How a Realist Hero Rebuilt The Kingdom

Book 10: Chapter 2

— 3rd day, 2nd month, 1548th year, Continental Calendar — Parnam Castle —

On this cold day, Ginger Camus, the principal of Ginger’s Vocational School, where various fields were studied academically in the castle town, was having a meeting with Souma.

This was to report on a certain study from the music department which had opened just the other day.

In the governmental affairs office, Ginger sat on the sofa, anxiously waiting for Souma to finish looking through the materials he had submitted.

The only sound in the room they were alone in was the flipping of pages.

Eventually Souma, who had been intently reading the research documents, asked Ginger a number of questions. Ginger answered them.

“Hmm,” Souma groaned. “I see. That’s fascinating. It’s an interesting thing you’ve focused on, but... I can’t say whether it’s of any practical use to me or not. I’ll want to get opinions from a singer like Juna and a specialist on magic.”

“Why, yes,” said Ginger. “I think that would be for the best.”

“So, in the near future, could I ask you come back with the president of this ‘Society for the Study of Work Songs’? I’ll bring together some people who can make a decision, too.”

“Understood.” Ginger rose and bowed his head.

He hadn’t been able to get an instant answer, but this was a step forward. He’d be able to bring back good news to the researchers of the school.

While Ginger was feeling relieved, Souma lay the papers down beside him and said, “By the way, on a different topic... Ginger.”

“Y-Yes. What is it?”

“Don’t you have any plans to marry Sandria?”

For a moment, Ginger stared blankly back, unable to process what he’d heard. Then, as he gradually understood Souma’s words, the blood rose to his head, and he quickly turned red.

“Whuh?! What’s this, out of nowhere?!”

“Oh, well, you know how I’m holding my wedding together with the coronation in April?” asked Souma. “We’re planning to hold weddings around the capital for any of my retainers who want to participate. I’m looking for retainers who are interested, you see.”

“Y-Yes... I’ve heard.”

“When I first met you two, she was saying, ‘I don’t want to let you go,’ and ‘Please, keep me at your side,’ so I thought you’d be talking marriage in no time, but... I haven’t heard of any progress since,” Souma said with a doubtful look on his face. “I wanted to ask if you intended to get married or not.”

Ginger struggled to find the words to respond.

Honestly, Ginger wanted to marry Sandria, too.

They had overcome their positions as slave and master from his slave trader days, and worked together to find buyers for the slaves who would treat them well.

Then, even after Sandria was set free from slavery and Ginger was appointed to be the head of the training facility which came before the vocational school, Sandria had continued to support him.

He felt their bond was deepening. Ginger could feel that Sandria cared as much for him as he did for her, and that wasn’t just his ego speaking.

“The truth is... I’ve told her I’d like her to marry me before,” Ginger admitted.

Souma’s eyes widened. “What, so you’ve proposed already? What was her response?”

“‘I will have to decline for now’... she said.”

“Huh? She refused?! Oh, but with a ‘for now,’ huh... ‘For now’?”

Ginger nodded. If she was saying “for now,” then that meant she wasn’t entirely unwilling to consider it. That was a way of saying it might be possible she would accept later.

While Souma cocked his head to the side, unable to figure out Sandria’s true intentions, Ginger smiled wryly and explained, “San says she can’t be my first wife.”

Specifically, Sandria had told him this, with a slightly troubled look: “I am very happy to hear that. I love you, too, Lord Ginger. However, I am a former slave, and have no ties to my family. If I think of the House of Camus, which will continue to rise under King Souma, you should take the daughter of an influential family to be your wife. If you just keep me by your side as a mistress after that, I would not mind.”

It seemed she was declining solely in the interest of the House of Camus.

Because she cared for Ginger, she didn’t want to become a fetter to him.

It was a feeling that came from her all-too-pure affection for him, so it was hard to reject it. The fact that she wanted him to keep her by his side, even as a mistress, meant that, in her own way, she was accepting his proposal.

Ginger clutched his head. “Honestly, I don’t know what to do. She accepted my feelings, but not in the way I would have wanted. I think she would accept marrying me if she was the second wife, but it would be rude to both San and the other person if I arranged another political marriage just so she would marry me.”

“Well, it seems like a common concern in noble society,” Souma said. “I can’t say her thinking is out of line with the times we’re living in, but... it must be a complicated feeling for you.”

Souma brought a hand to his chin, a pensive look on his face.

Souma had only experienced an unorthodox romance in which he deepened his bond with Liscia and the others after already getting engaged to them, but it wasn’t wrong to get married because of mutual affection.

When he saw Ginger and Sandria who loved each other, but were at cross purposes, Souma couldn’t just leave them be.

“If status is the concern, why don’t I have some house adopt Sandria first? I’m sure there are many houses that would want ties to the House of Camus, and with a word from the royal house, things would move quickly.”

“...No, I don’t think that’s the issue.” Ginger silently shook his head. “I think, probably, San has a complex about having been a slave who was sold by her family. She looks down on herself, thinking she’s not good enough for me.”

“That makes sense, yeah... So, until that complex is resolved, she can’t take a step forward?”

If so, it was a hard problem to solve. That sort of complex was a personal issue, and no matter how much others tried to help, only the person themself could resolve it.

In the end, Sandria would have to come to terms with herself.

Souma crossed his hands behind his head, groaning as he leaned back in his chair, thinking. He then asked Ginger, “That part about being sold by her family, did you ask about that specifically?”

“Yes. I’m told she was the daughter of a merchant family, but after her father was tricked into shouldering a debt for a bad person, he sold her to a slave trader to protect his family and business. From the way San tells it, it was a hard decision, and I’ve never heard her say a word of complaint against her father.”

“That’s terrible. That happened in this country? I want to see that villain prosecuted.”

“No, it seems San was sold here from another country.” Ginger sighed powerlessly. “It seems the villain was connected to powerful people in that country, and he had no choice but to take it lying down. If it had happened in this country, I’d have you prosecute that miscreant, so as to restore San’s honor, but there’s not much we can do if it happened in a foreign land, is there?”

“Yeah... It would be difficult if we’re not on friendly terms with them,” Souma said. “If they’re tied to influential people, we’d probably be accused of interfering in internal affairs, too. What country was it, by the way?”

“The Gran Chaos Empire. There’s clearly nothing that can be done there, right?”

Souma went silent.

He was thinking, ...Huh? Maybe this’ll be easier to solve than I thought!

If he explained the situation to Maria or Jeanne, and had the villain and their powerful backers indicted together, he felt like it would fix everything.

If those two knew that their people were being made to suffer without their knowledge, they were sure to bring down the hammer of justice on the villains.

He’d thought it would be difficult, so he was almost disappointed how simple this was going to be.

However, Ginger still look depressed.

Oh, right. Ginger doesn’t know we’re on good terms with the Empire.

Because the secret alliance with the Empire was a secret, the number of the people inside the country who knew was limited.

For Ginger, who wasn’t informed, he couldn’t have imagined the channels that existed between the two countries, even though Souma and Maria could hold secret meetings whenever they pleased.

Souma was about to tell Ginger, seeing the gloomy look on his face, then... stopped.

Sure, if I make the request of Maria, she’ll take care of it. But is that good enough? Rather than me taking front stage, shouldn’t it be Ginger, who cares the most for Sandria, who takes an active role? Especially if we expect things to go well.

Souma put his mind to work for the two of them. When he thought about his relationship with Ginger, and the line he had to the Empire, he got an idea.

“Hey, Ginger.”

“Oh, yes? What is it?”

“Don’t you have connections in the Empire?”

Ginger shook his head vigorously. “N-Not at all! I’ve never even been out of the kingdom, you know?!”

“You may not have. But there’s someone in the Empire you know.”

“Someone I know? Who are you talking about?”

“Piltory Saracen. Remember him?”

“Sir Piltory... Ahh. The nobleman who took Anzu and Shiho to be his wives? Wait, you’re telling me Sir Piltory is in the Empire?!”

Piltory Saracen was the hot-blooded young man who was head of the House of Saracen, and when Ginger was a slave trader, he’d set the beautiful twins Anzu and Shiho free to become his wives. He’d been the prince in their Cinderella story, so Ginger remembered him.

Now that he mentions it, Sir Piltory said he’d be going to the Empire, Ginger realized, his mouth dropping open. I’d completely forgotten.

Souma laughed and told him, “Piltory is currently residing in the Empire as our chief negotiator there. He may have influence with the higher-ups in the Empire, so why not ask him? If it’s a favor from the man who set him up with his two wives, a man that hot-blooded isn’t going to refuse.”

“Y-You’re right! I’d love to ask him! May I head to the Empire?”

“No, if you just need to contact him, it can be done from the castle,” Souma said. “I’ll arrange things for noon tomorrow, so could you come to the castle again?”

“Of course! Please do!” Ginger bowed deeply.

Then he left, returning home with a look of unrestrained excitement on his face.

Watching him go with a wry smile, Souma stood up and stretched.

“Now then, I guess I’ll make the preparations for their wedding.”

He wouldn’t take front stage, but he’d set everything up for them.

While thinking about that, Souma headed for the Jewel Voice Room.

The next day...

“Oh, my. If that’s what you need, please, allow me to be of assistance,” Piltory said from the other side of the simple receiver, thumping his chest.

This was the Jewel Voice Room in Parnam Castle, where the jewel for the Jewel Voice Broadcast was kept, and Ginger was using it to speak to Piltory in the Empire.

Beside them, Souma and Aisha were watching. By having Souma sit in on them, they could avoid criticism that he was using a national treasure for personal reasons.

When Ginger asked for help with Sandria, Piltory accepted immediately and enthusiastically.

“You brought me and my wives, Anzu and Shiho, together, Sir Ginger. In a way, you were our Cupid. How could I do anything less than help you?”

“Your Cupid...? I was just a slave trader...”

“That’s just how grateful we are. They’ve both given birth now, and the House of Saracen is secure. I hear that Madam Sandria did a lot to take care of my wives, too. In order to repay the favor, I swear I will put a word in with the higher-ups in the Empire regarding the matter of Madam Sandria’s family and ask them to take care of it.”

After agreeing to take on the task with a commitment that suited such a hot-blooded man, Piltory bowed his head.

“Thank you!” Ginger was smiling.

It wasn’t a given that everything would work out just yet, but there was some hope of a resolution now. And this was all thanks to the connections Ginger had built going back to when he was a slave trader. He’d never liked the job, but now he was glad he hadn’t run away from it.

“It sounds like you’ve worked things out.” Souma, who had remained silent up until this point, walked up to the jewel. “Piltory. I’m asking you as well. Please, help Ginger out.”

“Yes, sir. It will be done, Your Majesty,” Piltory replied with a salute.

Souma nodded, putting a hand on Ginger’s shoulder. “I’m sure Piltory will handle the rest. I’ll contact you if there’s any progress, so come to the castle with Sandria when the time comes.”

“Yes! Thank you so much for everything!”

“Removing his subordinate’s worries is part of a superior’s job,” Souma said. “Now, I’ll handle the rest, so you can head on home.”

Ginger repeatedly thanked him, bowing his head over and over as he left the room.

Once Aisha confirmed Ginger’s presence had retreated, Souma spoke to the Jewel Voice Broadcast jewel.

“...You heard how it is. Can I ask you to handle it?”

“But of course.”

The response was a woman’s voice.

When Piltory stepped aside, the Empress of the Gran Chaos Empire, Maria Euphoria, appeared. She had been listening to the earlier Jewel Voice Broadcast from off screen.

Maria put a hand to her cheek with a troubled look. “To think I’d learn something like that was happening in my country because people from another country told me... That’s embarrassing, as the person responsible for this country.”

Her tone was apologetic.

Souma silently shook his head. “No ruler can see into every nook and cranny of their country. I’m sure things like this happen in my country, too. I just don’t realize it.”

“...That’s true,” Maria admitted. “Everyone, no matter who, has their good sides and bad sides. Some people are bound to do evil deeds. Even with the power of an empress or king, it would be difficult to stop them before they can act.”

“If you wanted to stop them in advance, you would need to institute an absolute surveillance state,” Souma said. “But if you clamp down too hard, that will spread more discontent and distrust in the country. At present... the only thing we can do is deal harshly with these things when they come to light.”

“Yes. So leave this matter to me.”

“If you’re agreeing to handle it, that’s reassuring,” Souma said. “I’ll be counting on you.”

With that, Souma and Maria nodded firmly to one another.

About one week later...

Ginger and Sandria received a summons to appear at the castle together.

Normally, when there was business at the castle, Ginger would go while Sandria stayed at home, but today the summons called for Sandria, as well.

Sandria tried to refuse, saying it wasn’t a place a former slave like her belonged.

But Ginger assured her, “It’s okay. I’ll be with you, so let’s go together.”

That, and the fact that it was a message from the castle, made her reluctantly agree to go.

When she passed through the main gate guarded by the palace guards and saw the impressive castle rising up before her, Sandria felt awkwardly out of place, and grabbed Ginger’s sleeve as he was walking beside her.

Seeing Sandria like that, Ginger chuckled. “You’re not acting like yourself, San. Normally, you’re bold no matter who you’re dealing with.”

“You’re more of a bully than I thought, Lord Ginger,” Sandria said, pouting like a child. “I feel so out of place here, it’s intimidating.”

“I think you’re cute when you’re acting tim—Ouch!”

“You really are a bully.” With a look of displeasure, Sandria pinched Ginger’s arm. She may have been embarrassed, because her face was red.

I think that’s cute, though, Ginger thought, looking sideways at her.

When the two of them entered the castle, a dragonewt maid appeared to lead them where they were going and began walking ahead of them.

As they walked down the hall and rode the weighted elevator, Sandria asked, “Um, Lord Ginger? I was told to accompany you today, but are you aware of the reason you’ve been called?”

“Yes, well... It’s probably because things are ready.”


Ginger nodded, then looked up. “I’ve done what I can. The rest is up to you, I’d say.”

Sandria cocked her head to the side, a question mark floating over her head.

Then the elevator stopped, and the three got off into the hall.

Eventually they arrived in front of the Jewel Voice Room.

“Please, go in. Everyone is waiting,” the dragonewt maid said, then turned and left.

When they entered the room as instructed, they were greeted by a massive Jewel Voice Broadcast jewel.

“It’s big...” Sandria said in awe. “Is that the jewel for the Jewel Voice Broadcast?”

While Sandria was distracted by the massive floating jewel in the middle of the room, someone in the room called out to them, “You’re here!”

There stood a tall man dressed all in black.

It was this country’s Prime Minister, Hakuya Kwonmin.

Hakuya bowed to the two of them. “His Majesty is indisposed with preparations for the coronation and weddings, so I will be watching over you in his place this time.”

Watching over us? Do what? Sandria wondered.

Then what looked like a full-body mirror beside the jewel lit up, and the form of a person was projected on it.

It was a beautiful girl who, in her white armor, embodied the idea of a princess general. Surprised by the girl’s sudden appearance, Sandria tugged on Ginger’s sleeve.

This was a simple receiver for the Jewel Voice Broadcast, but even if the common people knew they existed, hardly any of them had actually seen one. It was hard to blame Sandria for being surprised.

The girl greeted the three of them. “Hello, Sir Hakuya. And Sir Ginger and Madam Sandria, was it? It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I am the younger sister of Empress Maria Euphoria of the Gran Chaos Empire, Jeanne Euphoria.”

The sudden appearance of the younger sister of the empress of the great nation in the west left Sandria briefly unable to understand what was happening.

Lady Jeanne... Ahh, it really is Lady Jeanne! Sandria was familiar with that beautiful face.

Sandria had been born in the Gran Chaos Empire, and she had seen that face before, just once.

While she was young, and the previous emperor was still alive, she had been in a crowd with her family, watching a Jewel Voice Broadcast where His Imperial Majesty and the imperial family appeared.

Sandria had thought Jeanne was a pretty girl even back then, but she was shocked to see she’d grown to be so beautiful and dignified.

Jeanne looked at Sandria as she said, “In place of my busy sister, I will be the one handling things on our side this time. Now then, Madam Sandria...”

“Ye... Yes.” Sandria was awestruck at having been addressed by name. “What is it?”

Jeanne bowed her head deeply. “In place of my sister who could not be here, I wish to apologize to you.”


“I have heard the story of your fall into slavery. I am told your father was deceived, forced to shoulder a debt, and sold you to defend his family and business.”

Jeanne was speaking about her circumstances. Why did Jeanne, the younger sister of the empress, know anything about her?

Then, with a flash of realization, she looked at Ginger, who nodded seriously.

Jeanne bowed her head again. “I am told that the con man was connected to influential nobles in the region, and his victims were forced to simply accept their losses. In having allowed this oppression to occur, we have failed as those responsible for this empire. The fact that our mismanagement caused trouble for you and others pains my sister. We are truly sorry.”

“N-No... There’s no need for you or Lady Maria to apologize...” It confused Sandria that Jeanne was bowing her head to her.

She wanted someone to explain what exactly was going on here. She’d already accepted her situation, but now she was getting an apology. From the younger sister of the empress, someone far above her station, too.

Jeanne told the confused Sandria, “I know this is late in coming, but we have taken the con man and the nobles he was attached to into custody and are investigating their other crimes. These villains will be dealt with harshly under our laws.”


“The nobles will have their family names terminated and their assets seized. These seized assets will be used to compensate the victims, at least in part.”

Those who had caused her to be sold as a slave were being brought to justice. It felt like something happening in some far-off world to Sandria.

She resented those who’d done this to her. She was sad her family had sold her into slavery. However, she hadn’t thought about that for a long time now. Because...

While Sandria was looking at the screen, Ginger’s passionate eyes were on her.

Because I met Lord Ginger...

Having been sold off into the kingdom, she had been taken in by Ginger’s grandfather, who’d sympathized with her plight and taken good care of her.

Then, after his death, Sandria had been able to meet Ginger.

From there, it had been a quick succession of wonderful events.

Ginger was a kind man, and he took good care of everyone.

Ginger was now the head of the newly established Ginger’s Training Facility by King Souma. And he had set Sandria free, saying he wanted to be with her forever. Because of that, they’d remained close, and they continued to run the training facility together to this day.

It might have been bad luck that she’d fallen into slavery. But Sandria felt more than fortunate enough now. Her heart was full and satisfied with her feelings for Ginger.

Having received the apology from Jeanne, Sandria ran through all that in her mind, and confirmed it all for herself again.

“Also... there’s someone who wants to see you.” Jeanne invited someone in.

It was a middle-aged beastman with the same raccoon ears and tail as Sandria.

Looking at the man who stood on screen with a pained look on his face, Sandria’s eyes went wide as she whispered, “Dad...”


They both fell silent for a while.

The father was subdued into silence by his guilt over selling his daughter into slavery, and the daughter was unsure what to say to her father.

The two just stood there, staring at one another without words.

As if forcing the frozen time to move, Ginger put a hand on Sandria’s lower back and gave her a push.

“Lord Ginger?”

“You should just tell him exactly what you feel,” Ginger said. “That’s what we arranged this time for.”

She was silent for a moment. Then, with Ginger’s urging, Sandria made up her mind and stepped forward.

“Um... Is everyone else doing well? Mom and my brothers and sisters?”

“Ah! Y-Yes, they’re doing well. The business, too. Thanks to you, we held on by the skin of our teeth. Because of that, I’m sure you went through a lot of trouble... I’m sorry...”

Her father didn’t bow his head as he apologized, but looked straight up. That was because if he looked down, the tears were bound to fall. He felt that, after what he put his daughter through, crying and begging for forgiveness would be unfair.

Sandria understood that, and tears streamed down her cheeks.

“I’m so... sorry...!” her father burst out.

“...I know. It wasn’t just our family you had to protect; you had your employees and their families to think about, too. If you hadn’t sold me, I’m sure someone else would have been sold instead.”

Then Sandria smiled though her tears.

“I’m happy to have come to this country and met Lord Ginger. I think I’ll only get happier from here on. So don’t blame yourself anymore.”

She was happy. Whether she had been a slave or not didn’t matter. Here and now, being able to be at Ginger’s side was happiness. She wanted her father, so far away, to see that.

“Sandria...” her father whispered.

He turned away, rubbing his eyes, then bowed his head deeply to Ginger.

“Sir Ginger, after having sacrificed my own daughter, I am well aware that I have no right to speak. However, let me endure the shame as I say this: Please... make my daughter happy.”

“...Yes. Of course I will, Father.”

Ginger gave him a firm nod. Then bringing one hand to Sandria’s cheek, he used his other to wipe away her tears.

“San, I told you we’d get even happier, didn’t I?”

“...Yes,” she whispered.

“I’m more than happy enough. If I were to get any happier, it would have to be by marrying you, having children, and building a family. How about it?”

Sandria giggled nervously. “...Well, I think if that happened, I’d be much happier.”

“Will you accept my proposal?” Ginger asked.

Sandria’s heart was full of love for the man who had used his connections to do all this for her. Ginger hadn’t only wiped away her tears, he’d wiped away all her sadness.

Sandria was no longer chained down by the feelings of inferiority caused by having been a slave.

She practically leaped into the air as she hugged Ginger. “Yes, darling! Please make me even happier!”

Those words expressed her feelings more honestly than anything.

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