How a Realist Hero Rebuilt The Kingdom

Book 12: Chapter 6

“I just knew she’d ask for that...” I pressed my hand to my forehead.

I’d talked to Aisha and the others about it last night. There was a chance that Mio’s wish was probably going to be the restoration of the House of Carmine. And if it wasn’t that... I had an inkling it would be the restoration of Georg’s honor. He bore the disgrace of becoming a traitor, and sacrificed himself to root out the villains who had infested the Kingdom. Things went as he planned, and now that the problems inside the Kingdom were nearly all fixed, all that remained was to restore his honor.

Naturally, I wanted to make the truth known, and rehabilitate Georg’s reputation. Liscia loved and respected him, and I didn’t want to leave the man who had risked his life for the country as a villain. However, because it was before I formally took the throne, I had put off restoring his reputation in order to avoid confusion. When I considered that it might still cause chaos, even now that I had been coronated, I was hesitant to get started—especially when I considered the children who had just been born.

But, at the same time, it was also a problem I didn’t want to hand down to their generation. No... but Mio isn’t demanding a release of the results from the new investigation. All she requested was that we “reinvestigate” and “to know the truth.” She might have had some vague awareness that there was a reason why Georg needed to keep everything a secret when he died. That was why she wanted the truth just for herself.

“Don’t let your emotions lead you to make a decision lightly.” Aisha’s words from yesterday came back to me. It was true that I was feeling a little sympathetic towards Mio right now. That was no good. I needed to be aware of the risks of granting her wish.

“Influencing other nations is beyond the realm of what this country can do. If you insist on it, you will need to defeat me, become queen, and negotiate with other countries in your role as sovereign,” Gimbal declared to Mio. “However, King Souma just so happens to be here in the audience.”

Gimbal looked at me.

“You should ask him directly whether your wish can be granted or not. I, Gimbal, will observe the result as Zem’s king.”

He was taking a dignified tone, but I felt like he was saying, “Would the Kingdom please solve their own problems?” Well, that was fair. I stood up and stepped forward. When I did, all the eyes in the crowd were suddenly on me. They all must have been interested to see how I’d answer.

It was generally accepted in this country that the winner of the tournament’s wish ought to be granted, so if I refused I was going to get booed. Well... I’d have to be ready for it.

“First, Mio. Your victory in the Great Martial Arts Tournament was incredible.”

“Thank you.”

“And... I understand your wish.”

“Sire!” Aisha exclaimed from behind me.

Naden followed up with, “Souma, is it okay for you to say that?”

They sounded worried, but I put my hand up and signaled for them to stop. I deliberately made the announcement to Mio in a regal manner.

“You were willing to go as far as winning this tournament for your wish. You must be quite determined. In which case... In the process of granting your wish, I would like you to show me your determination once more.”

Those words made Mio furrow her brow. “...What do you mean by that?”

“This is a martial arts tournament. Clearly, your determination should be shown through battle.” I extended my hand towards Mio. “If you can defeat the warrior from my country who I will send against you, I will reinvestigate the truth of Georg Carmine, as you wish, and tell it to you.”

At my declaration, the whole Colosseum shook with applause. The site was filled with people who had come just to enjoy watching a good fight. What I was proposing was basically an exhibition match. They must have been genuinely pleased to be able to see another fight.

I turned back to a dumbfounded Gimbal and asked, “That’s how it turned out. Is it okay?”

“Hmm. If the parties concerned accept it, I suppose it’s fine. Though, with the crowd so worked up, I couldn’t very well refuse it now.”

“You have my gratitude.”

Once the crowd settled down, I asked Mio, “Do you accept my terms, Madam Mio?”

“I accept your proposal. Right now, even if Madam Aisha were my opponent, I would make you grant my wish.” Mio put her hands together in front of her and bowed to me.

Aisha put a hand on the hilt of her greatsword and stood to my side. “Sire, send me,” is what her eyes pleaded, but I poked her in the ribs instead.


Aisha let out a strange cry, and fell to the ground. Paying no more attention to Aisha as she glared at me, tears in her eyes, I looked down at Mio and said, “Don’t misunderstand. Your opponent is not Aisha.”

“Then who would you have me fight?”

“You’ll see soon enough... That’s how this thing is going!”

I raised my voice as I looked around the stands.

“You saw how things went! So...” Spreading my arms wide, I bellowed, “Come forth, Kagetora!”

As my shout reverberated through the Colosseum, a black shadow descended from the stands to the arena where Mio was standing. A sudden interloper—his strange and majestic appearance made the audience gulp.

His massive form clad in black armor, wrapped in a cape of the darkest black, he carried an odachi, a large, single-edged sword similar to a Nine-Headed Dragon Katana, at his waist. But more mysterious than anything else was the black sword tiger mask that he wore.

“The black tiger of Parnam...” Gimbal whispered beside me. “It is said that any spy who meets him never comes back.”

They were apparently terrified of him.

“Don’t tell me you brought him here.”

“I did. As my bodyguard.”

After responding to Gimbal, I gave Kagetora his orders, “Kagetora. Fight with Mio, and test her determination.”

“...By your will.” Kagetora drew his odachi from its scabbard, then cast it outside the arena.

Kojirou, you are defeated... Yeah, no. Historical reference aside, it was probably because the scabbard didn’t work well with his cape. Mio drew her two longswords and took up a fighting stance, too.

“I know not who you are, but I can see you are a good warrior. Now, let us do battle.”

“...Have at you.”

Then the two ran forward, and their blades collided.

He’s strong, she thought. The man was dressed all in black, with a black sword, and a tiger mask over his head. She could only assume he was outfitted this way to be purposely strange, but the air around him was that of a battle-hardened warrior. She could feel it when their swords collided, too.

As she swung with her longswords, Kagetora would knock away each blow with his odachi. His guard was so solid that Mio felt like she was beating her swords against a rock. He’s blocking all my attacks... This was different from the kind of strength that Aisha had.

In addition to the techniques that must have been cultivated through many long years on the field of battle, this person could see through all of her attacks. I’ve never faced anyone like this before... she thought. But, as they traded blows, she felt something familiar. It’s like... when Father was training me.

Making a large leap backwards to put some distance between them, she spread her two longswords wide like a pair of wings, then rapidly closed the gap. She tried to cleave through her opponent’s torso before he could swing down his odachi.

“You let off too much.”


Kagetora let loose with a tackle instead of swinging his odachi, and sent Mio flying. She felt like she’d been hit by a charging bull as she soared through the air.

When she landed and tried to recover, Kagetora came after her with a followup attack. As Mio blocked the downward swing of his odachi with her two longswords, Kagetora told her, “You depend too much on your inborn strength. Because of your excessive confidence, you’re too soft when it comes to judging your effective distance. You need to let the tension out of your shoulders more, and focus on eliminating unnecessary movements.”

“Y-Yes, sir! ...Huh?”

Mio put distance between herself and Kagetora, as if she’d been launched away from him. In an attempt to hide her confusion and surprise, she used the back of her hand to wipe the sweat that dripped from her chin. Yes, sir...? What was I thinking just now? She couldn’t believe herself, meekly accepting Kagetora’s advice in the middle of a battle. Mio was shaken up, but Kagetora simply held his odachi in a fighting stance, unmoving. He was just staring... Watching...

Wha?! No way... As she peered into the eyes beneath his mask, Mio felt something like a premonition. His stature, his presence, the way he carried himself, and the techniques he unleashed... She remembered all of them. The premonition confused Mio horribly, and she couldn’t even take up a proper stance with her longswords.

“What’s wrong? Are you finished already?” Kagetora quietly said. “You’re going to let it end? Was this all that your technique, your resolve, could manage?”


His words snapped Mio back to reality. She kicked off the ground and quickly closed the gap between her and Kagetora. He tried to swing his odachi down at Mio who charged in... but he stopped halfway. Mio had made no effort to defend her exposed head.

Thump! In the next instant, Mio socked Kagetora in the face. The impact made him back away this time. With her face downturned, and her arm still outstretched, Mio told the stumbling Kagetora, “Don’t just say whatever you want...”

As she raised her face, there was a burning anger in her eyes.

“As if I’d let it end with just this. I’m sure Mother accepted it, but I haven’t. This anger, this sadness, this indignation... I’ll make you take all of it. You and no other!”

“...Very well.”

That punch must have cut the inside of his mouth. Kagetora spat the blood out, and then readied his odachi once more.

“A dialogue between warriors needs no words. Show me the extent of your resolve.”

“Of course. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

The battle between Mio and Kagetora raged on.

From the stands, we were watching their battle. At some point in the middle, there was an obvious change in the way the two of them fought. In the beginning, they gave measured blows, trying to see how their opponent reacted. But now each fought as if they wished and gave it their all.

Mio, in particular, seemed to have let her emotions explode. She went at him hard, relying on brute force, and Kagetora accepted every one of her strikes. It probably... meant exactly what I assumed it did.

“Sire... Was this really all right?” Aisha asked in a whisper. “I think it’s a gamble whether or not Madam Mio will be satisfied with this...”

“Well, yeah,” I whispered in response. “I bet Hakuya will have a few choice words for me later, but... I don’t think it’s a bad bet. Didn’t you say it yourself, Aisha? ‘More is said through combat,’ right?”

“Yes... I did say that.” Aisha thumped one hand on her chest, a look of concern still showing on her face.

“Because this involves another country, it may seem like a big deal. But if we can just satisfy Mio, we can handle the rest however we please. In order to make her accept the result, we don’t need any little tricks. Perhaps because they learned under the same teacher, she and Liscia both have very straightforward personalities.”

I watched Mio fight. She seemed angry, but I could see another emotion there, too.

“If we go at her with sincerity, she should accept it.”

“...I see.” Aisha nodded as she watched the two of them fighting down below. “They both certainly seem to be enjoying themselves.”

“If I’m being honest, when they talk with their swords like this, I can’t follow what they’re saying, though...”

“Would you like to talk with me through combat, sire?”

“If I got injured, it would impact my duties, so please, no... Oh!”

It had been awhile now since they started fighting. If they played around any longer, people would start to find it suspicious.

I gave Kagetora the sign. He silently glanced towards me and nodded.

Shing! Clang! One of Mio’s longswords swung up, knocking Kagetora’s odachi from his hands and sending it clattering to the ground. Without delay, the other was at Kagetora’s throat.

“...I yield.”

Kagetora slowly spread his arms. The match was decided, and the Colosseum was rocked with applause. Mio was the victor, yet she seemed more surprised than anyone.

“Why did you let me win?”

“...The master’s orders.” Kagetora quickly answered, having decided that there was no lying his way out of it. Souma had demanded he “look for an opportunity to lose.”

Mio looked up at Souma in the stands, and whispered, “King Souma had no intention of preventing my wish?”

“...There will be a new investigation into the true intentions of your father, Georg Carmine, I’m sure. The results of which will no doubt reach you.”

“Huh?! But I already...”

“Even so. Now that it’s come to this, my master must make sure everything ends properly. You had best prepare yourself. From here on... I am sure you will be expected to do a suitable amount of work.” With that, Kagetora picked up his odachi and turned his back on Mio as he said, “It must be difficult for you, having had such a stubborn and foolish father. I suspect the late Georg feels sorry for what he did to you and your mother.”

“Wha—?! Even so—” Mio shouted after Kagetora as he departed. “Even so, he is my pride! No matter what path he chose to walk!”


“Will we meet again... Sir Kagetora?”

Remaining unturned, he replied, “...If there comes a day when the two of you return to the Kingdom, I am sure we will meet somewhere.”

Kagetora jumped into the stands and disappeared into the crowd.

“Mph... Mph...”

Mio was left alone in the arena, hanging her head as she cried. The people watching apparently thought they were tears of joy, but those in the front row said they were like the tears of a lost child when reunited with her parents.

Meanwhile, having vanished into the crowd, Kagetora was meeting with a woman in a mostly-deserted hallway. The woman in question had a feline tail, and though her age showed a little, her profile, and her eyes closely resembled Mio’s.

Kagetora stopped right beside her, and faced forward. “...You came?”

“I wanted to see my daughter’s efforts through to the end,” the cat-eared woman said without turning.

Kagetora took a deep breath. “Couldn’t you have... stopped her?”

“Never. My husband was a man of conviction. If his daughter was going to act on her convictions, I would not stop her. Because that is my conviction.”

“...I see.” Kagetora smiled a little beneath the stern face of his mask. “Living in a family like that must be quite difficult for you.”

“Like you wouldn’t believe. But we’re family. I may have given up, but I still love them.”

“...You’ve been an incredible mother, and an impeccable wife to a couple of unsophisticated fools.” With that, Kagetora placed a hand on the woman’s shoulder. “Now then, my lady, please, take care of yourself.”

“Yes. I know you’re a complete and total stranger, but nonetheless, please take care of yourself, too. I’ll be looking forward to the day when we coincidentally meet again.”

Without turning back, the two walked off in opposite directions.

“Mio, that was splendid,” I called out to her as the massive crowd in the Colosseum looked on. She was in the arena, taking a knee, and bowing her head. “Raise your head. You are the victor.”

“...Y-Yes, sir.” She raised her face, but, as might have been expected, she seemed really intimidated. Her face was a mix of awkwardness and confusion.

The audience were so excited they didn’t seem to notice it, but that clearly was not the face of the victor. Well, I’m sure she has a lot on her mind about this. I decided not to worry about her as I carried on talking.

“As promised, when I return to my country, I will carry out a new investigation into the motivations of Georg Carmine. To that end, I would like to invite you to come, as well. Would that be acceptable?”

“Y-Yes, sir! I don’t mind!” Mio immediately accepted. That was settled then.

Next... I guess I needed to do something to appeal to the people of Zem, too.

“Obviously, you have already cut all familial ties with Georg, so no matter what the result of the investigation, I guarantee you here and now that I will not seek your life, or to harm you in any other way! Let every person here be my witness!”

The Colosseum roared with applause. All spoils go to the victor. It’s only natural they be praised. If I were to do something to harm the victor, the people of this country would not be happy about it. I made clear that wouldn’t happen, while also making it a fait accompli that we would be taking Mio home with us.

As the winner of the Great Martial Arts Tournament, Mio was a card that Zem wouldn’t want to let go of. However, in the face of this impassioned crowd, Gimbal would probably not be able to get in the way of her returning home.

I returned to my seat and looked at Gimbal. “You heard how things turned out. Is there any issue with me taking the winner of the tournament home with me?”

“...The people seem satisfied with that, so I have no objection.” Gimbal shrugged with a wry smile. “There is no cup or throne associated with this tournament. In a way, you could say that the throne I am sitting on might be, but I haven’t faced a challenger in many years now.”

Gimbal rubbed the armrests of his throne.

“What needs to be prioritized, over anything else, is the national belief that, ‘Those who are strong will have their wish granted.’ That’s why, no matter what, I want to make Mio’s wish come true now.”

“Leave that to me. I won’t mistreat her.”

“That should be fine, then. Well, if someone from your country were to win, and then continue to stay in the country, it might lead to undue speculation down the line. If you want to collect her, that’s convenient for me... or so I’ll choose to tell myself.”

“Thank you, Sir Gimbal.”

It looked like Gimbal hadn’t had any clue what Mio was up to, either. Judging by her words and actions, she didn’t harbor a grudge against the Kingdom, so if he kept someone like her close at hand, he would always have to be wary she might be a spy. If you thought about the trouble that involved, he might have been relieved to have a nuisance taken off his hands.

“The House of Carmine is taken care of now, right?” Naden asked, and I nodded.

“Yeah. The House of Carmine is.”

Having been able to handle the Mio situation first, I slapped my cheeks in order to refocus myself. Now... tomorrow’s going to be where things get serious. There was one other reason I had accepted Gimbal’s invitation.

Though I had been unsure if it was okay to leave Mio alone, the matter that was coming up tomorrow was an issue that directly impacted the future of our country. I’m sure that she’ll be coming soon enough, so I need to keep on top of my game, I thought as the crowd’s cheers continued.

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