House of Amarin

Codex Chapter – Erias Amarin

Hey there, Dear Readers! Another Codex Chapter time~ I decided to try and turn this into a weekend thing! Giving you one when there is no regular chapter scheduled to arrive!

Checking the poll where I asked what you want the next codex to be about... guys... gals... you really love trolling me, eh? Well played, Well played! Heh~ No hard feelings, I'll just do them in order then, hah! You can't trap me, bwahahaha~ I played too much Yu-Gi-Oh to fall for such a trap card of tied results!

PS: Don't forget to tap/click on the little blue numbers. They are footnotes containing extra information~

Codex of Meriath

Biography of Erias Amarin

Warlock of Duality

  • Name:

    • Erias Amarin
  • Age:

    • ~4351This is speculation; it may be inaccurate by plus or minus ten years. We don't know his exact birthday, only his day of death: 1E60.
  • Species:

    • Human Male
  • Element(s):

    • Light, Darkness, Fire, Water
  • Level:

    • 9th Tier - Magi Ascendri2His title was Warlock of Duality, earning it fighting against the Undead Horde.

Erias Amarin. One of the legendary figures of the Realm. Nobody could repeat his feat of wielding opposing elements simultaneously since his death. Not even his descendants.3Every member of the Amarin family is known to master opposing elements. Currently, only the Angel of Death is known to switch between them seamlessly while fighting. Yet she is yet to cast them as her ancestor did. The art of fusion has eluded the family for four millennia by now. When his light shone on the battlefield, it brought darkness. When his flames rampaged through the mortal enemy of Meriath, they flowed like water. Nothing could extinguish them as they burnt above ground and underwater. When the darkness of the Undead engulfed the land, his light pushed it back, showing them what darkness within the light truly meant. He was one of the Sages who led from the front, present in all of the decisive battles from the start of the Dark Ages to its end. A fearless warrior, first to arrive at the battle and last to leave it. After the Day of Victory4It is celebrated every year, signaling a start of a new year., he resettled, establishing the House of Amarin, raising his descendants, and staying in his newly built castle until his death in 1E60.

Major feats: 5These are only those notable achievements that your humble historian could verify.

BDA 6BDA - Before Dark Ages. The time before the Undead Apocalypse.- ~-175 - Birth of Erias Amarin. 7We have multiple dates of his birth. When asking the Respected House, their comment pointed to this date, but they also confirmed, Erias himself didn't know as he was orphaned at an early age. He was raised in an orphanage before being admitted into a local Magic Academy until reaching adulthood.

BDA - -39 - Erias reached the 7th Tier, stepping into the Realm of Three Ri, Magi Supri.8This event was noted by multiple sources as it happened while fighting against a wanted group of mages. They later turned out to be influenced by intelligent Undead mages, who were brainwashing them. After his advancement and consequent victory, Erias disappeared for two years before he returned, starting to warn the Realm of an impending Apocalypse. His warnings went unheeded.

DA9DA - Dark Ages. Two hundred years of immense suffering and death. 90% of Meriath was laid to ruin by the end, and thousands of years of history, culture, and knowledge were lost and destroyed by the Undead Menace. - 0 - More and more sightings of Undead. They start appearing in hordes, numbering close to a hundred. Erias's warnings start to get the attention of that time's top-ranking figures. Adventure groups are formed to scout out the sightings.

DA - 17 - Destruction of Gamhalin. A kingdom housing half a million souls is completely wiped out. A year later, an Undead horde of a size that was so far unimaginable flooded the surrounding regions. Their numbers swelled to more than a million souls in only a year. Historians officially date this event as the time when the world truly descended into the Apocalypse. 

DA - 63 - Erias steps into the 8th Tier, taking up a leading role in the defensive efforts of the people of Meriath. At this time, the Realm is being attacked from all sides, losing territories by the day.

DA - 86 - Erias and his closest allies decide that the war is going to be lost if they continue to try to be everywhere at the same time. A decision is made; Sacrifice countless lives to save the Realm. They collect as many people and as many talents as possible and retreat to Windswept Fields.10Windswept Fields is a ~2 million square kilometer island in the north of Meriath. It is a barren, barely habitable land, but it became the bastion of all living beings in Meriath. It was transformed by the strongest mages' powers to be able to provide for the ~10 million souls who escaped destruction. and set up their defensive line on the island, leaving untold millions to their fate. 

DA - 91 - The Sages establish the Institution of Meriath11It was the precursor for the Institution of Eight Elements in essence.. They focus on training mages in droves, pouring all of their resources into talented individuals while also defending against the Undead attacks coming from the main continent. 

DA - 104 - Erias steps into the 9th Tier, surviving the Tribulation of Red Lightning12The fabled Gate of Meriath appeared in the sky. Its doors were shut at first but forced open by nature itself to let the tribulation fall down on him. Many witness testimonies describe that a pair of eyes looked down from the sky the moment Erias succeeded, and many swore to hear a murmur, "Coward," before closing once again. Although, Erias himself denied experiencing or hearing said words or noticing the eyes. This can be explained by the collective fear and dread of the people of Meriath..

DA - 112 - With Erias's help and lead, in the coming years, 18 others step into the 9th Tier and the plans for counterattacking and reclaiming Meriath start.

DA - 128 - The campaign of Final Light13The leading mages decide to gamble everything on one plan. It is death or freedom. They launch an invasion into the mainland and start reclaiming the Realm, exterminating everything that they find 'alive'. Undead or not. begins.

DA - 174 - The leaders of the Undead14There are conflicting details of their numbers. Historians put them somewhere between 500 to 1000 Intelligent Undead and around 500 000 to 1 000 000 foot soldiers. try to assassinate the 9th Tier leaders of Meriath. In the ensuing battle, 5 of the 19 Ascendri leaders are killed. All five decided to unleash a final explosion before death, dragging countless Undead with them. 

DA - 192 - The Undead horde is constantly chipped away at, and most of the continent is reclaimed. A final push is made to not let the remaining Intelligent variants to escape. Many more Ascendri leaders are lost in the coming battles, sacrificing themselves to bring down the Undead.

DA - 20015Official end of the Dark Ages. The date is symbolic; it may be off a few years before the new calendar is established, signaling the New Era and starting the countdown from the 1st Era, Year 1. - Day of Victory is established and celebrated every year to remember the fallen Heroes. Only 6 of the 19 Ascendri mages survived, establishing the Six Houses. Erias retreats to his home, no longer appearing before the public. 

1E60 - House of Amarin announces the death of their Forefather. The body was cremated upon death at the order of Erias16Since the Dark Ages it was mandatory to burn any and all corpses.. A remembrance ceremony is held in all of Meriath, honoring the Warlock of Duality and his legacy.

This Codex excerpt was written by Authorya Cortyn, your humble historian.

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