Chapter 17: The battle of the burning mill
I was sat in one of the many cells under Dragonstone, waiting for my men to bring in our latest perpetrator.
Heavily in thought, I knocked my walking stick on the ground every once in a while in a rhythmic pattern.
This was a mistake, this should never have happened.
I don't understand how a king's guard infiltrated the castle without being noticed by any of the household guards or my men.
"Hmm," I hummed in concern.
I knew something like this was going to happen from my dreams, but for it to happen so out of the blue and with no warning concerns me.
The greens were bold, I'll give them that.
Now I'm fairly certain that this was not Otto Hightower's doing, his actions would have been a little more discreet and more permanent.
But this one feels more bold and less thought out, almost like it was a spur of the moment decision.
Something clicked in my mind as I thought of that; this was the reason, this was why Aegon had named Criston Cole as his hand. That damned knight thought it smart to send an assassin with the same face as his brother to kill my mother.
"What an imbecile." How such a person came to be in the king's guard eludes me.
I was taken out of thought as the door to the cell was opened and Ser Arryk was thrown in with a beaten and battered body, if the smell of blood had anything to tell me.
I did not move away from where I was sitting, observing the man who realized he wasn't alone, as he slowly stood up, grunting in pain as he did.
"As a young boy, I remember vividly," I started, my visible face turned to an angle, as I thought back to my childhood, remembering the better days. "How you and Ser Erryk used to help my father chase me around the Red Keep when I would refuse to take a bath," I started, a small reminiscent smile on my face before a frown came over it.
"And yet now I find you trying to assassinate the very hand that fed you," I said, turning my face to the man who was standing, barely in the corner of the cell.
Recoiling back as he saw my face.
"M... My prince," he stuttered out, his voice raspy, before he cleared his throat while shaking his head in frustration.
"I was only doing my duty," he said, as I listened to the raging heart in his chest.
'He was scared,' I observed.
"And yet, the oath you swore tells me another story: I shall guard the king and the royal family with my life." I said, as Ser Arryk froze.
"Is that not the oath you spoke when you were kneeling with your brother in front of my grandfather?" I asked, anger rising in me as I stood up from where I was sitting.
"Tell me, Ser Arryk," I said, hearing the man swallow audibly. "What happens to a Kingsguard who breaks his oath?" I asked, slowly unsheathing my blade as the man realized what was going to happen before he fell on his knees and raised his head to lock his eyes with my face.
"I will admit that what I have done has broken my oath, but I will not take back what I said. I was only doing my duty to the king and the lord commander," He said, his voice clear yet tinged with a litle regret. "The only thing I regret, is not being able to say my farewell's to my brother" He finished, raising his head in a way that exposed his neck.
So I was right, it was Criston Cole who ordered this stupidity.
I looked at the man who had surrendered himself to his fate, shaking my head in disappointment. He didn't realize it, but he had been made a scapegoat, and that made his situation even more pathetic than it already was.
"Do what you must, my prince" He spoke, thinking it was his final words.
I held my nonexisting gaze on the man who tried to kill my mother and as I brought the blade to his neck and he flinched from the cold steel pressing on his skin, I scoffed.
"Pathetic" I said, the man opening his eyes to look at the sneer on my face." You deserve nothing less then being killed" I said, hearing as his heartbeat raged on in fear which he did not show on his body language.
"And yet, your brother pleads for mercy, wich you do not deserve" As I spoke the words, ser Arryk went through countless different emotions but the most prominent ones were confusion, hope, and shock.
"W..Wha.." he did not finish as I continued on speaking" I am inclined to give him what he has pleaded, for his loyalty and devotion.." I said, as he sucked in an air of relief. " But, that does not mean you wil go unpunished" I said, as he tried reacting to the sword I swung but failed as I took his hand in one swift cut.
"AUGH!!" a blood-curdling scream left him as he held the shaft of his cut off arm. I slowly crouched down and picked up his severed hand before walking towards the cell door.
"let that be a reminder for every time you even think of raising a hand against house Targaryen," I said, as he cried in pain, before I knocked on the cell door and it was swung open.
"And if I even sense a small ounce of betrayal from you after your brother's plea, the pain you feel now, will be nothing compared to the pain I will inflict on you" Finishing my piece, I walked out of the cell as the door was closed behind me.
"Make sure he doesn't die of blood loss, but do not treat the wound properly, cauterize it and let him feel the pain," I told the men who stood guard on the door, before they saluted and I made my way to my chambers.
Walking through the stone corridors, I felt a presence walking at my pace as I neared my chambers. "How did you not notice him?" I asked Ezio, who was walking behind me, keeping a small distance.
"I apologize, my lord, this was a mistake on our end, we will receive any punishment you deem worthy," he said, truly feeling guilty as I read his emotions through his body language and heart.
"I will not punish you this time, but make sure something similar does not happen again," I told him, as we turned a corner and the servants who saw me holding a hand scurried away in fear.
"I will, my lord," he said, still falling into step with my pace. "Is there something else?" I asked, feeling he was withholding something.
Ezio was silent for but a moment before he spoke again, "A spy, my lord, amidst the men," which intrigued me.
"Oh, and whose spy might this one be?" I asked, already used to seeing spies try to infiltrate the army.
"Larys Strong is his name." My steps faltered as I heard the name before a chuckle escaped my lips. "So that weasel has made a move? Anything else?" I asked, nearing my chambers as we passed a couple more servants who squealed at the blood dripping from the hand I was carrying.
"They know," Ezio spoke, which made me hum in annoyance. "Since when?" I asked, finally getting to my chamber doors and hearing more than one heartbeat in there waiting for me.
"Two nights, my lord. I let the raven fly to know who the spy was. I apologize if this compromises you, lord," Ezio spoke in an apologetic voice, but it didn't really matter whether or not the greens knew I was alive, it was either way going to be announced when I wed Heleana soon, but it does annoy me that a weasel-like Larys thinks he can just send spies into my camp.
"Well, you know what to do with the spy, I'll leave you to it," I told him as I held the door knob, before Ezio saluted and was about to leave. "One more thing, Ezio, I want you to deliver a message for me with Arrow," I told him, as he turned around.
"Of course, my lord, I am at your service," he said before disappearing into the shadows.
Nodding, I opened the door to be met with the lords of the Black Council, all of them showing some stage of anxiousness and fear yet at the same time pride.
I did not say a word as I walked over to where my desk was, an open box laying upon it.
Approaching it as I held the severed hand, I could hear how the heartbeats picked up as the small trail of blood followed me to the desk.
Laying the severed hand in the box, I took a parchment and a quill before sitting down to scribble the message I wanted. Yue, who was standing with the lords, approached my side as I took my time, the only sound in the room being the scratches the parchment was making and the heartbeats no one else other than I could hear.
Finishing the message, I folded the parchment before I gave it to Yue, who did the rest, before turning my attention to the four advisers my mother kept in her council.
"My lords," I said, addressing Lords Bartimos Celtigare, Staunton of Rook's Rest, and Ser Alfred Broom, who all stood in my private quarters.
"Do you know why I have summoned you all here?" I asked, looking between the men who all had pride the size of Abraxas.
It was Lord Celtigare who stepped forward to answer my question.
"We must admit, my prince, we do not know the reason you called us in your private quarters," he said, sounding confident. Yet he could not hide the nervousness he was feeling from me.
Clasping my hands together, I hummed as I looked at an angle. "I called you all here so we can talk about your behavior in my mother's council," I started, raising my head to look at the direction they were standing at.
"My prince, we were only doing what was asked of us as her advisers," Lord Staunton stuttered out his reply as he took a step forward, sweating so profusely he was wiping his face with a handkerchief.
"Hmm, I do not disagree with you, sometimes a ruler needs to be told an uncomfortable truth," I admitted, yet the frown that came on my face said something else.
I stood up slowly as I walked around the table and approached the lords who were getting increasingly more nervous.
"Lord Celtigare," I started as I turned to look in his direction. "Your house, like my own, is of Valyrian descent and like many before you, you have served House Targaryen well in my grandfather's rule," I told him, which made his wide-eyed face slowly turn into a proud look.
"With all of my strength, my prince," he said, as I locked my eyes with his. "Then tell me, would you speak so blatantly disrespectfully to my grandfather Viserys the First, if he were here?" I asked him, as he recoiled a little before looking down and shaking his head.
"I would not, my prince," he admitted as I held my gaze on him, before moving away from him to stand in front of Lord Staunton.
"Lord Staunton, did your ancestor not kneel to my ancestor, Aegon the First of his name, and serve him honorably while he was still alive?" I began, as he puffed his chest in pride, nodding and not saying a word.
"Then tell me, how would your grandfather, the very same lord who knelt to Aegon, feel if he saw the way you acted in the council room with your ruling queen?" I asked pointedly, making the lord deflate as he shook his head. "He would roll in his grave," he said gravely.
I did not say anything else, before moving on to the last man and the one who had the most gall. "And you, Ser Alfred Broom, a knight of House Targaryen, the very station you hold given to you by my family," I informed him as I stood towering in front of him. "Tell me, has House Targaryen ever mistreated you?" I asked, the man looking up at my face as he shook his head.
"N..Never, my prince, I have been treated with respect and the honor my station demands," he said, stuttering out his first words before speaking quickly so as to not give the impression that he was ungrateful.
"Then how dare you!" I said, as he swallowed audibly. "How dare all of you!" I raised my voice, looking around the gathered men. "My mother, who has lost everything she holds dear, has asked you men to guide her because of her shortcomings as a learning queen, and instead of being there for her as support and a voice of comfort, you stand in her council, either ignoring her, disrespecting her, or being argumentative about what she has or has not done," I finished, looking each man in the eye one by one as they all flinched back from the scared and disturbing visage of my face and eyes.
" prince..." Ser Alfred tried to voice, but I cut him off.
"No, you listen!" I said, turning to him before he nodded.
"All of you have been given honorable positions, that will lead your houses to glory when this war has been won, but the way you act, it would be right to say instead of glory, you would be put to the sword," I said, as they all in shock said, "My Prince!" Before I raised my hand, silencing them.
"We are humans, we make mistakes, I will not deny that," I told them, looking each one over before continuing. "That is why I am warning all of you: if you treasure your positions and want to continue serving the queen as your predecessors did, you will show respect," I told them, as they kept their mouths shut, opting to listen to me.
"Then perhaps, I will recognize all of you as competent men and give you the respect and honor you deserve, but until then," I said pointedly, "Keep yourselves in check." Before I turned around and made my way to my bed stand where my mask was on, before putting it on.
"You're all dismissed." And like they were being chased away by dragons, they scurried out of the room one by one, before only I and Yue were left.
"That was well done, my lord. That will definitely have them second-guessing themselves if they wish to act out again," Yue spoke from where he was standing, the finished box in hand, as I sighed and walked over to one of the cushioned seats next to my balcony before sitting down.
"Thank you, Yue, I only wish I did not have to do that for them to do their duty accordingly," I told him, as I felt the breeze that was coming through the open balcony door.
"I understand, my lord," he said, as I turned my observation on him and smelled a familiar scent. "I see you have settled things with Meredyth?" I asked, getting a small cough from Yue, which made me smile lightly.
"She was only angry momentarily, you know how kindhearted she is," Yue spoke as his visage softened, humming in agreement. "Yes, that's why I put her in charge of Helena's safety, she will do well with her," I said, absentmindedly, an image of a burning mill coming to mind, which reminded me of last night's dragon dreams.
"There will be war soon," I spoke to Yue, who perked up at what I said. "By war, do you mean skirmishes, my lord?" he asked, as I nodded.
"In the Riverlands, the Brackens and the Blackwoods will be the first blood spilled," I said, in a matter-of-fact tone, my thoughts racing as I heard Yue approaching and sitting on the opposite end of where I was.
"Have you seen it, my lord? In your dreams, I mean?" he asked, worry in his voice, as I nodded in confirmation.
"They will both lose considerable amounts of men. It will be a full-on massacre," I spoke of the dream, recalling the field full of crows and dead bodies.
"It will be our win, but at what cost?" I told Yue, who seemed to also be in thought before speaking.
"How about sending someone, my lord?" Yue spoke, as I turned my face in his direction.
Yue, who saw I was listening attentively, approached where I was seated before continuing. "Your brother, my lord, Jecearys is in the Riverlands, is he not? Send him before it's too late. Let him broker a deal with either the Brackens or the Blackwoods," he explained, as I thought it over.
It wasn't a bad plan, yet it was dangerous. The Brackens had raised their banners for Aegon, so sending Jecearys would be like serving him on a silver platter. They did care for customs, those Brackens.
"Hmm," I hummed in thought. If I let this fester, it could be even worse, so I'm only left with one choice.
Standing up from where I was sitting, I went to my desk to write yet another missive, but this time for my little brother, who has hopefully landed in Harrenhal with Daemon.
Finishing the message, I handed the letter to Yue, who now stood next to me.
"Give both of the messages, the one with the box and this one to Ezio. He will do the rest," I informed Yue, who nodded before leaving my chambers and delivering the two messages.
"Sigh, and now I wait," I said, sitting at my desk, feeling a tug of connection from my bond.
"I am fine, just tired, Abraxas," I told him, inhaling a deep breath.
I hope Jecearys does not disappoint.
Harrenhal (POV: Jecearys)
Standing in the godswood of Harrenhal, I could not help but think of how things have gone since coming to this damned castle.
The castle was easier to take than we had thought, yet the reason for that was straightforward. It was only because Larys had called both the household guards and the riches here back to King's Landing.
So there wasn't anything to guard, other than Lord Simon Strong and his family of four. So in a way, we had already done half of what my brother and mother had sent us to do.
The only thing left now is to rally the lords of the Riverlands, but that is proving to be difficult by the day.
Daemon, like my brother has said, has been acting weird ever since we have stepped into this castle. He has been sleepwalking, shouting at walls, and getting frightened by shadows.
If I were told Daemon, my stepfather, was going to act this way a moon ago, I would have called the person who claimed such a thing mad.
Yet here the evidence was, and this was all because of the woman who seems to avoid me like the plague.
Alys Rivers was her name, the black-haired witch my brother had warned me of.
She was... odd to say the least.
At many an occasion when I would find her with Daemon, she would scurry off like I was her end, and the look she would give me when she thought I was not looking was frightening, like I was the last thing she wanted to be in the vicinity of.
Gazing at my finger where the ring my brother gave me sat, I was reminded of his words.
'It's a protection ring, make sure to wear it at all times.'
"Screech!" I was taken out of my musings as I heard the cawing of an eagle. Looking at where the sound came from, I saw an eagle descending from the sky straight toward me.
"What the?!" I exclaimed, as I went to duck under it, but the eagle made to stop as it landed safely on the ground in front of me.
"Screech!" it vocalized as it hopped on the ground. As I observed it, I realized the eagle had something attached to its back. Crouching down, I saw a cylinder-shaped leather bound that had the same sigil my brother's army used.
"Vealor?" I said, perhaps he is sending me a message.
Slowly popping open the cylinder, I took out the wrapped parchment before unfurling it and reading its contents.
Brother, I hope you have safely arrived in Harrenhal with Daemon. I would skip the pleasantries for later times, for what I'm about to ask of you is urgent.
I need you to head to Bracken land and treat with the lord. They and the Blackwoods are currently readying themselves for war.
As I read the first half of the message, I couldn't help but feel urgency.
Both the Brackens and the Blackwoods were houses with a formidable amount of men; they would be of use when the great army was brought together here in Harrenhal.
Even though their strife was known throughout the whole of the Seven Kingdoms, they were still big enough houses that if their support were won, many lords would follow.
But if they killed each other before, there would be no point.
I would not ask this of you had I not believed in your abilities. When you arrive, your voice is mine and, subsequently, the queen's. You may do whatever you see fit to gain the Bracken's support.
Lastly, I would not send you only as a messenger. If they show hostility, teach them what FIRE and BLOOD means.
Yours truly,
Vealor Velaryon, Prince of Dragonstone.
As I finished reading the message, I breathed in anticipation and nervousness. My brother was trusting me with this.
So I had to do well for him.
As I looked down at the eagle, who I had just now realized had white eyes, I watched as it nodded and flew away in the direction it came from.
"Did that eagle just nod?" I said, looking at its flying form in shock, before shaking my head and turning on my heel to head inside the castle to inform Daemon.
Hey guys, Author here!
Yes, yes, I know, two chapters in one week—what is this, Christmas? 😆 Well, I decided to toss the publishing schedule out the window and just publish whenever I feel inspired! That means some weeks might be 1-3 chapters, or maybe even 4 if I'm really on a roll (and, you know, real life is cooperating).
I've got a life too, lol.
Anyway, I really hope you guys enjoy this chapter! I remember when I wrote it, and I was honestly so proud of myself. But yeah, like always, I'm open to constructive criticism. If you have any ideas or suggestions, drop them in the comments—I love interacting with you all.
Oh, and for those of you who want to help support me (and get some cool perks), feel free to check out my Patreon!
As always, catch you guys... next time?
Thanks for reading!