House of The Dragon-The Beauty, The Bold, And The Black Dread

Chapter 76: A Mother's Love

(Third Person POV)

[King's Landing, Around Twenty Years Ago]

"Your Grace." a Maid said, "Please get some rest. The wetnurses will attend to the Prince." 

A young Alicent Hightower, newlywed to the King, sat next to a cradle where the Heir to the Throne, lay asleep. 

"No, it is fine." Alicent gave her a slight smile, "I will stay here with Baelon...." 

The maid bowed slightly, "Very well..." 

Alicent watched as the maid left the room and then looked back over to the babe, who was wrapped in blankets and sleeping soundly. She leaned against the cradle and merely watched him, his peaceful face occasionally making frowns in his sleep. 

"You look so healthy at times...." Alicent said softly, "Sweet other are so sickly....the gods watch over you, Baelon Targaryen...." 

The Queen reached her hand and gently caressed the face of the babe, the sleeping Prince frowning in response and shifting slightly. 

"You are my best friend's brother...." Alicent said softly, "My friend...whose father I just married.....does that make me your Mother....?" 

The Queen then gently patted the top of his head, caressing it with such care that one would say that it came naturally to her. Alicent was mesmerized by Baelon's face, as peaceful as it was while he was asleep. Even asleep, she was able to make out the Targaryen features that he had inherited; white hair and fair skin. While it was difficult to tell what kind of boy the babe would grow up to be in his current condition, Alicent knew that should he be healthy, Baelon would grow up into a tall and sturdy Prince. 

"I wonder if my children would look like you..." Alicent said softly, "Your Father's children.....your" 

Then, the prince's eyes opened, groggily. He looked up at the Queen, who was taken aback by this. 

"O-Oh, my apologies...." She said as she pulled her hand away

The babe looked up at the Queen, blinking a few times before looking away and closing his eyes yet again. Almost like he did not wake at all, Prince Baelon fell right back asleep. 

"W-Would I be a good mother....?" Alicent said, "S-should I be a mother? To you....?" 

"I simply cannot know....." 


"The Prince is weeping....Your Grace...." the Wetnurse said as she carried Baby Baelon in her arms, "I believe he requires his Father..." 

King Viserys smiled, " son...." He said as he walked up to the wetnurse, "Let me see....look at you...come to my arms, Baelon..." 

The wetnursed handed Baelon to Viserys who took him into his arms. 

"There there...." Viserys said, "You have finally gotten healthy, eh? My Heir...." 

Baelon kept crying, his cries were the normal volume, not one that would alarm anyone. Anyone who would hear his cries would dismiss it as ordinary baby things. Even King Viserys was aware that Baelon just needed some attention. 

"Ah....come now, let us go see the throne." Viserys smiled, "I will show you what you soon inherit..." 

Baelon kept crying still, flailing his arms around uncomfortable. 

The wetnurse saw this, "Oh, the Prince seems to be in a bad mood today." 

"Yes, it seems so..." Viserys chuckled, "Has Daemon come? To see his nephew?" 

Otto, who was standing a few feet away, shook his head, "No, Your Grace." He said, "It appears he is at Dragonstone. Some issue with Silverwing, it seemed." 

"Ah, I see." Viserys said as Baelon's cries got louder, "My son does not seem to enjoy my company." 

Queen Alicent slowly walked up to him, "May I hold him, Your Grace?" She asked the King

Viserys looked at her with a surprised look, "Oh?" He said, "Uh....sure...." 

He handed Baelon to Alicent, who held him in her arms gently as she looked at him. Like a miracle, the Prince stopped his crying and merely looked at her, staring at her with his big purple eyes. 

"Ah...." Viserys chuckled, "Well, it seems that I am fortunate enough to have a wife....he needs a mother-figure..." 

"So it seems." Otto said with a slight smile

Alicent smiled awkwardly, "R-Right...." She said, "I am glad to be of assistance...." 

Viserys patted her shoulder, "Thank you, Alicent..." He said 

Alicent nodded, "Of course..." She said softly 

She then looked at Baelon, who looked at her with nothing but wonder in his eyes. At that moment, there was something within Alicent that awakened; the maternal instinct to love this child. Baelon was not hers by blood. He merely came across the position of stepmother by marrying the King. But something told him to care for the child, the child that was deathly ill on the day he was born. The child that required everyone's care to survive. 

A child that had fought so hard to stay alive. 

Alicent Hightower decided to love that child. 

"It is okay, little one..." Alicent whispered, "I will be here for you..." 


Sometime later, Queen Alicent Hightower gave birth to her first child and the King's second son, Aegon Targaryen. The Realm celebrated this event, the birth of the second prince, and were happy about it. 

Nobody was happier than the young prince Baelon, who was in the best of moods.

Alicent held Aegon in her arms as she sat down in her chair, looking at her son, "Aegon...." She said softly as the wetnurse walked up to her with Baelon in her arms, "My son...." 

"Your Grace, the prince wished to see him...." the wetnurse said

"Mama." Baelon's soft voice was heard as she reached for her, "Mama...." 

"Baelon...." Alicent said, "Do you wish to see your brother?" 

The wetnurse lowered Baelon down for him to reach to his brother, gently patting the babe's head as he smiled brightly. 

"He's your brother, Aegon, Baelon...." Alicent smiled as Baelon looked at Aegon, "You two will grow up to be beautiful princes that will ride the mightiest of dragons..." 

Alicent, despite holding Aegon in her hands, could not help but just stare at Baelon. Baelon Targaryen, a child that was not hers by blood. She could not help but feel an immense amount of love for the boy, especially since Baelon looked at Aegon, her son, with so much adoration. An adoration born of innocence, something that Alicent wished for Baelon to keep forever. 

"We should put the babes to bed, Your Grace." The Wetnurse said, "Baelon has been active lately, he is tired, even if he does not know it." 

"O-Of course.." Alicent said softly, "It is time to sleep, Baelon..." 

Baelon frowned and reached for Alicent, "Mama...." 

Alicent leaned forward and kissed Baelon on the cheek, "Go sleep, my dear." She said with a smile, "On the morrow, we will take a walk to the gardens...." 


"This is your sister, Helaena, Baelon." Queen Alicent held a baby girl in her arms 

She sat in her seat as Baelon walked up to her slowly, leaning against her lap, his bright eyes wide with joy. Off in the distance, some maids played with Aegon who was holding a wooden horse toy. 

"S....sister....?" Baelon said with a frown, "N-Nyra?" 

"No, not Rhaenyra...." Alicent patted his cheek, "Helaena....." 

"Helaena...." Baelon said as he looked at the babe, "Sister...." 

"Yes..." Alicent said, "She is your sister....I want you to take care of her, alright? When you grow older, I wish for you to take care of her.....forever.....keep her precious boy...." 

"Yes." Baelon nodded 

Alicent patted his head, "I love you so much..." She said, "My son...." 

"Me." Baelon pointed at himself, "Love me? Mama...." 

"" She said softly, "All of you." 

"Me love mama." Baelon said with a smile, "And Helaena..." 

Alicent shed a tear, "Yes...." She said, "Love your sister....." 

"That is all I ask of you...." 


"The Lord of the Realm are sending their daughters, sisters, and mothers...." Daemon said as he sat down, "To try and get on the Heir's favors...." 

Viserys sighed, "He is but a boy, Daemon." He said, "What are you saying?" 

"They want Balerion." Daemon said

This was a few years later, Queen Alicent had already had her children by this time. The young Prince, Baelon, had claimed Balerion. 

"Oh please." Viserys said, "That is ridiculous." 

"Lord Royce sent her niece, Lady Rhea...." Daemon said with a sly smile, "To try and seduce the boy." 

"As did Lord Blackwood." Otto said, "It is going to become troublesome....all of this.....we should choose a suitor for Baelon and we should do it quickly. Of course, he is not to marry until he is of age.....ten and eight, Your Grace?" 

Viserys nodded, "That seems right....I suppose...." He said, "The latest..." 

"Who are we going to consider?" Otto asked, "Prince Daemon's daughters? The Ladies Baela and Rhaena?" 

Daemon placed his hand on his chin, "Not a bad choice...they're pretty young..." He said, "I would not mind having one of my daughters wed my nephew." 

Viserys sighed, "They're too young to even consider..." He said, "I do not know...someone closer to his age....." 

"Helaena." a voice said 

They looked up to see Alicent standing at the side, holding her hands in front of her. 

"Oh, Alicent." Viserys said, "We did not see you there." 

Alicent looked at Viserys, "I want Baelon and Helaena to marry." She said sternly

"Are you certain?" Otto asked his daughter

"No offense to Prince Daemon..." Alicent said, "But I only wish for Baelon to have the best....and Helaena is meant for him...." 

Daemon raised his eyebrow, "Oh?" 

"Well...." Viserys started, "But...." 

"I do not trust my only daughter to someone else that is not my son." Alicent said

"I mean...Baelon isn't..." Viserys trailed off before smiling, "Right.....of course..." 

"Baelon and Helaena...." Alicent said seriously, "That is all I ask of you, Viserys." 

"Of course, of course." Viserys chuckled, "Whatever my Queen desires." 

Alicent turned around and walked away as they watched her leave. 

"Well...." Daemon said, "That is not the most terrible idea...." 

"It is the best, when thinking on it." Otto said, "Keep Balerion close to the family..." 

"Right...." Viserys said as he looked down, "Of course....." 


[Back to the Present Day]

"What are you going to do, Viserys?" Alicent asked her husband

Viserys was sitting down, rubbing his temples, "This...." He said, "It is not something I had hoped to happen...." 

"He tried to kill my boy...." Alicent said, "Do you understand what that means?" 

Viserys looked at her, "I am well aware of what that means...." He said, "He has caused our family so much pain. He...." 

"He tried to kill Baelon..." Alicent repeated, "He needs to die." 

Viserys looked at her for a few seconds. There was so much conviction in her eyes, she was serious about what she had just said. Alicent Hightower wanted Trevor Celtigar dead for trying to assassinate her son, Baelon. 

"I...." Viserys said as he reached for her hand, "I am so glad....Alicent....that twenty years ago, you decided to become the mother of that boy..."

Alicent nodded, "I know....I did not foresee that myself..." She said softly

"The gods watch over our boy...." Viserys said, "They have orchestrated everything for him to be seated on that Throne.....when I pass, whenever that is.....he will be King. He already has Balerion, he already has Blackfyre....all that is needed is for this foolish man of a King to die....and the Realm will prosper... Nobody will dare challenge Baelon, The Bold.....the man that he is.....he is...the greatest.....he will be the greatest King.....all thanks to a girl who decided to be a mother...." 

 Alicent squeezed her hand, "I just want.....I want a grandchild..." She said softly, "The reason I wanted him to marry Helaena....was because I wanted him to give me a grandchild....he's my boy...but....deep down, I knew that if he were to marry someone else that wasn't Helaena....the children that he would have.....would not be my blood....yet I would still love them because they were his....but now that he and Helaena are one....I just want them to be happy....and the fact that someone tried to take that away from me, from them....." 

A tear ran down her cheek as her face hardened. 

"It angers me, Viserys..." Alicent said seriously, 

"I want him dead." 

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