Housekeeper of the Hundred Blossom Palace

Chapter 34: The Maid’s Crime

Afterward, Ziliang treated the traces of beatings on Imperial Prince Yoruen’s back, which had been given first aid earlier.

The emperor sojourned at the palace, and they spent quality time as a family. Imperial Prince Youren was still scared of the emperor, but that would probably improve gradually.

In a deserted corridor away from the peaceful family’s place –

“This, this isn’t supposed to be like this.”

Wenjun muttered furiously as she stomped off.

“I should appeal to Her Majesty the Empress Dowager once more so that woman will be…”

However, soon after, Wenjun noticed the tall and short figures of two people standing at the end of the corridor.

It was Yui Mei and Libin, who supposedly left the room earlier.

Yui Mei wanted to talk to Wenjun, so she and Libin went ahead.

“I have something important to say to you.”

When Yui Mei said that, Wenjun clenched her fists forcefully.

“Brat, it’s all because of your needless meddling!”

Wenjun shrieked, and she tried to grab her with a demon-like expression.

However, Yui Mei was not one to flinch from this.

Compared to the wild animals at the borderland, she looked cute, even.

‘Don’t underestimate a country-born!’

Yui Mei posed, ready to counterattack.

“Shut up, unsightly woman.”

Libin stepped forward in a natural and smooth movement, and just as she thought he had grasped her arm, the next second, Wenjun was already slammed against the floor.

Yui Mei was captivated by Libin’s fluid motion for an instant.

‘This person is a eunuch, that’s a lie, that’s absolutely a lie!’

Yui Mei was distracted at her intensifying doubts regarding Libin.

“Tsk…. A mere lowly eunuch as you dared to do this to me, you know what will happen to you, huh!?”

Yui Mei was brought to her senses when Wenjun yelled while being pressed down.

“You too, don’t think you can escape from this.”

Yui Mei looked down at Wenjun as she spoke, and in response, Wenjun raised her heard and retorted, her spit flying.

“Don’t say such nonsense, why do I have to escape, huh!?”

Yui mei coldly stared at Wenjun, who didn’t seem to understand.

“You already knew that His Highness the Imperial Prince couldn’t eat eggs, right?”

For a moment, Wenjun’s eyes popped and she gasped.

“… What the heck are you babbling about, there’s no way I would know about that kind of nonsensical story, right!!?”

Wenjun said shrilly, then she averted her face..

‘What a bad liar.’

Yui Mei relentlessly hounded her as she continued on.

“A person with the same body constitution as His Highness the Imperial Prince Youren would be aware about the food items he couldn’t eat. Even if only a small amount of egg was used, he would definitely try to avoid it.”

In fact, according to the crown prince, Imperial Prince Youren couldn’t eat mushipan, and he probably already sensed that he couldn’t eat eggs.

The explanation why he couldn’t eat it was probably too difficult for him, so he didn’t understand.

“It was known that failure was not permitted at the feast held by the emperor, yet His Highness the Imperial Prince Youren ate the eggs and caused a great tumult. I can’t help but feel that this is too odd.”

Not all the dishes served during the banquet had contained eggs.

It would have been good if he ate those food, but he was purposely given dishes with eggs, resulting in his suffering plight.

Moreover, the same thing was repeated over and over again.

“However, if we think that it was not His Highness the Imperial Prince Youren’s own volition, and he was forced feed, instead, then everything will make sense.”


Wenjun bit her lips fiercely as she listened to Yui Mei’s words.

“Afterward, you did not show any surprise when I mentioned Imperial Prince Youren’s body constitution.”

If it was the first time she heard about it, then she would have a dubious expression just like

crown prince and the emperor.

However, Wenjun was scowling during that time.

For Yui Mei, her attitude was as if she was saying ‘Stop saying unnecessary stuff’.

“Those are all false accusations!”

“Whether they are false accusations or not, let’s have an investigation to clear it up.”

Libin coldly responded to Wenjun’s retort.

“If it was found that you deliberately fed him, this will become a case involving His Highness the Imperial Prince Youren, it will be forwarded to His Majesty. In other words, this will be a grave sin of defying His Majesty.”

Wenjun started to tremble from fear when she heard Libin’s unsparing words.

She then shrieked with bloodshot eyes.

“…I, in truth, I was the one who was supposed to be chosen! Brat, if you’re not here, then I could have driven that eyesore of a woman and child from the Inner Palace! It’s all because of you butting in and meddling!”

Wenjun scolded Yui Mei, but it was as if she was looking at something else despite looking at her.

“That plain woman got chosen, then I became an attendant? Don’t joke with me, I should have been more suitable to receive His Majesty’s favor!”

Wenjun’s expression was overflowing with fury, but traces of sadness could also be seen.

Yui Mei silently stared at Wenjun with an inexplicable feeling.

She probably grew up while being told that ‘You will become the empress’.

She also lived for that purpose, but at the last minute, she was told that she will become the maid.

Imperial Concubine Hu’s maiden family must have seen through the emperor’s preferences.

That was why instead of Wenjun, who was the original candidate, Imperial Concubine Hu who had a plain appearance was chosen.

She also pitied Wenjun, since her expectations were manipulated by her family.

‘But there must have been more to a woman’s happiness than just receiving the favor of the emperor.’

Because she did not become a concubine, she could’ve grasped freedom more than Imperial Concubine Hu. She could love somebody else, and they could have had a future together.

Turning her back on a bright future, and binding herself to the fate of a woman living in the Inner Palace – she was truly a pitiful woman, indeed.

Wenjun’s face became extremely distorted when she saw Yui Mei looking down at her.

“…Don’t look at me, don’t look at me with those pitying eyes! I should’ve been the one to receive the emperor’s favor, but why!?”

Wenjun’s wails echoed futilely throughout the corridor.


That day, Wenjun was arrested for attempting murder on Imperial Prince Youren, and they heard she was imprisoned while awaiting her punishment.

‘To think that I had been hated to that extent…’

Imperial Concubine Hu already knew that Wenjun did not like their mother-son pair.

However, Wenjun had more power in their family, so when she thought about that, she could not bring herself to make a strong front. Besides, she also felt obliged for snatching the position which was originally Wenjun’s.

When talks about Wenjun becoming Youren’s attendant came up, she couldn’t stop it because she had a higher position than her.

If she had firmly objected at that time, then perhaps Wenjun didn’t have to become astray.

Imperial Concubine Hu’s thoughts of ‘what ifs’ swirled around her mind.

Imperial Concubine Hu felt like she was in a quagmire, but that doctor’s assistant led the way towards the clear waters.

It seemed that the emperor knew that girl, but she remembered too late that she hadn’t asked for her name.

Normally, if circumstances permit, one would introduce herself without asking,

“What is the name of that helper girl?

“I’m afraid I do not know, except that she is the doctor’s assistant.”

The answer was uncertain even if she asked the elderly maid who was pouring her tea.

However, only one thing was clear.

That girl had blue eyes that shone brightly.

“The look in those blue eyes resemble His Majesty’s eyes long ago….”

The maid did not hear Imperial Concubine Hu’s whisper.


T/L Thoughts: Sorry for the late chapter, just got back ;D

Did not expect Wenjun to be the original Imperial Concubine Hu. So she wanted to replace Imperial Concubine Hu, and was in cahoots with the empress dowager. I get why she wanted to harm her, but as to why the empress dowager wanted to dispatch her, when they were in the same faction – well I’m guessing that it all boils down to the empress (empress dowager’s niece) jealousy, perhaps? Especially since Imperial Concubine Hu was the emperor’s type, and she gave birth to his son.

On a side note, I saw a review on NU about the impudence and stupidity of Yui Mei, considering she is a fan.. Well, here’s my take on this – she’s a modern person, and a Japanese at that, so no matter how much of a die-hard fan she is, she realistically wouldn’t be able to act the part – first because she was a nurse, second because she did not live in the capital despite being transmigrated there, third, there was no one to teach her and fourth, she thought she was a mere spectator. I am a fan of ancient chinese novels, but if I transmigrate there, I am 100% sure I won’t be able to master the etiquette and the subtleties unless I was born in nobility and have been taught about it since birth. Besides I’m not a Chinese hehe, so fat chance of bowing perfectly towards the emperor if I did not have the necessary background ? Watching, doing tours versus living in that world are two very different things ? Chinese protagonists who transmigrate to Ancient China at least have cultural ties, and some of them have cheats and systems and others experienced repeating their lifetimes for a do over:) But thanks for the comment, it is a nice discussion point, I would love to hear your opinions, too ?

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