How a Realist Hero Rebuilt The Kingdom

Book 14: Chapter 7

In the Battle of the Sebal Plains, the anti-Fuuga faction was greatly weakened by the loss of the majority of its fighting force, as well as the central figures, Shamour Sharn and Mathew Chima. The anti-Fuuga states were destroyed one after another by Fuuga, the states that supported him, and even rebellions by the Fuuga supporters among their own citizens.

As this unfolded, there were those like Hashim Chima, who led an army and distinguished himself in battle, quickly earning his place as Fuuga’s advisor; as well as those working hard out of a desperation to prove their loyalty, like Bito Gabi. Among those who swore loyalty to Fuuga after the war, some were cast out for failing to live up to expectations, while others were found to have been plotting against him, and were cut down.

There were those who rose during the chaos, those who were destroyed, and those who could only watch it all happen. In the midst of all these conflicting emotions, blood was shed all across the Union of Eastern Nations.

◇ ◇ ◇

— Three months after the Battle of the Sebal Plains —

The Union of Eastern Nations was in the process of being reorganized with Fuuga as the sole power. With so many different forces, it had been hard for any one country to stand out in the Union of Eastern Nations before, but a centralization around Fuuga was now underway— That was the report I had just heard from Hakuya in the governmental affairs office in Parnam Castle.

“He’s moving faster than I expected...” I said, giving my honest reaction. “I was scared of his potential as a great man, and the charisma that pulls people to him as he blindly chases his dream. The way he seems so innocent, without any dark side, and only grows larger and larger.”

“Yes, I agree...”

“But on the flip side, because he has no dark side, there is a certain naivety about him. Because of his great generosity, he would even welcome outsiders who couldn’t share his dream into the fold. I thought that would eventually cause friction and discord which would pull the rug out from under him.”

If Fuuga had the kind of charisma that drew everyone to him, and a willingness to accept anyone, then that would include those interested only in preserving themselves, or who secretly harbored hostility towards him. The great men of history often were tripped up by mediocre commanders who could not appreciate their vision, and those who rebelled against them. I thought Fuuga would be the same.

“But the way that he’s treated those who were late to join him isn’t like Fuuga. Basically, he’s bullied them and driven them out, or framed and killed them. He wasn’t the type to do that.”

“At times, a ruler must be prepared to do both good and evil. Sir Fuuga must have found himself someone who can advise him when it is time to be evil,” Hakuya responded, wariness creeping into his voice. “His handling of the anti-Fuuga faction has been logical and cruel. His advisor must be a good one.”

“You mean Hashim Chima from your report?”

“I believe so. The man seems to have inherited much of Duke Chima’s aptitude for diplomacy and scheming.”

“That’s troublesome. He’s the kind of person I least wanted Fuuga to have at his side.” I let out a sigh, tapping my temple. “I guess I’ll need to assume Fuuga has someone close to him who can operate on the same level as you, huh? Hakuya, if you were serving Fuuga, what would your next plan be?”

“More groundwork, of course. With the many members of the neutral faction remaining, we cannot say that he’s taken control of the Union of Eastern Nations just yet.”

“The neutrals, huh...?” I rose and walked over to stand by the glass door that led out onto the balcony. “Knowing Fuuga, he’ll try to bring the neutrals to his side. He has the charisma to do it, after all. That would be the fastest way to bring the Union of Eastern Nations together, and would avoid earning him a lot of unnecessary enmity.”

“But that would weaken their internal unity. If he brings in people whose stance is uncertain, it will only serve to harm him in the long run. If you look at things practically, he shouldn’t do it... If I were his adviser, I would tell him that.”

“Then I’m sure Hashim will do the same. And we’ve seen Fuuga has the capacity to listen to advice... We’ll see more blood spilled yet. It looks like we can’t expect all news to be good news.”

In this case, the good news was that Roroa had discovered she was pregnant some months ago.

“Now I’m gonna be a momma too! You keep on treatin’ me right now, darlin’.”

I remembered the gleeful but slightly shy look on her face when she told me. I’d usually been abroad when I found out about these things before now, but this time I was in the castle, so we were able to have a big family celebration. Juna was due soon too, so I had been savoring the joys of family.

Speaking of family... I looked up at the sky through the glass windows. Lastania was neutral too. Will Julius and Princess Tia be all right?

◇ ◇ ◇

— Meanwhile, in Lastania —

In the royal manor where the royal family lived, the king’s agent Julius was sitting beside his wife Princess Tia, who had grown her hair a little longer, and across from her parents, the royal couple.

He presented two letters to the king.

“Father, I would like you to take mother and Tia with you on a diplomatic mission.”

“Lord Julius!” Tia shouted, gulping at what he had just proposed.

However, Julius paid no mind to her, continuing to say, “First you will visit Queen Sill of the Nothung Dragon Knight Kingdom, and deliver this letter. Then I want you to travel to the Kingdom of Friedonia with an escort from the Dragon Knight Kingdom where you will meet King Souma and deliver this letter. With a dragon knight escort, I am sure you should be able to pass through the Star Dragon Mountain Range.”

“You’re asking us to leave the country...?” King Lastania asked, looking Julius in the eye. Julius nodded. Then he opened another letter and showed it to the other three.

“This is a letter from Fuuga Haan. Or an invitation, rather. He is holding a banquet for all the rulers who neither supported nor opposed him. It’s meant to get to know us and win our support. But...”

Having said that much, Julius narrowed his eyes. They were so cold that they made Princess Tia jump. It was almost as if he had gone back to being the man he was when he lived in Amidonia.

“...That is only for public consumption.”

“There’s more to it, then?” King Lastania asked and Julius nodded.

“It’s the way he treats those who were slow to join him. Punishing them to set an example to others is at odds with how Fuuga always was before now. It’s very pragmatic; the sort of thing a man like me would prefer.”


His father Gaius had once told him their royal family had the blood of venomous snakes running in their veins. And a snake knows how a snake thinks.

“It’s likely a plan from that newcomer, Hashim. Which makes it highly likely this banquet is also his idea.”

“If so, won’t failing to attend worsen our position?”

“Yes. He will likely see anyone who doesn’t attend as having the intent to oppose him, and use that as a pretext to attack. Whether we go or don’t, only ruin awaits us.”

“So we run...?”

Julius nodded again. “If Fuuga attacks with the full might of the Union of Eastern Nations, then even our alliance with the Nothung Dragon Knight Kingdom cannot protect us. Even if we could hold them off for a time, the land would be laid to ruin, and the country would no longer be able to support itself.”

“But a king mustn’t abandon his people...”

“My greatest worry is that the people will abandon their king.” Julius forced the good-natured King of Lastania to look at reality. “There are many in our own land who would like to see themselves under the protection of Fuuga. After all the suffering they experienced in the recent demon wave, it’s somewhat natural they would look for someone strong to defend their lives and property. For those people, the old royal family will only be in the way.”

Julius had experienced this once before. When the people of Amidonia only had Gaius to cling to, they were loyal. However, because of the liberal rule they experienced under Souma’s occupation of Van, and the death of Gaius in battle, the people were quick to accept rule by the Kingdom. Even when Julius regained power, many of the people supported Roroa, who was closer in temperament to Souma, and they threw Julius out.

King Lastania has no counterargument to these words born from personal experience. Instead, Tia pressed closer to Julius.

“Just now, you said the three of us should go. Do you mean to stay here, Lord Julius?”

Seeing the look of concern on her face, Julius gently stroked Tia’s hair.

“I need to buy time so that our escape goes unnoticed... Besides, while I did say that many want to be protected by Fuuga, Jirukoma and Lauren also love and respect the royal family as well. I need to arrange for their escape.”

“Then I will stay too!”

“Tia...” Julius looked her straight in the eye. “I’ll be fine. I won’t miss the right time to escape. In fact, the worry caused by you staying would make it harder for me to focus on my task.”

“Lord Julius...”

“Besides, your belly grows larger by the day.”

“Ah...!” Tia subtly laid a hand on her own stomach.

Inside, a new life was growing. A child bearing the blood of the royal families of Lastania and Amidonia. Julius pulled Tia, who now bore his child, and would soon be a mother, close to him, stroking her hair gently.

“You understand, right, Tia? What we need to defend most of all.”

“Our child...”

“Of course. I won’t throw my life away before finding out if it’s a girl or a boy.”

Julius looked at the royal couple.

“So, father, mother, I’m asking you to take care of Tia.”

“Okay... We will do everything as you say, son-in-law.”

“Sir Julius, please stay safe.”

The next day, the Lastanian royal couple and Princess Tia quietly escaped the country with an escort from the Nothung Dragon Knight Kingdom. The people were told they were on a diplomatic voyage to improve relations with the Kingdom of Friedonia.

◇ ◇ ◇

A few days before the invitation arrived in Lastania...

The word “Machiavellianism” takes his view that sometimes, when pursuing political ends, you cannot be picky about the means, and extends that to refer to an ends-justifies-the-means philosophy. Such ruthless people are criticized as being Machiavellian. This was primarily used by the Christian church, with its philanthropic beliefs, to reject Machiavelli’s views, and largely a misconception.

Whether Machiavelli himself was Machiavellian or not is beside the question. However, Hashim Chima, who came into the service of Fuuga Haan, was most definitely Machiavellian. He proposed that Fuuga invite the lords who had been members of the neutral faction to a banquet in his new base, a castle in the former Kingdom of Shamour, then massacre them under the guise of a terrorist attack by the anti-Fuuga faction. Fuuga, who was sitting on the throne, frowned at this, while his wife, Mutsumi, who was standing at his side covered her mouth and gasped.

Fuuga glared at Hashim. “You’re telling me to do that?”

“No. I will do it myself, without your knowledge,” Hashim replied, unfazed. Fuuga rested his cheek on his palm.

“If you’re asking me to turn a blind eye, then that’s no different... Is this necessary?”

“If your goals go no further than unifying the Union and expanding into the Demon Lord’s Domain, then no. However, if you intend to compete with the Gran Chaos Empire and Kingdom of Friedonia for supremacy, it definitely is. There are too many things we lack,” Hashim explained, his eyes serious. “Even if you add up the populations of every country in the Union of Eastern Nations, it is less than half that of the Kingdom of Friedonia. The comparison with the Empire is even worse, with us only having a third, possibly a quarter, of their population. No matter how we expand into the Demon Lord’s Domain, that is not a thing we can overturn. On top of that, both the Empire and Kingdom are stable, with excellent rulers. If things continue as they are, the gap will only continue to widen.”

“Which is want me to hurry along with the unification?”

“Yes. The only area in which we are definitely ahead of them is that we are in an era where people seek great men such as yourself, and you provide a centralizing force.”

“You don’t mince words...” Fuuga shrugged.

Hashim had spoken the truth. A large part of the reason that Malmkhitan, only one country in the Union of Eastern Nations, had been able to expand so much, so quickly was that they were in the right place at the right time. Ever since the Demon Lord’s Domain expanded, the people of the Union had felt closed-in. They saw Fuuga as a leader who could break free from that, and that hope drove them to support him.

“But, at the same time, that is a precarious thing. Because you have gathered the people’s hopes unto yourself, Lord Fuuga, you must always produce results. If you grind to a halt, their disappointment will be the end of you. You will lose the support of your people, and the nation will crumble in no time.”

“So you’re saying, if the people lose their fervor, I’m done.”

“Yes. And we can’t be sure that this era will go on for years.”

“It could happen any hurry up with the unification?”


“Brother!” Mutsumi interjected, unable to simply watch any longer. “The neutral faction includes—”

“King Heinrant of Roth and his adopted daughter Sami, right?” Hashim asked, finishing her sentence.

The calmness of Hashim’s response left Mutsumi at a loss for words.

“It still must be done. Even if we are to be divided into friend and foe, the blood and family name must live on. That is how father taught us the head of the House of Chima must be. Besides, we’ll only kill the king. I won’t harm Sami as long as she doesn’t resist.”


“As Lord Fuuga’s queen, you should be prioritizing the House of Haan, Mutsumi.”

“Yes... I understand that.”

If this was for Fuuga’s benefit, Mutsumi had to back down.

Seeing Mutsumi’s reaction, Fuuga asked Hashim, “This will mean less blood is shed, right?”

“Yes. It will be criticized as a conspiracy for some time. But, if we take the long view of things, this is the method that will have the least sacrifices. People of future generations will understand.”

“Not that I care what some people who aren’t even born yet are gonna think...” Having made up his mind, Fuuga slapped his knee. “Fine. You do what you think is right.”

“By your will.” Hashim bowed his head. Mutsumi lowered her face in frustration.

With Fuuga’s permission given, the plan went into motion.

◇ ◇ ◇

Hashim sent those lords who’d remained neutral in the conflict invitations to a banquet where they would have the chance to better understand one another. There were a small number of countries, like the Kingdom of Lastania, which decided not to participate, but many of the leaders of the neutral faction gathered in Shamour Castle. And then...

Everyone who came was massacred.

Anti-Fuuga faction remnants who had infiltrated the gathering carried out a terrorist attack using gunpowder, and it was announced that everyone present had been caught in the blast. The news caused short-lived chaos throughout the Union of Eastern Nations, but it subsided when it was announced that Fuuga, who “coincidentally” happened to be out of the room at the time of the attack, had survived.

Naturally, some voiced their suspicion that this was all a plot by Fuuga. However, they were drowned out by the cheering of his supporters. The Union of Eastern Nations was an agglomeration of many small- to medium-sized states. Because of their size, the kings had a lot of influence, and with them gone many countries lacked anyone who could make final decisions. Those sorts of countries joined the Fuuga faction without considering revenge. However, a small number of nations fought back after their king was killed.

Such nations fell at the hands of the Fuuga supporters inside them, with one of them being the Kingdom of Roth.

King Heinrant had been killed in the plot. The third daughter of the House of Chima, Sami, issued a statement denouncing Fuuga, and closed the gates of their capital. Lombard, King of Remus, who was a friend of King Heinrant and a supporter of Fuuga led his troops to the gate. The soldiers did not draw their weapons and simply stood in formation. Lombard had not come to attack the city, but to persuade them to open the gates.

“Madam Sami! We have no desire to fight! Please surrender peacefully!”

“Sami! Please! Open the gate!” Yomi called out, desperate to save her twin little sister.

With the Union of Eastern Nations having almost entirely fallen into Fuuga’s hands, one small nation resisting him would have no future. It was clear that his supporters would raze the entire country.

“Yomi, look out!”


Lombard grabbed Yomi by the arm, pulling her back. When he did, a mass of ice thudded into the ground right in front of where they had been standing and exploded. The two of them looked up to see Sami atop the walls, her raised hand pointing towards them. The soldiers of the Kingdom of Roth stood with her, bows drawn, keeping the men of the Kingdom of Remus in check.


That had been a warning shot. If she were serious, Sami had magic that could freeze a wide area.

Looking down at them, Sami said, “Go home, Yomi.”

“Please, Sami! Listen to us!”

“We have nothing to talk about,” Sami told her with eyes as cold as ice. “My father Hein is gone. He treasured me like I was his own daughter, and reminded me of what a warm, loving family is supposed to be like...and then Fuuga Haan murdered him.”

“I’m telling you, that was a suicide bomber from the anti-Fuuga faction...”

“You know that’s a lie, Yomi! This is how Big Brother Hashim operates!”

Yomi had no response to that as she’d figured it out herself.

Lombard stepped forward in her stead. “Even if we go home, Sir Fuuga’s forces will be here in no time. If that happens, the Kingdom of Roth and all its people will be wiped out... I’m disappointed about what happened to Sir Heinrant too. But now that it has, I don’t want to let the ones he loved, you and the people of his country, perish!”


“Please, surrender! I’ll defend you and the people even if it costs me my life! Knowing gentle Heinrant, I can’t imagine he would have wanted you to seek revenge!”

“Despite that kindness, brother killed him! My” A large tear rolled down Sami’s face. “I had a sneaking suspicion that the banquet was his plot. I told father not to go. But...he said he was worried that would draw suspicion, and he couldn’t put me or his people in danger, so...he went alone...”


“Madam Sami...”

“I will never forgive our brother—Hashim Chima!”

As Sami declared that, the air chilled around them. Its moisture froze and sparkled. She was likely about to use some serious ice magic. Sami raised her hand and pointed towards Yomi and Lombard.

“Yomi, if you’re siding with Hashim, I won’t hesitate to...”

“Stop it, Sami!”

“So this is how it goes, after all...” said a voice.

“Huh?!” Shocked, Sami turned to the direction of the voice.

At some point, a man wearing a hood had appeared and was standing behind her. It surprised the men of the Kingdom of Roth and Kingdom of Remus too. As Sami reflexively attempted to use magic, the man closed in faster than she could, and delivered a body blow. Sami groaned as she was knocked unconscious.

The defenders turned their bows towards the hooded man with murderous intent, but he held up a hand to stop them as he slowly drew back his hood.

“Put your weapons away. I’m Nike Chima. Little brother to Big Sisters Sami and Yomi.”

Yomi’s eyes widened as she saw him from outside the walls. “Nike?! What are you doing here?!”

“Big Sister Mutsumi’s orders. She saw this coming, so she had me lie low in the Kingdom of Roth to protect Sami because they were in the neutral faction.”

With that explained, Nike hefted the unconscious Sami over his shoulder, and turned to the soldiers of the Kingdom of Roth.

“I will take responsibility for ensuring Big Sister Sami’s safety,” he said. “So you open the gate, and surrender to Sir Lombard.”

There was much chatter among the soldiers. However, after some time...


...The men put away their weapons. They had been obeying Sami out of a desire to at least protect the girl who King Heinrant had loved so much. Now that Sami’s safety was assured, there was no need to fight.

Seeing the soldiers of the Kingdom of Roth calm down, Nike carried Sami through the open gate on his shoulder. As he did, Yomi and Lombard rushed over to him.


“Big Sister Yomi. I’ll be taking Big Sister Sami with me.”

“You...can’t stay in this country any longer?” Yomi asked.

“As long as she stays here, Big Sister Sami will only continue to resent Big Brother Hashim and Sir Fuuga. Brother isn’t so soft that he would let that go. He’d kill her eventually.”

“And Big Sister Mutsumi asked you to stop that from happening?”

“Yeah. ‘I don’t want to lose any more family,’ she said.”

“I see...”

Realizing that things were out of her hands at this point, Yomi backed down. Because even if this ended up being the last time the two of them would ever meet, that was still preferable to Sami being killed.

On her behalf, Lombard asked, “Where will you go, Sir Nike?”

“First, I’ll leave Big Sister Sami with Ichiha in the Kingdom of Friedonia. If she’s there, not even Sir Fuuga or our brother can touch her easily. As for myself... Well, I’ll figure that out in time.”

“But didn’t King Souma support Sir Fuuga?”

“When it came to the assassination, yes, but who knows how he really feels. That’s probably why Big Sister Mutsumi specified I should leave Sami with him.”

Nike loaded Sami onto a horse near the gate. Then, mounting it himself, he said his goodbyes.

“Farewell, Big Sister Yomi, Sir Lombard. Take care.”

“You too, Nike. And...tell Sami to ‘stay well’ for me, would you?”


Nike’s horse started running, carrying Nike and Sami south. Yomi and Lombard watched them until they were out of sight.

◇ ◇ ◇

“The country’s finally in order, huh?” Fuuga said to his advisor Hashim who stood before him as he sat on his throne in Sharn Castle.

Hashim had his arms crossed, and his head lowered.

“Indeed. The anti-Fuuga faction has been wiped away, as have the neutrals who were not clear in their intent to join us. There is no one left in the Union of Eastern Nations to oppose you now, Lord Fuuga.”

“But we made Mutsumi sad to do it...” Fuuga said, resting his elbow on the arm of his throne, and his cheek on the palm of his hand as he stared at Hashim.

“It was our only choice,” said Hashim, lowering his head once more. “If you are going to rule the continent, the country had to be unified as soon as possible. I am sure Mutsumi understands. And besides, Yomi reported that Nike took Sami away unharmed.”

“Yeah... It sounds like Mutsumi gave him his marching orders knowing things would turn out this way. ‘I’m sorry for taking matters into my own hands,’ she said to me. Well, we were able to take the Kingdom of Roth without a drop of blood spilled as a result, so I let it slide. Looks like you were outwitted by your own little sister, huh, Hashim?”

Despite Fuuga’s teasing, Hashim simply shrugged.

“If your wife is a clever woman, and also my younger sister, then surely that is something to be welcomed. However, it does seem that Sami has gone to be with Ichiha in the Kingdom of Friedonia. I can’t say I approve of capable people passing into their hands.”

Hashim didn’t seem to think much of it. Fuuga snorted.

“Hmph. Yuriga’s already there. If Sami still has it out for me, do you think it’s possible she’d do something to Yuriga? Should I ask Souma to protect her?”

“It should be fine, I think. Sami’s a smart girl. If there’s anyone she’s going to target for vengeance, it would be me.”

Hashim seemed unfazed by the fact his own little sister now hated him.

Is this the blood of the Chimas, who had survived through subterfuge? Fuuga thought, narrowing his eyes.

“So, with no enemies left in the country, what now?”

“With the Union of Eastern Nations unified under you, we will announce the creation of a new state. That will show that this is no longer a union of nations, but a unitary state. We will also formally move the center of government here to Castle Sharn, which will receive a new name. With that, the largest city in the country will become the capital of a new nation that you will create, Lord Fuuga.”

“Make the capital of the Kingdom of Sharn our capital? Is my homeland, Malmkhitan, not good enough?” Fuuga asked, but Hashim firmly shook his head.

“No city on the steppes is suited to be the capital of a whole country. If we were to create a new one, and gather people to it, that would be a waste of effort. If we did create a capital in Malmkhitan, the steppe folk and your long-serving commanders would be elated, but far more people would look down on you for it. We have a fine city here, so we should put it to use.”

“Oh, I see...” Fuuga sounded a little disappointed, but he accepted the proposal.

Were Souma here to hear this exchange, he would have been impressed but also troubled, thinking, So Hashim didn’t let him make the same mistake as Xiang Ji.

Xiang Ji, also known as Xiang Yu, succeeded in destroying the Qin, but rejected his vassal’s suggestion to take their capital, Xianyang, with all of its geographical advantages, as his own.

“To succeed and not return home is like dressing up in fine clothes on the road at night. Who will even know?” he said, and moved his capital to Pengcheng.

As a result, the populous and important Guanzhong fell easily when Liu Bang advanced east. This gave Liu Bang an advantage they couldn’t roll back no matter how many victories they won on the battlefield.

In regards to the way to govern cities or principalities which lived under their own laws before they were annexed, Machiavelli offers three options. The first is to destroy them utterly, the second is to reside there, and the third is to install a puppet regime to rule them. Hashim’s plan was the second of these.

Fuuga scratched his cheek, feeling this was all too much trouble. “A new name, huh? Won’t the Kingdom of Malmkhitan do?”

“It will only create a rift between your old and new followers. Although it is only a matter of appearances, it will look as though you’ve extinguished the countries that supported you as well. It would be better to have the people of Malmkhitan continue to serve you under a new name. If it’s too much trouble to think of something, we could simply call it the Kingdom of Fuuga Haan.”

“If I gave it a self-aggrandizing name like that, Shuukin and the others would laugh at me pretty hard.”

“The soldiers and people have gathered to your side. I don’t think it’s strange to call it that, but... There is something we must do first.” Hashim’s face grew serious. “We must handle the last of the neutral countries inside the Union of Eastern Nations, the Kingdom of Lastania. If we leave them as they are, we cannot start a new country.”

“That country on the western edge, huh...?” Fuuga crossed his thick arms and groaned. “That country’s a pain to deal with. They’re allied to the Nothung Dragon Knight Kingdom, which has a lot of powerful dragon knights. And Julius, the man eyed as their next king, is the big brother of Souma’s third primary queen, Roroa. That makes him his brother-in-law. If we lay a hand on him, we run the risk of making an enemy.”

“Yes. Which is why we left him to the end,” Hashim said, pulling out a letter. “This list from father has two meanings. The first is ‘Hire these hidden talents inside the Union of Eastern Nations.’ And the second is ‘If you cannot, then dispose of them before they become your enemies.’”

This was exactly how Fuuga and Hashim had operated thus far. Those on the list who submitted were placed in positions of importance, and those who adamantly refused were killed by subterfuge.

That said, with Fuuga’s fortunes clearly on the rise, the number of people who would refuse to serve was small enough to count on your hands. If he were as obsessed with gathering personnel as Souma, he might have desperately tried to persuade them, but the more pragmatic Hashim was loath to go to such effort.

Hashim slapped the letter shut.

“And the last name on the list is Sir Julius of the Kingdom of Lastania. Father believed he was the most valuable talent in this country. It would be reassuring to have him on our side, but frightening to see him become our enemy.”

“That’s Souma’s brother-in-law, the same guy we were just talking about, huh?”

“Yes. He was the crown prince of the former Principality of Amidonia, and his father Gaius fell in battle against King Souma. After that, his little sister, Princess Roroa, stole the country out from under him and sent him into exile. That’s why I thought we might win him to our side with the promise of revenge against the Kingdom of Friedonia, but...”

“It wasn’t meant to be, huh?”

Hashim nodded.

“During the demon wave, Sir Julius sent his own request to the Kingdom of Friedonia for reinforcements. I approve of his willingness to bow his head to a former enemy when it’s to his own benefit, but they may have become friends at that point. Princess Roroa sent him a wedding gift when he married the crown princess of Lastania, so their relationship has likely been mended too.”

“That means Julius is close to Souma.”

“Yes. So much so that we can’t leave him be. He’s a perceptive one too. He didn’t participate in the banquet where we plotted to wipe out the neutral faction.”

“What a headache...”

If they laid a hand on Julius, they risked stirring up the Kingdom of Friedonia. For Fuuga, who found something inscrutable about Souma, it seemed too soon to be picking a fight with that country. However, Julius was too talented for it to be safe to let him stay in the Union of Eastern Nations. They might be keeping a traitor in their midst.

“I guess we can’t leave the Kingdom of Lastania alone, then...” Fuuga came to a decision. Hashim gave him a big nod.

“Indeed. If we leave Sir Julius alone, every move we make will be leaked to the Kingdom. Besides, Sir Julius is their former enemy. Even if he’s killed, they’ll have no choice but to stay silent. Regardless of how King Souma or Queen Roroa may feel.”

“How do we do it? Have the neighboring states attack?”

“No, when we attack that country, the Nothung Dragon Knight Kingdom will ride to their aid. The Dragon Knight Kingdom was even able to fend off the Empire when it was at its peak... Although, it seems the Empire simply decided to change their policy and ignore them after seeing the heavy casualties.” Hashim shrugged, but immediately took on a serious expression and said, “If we don’t send a credible force, it won’t even put pressure on the Dragon Knight Kingdom. I believe you should lead your best men in the attack, Lord Fuuga.”

“Me, personally?” Fuuga asked and Hashim nodded.

“This is a battle against time. If they face the whole Union of Eastern Nations, then even with the Dragon Knight Kingdom’s help, the Kingdom of Lastania won’t be able to sustain themselves. Their land will be laid to waste, and supplies will dry up. So, if Sir Julius senses the invasion coming, he will likely attempt to flee the country. If he does, that will cause trouble for us.”

“Yeah, you’re right. If he goes to join Souma...that’d be a pain.”

“Indeed. And when the dragon knights come out to fight...”

“Only me and Durga are gonna be able to handle them, yeah.”

Fuuga had seen the Kingdom’s dragon knight Halbert and his partner Ruby once before.

In Fuuga’s entire military, only he and Durga stood a chance against them in a straight-up fight. They were gathering the Union of Eastern Nations’ wyvern cavalry and reorganizing them, but the dragon knights would tear them to pieces.

“Got it... Round up our best men. We’ll attack the Kingdom of Lastania.”

“By your will.”

Fuuga hurriedly gathered his best men, and set out for the Kingdom of Lastania.

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