How a Realist Hero Rebuilt The Kingdom

Book 15: Chapter 3

Today, I was having a broadcast conference in the Jewel Voice chamber. No one but me was in the room now. I hadn’t cleared everyone else out in the name of secrecy. If anything, it was the opposite. All we had scheduled for today was pleasantries, so I had decided I was the only one who needed to bother being here.

I spoke to the two people projected on the simple receivers in front of me.

“It’s been a while... Or, perhaps I should say ‘Long time no see.’ Sir Kuu, head of the Republic. Madam Shabon, the Nine-Headed Dragon Queen.”

“Ookyakya! It hasn’t been that long since we saw each other,” Kuu said with a laugh on the other side of the simple receiver.

My meeting today was with Kuu, who had just taken his place as head of the Republic, and Shabon, who was now the Nine-Headed Dragon Queen.

“Besides, this isn’t a public meeting, right? Can’t we just talk the same as always? Even if you’re the King of Friedonia and I’m the head of the Republic, bro.”

“Well, yeah, but you’d like to do things right the first time, at least, wouldn’t you?”

“What’s the point of putting on airs with you now, bro? I feel itchy just thinking about it.”

“Hee hee, I see that you two are quite close,” Shabon said, smiling at the exchange between me and Kuu. “I would like to become close friends with both of you too. Feel free to speak informally. It does not bother me.”

“Ookya? You’re talking awfully formal for someone saying that, missy.”

“This is how I always speak. It is hard to change something like this once it has become so ingrained in who you are.”

“Kyakya! Is that how it is?”

Kuu and Shabon were having a pleasant chat. They seemed plenty friendly to me.

I cleared my throat loudly, deciding to get things back on track.

“Well then... It’s good to see you both again. Have you been well?”

“Sure have!”

“Yes. Are things the same as ever for yourself, Sir Souma?”

“Ahh... Well, nothing much has changed aside from adding some new members to the family.”

“Oh! Congrats, bro.”


“Ha ha ha... Thanks.” I scratched my cheek awkwardly as I thanked them. “Now that you’ve both inherited countries of your own, there must be people hassling you to get on with it, right?”

“W-Well... Yes.”

“Eh, I figure I’ll get serious about it after the wedding.”

Shabon and Kuu were both embarrassed by the topic.

That was surprising. Shabon was one thing, but I expected Kuu to be real gung-ho. Taru and Leporina were both in love with him, so he probably wouldn’t turn them down if they made a move. It was surprisingly innocent of him to be waiting until after the wedding, but I could respect that.

“A-Anyway, that’s enough personal chat,” Kuu somewhat forcefully got us back on topic. He seemed embarrassed. “This is supposed to be a serious conference for the Maritime Alliance.”

“Yeah, I guess it is...”

The Kingdom of Friedonia, the Republic of Turgis, and the Nine-Headed Dragon Archipelago. These three nations made up the Maritime Alliance. This was the first time all three of them were holding a conference, albeit over a broadcast. It was the third faction, comparable in strength to the Gran Chaos Empire’s Mankind Declaration, or Fuuga’s rapidly growing Great Tiger Kingdom of Haan. At sea, it was fair to say we were the most powerful entity.

Incidentally, the Republic, where the seas were locked in ice during the winter, was mainly participating as a maker of parts and other industrial support. But Kuu had told me he wanted to use the drill we had developed to build a fleet of icebreakers someday. That was a deviation in policy from the Republic’s long-held goal of a warm-water port, and a sign that things were changing there. If that became a reality, we would have access to the Empire via the Republic even in winter, so I wanted to support it. It was possible to go via the Nine-Headed Dragon Archipelago too, but you could never have too many trade routes.

“How about you, Shabon? Have you been able to bring the island chiefs together well?”

Shabon grinned at that question.

“Thanks to your help, yes. Ever since the day we slew Ooyamizuchi, the island chiefs have been highly aware of the need for unity. That creature was far beyond what any one island could have handled alone, after all. Discourse between the islands has grown as well, and if I approach them with sincerity, the others are willing to hear what I have to say.”

“Hmm. Sounds like things have changed for the better.”

“Yes. However, as our people are quick to anger, minor disputes still break out regularly. There is nothing that can be done for it though, so as long as things do not get out of hand, I leave them be. I do go out and mediate when asked, however.”

“Ah ha ha... Sounds tough.”

“I could not agree more,” Shabon said with a sigh and a smile. “Still, it has become a norm for them to have a banquet and reconcile after a fight, so it seems a waste to worry about it. Like the hotpot party we had after slaying Ooyamizuchi, remember?”

“Oh, right... I’d had enough that I don’t want to eat offal for a long time.”

“It seems it became popular after that. They say ‘With food and drink, any problem is water under the bridge.’ But I have trouble seeing that as anything but the excuses of drunks.”

That fight created this weird new aspect of their culture? Man, the Nine-Headed Dragon Islanders are tough.

“Seriously, any place that gets involved with you becomes a whole lot more fun, huh, bro?” Kuu said, his tone half exasperated.

“Hey now, don’t go saying that like it’s my fault...”

“Hee hee hee.” Shabon just laughed.

She didn’t disagree... Aw, seriously?

“Well, what about you, Kuu? Are you being a proper head for the Republic?”

“Sure am! Looks like my old man did a lot to lay the groundwork for me,” Kuu said, thumping his chest with pride. “There’s been a generation change at the Council of Chiefs. They’ve all been replaced by guys my age. I used to hang out with a bunch of them, and they’re all flexible thinkers so it makes life easy for me.”

“It’s hard to imagine them as heads of their clans if they’re so young...”

“Ookyakya! You’ve got that right. First order of business was deciding on a new name for the council. We couldn’t agree on one, so it’s fine as the Council of Chiefs for now though.”

“It is?!”

I was mildly concerned, but Kuu just laughed.

“It is. That’s how loose we all are. Better than some hard-head set in his ways bringing up the ‘Go North’ policy. They’re all passionate about changing the Republic.’s gonna be fine.”

“All right then...”

Well, it seems to be working for him, so I guess it’s fine.

“How’re things at your place, bro? You’re neighbors with Fuuga’s country, aren’t you?”

“Does the Great Tiger Kingdom say anything to you?”

The two of them looked worried, but I shook my head.

“Nothing yet... Oh, wait, they did ask us to ship supplies for them by sea. But there haven’t been any military provocations or unreasonable demands so far.”

If Fuuga was going to make his move, it would be after his faction had grown larger. He was a cautious person, even if he didn’t seem it, so he wouldn’t act until he held an overwhelming advantage over us. Though, turning that around, it could mean he would attack as soon as he felt he did.

“Tell us if he does say anything, will you? I’ll definitely be there to help you out.”

“As will I. You have our gratitude for the matter with Ooyamizuchi still, so I am sure that the island chiefs will cooperate.”

“Thanks. I’ll be counting on you when the time comes.”

I smiled at my trusty allies. Then I remembered something.

“Oh! This has nothing to do with Fuuga, but I had an envoy from a somewhat troublesome place just recently.”


“Where was this envoy from?”

I felt myself getting a little angry just remembering it. Forcing a smile and making sure not to let that show, I spat out the name:

“The Spirit Kingdom of Garlan.”

◇ ◇ ◇

Earlier in the day...

“There’s an envoy from the Spirit Kingdom?”


I was working in the governmental affairs office when Hakuya informed me of someone who had come seeking an audience. They were apparently already in Parnam and waiting in an inn for our response.

The Spirit Kingdom of Garlan, huh...? It was a country of high elves consisting of two islands, one large and one small, northwest of the continent.

I crossed my arms and leaned back in my chair. “That’s awfully sudden... Has there been any report from the Black Cats?”

“No. Nothing. The country is closed off, and the island near the continent has been occupied by monsters, so we haven’t been able to send spies. It’s fair to say we have no information whatsoever about that country.”

“I wonder what they’re sending us an envoy for... Could it be about Merula?”

Merula, a high elf from the Spirit Kingdom, was currently being sheltered in our country. The Spirit Kingdom viewed themselves as the chosen people, and it was taboo for high elves to leave the country, so Merula would be considered a serious criminal for breaking that rule. It’d be troublesome if they demanded we turn her over.

“Have you assigned bodyguards to Merula?”

“Yes. Sir Kagetora is already on it. She’s been told not to go outside or leave Souji’s church for the time being.”

I should have expected as much from Hakuya. He moved fast.

“I worry what will happen if we ignore the envoy... I’ll see them right away to find out what they want. Could you arrange it?”

“Yes, sire. It will be done.”

And that’s how I decided to have this meeting.

Let’s see if anything good comes of it...

Days later, before meeting their envoy, I heard from Hakuya that he’d had a report on the Spirit Kingdom put together. He’d apparently asked Merula to tell him what information she knew about her homeland. The report was in another room, so he wanted me to read it with my Living Poltergeists ability using a Factory Arm.

I looked through the report as I was preparing to meet the envoy. It said that just before Merula ran off, the Spirit Kingdom had just seen a new king take the throne. The ones running that country now were King Garula Garlan and his younger brother and right hand, Gerula Garlan. The elder brother, Garula, was a hot-blooded warrior by nature, known for his strength and boldness, while the younger brother, Gerula, was a capable warrior but also a wise general with great foresight.

The brothers formed a team like Maria and Jeanne of the Empire, with the elder serving as king and directing policy, while the younger handled the military. You might think their personalities were suited to the opposite, but this was better than letting a hothead run the military. That was bound to cause domestic troubles. However, this intel came from before Merula left the country, so things could be different now.

I looked at Aisha, who was sitting in the queen’s seat beside me.

“Aisha, you’ll be representing the queens.”

“O-Okay! Leave it to me!” Aisha looked a little tense, but she nodded.

Out of a sense of caution, I had chosen to have Aisha on the queen’s throne instead of Liscia so she could act as my bodyguard. She wore the queen’s tiara and a dress, but with a dagger hidden on her person in case it became necessary. The dark elves were also a race of elves, so she was a good pick to show that our country didn’t discriminate based on race. It would help keep that high elf country’s statements about them being the chosen race in check.

As I, Aisha, Prime Minister Hakuya, and General Julius, who we had called in for good measure, were waiting in the audience chamber, the doors opened and the guards called out.

“The envoy from the Spirit Kingdom has arrived!”

The young elvish man who appeared was tall and thin like Hakuya, with golden locks, pale white skin, and red eyes. The high elves were predisposed to something akin to albinism. Still, they were as long-lived as the other elf races, so it didn’t seem to have an impact on their health.

The envoy stood tall, proudly introducing himself.

“This is our first time meeting. I am Gerula Garlan, come on behalf of the Spirit Kingdom King, Garula Garlan. I have come to negotiate with you, Sir Souma, as his representative.”

If this is Gerula, that means the king’s younger brother and the head of their military came. He showed no deference to me, instead standing tall. That put Aisha in a sour mood. Is it because he is royalty too?

The one thing I found hard to understand was that Spirit Kingdom King title. Apparently, unlike the Nine-Headed Dragon Queen who headed the Nine-Headed Dragon Archipelago Union, he wasn’t the Spirit King... According to the report Hakuya had prepared, it was called the Spirit Kingdom because they worshiped the Spirit King who protected the high elves, and while their leader was seen as a high priest who directed that worship, he was not deified. This stood to reason why Garula was named the Spirit Kingdom King.

“I am Souma A. Elfrieden. Now then, Sir Gerula, what business brings you to my country?”

“The Maritime Alliance has become one of the three major powers of the world. As you are their leader, I have come to request your support in retaking the Father Island, Sir Souma.”

Of the two islands that made up the Spirit Kingdom, the smaller of them was apparently known as the Father Island. The larger was called the Mother Island. They apparently thought of the large island where the majority of high elves lived as their mother, and the smaller island which was the center of their religious rites as their father.

With the expansion of the Demon Lord’s Domain, and the attacks by the monsters it brought, they had lost the Father Island. They’d been driven further and further back with each demon wave. They had withdrawn all the way to the Mother Island now, and even lost an eastern part of the island, but were holding off the monsters there.

“We wish to eliminate the monsters on the Mother Island, and retake the Father Island.”

“And you’re demanding our assistance?”

“We’ve been tormented by attacks by flying monsters that come by way of the smaller islands. They swarm us like locusts, and we lack the air power to handle them. We have few wyverns, and their fear of the sea keeps us from intercepting the monsters over it, allowing them to make landfall.”

Gerula’s face was distorted with chagrin. He continued talking.

“However, I have heard that the Maritime Alliance... No, the Kingdom of Friedonia is able to use wyverns at sea. Your navy also far outstrips that of the Empire or the upstart Fuuga Haan. I am told you used that naval power to slay the great monster that was attacking the Nine-Headed Dragon Archipelago. We would like for you to support our battle to regain our homeland. That is my liege Garula’s hope.”

“I understand what Sir Garula is thinking. Let’s see...”

I glanced at Hakuya and Julius, and their eyes told me, We can’t take on this task lightly.

Yeah... Given who we’re dealing with, this isn’t an issue where we can just nod our heads so easily, I thought.

“This all sounds awfully convenient for you...”

Julius was the one to speak. He glared at Gerula imperiously.

“It’s not as though our fleets move for free. It will place an appropriate strain on the nation’s coffers. The reason we sent support to the Nine-Headed Dragon Archipelago was that we didn’t know when the monster Ooyamizuchi might attack us next. The situation meant that it was in our national interest to dispatch the fleet. But the Spirit Kingdom is far away. Even if we were to leave you to yourselves, it seems unlikely that any harm would befall us in the immediate future.”


“Furthermore, even if the battle is against monsters, the goal is to retake your territory, correct? Pardon my rudeness, but it is your own fault that you lost that land. I question why we should be the ones to retrieve it for you.”


Julius chose to be the bad guy for us. Gerula looked like he’d bitten into something unpleasant as he glared at him. Julius’s words may not have been sufficiently polite for an envoy from another nation, but he was fundamentally correct. And there didn’t seem to be any counterargument.

As the air grew tense, Hakuya spoke up, “You go too far, Sir Julius. This is a foreign envoy you are speaking to.”


“I apologize, Sir Gerula. But I want you to understand what Sir Julius is saying. It’s not that easy for us to send the fleet.”

While he apologized for Julius’s rudeness, he still doubled down on what Julius had been saying. They were both sharp and knew how to work together.

Julius was putting on an act of being upset at the rebuke. I dunno... It’s kind of chilling to see these two work together. No matter how he struggled, Gerula was dancing in the palms of their hands. I almost felt sorry for the guy.

“Sir Gerula,” Hakuya continued. “If, as you say, you came to negotiate, I would like you to offer us something that would make this worth our while. The other day, when Sir Fuuga Haan asked us to deliver material for him, he offered to cede a port on the coast to us. Can the Spirit Kingdom offer similar recompense?”

“In the event that His Majesty regains the Father Island, he makes three promises as reward for your cooperation. I have a written pledge here.”

Gerula produced a letter from his pocket and began reading.

“First, he will allow trade with the Maritime Alliance.”

“Oh hoh...”

It was a short statement, but I was a little impressed. The Spirit Kingdom was closed off to the world at present, with no ties to the outside world, let alone outside trading. That essentially made this an announcement they were opening up the country. The report said that the Spirit Kingdom had access to spices that could probably be used to make curry. You couldn’t ask for better trade goods.

“Second, he will forgive the crimes of Merula, who you are sheltering, and allow her to return to our country.”

So they knew about Merula, then, huh? Well, she was being treated as a heretic by the Lunarian Orthodox Papal State, and after the troubles we’d had with them, of course they would figure out she was here. I had people guarding her, and hadn’t put any restrictions on her movement inside Parnam, after all. Merula was one of our top engineers, equal to Genia. If this stopped them from chasing after her, that would be good.

“And third, the Spirit Kingdom will join the Maritime Alliance instead of the Mankind Declaration or Fuuga Haan’s new faction.”

I raised an eyebrow at the last promise. It was an interesting proposal.

If the Spirit Kingdom were to join the Maritime Alliance, there would be a sea route that went Republic of Turgis → Kingdom of Friedonia → Nine-Headed Dragon Archipelago Union → Spirit Kingdom of Garlan. We would have control of every island around the continent, and could even surround the Empire and the Great Tiger Kingdom. The Demon Lord’s Domain would still be a wildcard, but we could send troops anywhere along the coastline.

So if the Maritime Alliance were in a contest for supremacy with the Empire and the Great Tiger Kingdom, this proposal might have looked appealing. However, we had a cooperative stance towards the Empire, and were attempting to avoid conflict with Fuuga. As a result, it did nothing for me.

I sighed, resting my elbow on the armrest of my throne and my cheek on my palm.

“Yeah, that’s not even worth discussing.”


“The first proposal is a good one. It benefits both sides. But as for the second, Merula is already one of my retainers. Your country has no place saying anything about it, and if you make any attempt to harm her, I’ll show you no mercy. You had best tell Garula that much.”

When I glared at him, Gerula stared right back... A bit unnerving, but I had to hold my ground.

“And as for the third, regarding joining the Maritime Alliance... I refuse.”


“Our values are too different.”

The Spirit Kingdom of Garlan essentially barred everyone but elves from entering the country. Even among those elves, they said that high elves were the greatest, with light and dark elves below them, and half-elves beneath everyone. All other races in that country were treated as slaves. I didn’t know how things were now, but that was the kind of class-based society it was when Merula lived there.

“I understand every country is different. We each have our own history—our own cultures. But your view of yourselves as the chosen people is too strong. If we allowed a country like yours into the Alliance, some might take that as me countenancing your views. The people would reject it. There may be class differences in our society, but we don’t tolerate racial discrimination.”

I stood up and walked to stand next to Aisha’s seat, placing my hand on her shoulder as if to show Gerula. Aisha put her hand in mine and smiled to show the depth of our love. We were totally in sync when it came to things like this.

Gerula bit his lip and looked at us in frustration.

“That’s why I can’t admit you to the alliance. If your country wants to amend its racial supremacist policies, I’d welcome you, that going to happen?”


I left unspoken the fact that I didn’t believe they were capable of it, but Gerula had no response. There was a long, heavy silence, and then Gerula glared at me once more.

“In the event you refuse...I will take this same proposal to Madam Maria of the Empire and Sir Fuuga of the Great Tiger Kingdom.”

If we refused, they were going to go to one of the other two powers? That wasn’t even a threat.

“Do as you please. The Mankind Declaration doesn’t tolerate racism either. Madam Maria should come to the same decision I have. And as for Sir Fuuga of the Great Tiger Kingdom...I’d advise against trying to use him. He’s the kind of man who defines a generation. He takes advantage of those who try to take advantage of him—uses anyone who tries to use him, and discards those who thought they’d be discarding him. He pulls anything and everything into his own world. That’s the kind of man he is. Touch him carelessly, and you’ll get burned.”

“I’ll bear that in mind...” Gerula said, glaring at me.

Negotiations had broken down. I indicated for him to leave, and he turned on his heel...then stumbled a moment.


“Hm? What’s wrong?”

“It’s nothing... Now, if you’ll excuse me.”

This time, Gerula strutted out of the audience chamber. There was no compromise in this meeting, only a statement of demands and compensation. It grated on my nerves talking with someone so assured that they were right about everything.

Man, I’m exhausted...

“Ugh. Spread some salt on the ground.”

“Salt? Are you going to be eating something? I’ll join you!”

I felt the tension melt out of my shoulders as I saw the smile on that gluttonous dark elf’s face.

Yeah... Forget that guy. Let’s have a meal with everyone.

◇ ◇ ◇

“...And, well, that’s about how it went.”

I told Kuu and Shabon about my meeting with the Spirit Kingdom’s envoy the other day. They both smiled wryly at the story.

“Sounds like you had a rough time, bro,” Kuu said, and I shrugged.

“I couldn’t agree more. He wasted my time, and the amount of work I still have to do hasn’t decreased in the slightest.”

“Still, this envoy from the Spirit Kingdom... Gerula, was it? They’ve had, like, a third of their land taken by monsters, right? If he wanted help, shouldn’t he have been more subservient?”

“Yes, I agree. He hinted at alliances with other powers, but does the Spirit Kingdom have the means to be considered a threat now? It all seems rather awkward,” Shabon said, cocking her head to the side. I agreed with her.

“He must have had far too little experience with negotiating. That’s how Hakuya and Julius saw it. His country is closed to the outside world, after all, as I’m sure you both know,” I said, crossing my arms. “If you’re going to negotiate with a country you don’t have cordial relations with, you ultimately have to either be overbearing and extract concessions, or subservient and try to minimize your own. But Gerula couldn’t do either.”

“That is why he lacks experience?” Shabon murmured to herself, and I nodded.

“A situation which demands seeking help from another country, and long years spent steeping in the belief of his people’s superiority. His attitude was the result of the conflict between those two things.”

“Sir Souma. That is awful...”

“Hah! So the Spirit Kingdom’s in a bad spot, right? They refused to talk with anyone, and now they’re so screwed they have no choice but to negotiate with other countries?”

Shabon was compassionate, while Kuu was disgusted. Being rulers themselves, they must have had their own thoughts on the matter. I did too.

“As a king, there are times you have to get your hands dirty... Times you have to get down into the muck. Times you need to endure humiliation. Those whose leaders can’t do that when those times come...will be the first to die off.”

“You’ve got that right.”

“Yes, indeed.”

Both of them gave firm nods.

Kuu had come to our country in order to learn. He must have looked almost like a hostage to others. But he didn’t let that bother him, and he learned a lot, growing more than any of us had expected from him. Shabon had appeared before me as well, who she believed to be the king of a hostile nation, prepared to offer up her own body as she bowed, scraped, and begged before me.

I had gotten my hands dirty for my family, and the people, and tarnished my own name before too. Gerula wasn’t prepared to do that.

I let out a little sigh. If Gerula went to the Empire, it’s going to be painful for Maria...

She was too kind for her own good. It ran counter to the Empire’s nature as a country calling for a joint front between all the nations of mankind to take Gerula’s offer, but she’d still imagine all the people who would suffer because she didn’t extend a helping hand. She would accept things we wanted to avert our eyes from. It was the reason they called her a saint, still had to be rough on her. Hopefully she won’t beat herself up over it too much...

I might have Hakuya touch base with Jeanne later and arrange a meeting where Maria could vent her frustrations to me.

Then, Shabon clapped her hands to change the topic.

“By the way, I have heard that the Kingdom, Republic, and Empire have a tripartite alliance for medical reforms.”

“Huh...? Oh, yeah, that’s right, huh?”

“The Nine-Headed Dragon Archipelago Union would like to work towards adequate medical treatment too. Could we possibly join that pact and learn from your medical advances?”

A little while ago, I had brought up the topic of medical research cooperation with the Nine-Headed Dragon Archipelago Union. The more heads working on this kind of thing the better, after all. The field of folk medicine was not to be taken lightly, and crops grown in the Nine-Headed Dragon Archipelago could well be key ingredients in the cure for something. It was my policy to be open with this kind of information with countries that were friendly to us.

Though...I was still worried about what I should do in regards to Fuuga’s faction.

“I brought it up with you to begin with. Of course I don’t mind,” I told Shabon. Kuu cocked his head to the side.

“Ookya! By the way, what is medicine in the Nine-Headed Dragon Archipelago like?”

“Not so different from other countries, I suspect. Light mages handle the treatment of external wounds. Although, because each island has a rich history of folk traditions, they are not all concentrated in a single church.”

“Really? That must make it easier for the country to manage.”

“It would have been difficult before, but with the move towards centralization, it should be possible now. Oh, when it comes to disease, there are herbal remedies we use as well. More varieties than on the continent, I suspect. We also have exercises that circulate the body’s energies in order to prevent illness.”

The former sounded similar to traditional Chinese medicine, while the latter was like tai chi or kanpu masatsu. I had thought of her country as a mix between Tang China and Edo Japan, but they were slanted a bit towards oriental medicine. That was interesting in its own way.

“I’d like to send a team from the Kingdom to study it too. You may have experience and knowledge that we don’t yet.”

“Oh! I’ll send some guys from the Republic too. They’ll bring medical equipment with them as a gift.”

“Hee hee. I’ll be waiting for it.”

And so the Nine-Headed Dragon Archipelago Union was added to the Kingdom, Empire, and Republic’s medical pact.

◇ ◇ ◇

Some months passed after that. The Kingdom was focusing on the study of magicium, which we had begun to understand the true nature of. The Maritime Alliance’s three countries each individually worked on strengthening their internal policies and building their power. While the south of the continent was stabilizing, there appeared to have been a major shift up north.

First, after being rejected by the Maritime Alliance, Gerula Garlan had gone to Maria of the Gran Chaos Empire to seek an audience there next. The content of the negotiations had not changed at all aside from him offering to join the Mankind Declaration instead of the Maritime Alliance.

Maria would never let them enter the Mankind Declaration while maintaining their racial supremacist policies, so that’s where the meeting ended.

Maria told me about it over a broadcast, looking exhausted. “I can tell that his state feels backed into a corner, and his people are suffering. However...if he can’t ask properly, I can’t extend my hand to him.”

As I expected, Maria found it frustrating. She also expressed dissatisfaction at Fuuga giving us a port on the west coast in exchange for delivering his supplies.

“I trust you, Sir Souma, but it seems the people below me do not. Some of them are wary of the Kingdom of Friedonia and the Great Tiger Kingdom growing closer... They’re pushing hard to convince me that the Empire needs to move to take back just as much land from the Demon Lord’s Domain as Fuuga’s faction.”

“Are you okay?”

“The clear-sighted ones realize that taking ruins from the Demon Lord’s Domain is not any advantage to us. However, the number of people who care more about fame than the actual benefit has increased. They must have been incited by Sir Fuuga, who has been able to bring everyone together using his renown.”

The circle of influence around Fuuga’s faction grew by the day.

Anyway, let’s get back to talking about Gerula Garlan. Having been rejected by the Empire as well, he went to Fuuga’s Great Tiger Kingdom next, and sought an audience. Fuuga accepted immediately. Gerula was relieved to have accomplished his mission, and stayed in the Great Tiger Kingdom as their contact with the Spirit Kingdom.

Anyone who knew what Fuuga was like would have realized that he never acted in ways that were convenient for others. They would have suspected there was something more behind his decision. But Gerula didn’t know that.

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