Honkai Impact: Kiana who traveled to a pre-civilization

Chapter 305 Special Chapter (6)

Kiana came to the center of the cemetery without saying a word. The captain and the others looked at her curiously. After Kiana came to the center of the cemetery, she closed her eyes...

As a breeze blew, a magical scene happened. The originally clear sky began to dim. Under the surprised eyes of several people, the soft moonlight shone in the cemetery.

After everything was done, countless fluorescent lights rose from all around, and they began to fly in the air...

"What the hell is this? It's so beautiful..." Yue Yueqi hid behind Xing, revealing her head and said.

Fireflies hovered in the air, and then they turned into a faint path, and the depth of the path was endless darkness.

As the trail appeared, the temperature of the cemetery began to drop, and the tombstone that was originally empty was now filled with figures. As the figures gradually became clearer, February recognized them.

February covered her mouth in disbelief, tears fell involuntarily again, she said: "They, they are...".

The captain and Xing were also suppressed. Is this a ghost? They were confused.

The firefly operators who had just woken up were also confused. Aren't they dead? Why did they appear again?

But then they saw February, so one of the middle-aged people said: "February, was it you who woke us up? Did Yinghuo encounter a foreign enemy again?"

The rest of the people heard that a foreign enemy was coming. They all gathered around and asked where the enemy was. This was their second home and no one was allowed to destroy it.

February stood up slowly. She wiped away her tears and choked up: "Ah, Chen, I haven't seen you for a long time. It's really great to see you again."

Operators named A and Chen both looked confused, and then A asked: "Isn't it an attack from outside? Then how did you wake us up, February?"

Just when they were confused, April stood up and said, "Ah, Chen, do you still remember me?"

Chen Hea and the other operators all looked surprised.

"You are April! How is it possible? Have you also been transported to this world?" Ah asked doubtfully.

April's eyes were red. She shook her head and said, "No, I'm picking up Sister Yue and you guys back...".

"Take us back..." Ah muttered, his expression showed a lonely look, and the same was true for the others. They had waited for so long that they had forgotten where their first home was.

April nodded and said, "Yes, we are here to take you home."

"Go home...go home..., go home, hahahaha, why, why did you wait until I died to hear this news, hahahahaha, go home, isn't this my home?" said an operator He knelt on the ground and said crazily.

This operator's emotions have also infected many people. Yes, they have long regarded this place as their second hometown, and now they are told that they can go back, which inevitably makes them a little resistant.

Chen was silent. At this moment, he said: "April, you are talking about us, could it be that...".

April smiled and said: "Well, that's her. Who else could she be? She has crossed the river of time to pick you up. Look, she is right behind you."

The firefly operators all turned around and looked back, and then they saw a little girl with white hair surrounded by fireflies.

Many operators showed doubtful looks, but both Ah and Chen had seen Kiana look like this. Their eyes began to turn red. They clenched their fists and slowly came to her.

Kiana just looked at the two of them quietly, and A and Chen also stared at Kiana.


The captain and the others originally planned to stage a family dispute, but in the end both parties remained silent.

"You have changed, chief." After a moment of silence, Ah Xian spoke.

Chen also agreed, saying: "You are getting younger and younger, but your temperament has not changed."

Kiana pondered for a moment, then she looked up at the two of them and said, "After all, everyone will grow up, and you have also become a lot more vicissitudes of life."


The three fell into silence again. Only a few of the other operators recognized Kiana, and most of them were still a little confused.

After a few minutes of silence, Kiana took a deep breath and said loudly: "All Firefly members gather!".

Ah and Chen were both impressed, and the others reacted similarly, and they quickly formed a team.

When they were assembled, Chen was in the first place. He stood up and said loudly: "Leader of the Yinghuo A-level Guards, Chen reports that the team has been assembled. Please give the leader a lecture!".

The operator who was still confused at first realized that the person in front of the team leaders was actually their leader, but why was his body shape so different...

Kiana saw their doubts, she nodded, and then saw the fire rising, Kiana's size began to grow, and when the fire disappeared, she transformed into the fire flame form.

After the Firefly operators saw the familiar Kiana, they dispelled the last doubts in their hearts...

After kiana transformed into the Xinyan form, she inserted the Xinyan King Sword into the ground and said: "Everyone, what is the purpose of our Yinghuo?"

"Commitment comes first, and the mission must be achieved!" the operators said in unison.

Kiana continued, "Then what is the first command of our Yinghuo regulations?"

"Obey the order and follow the command!!", the operators said in unison again.

"Very good, I'll ask you again, do you still trust me?" Kiana said.

The operators were stunned for a moment, and then said in unison: "Trust! The leader is the light of the fireflies, and where your sword points is the place where we will fight!".

Looking at the familiar scene in front of him, February was already crying, and April's eyes were also red. When they first saw this scene, it was still in Yinghuo. Now things have changed and they are no longer who they used to be.

May finally saw the cohesion of Yinghuo. February once told herself, but only by seeing it with your own eyes can you know what it contains, trust, unconditional trust, which others cannot learn.

March Qi silently took out her camera. She wanted to record this moment. It was also the first time for the captain and Brownie to see Kiana in this posture. All she could say was that she was heroic and like a woman.

At this time, Kiana looked at the excited operators in front of her, with a smile on her lips and said: "Okay, since you trust me so much, I will announce the first order."

Alas, all the operators immediately raised their heads and chests, waiting for Kiana's order.

"My first command is to live," Kiana said.


The operators all looked shocked. Will they survive? They looked at Kaina in confusion, only Ah and Chen remained silent.

Kiana said: "Yes, live on, Yinghuo no longer exists. Now is the new civilization era. You should enjoy the present and live for yourself. No one can control your destiny anymore. You will be free people in the future. ".

"Please take back this sentence. As long as you are here, the firefly will never disperse. We will always follow you," Chen said loudly at this time.

Chen's words inspired others, and the operators responded one after another, while Ah continued to remain silent.

Kiana looked at Chen, who was the leader. She came to Chen and smiled:

"I remember you, Chen. I think we are old acquaintances. We have known each other since Changkong City. Later, Qin entrusted you to me and you became a team leader under Qianjie. I remember correctly."

Chen clenched his fists, lowered his head, and said thoughtfully: "Well, that's right...".

Kiana looked at A beside Chen and said: "I remember your name is A. You lost your memory during the Honkai outbreak. It was Miyuki who saved you. Then you named yourself A (A). Miyuki’s guard captain, right?"

Ah was also thoughtful and said: "Yes, I didn't expect the leader to remember it so clearly...".

Kiana smiled and said: "Of course, since you trust me so much, I will naturally remember you all. You, I remember you, you are the follower of the three Mahjong brothers,

In order to have the same name as them, you gave yourself a nickname, Dongfeng, right? We also met in Changkong City,

Later you joined Yinghuo and reunited with Yaoji and the others, and you..., and you...".

Kiana read out the names of the operators one by one, and the operators all lowered their heads. They didn't expect that they, a nobody, could be remembered by Kiana...

After reading everyone's names, she said in a deep voice: "I know you are reluctant to leave, but our time has passed, and now we don't need to leave our homes for survival.

The world outside is very big. I want you to go out more and see the colorful world. I promise you, when you are tired, don’t be afraid or timid. The fireflies will illuminate you again. The way forward”.

After speaking, a sacred light rose from Kiana's body, angel wings appeared behind her, and deep in the original firefly path, a door full of life was opened.

Kiana said: "Everyone, the door to the new world has been opened for you. It will take you back to your hometown and the place you care about most. Don't you want to take another look at the scene deep in your memory?"

The Firefly operators lowered their heads and remained silent. At this moment, Ah stood up and said, "I want to see how Miyuki's benefactor is doing, so let me be the first practitioner."

As he spoke, Amai moved, but at this moment Chen held him back. Chen said: "It's boring for you to be alone. Take me with you, hahahaha. I also want to see how China is doing now."

After finishing speaking, Chen said to the operator behind him: "Children of China, let's go home."

Then Chen pulled A towards the firefly path. Their figures were so chic, but only they knew how long this road was.

After a moment of silence, the operator from China silently followed the two of them.

"I want to see how Boss Yaoji and the others are doing. Brothers, I'll take you to see my boss. I'm not bragging. Boss Yaoji is the most powerful one I've ever seen. Team Leader A and the others can compete with Boss Yaoji. Much inferior,” Dongfeng shouted.

Then Dongfeng led some of the operators onto the Yinghuo Trail.

"Hey, you actually said bad things about Ah Dui, let's go, brothers, we want to see who can make him lick like this," an operator said unconvinced, and as he said that, he The people followed Dongfeng and others.

At this time, there were only a few operators left on the field, and they stayed where they were in silence.

Kiana was confused and said: "Why don't you leave?"

One of the operators stood up and said: "Chief, we are orphans. Dean Aponya took us in, but the dean has already...".

As they spoke, they looked disappointed.

Kiana came to him and said softly: "Since you are still alive, Aponya is also still alive. Go in and the door will send you to where she is."

"Is it true? Dean Aponya is still here. That's great. Thank you, chief." The operator said excitedly.

Then the last operator also walked onto the firefly trail.

When everyone walked onto the trail, the trail began to slowly disappear. A breeze blew by, and it was dawn...

Everything that just happened in the cemetery seemed like a dream. When the sun shone into the cemetery, the captain and the others looked around in disbelief.

The mausoleum disappeared, yes, it disappeared. Only the broken stone tablet was left standing on the spot. Half of the body of the stone tablet had been buried in the lawn and was floating in the wind.

At this..., the captain and others could no longer express their surprise in words. March Qi hurriedly looked at the camera. After seeing that the scene in the camera was indeed real, she was sure that this was not a dream.

At this time, Kiana was standing in the middle of the lawn, her hair being blown by the breeze, and she was staring blankly at the sky.

"Nothing is perfect in the world. Even as a god, there are times when I am powerless. I can only fulfill my wish and forget everything and start over. There is only so much I can do. Maybe I am not a good leader." ,

Kiana said to herself.

"No, you have done a good job, Kiana, thank you", February came to her side and said softly.

April and May also came to kiana. April said, "Sister February is right. You have worked very hard, haven't you? Chen and the others knew the consequences of embarking on that path, but they still walked up it. This is proof".

"I didn't expect to hear such a great truth from April's mouth. It's really strange. Is today the Chinese New Year?" The captain brought Brownie, March 7 and the others over and said.

April was not happy and said: "Hey, what are you talking about? I am also a top student, so I can't easily speak some truth."

"Ah? Didn't my little aunt get into a key university by luck? My mother also told me that if I don't study hard, I will be like my little aunt in the future.

She has poor grades and is not wanted by anyone. She can do nothing but cheat her sister, and then she becomes a saint who endangers society." May said weakly at this time.


April was petrified, and Kiana and the others were also stunned.

February looked a little embarrassed. Looking at April's aggrieved expression, she...

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