Honkai Impact: Kiana who traveled to a pre-civilization

Chapter 53 Alicia becomes king

P21 small island

Kiana and others came to this small island, docked the aircraft, and stood on the ground. Kiana was resurrected with full health.

Kiana, who was resurrected with full blood, discovered something strange. She just didn't know why, but she always felt that Pado was very abnormal today. She seemed to see golden fighting spirit in her body, and that high-spirited aura was a bit dazzling.

Kiana was confused and thought to herself: "After I slept, Pado evolved into the legendary Super Pado 1?"

Padofelis felt Kiana's gaze, nodded towards Kiana, and said: "Sister Kiana, I will work hard."

Kiana was a little embarrassed and said: "Oh oh oh, not bad, not bad", but she was thinking in her heart that she had to ask Velvet what happened to Pado, how did that little Pado who fished for fish turn into a workaholic.

So Kiana quietly moved towards Velvi and whispered: "Vilvi, what is going on?"

Kiana hinted at Padofelis's direction with her eyes.

After Velvet glanced at Padofelis, she smiled and said, "Oh, little Pado, I told her about the Valkyrie Armor and Kong Meng, and then it became like this."

Kiana was a little speechless and said: "Didn't that armor just come up with the plan not long ago? And the Valkyrie armor. What the hell is Kong Meng?"

Velvet smiled and said: "Well, this is given to me by little Pado. After all, it is her armor sooner or later. When you were sleeping, she came to me and said she wanted to help you.

If I didn't agree, she might run away from home, so I told her about Kong Meng, and that was about it. "

Kiana blinked, glanced at the high-spirited Padofelis, and said, "Is this what it feels like for a child to grow up? We pampered her too much before, but we forgot how she felt. It was also my negligence.”

Velvet shrugged and said, "It's not too late to find out now. I happen to need a tester there, and Little Pado is just right."

Kiana glared at Velvet dangerously and said: "You have to be careful, Pado can't stand it. If your high-explosive experiment hurts her, it will probably take thousands of catastrophes. Aponya and the others can Renovate your place."

Velvet waved her hand and said: "Don't worry, who am I? The genius magician Velvet, how could I make a mistake? Besides, I also like Little Padu, how could I bear to hurt her."

Kiana felt relieved after getting Velvet's assurance.

While they were chatting, Padofelis came over and said: "Sister Qiana, Sister Velvet, the vanguard operators, discovered the situation at the beach in front."

Kiana asked curiously: "Oh? What happened? Did you find Alicia and the others?"

Padofelis shook his head and said: "They found human traces on the beach, as well as simple tents, but they were abandoned.

Alicia and the others should have stayed there and then withdrew. The vanguard operators were looking for them, and they left traces to explore forward. "

Just after Padofelis finished speaking, her communicator received the message. After taking a look, Padofelis said: "Sister Kiana, the vanguard operator of another team, discovered Alicia's aircraft. It's not far from us, but there's no one on the aircraft."

Kiana nodded, thought for a moment, and then ordered: "In that case, Velvet, take the maintenance staff to Alicia's aircraft to see if it can be repaired.

Pado and I took the others and went to the front to look for Alicia and the others. "

Velvet thought for a while, and it seemed that this was the only way to go, and said, "No problem, just leave it to me. I'm still quite curious about the Fire Chaser's aircraft."

After Velvet finished speaking, she led the people towards Alicia's aircraft.

Kiana also took Padofelis and walked in the direction of the footprints left by Alicia and the others.

They started searching from the beach, looking for the traces they left, and came to the forest.

Kiana and Padofelis were stopped by someone. Well, something seemed wrong. They were stopped by a group of monkeys. They saw this group of monkeys, holding wooden sticks in their hands, surrounding the two of them.

Padofelis was a little strange, and asked Kiana, "Sister Kiana, why do these monkeys look a little strange, emmmm, it feels like there are signs of artificial training."

Kiana also noticed the strangeness of these monkeys and was a little surprised. She said, "Pado, you are right. They have indeed been domesticated. Who is so talented that he can tame these animals?" .”

Just when they were curious, a monkey who looked like the leader stood up.

I saw this monkey wearing a dress made of leaves around his waist, holding a spiked stick in his hand, and shouted to Kiana and the others:

"Baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa baa !"

Kiana and Padofelis were shocked. The monkey could talk. They looked at each other and read the shock in each other's eyes.

Padofelis lowered his head and whispered: "Sister Kiana, what does the monkey sound? Is it a bleating sound? I'm a little confused."

Kiana also nodded stiffly and said: "Pado, although I have never seen a monkey, I am sure that monkeys do not bleat."

The two of you look at me and I look at you. It's really strange things that happen every year, especially this year. Their biological cognition has been subverted.

When Kiana and Padofelis were shocked, two monkeys jumped over from a distance, and they said something to the leader.

Qiana and Pado clearly heard one of them, Monkey 1, say: "Guji, Guji, Guji, Guji, Guji."

Leader monkey: "Baa baa baa baa baa baa baa? Baa baa baa baa."

Monkey 1: "Goo-chi-coo-coo-coo-coo-coo."

Then, before the leader monkey could speak, he heard a voice coming from a distance, "Little sheep, I heard that you caught a suspicious person? We're going to see who dares to cause trouble on Her Majesty's territory."

When Kiana and Padofelis heard the voice coming, they felt it was familiar, as if it was someone they knew, but they couldn't remember who it was.

When someone came in front of them, they were shocked again. Two petite girls came over, escorted by a group of monkeys.

These two girls, Kiana and the others knew each other, they were Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu from the Mebius laboratory.

Padofelis screamed and said: "Why are you two brats! When did you get involved with the monkeys?"

Cangxuan, Danzhu and the others also recognized Pado and Qiana. Danzhu said in his middle-class lolita voice:

"Who do I think you are? It turns out to be you, a thief. You dare to cause trouble in Her Majesty's territory. It's time to settle old and new grudges together. Prepare to bear my wrath, hahahaha."

Cang Xuan on the side couldn't stand it any longer. He gave Danzhu a hand knife and said, "Stop messing around. There are only two of us. How can we be their opponents? Let's take them to the Queen first and let the Queen judge them." .”

Danzhu covered his forehead, curled his lips, and said, "Okay, okay, I understand."

Danzhu turned around and glared at Padu and the others fiercely, and said: "Don't play any tricks. Be careful. I will let the younger brothers leave. Follow us and go to meet the Queen. If the Queen is in a good mood, maybe she will Let you go."

Padofelis looked at Kiana with questioning eyes, as if to say, do you want to take action?

Kiana nodded to Pado and said, "Don't worry, let's play with them first."

Qiana said to sisters Cang Xuan and Danzhu: "Lead the way, in your direction. We have no ill intentions and have a good conscience."

Danzhu snorted and said: "Humph, I guess you guys know each other, so follow me obediently."

Then Danzhu ordered the other monkeys, "Little sheep, you continue to be vigilant. My sister and I will take these two people to meet the Queen."

The little sheep said: "Baa baa, baa baa baa baa baa, baa baa baa, baa baa."

After the monkey named Little Sheep barked a few times, the other alert monkeys put down their wooden sticks and made way for them.

Danzhu: "Come with me. Her Majesty the Queen has just finished lunch, so there is enough space for you."

After saying this, Danzhu took the lead in leading a few monkeys towards their palace.

Kiana and Pado quickly followed. Cang Xuan did not walk with Danzhu, but accompanied Kiana and the others.

Padofelis cautiously came to Cang Xuan and whispered: "Hey, what's going on with you guys? We found your abandoned tent on the beach and thought you were in trouble.

How did you end up hanging out with a group of monkeys? "

Cang Xuan expected that they would ask, so he explained directly, "When we first came to the island, we found that it was an island ruled by monkeys. Later, Dr. Mebius discovered that these monkeys have a certain intelligence.

Then we caught a few and tried to tame them, and then this is what you see. "

Kiana was also a little surprised and asked: "Then who is the Queen you are talking about? Mebius?"

Cang Xuan shook his head and said, "You will know when we get there. The place ahead is where we live."

When Qiana and Pado arrived at their stronghold, they found that the stronghold was already as large as a primitive tribe. There were several monkeys patrolling around. The monkeys at the gate, when they saw Cangxuan Danzhu and the others, immediately Put them in.

This really made Kiana and the others a little surprised, and they even wondered if these monkeys were pretending to be humans.

Danzhu noticed the surprise of Qiana and the others, and felt a little proud, saying: "Humph, you know how powerful we are, these are just trivial things."

As he spoke, he straightened his back, raised his head, and looked at Kiana and the others with a proud expression.

Cang Xuan struck angrily and said: "These are all the credit of the doctors and the others. Why are you so proud, Danzhu."

Danzhu didn't take it seriously and said, "Doctors and the others are with us. It's probably my fault. There's nothing wrong with them."

Cang Xuan was a little helpless and said: "Okay, go ahead and call the doctors. Let's stop the pretending game."

Danzhu curled his lips, said oh, and walked towards the tent.

After Kiana and the others waited for a while, the tent curtain was pulled up, and they heard a sound coming from inside the tent that could be heard even if it turned into ashes.

"The stars and the moon send the daughter of God, who is willing to be a companion of man. The long wind turns into her chariot, and the world becomes her garden. Birds carry the seeds of kindness, and flowers weave hymns of love."

Welcome to the garden compiled by this queen, foreign travelers, you..."

Before the voices in the tent could finish speaking, Kiana said to Cang Xuan: "Well, it seems that you are doing well, so I feel relieved. Let's go, Pado."

After Kiana finished speaking, she pulled Pado around and returned to the original route.

The people in the tent realized that Kiana was not following the routine and shouted hurriedly: "Oh, don't leave in a hurry. This is a line that Alicia has been thinking about for a long time. I have rehearsed it many times."

Then she ran out of the tent. This person was Alicia, who had been missing for a long time. Standing behind her was another missing person, Mebius, and her assistant Klein.

Mebius had that soft voice and said: "Oh, let me tell you, Alicia, no one will like those lines of yours, and the result is exactly what I expected."

Alicia pouted and said unhappily: "Alicia thinks it's very good. Don't you agree? Mebius, but now he's making fun of me, poor elf lady."

Mebius rolled his eyes at Alicia and said, "I just wanted to see your disappointed expression before I agreed. Alicia, don't think too wonderfully."

Alicia felt aggrieved and said, "Your words hurt the lovely elf lady, so Alicia wants to punish me, dear Mebius."

Alicia then walked towards Mebius, trying to catch her.

Mebius was alert and said in an annoyed tone: "Alicia, please don't go too far. If you come close to me, I won't be polite. I told you not to come closer!"

When Mebius saw Alicia getting closer and closer to him, he panicked and backed away.

Alicia smiled playfully and said: "Oh? What is Mebius's rudeness? Let Miss Goblin experience it. You can't run away, hehe."

Alicia rushed directly towards Mebius. Mebius had quick eyesight and quick hands, and quickly pulled Klein behind him in front of him.

Just when Klein was still a little dazed, Alicia hugged him, and she secretly said that indeed, she had been betrayed by the doctor.

Kiana looked at the noisy Alicia and the others, and was a little suspicious of what they were here for this time. She felt that if they were given some time, a technology tree might be built here.

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