morning...”

“Mew... I don’t wanna go to work.”

“Yeah... I think you can rest for a while. The talks will probably be in the afternoon.”

The situation was still tense, but Liscia and Excel would arrive with the main force soon, and Hakuya was supposed to pick up Jeanne at Jamona Fortress on his way here. I’d told Fuuga to call Hashim from Jamona Fortress too. It would probably take until midday before everyone arrived.

I wanted to get some shut-eye in preparation for that, but...

“Hee hee, Sir Soumaaa.”

Maria held my hand, rubbing her cheek against the back of it. She was looking better now that she’d gotten some sleep, but was she going to let me go anytime soon?

◇ ◇ ◇

Meanwhile, as dawn broke, Hakuya the Black-robed Prime Minister had arrived at Jamona Fortress. While he descended from the wyvern’s gondola, Jeanne—who’d been informed in advance and was waiting for him—leapt into his arms.

“Sir Hakuya!”

“Ah! Madam Jeanne...” Hakuya embraced her as she snuggled up to his chest. “I’ glad you’re all right.”

“Urkh... Sorry. I told you we were going to be fine, but look at this sad display... We dragged you and the Kingdom into it.”

“No. I am here at His Majesty’s command, searching for the optimal outcome for us.”

With that, Hakuya let go of Jeanne and wiped away the tears from her eyes.

“If I’d lost you, I wouldn’t have been able to come up with the best possible future anymore.”

“Sir Hakuya...”

Jeanne had tried to hold them in because of all the soldiers watching, but she was unable to hold back the flood of tears. Gunther and the soldiers of the Empire’s eyes widened at the sight of Jeanne bawling. It was the first time she’d shown so much emotion.

She’d always been on edge. As the younger sister of the empress, and as a general of the Empire, Jeanne had been unable to rely on anyone due to her own incomparable talents, forcing her to stand strong and dignified all this time. But she had someone to lean on now. The soldiers who understood this wept with her—even the taciturn general Gunther.

Hakuya waited for Jeanne to settle down before he spoke.

“After this, I will be heading to Valois for armistice talks. Madam Jeanne, I would like you to accompany me.”

“Sniff... You would?” Jeanne wiped her tears and looked up at Hakuya. “Of course. I’d like to go with you. However...I am not sure I can leave our defenses here...”

“Go, Madam Jeanne,” Gunther said, interrupting her objection. He thumped his armored chest. “Leave defending this place to us. Even if the Great Tiger Kingdom’s forces attack once you leave, we’ll send them packing as many times as we have to. Am I right, men?!”


The Imperial soldiers cheered loudly in response.

That was to be expected with so many who loved the House of Euphoria gathered here. Gunther gave Jeanne what was definitely a smile, even if it was hard to recognize it as one due to his brusque nature.

“We will hold down the fort here. So you go and support Her Imperial Majesty. I am sure she’ll be wanting to see your face.”

“Sir Gunther...”

“Black-robed Prime Minister of Friedonia. Please, look after Lady Jeanne for us.”

Gunther bowed his head to him, and Hakuya gave the man a firm nod.

“I’ll do just that.”

And so, the two of them boarded Hakuya’s wyvern gondola and soared away into the skies.

In the wyvern gondola, Hakuya looked worriedly at Jeanne, who was sitting across from him. Because her face was turned downwards, Hakuya, who was taller and whose seat was higher, couldn’t see her expression.

“What will become of the Empire...and Sister?” Jeanne murmured. Hakuya hesitated, but decided to be frank with her.

“I’m sure it won’t be able to remain an empire anymore. Madam Maria won’t be an empress either.”

“ that right?”

“Yes. But that was what Madam Maria wished for.”


Hakuya explained the events leading up to this situation to Jeanne. How Maria wished to shrink the Empire. The little changes she’d made to her vassals’ domains. The overtures she’d made to Souma so that she would have the support of the Maritime Alliance when the time came. And she’d executed her plan to cut loose some of her territory when Fuuga’s forces came to attack.

When Jeanne heard it all, she covered her face with both hands.

“I made my sister carry all the burden again...!”

“I must admit, Madam Maria is incredible to have been able to plan out this entire scenario all by herself,” Hakuya said, his voice calm. “However, she has needed the help of many people to put her plan into action, and to clean up after it. It was not the product of her efforts alone. This may, in fact, be the first time she has reached out to others for help.”

“Reached out...for help?”

Hakuya nodded silently.

“And His Majesty took her hand. He turned to many people in order to save Madam Maria. While His Majesty may not be the kind of ruler who stands out, he has the earnestness to seek help from others, and the power to make them want to lend him their strength. That’s how he was able to mobilize not just the Kingdom of Friedonia, but the Republic of Turgis and the Nine-Headed Dragon Archipelago Kingdom as well. When I offered my services to him, I told him he has quite some potential as a king.”

“Is that supposed to be a compliment...?”

“It’s the highest praise I offer.”

The way Hakuya said that with a nonchalant expression got a chuckle out of Jeanne.

“Sir Souma must be amazing to be able to support my sister.”

“I told you, didn’t I? His Majesty has a talent for getting other people to help. Without the others, this wouldn’t have been possible. Obviously, that includes you and your people as well.”

“Us too?”

“By delaying the Great Tiger Kingdom’s forces, you gave us the time we needed to get there. If they had been able to take more than just the northern lands, negotiations would have been far more difficult.”

“I see...” Jeanne teared up a little and smiled slightly. “You think I was able to help my sister, even if just a little.”

“Yes. And...”


“It seems likely...that the time when we will truly need your power is about to come, Madam Jeanne.”

“My power?”

Jeanne blinked at him. Hakuya nodded.

“Whatever the result...this war will be a defeat for the Empire. Even if everything has gone as Madam Maria wished, it’s still an armistice with the northern territories stolen. Madam Maria will have to take responsibility as the leader of the defeated army.”


“Obviously, her life will be in no danger. As parties to the negotiations, we wouldn’t allow that. However, in the new, smaller country, it will be impossible for Madam Maria to stay on as empress. I don’t know if it will be a queen or empress who rules, but that title will have to go to someone else. And as for who that someone is...”

Hakuya stared intently at Jeanne. Suddenly, it hit her.

“Huh?! Me?!”

“Did you think that your other sister, Princess Trill, could?”

“Oh, no! I’m sure that’s impossible... But I’m not fond of politics either! I could never be a ruler like my sister...”

“There’s no need for you to shoulder everything the way Madam Maria did. You can take someone well-versed in politics as your royal consort, and work with him to rule the country.”

“Royal consort...? But...”

Essentially, Hakuya was telling her to take a husband. Jeanne was shocked into silence, hearing those words from him. The feelings she had built up for Hakuya during their broadcast conferences were screaming inside her. However, that was only to last a second.

Hakuya slowly stood up, then dropped to one knee before Jeanne.

“S-Sir Hakuya?”

“I will support you. Not over the broadcast, but at your side from now on,” he said, offering his right hand to her.

He was offering—proposing—to be her royal consort.

Jeanne blinked rapidly.

“Huh?! You’re going to come be my husband?! You, Sir Hakuya?!”


“What about the Kingdom?! You’re their prime minister, right?!”

“I’ve already received permission from His Majesty. It means I will have to serve as the prime minister of both countries for a time, but I intend to live in the Empire. I’m sure my duties in the Kingdom will slowly be assumed by my successor, Sir Ichiha.”

Hakuya was predicting the new empire would be in a personal union with the Kingdom of Friedonia. If you looked at the closeness of the relationship between Souma and Maria, it was entirely possible to predict she would marry him now that she was no longer an empress. That would mean that Souma would be entrusted with the imperial title like he had the princely title of Amidonia. But unlike the Principality, which had been their neighbor, the Empire was not connected to them geographically, so it would be difficult to annex. This meant there would be a personal union headed by Souma to strengthen relations between the two countries, while the actual ruling would be done by their new ruler Jeanne. In that situation, Hakuya could be the prime minister of both countries.

Jeanne looked at him, confused.

“Are you sure? It’s going to be difficult, you know?”

“I am prepared for that. His Majesty told me to be ready for it too.”

“You’re really okay with coming to the Empire?”

“I find myself looking forward to it, surprisingly enough...” Hakuya wore a faint smile that you would never have expected from him normally. “I hear that the Great Library of Valois is even more wonderful than the archives we have in the Kingdom.”

“Murgh... Your number one reason is books?”

“Heh, certainly not. My number one is you, of course.”

“Well, that’s fine then.” Jeanne took Hakuya’s hand. “I suppose...I’ll be able to touch you whenever I like from now on.”

“For so long as I live.”

“I’m starting to feel like I can give it my best. But that means I’ll have to get used to ordering you around...”

With that said, Jeanne let go of Hakuya’s hand and patted the seat beside her.

“First, I’d like you to sit beside me.”

“By your will.”

Hakuya sat next to Jeanne as directed. Jeanne kept going.

“Let’s see. I think I’ll have you put your arm around me next.”

“Heh, is that an order?”

When Hakuya pointedly asked that question, Jeanne smiled shyly.

“No. It’s a cute request from the woman who’s going to be your wife.”

◇ ◇ ◇

Around two o’clock that afternoon, the Friedonian National Defense Force arrived in Valois.

Fuuga seemed uninterested in continuing the war, and the forces of the Great Tiger Kingdom had broken the siege of the Imperial capital, so the National Defense Force deployed across from them. This was done intentionally in case Fuuga’s forces desired to keep fighting.

While the National Defense Force led by Excel and Ludwin kept the forces of the Great Tiger Kingdom in check, Liscia came to Valois Castle with Aisha. Naden and I met with them in the castle’s governmental affairs office.

“Souma, you okay? You’re not hurt anywhere, are you?” were the first words out of Liscia’s mouth as she started touching me all over, checking for injuries. I felt like now that she was the mother of two infants and helped the other queens with theirs too, she was even more prone to fussing over me.

I smiled wryly and placed a hand on Liscia’s shoulder.

“I told you, I’m fine. You saw the broadcast, right? I’ve been in the castle ever since.”

“But you caught Madam Maria as she was falling, right? No one told me there’d be a show like that, so I got the shivers.”

“ did I,” I said. Thinking back... Because Maria opted to pull that stunt herself, I shudder to think what would’ve happened if I hadn’t made it in time.

Liscia waived to Aisha, who reacted with evident glee. She was wagging her metaphorical tail as she came over to have her turn with me.

“Your Majesty! I’ve missed you so!”

“Oh, come on, it’s only been a few days, right?”

“But you didn’t take me with you when you were going to a castle under siege,” she complained, her cheeks puffing up. “That made me feel so lonely as your queen and bodyguard. If I were with you, I could have mowed down the onrushing hordes of Great Tiger Kingdom soldiers.”

That’s an awfully violent thing to be saying with cheeks puffed up so cutely...

I smiled wryly as I patted Aisha on the head.

“Sorry. But I had to consider the possibility that if Fuuga decided not to be reasonable there might be a fight between our forces. I wanted to have you at Liscia’s side if it came to that.”

“Hrmm... Well, yes, I do want to protect Liscia too...”

“Hee hee, thanks for always being there, Aisha,” Liscia said.

“Yes, ma’am! You’re too kind!”

Aisha snapped off a salute in response to Liscia’s smile.

They got along great thanks to all the burdens they’d shared and the experience of raising children together. Although, you could say that about any two of my wives.

Next, Liscia smiled at Naden.

“Thanks for taking care of Souma, Naden.”

“Hey, it’s my job. I’m not much of a dragon, but he’s still my knight,” she replied with a smug snort. All the while, Naden’s scaly tail flopped back and forth, slapping the ground behind her.

She’s so easy to read. It always brought a smile to my face watching my wives interact.

“Hee hee! By the way, Souma?”

Liscia looked at me suspiciously.


“It’s been in the corner of my eye all this time, so I’ve been wondering...what is that?”

Liscia was looking at the curtains covering the windows next to the door that led out onto the balcony. One of them bulged out unnaturally, wrapping around itself.

“Oh, that...” I scratched my cheek. “...would be the empress of this country.”

“Come again?” Liscia looked at me sideways. I could practically see the question mark floating over her head.

“Ah...Madam Maria? Would you come out already?”

The lump in the curtains twitched as I called her name. Then, spinning to unwind herself, she emerged bright red, her airy, long hair a little disheveled and her eyes somewhat teary.

Liscia stared, dumbfounded to see the normally calm and self-possessed Maria in this state.

“What...on earth happened to her?”

“I spoiled her like you said, and well...this is the result.”

I’d indulged Maria’s every whim the night before. Spoken and unspoken. This led to Maria mewling like a kitten until almost dawn. Unlike me, who had been caring for her all night, Maria’s complexion had been improved greatly by proper rest. That meant she was more conscious than I was.

Yes, having come back to her senses, Maria remembered all the things we’d done last night. Everything from the moment she kissed me, to the things we got up to after that—most importantly the time she spent acting like a kitty. So...

“Sir Souma, pet me moooore.”

“Mrrow... I don’t wanna wooork.”

She remembered all the times she’d talked to me in that purring voice.

When she’d woken up in bed, resting on my arm, and found me asleep beside her (I’d obviously hit my limit), a flood of memories from the night before came flooding back. By the time I myself woke up, Maria was too embarrassed to look me in the face. Instead, she was thrashing around with her face buried in a pillow. It was kinda cute.

“And that’s how we got to where we are now?” Liscia asked after hearing my explanation, and I nodded.


“For Madam Maria to be so embarrassed... Just what did she do?”

“You should have seen the way she purr—”

“Don’t tell her!” Maria cried, covering my mouth to shut me up.

Then, trying to cover up the awkwardness, Maria cleared her throat.

“’s been a while, hasn’t it? Lady Liscia.”

“Huh? Ohh, yes it has. Since the leaders’ meeting in the Dragon Knight Kingdom, I think?”

“That sounds right. About two years then?”

“At the time, I’d never have guessed our next meeting would be like this.” Liscia looked into Maria’s eyes. “But you were already preparing for this at that point.”

“Yes, I was...” Maria said with a slightly apologetic smile. “The leader of a nation, preparing to break it up. It was cowardly of me, wasn’t it?”

“No...I actually respect you for that. You stayed true to yourself, defending those you wanted to defend—even if that meant the country broke up and people blamed you for it. As someone born into a royal family myself, and as a fellow woman, that’s so impressive it makes me jealous.”

“Oh...! Thank you, Lady Liscia.” Maria smiled, her eyes dewy with tears. She’d found another person who understood her.

Liscia, meanwhile, groaned, a difficult expression on her face.

Maria looked at her quizzically and asked, “Is something the matter?”

“I’ve heard from Hakuya what happens next. You’re probably not going to be empress anymore. And once you’re free, you want to come marry Souma, right?”

“Well...yes. If it’s possible, I’d like that,” Maria said, blushing and glancing in my direction.

Liscia, Aisha, and Naden’s eyes all stabbed into me. They weren’t blaming me per se, but I still felt guilty. It was like I was sleeping on a bed of needles.

Liscia let out a sigh. “Will I be able to do a good job standing above you as the first primary queen...?”

“I’ll make you look better. Unlike me, who cast it all away, you’ve bravely carried the burden your blood placed on your shoulders, haven’t you?” Maria smiled slightly at Liscia. “And I’ll do what little I can to support you in that, of course.”

“Madam Maria...”

“Hee hee. Though, now that I won’t be empress, I’ve found something I want to do, so I think I’d like to put that before any work in the castle.”

“And what might that be?” Liscia asked.

With a mischievous smile, Maria just put a finger to her lips.

“It’s still a secret for now,” she said. “We’ll talk when I’ve gone back to being ‘just Maria.’”

Maria looked so beautiful when she said that. What does she want to do? She hadn’t told me either, but it was clear she had some bright future penned out for herself. That made me happier than anything.

While we were chatting, a messenger rushed in to inform us that Hakuya and Jeanne had arrived. We all hurried to the courtyard of Valois Castle.

Jeanne was just coming out of the gondola as we got there.


“Huh?! Sister!”

Maria ran over and dived into her sister’s arms.

Jeanne looked surprised at first, but was soon shedding massive tears as she hugged her, verklempt to see her sister was safe.

Seeing the Euphoria sisters reunited, I felt a heat in my chest. I must protect these two. It burned hot enough to make me swear that to myself.

◇ ◇ ◇

“Honestly, Sister! Do you have any idea how much trouble you caused for everyone?!”


Once they were reunited, Maria and Jeanne asked the others to give them some time alone, and they retreated to Maria’s room. Now Maria was being forced to kneel on the bed while Jeanne gave her an earful.

Maria was shrinking into herself like a little girl despite being a woman in her mid-twenties.

“When I saw you nearly tore me apart! The soldiers at Jamona Fortress were all screaming too! You’ve always been like this! You don’t value yourself enough! It’s just unbearable for everyone else watching!”

“Yes...I’m sorry.”

“Yeah... You...better be...” Jeanne said, her voice rising in anger. But gradually it stifled as her eyes filled with tears. “Big Sister...”


“I’m... I’m just were...all right... Wahhhhhh!” Jeanne squeezed Maria tight as she bawled. Maria wrapped her arms around Jeanne and softly stroked her back.

“Jeanne. You’re making it a little hard to breathe.”

“Ohhh... Just put up with it for a little while...” Jeanne said, sniffling.

“Hee hee! Okay.”

Maria continued gently embracing Jeanne as she cried.

Some time later, once Jeanne had settled down, Maria stopped kneeling and had Jeanne sit next to her. The two sisters sat side by side on the bed. Maria was patting Jeanne on the head when she brought up something they needed to talk about.

“Hey, Jeanne. There’s something I wanted to ask you for.”

Jeanne sniffled before asking, “What is it...?”

“It’s something I can’t do well myself, so I wanted to ask you,” Maria said with a soft smile.

“A-Are you sure about this, Sister?” Jeanne asked hesitantly as she stood behind Maria, who was sitting in a chair.

Maria, however, was completely relaxed.

“Yes. Chop away,” she said in a chipper tone. That made Jeanne steel herself for what she had to do.

“O-Okay... I’ll start cutting, then!”

With those words to rouse herself to action, Jeanne squeezed the scissors she was holding.

Snip! The scissors snapped shut, and a lock of Maria’s beautiful golden hair fell and scattered across the floor.

“Eek!” Jeanne cried out in surprise, jumping backwards.

Jeanne had fearlessly faced Nata Chima, a man who was like the incarnation of violence. Yet now, she was reacting like a peasant girl who’d suddenly come across a frog.

Maria chuckled at how odd that was. “Hee hee, what are you screaming for?”

“B-But! Your hair!”

“Don’t make such a big deal of a little haircut,” Maria said, toying with her bangs. “Ever since I heard the story of how Liscia cut her hair as a show of determination, I’ve wanted to do the same thing. I feel like it will help me get a fresh start.”

Jeanne blinked repeatedly.

“You’re doing this so lightly?! But you’ve been growing your hair out forever, haven’t you?”

“I did it because I thought it would help give off the impression of a dignified empress,’s heavy, you know? And hard to take care of. I’m starting to feel like it’s the embodiment of my title as empress.”

“Don’t say such heavy things so easily.”

“That’s why I wanted to take the chance to chop it off. But I’m not confident I could cut it as neatly as Liscia did, which is why I wanted you to help me.”

“That’s fair... It would probably go horribly if you were to attempt it yourself.”

Maria was kind of clumsy when it came to anything other than being charismatic or taking care of her administrative work. It was easy to imagine that even if she were just evening out her bangs on her own, she’d cut them strangely and then come crying to Jeanne for help anyways.

When Jeanne imagined her sister looking like such a goof, whatever strong feelings she’d had over cutting her sister’s hair rapidly cooled.

Maria beckoned her sister.

“Come on, Jeanne. The job’s not done yet. If you leave me like this, I’ll look weird, missing just part of my hair. I’d be too embarrassed to let Souma and the others see me like this.”

“Right, right...” Jeanne sighed and got back to cutting Maria’s hair.

Snip, snip. Each time the scissors went into Maria’s hair, strands of gold scattered across the floor.

“Isn’t it such a shame to do this though? You have such pretty hair.”

“Then once you’re done cutting, how about we gather it up and start a business of some sort? We could sell wigs made from the hair of the Saint of Empire, or maybe string.”

“There are certain maniacs who would appreciate it...”

“I’ll bet you Krahe would pay a lot, don’t you think?”

“None of what this is making me imagine is pleasant, so please, just stop...”

Snip, snip.

“Well, how about I give it to Sir Souma then? As his first present from his new wife.”

“His first present from you is your hair? That’s way too heavy!”

“I don’t think there’s enough of it to get in the way though?”

“I’m talking about the emotional weight!”

“Whaa...” Maria looked dissatisfied. “I thought it was a good idea. That black uniform of his has a lot of gold embroidery, so I don’t think he’d notice if I wove some of my hair into it.”

“You were going to do it without telling him?! Okay, maybe he wouldn’t notice, but that’s still heavy! Making him carry your hair with him at all times? That’s the kind of thing you do for someone who’s deceased! To remember them by!”

“Oh, but wouldn’t it be lovely for him to remember me at all times?”

“No... Your lack of romantic experience has given you strange ideas.”

Snip, snip.

“Oh, and you said it casually before, but...”


“His new wife? You’re going to be marrying Sir Souma?”

“Yes...that’s the hope. We’ll have to talk it over still.”

“Erm...congratulations. It’s okay to say that, right?”

“Hee hee, thank you, Jeanne. But...”


“You have a partner you want to share the rest of your life with too, don’t you?”

“Huh?! Ah, right...”

“Is it Sir Hakuya?”

“Yes. He’ll be coming this country to marry me.”

“Oh, my!”

“Urgh... You’re making me feel embarrassed...”

Snip, snip.

“Sorry, Jeanne... I know I’m going to be putting a heavy burden on you from now on.”

“No, don’t worry about it. You’ve carried an even greater burden all this time, so I’ll manage. I won’t be alone, after all.”

“Hee hee, because you’ll have Sir Hakuya with you?”

“Don’t bring that back up!”

“Hopefully Trill can find someone nice too.”

“Ah... She’s currently going around acting like Sir Ludwin and Madam Genia’s nosy sister-in-law... If Sir Ludwin would just marry her... No, that wouldn’t be fair to him; she’d give him stress ulcers.”

“Hee hee, the drill princess would live up to her reputation by punching a hole right through his stomach, would she?”

“That’s not a funny joke if you’re Sir Ludwin... Anyway.”


“We’re all done, Sister,” Jeanne said as she handed Maria a mirror.

Looking into the mirror, Maria’s own face peered back with her short and neat hair. She’d lost the dignity lent to her by her long hair, but in exchange, Maria’s face as an individual woman stood out all the more.

Maria tilted her head, inspecting all around her, then nodded. “Yes, I think I look good with short hair too.”

“You’re going to say that yourself...?” Jeanne sighed in exasperation.

Seeing her sister’s expression, Maria smiled and said, “Thank you, Jeanne. I finally got that load off my shoulders.”

Maria showed off her new hair to Souma and the others later. Their eyes went wide with surprise at first, but once they recovered, she received a whole lot of compliments.

Hearing all the positive feedback, Maria flashed Jeanne a triumphant peace sign.

“We did it, Jeanne!”

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