Hollywood Art: System of sunnys

70. that which Doom wants to represent.

Now things are at a vital point as we await the month of December. The pace of both comic companies and burger joints shows steady sales during these months, but December reveals a lot about Billy. Currently, the only inconveniences for Billy are school, acting courses, and dance academy.

Well, one of those problems.

Billy picked up his phone, adjusting his posture on the couch amid some drawings in his house. The new comic of Doom started with a futuristic structure, but now it's shifting towards a much bloodier and primitive storyline. The first comic introduces the general outline of a soldier fighting on Mars.

The second story takes different approaches. The first part serves as a lengthy prologue, depicting what Doom represents.

The overarching story of Doom is as follows:

Colonel Croffellete is a triple-secret agent who only serves his selfish interests. He's a spy for the armed military forces of the UNMA, a large organization of martial nations focused on Martian colonization. However, a radical group known as the Cult of the Devil aims to summon demons from hell through a series of rituals and observe the possible results of their transformation. Major issues arise when Colonel Croffellete uncovers the cult's secrets and plans for the next hundred years. His initial job involves working as a mercenary for the Sea Wolves, a group that sells information to the highest bidders.

Incidents occur on a small scale after the proliferation of the Witch Cult, including a tender call from a demon promising eternal life in the afterlife. Meanwhile, in the background, the story of the President of the United States unfolds. He aims to eradicate the Witch Cult. Operation Extraction Archive 004 on Cayo Boa Island emerged after a demonic summons that utterly destroyed the island due to the creation of a portal that corrupted the place with evil essence.

The President is a soldier who lost his entire unit during a high-risk rescue mission on Cayo Boa Island. His mission was to save the daughter of a major businessman, a lucrative contributor to the "Conservative" party, which holds the majority in Congress and is the current President's party.

The mission ended in a terrible story of an entire unit disappearing upon making contact with these demons. He survived by chance, as the intelligence of these beings is nearly equal to that of humans. Their tactical formations, physical abilities, and even their use of man-made weapons are remarkable. It took a battalion of 800 personnel to crush a few demons; the war lasted for two weeks, and nearly half of the units perished in the battle.

The stories of the Bravo Team are narrated. Impressed by the Cult of the Devil and perpetually entangled in a dreadful affair for humanity, they were corrupted by the underlying evil. They spread the seemingly extinct cult through the air, in an extremist cause. However, they understood the dangers, so they schemed for years on remote islands in the Atlantic, Antarctica, and Oceania.

The second part encompasses all the major issues of the extremist group and its proliferation on Earth. It's a struggle against the essence of evil that corrupts the weak-minded. (...)


Billy dialed the phone again... he's been facing certain issues with Claudia. Their conversations are getting shorter, and she keeps ignoring him. There are times when she doesn't even answer his calls. What could be happening? He hasn't done anything wrong. He has taken a few days but he's always there to call her. – Billy thought. – The solitude caused by Claudia's attitude has started to raise doubts in Billy.

The phone's dialer started ringing once more.

-Lichi, - the voice answered.

-Mrs. Branovich, it's a pleasure, - Billy said.

-Ah, Billy, Claudia isn't here. She went out with some friends to take photos. I don't know when she'll be back,-  Livy said.

-Ah, I apologize for bothering you. I'm not very familiar with Claudia's schedule, but you can call anytime you want - Mrs. Branovich said.

-Mrs. Branovich, could you please tell her that I need to talk to her? She's been really busy, and we haven't talked much these past few weeks -  Billy said.

-I'll give her the message - she responded.

Billy went silent, and a small, awkward pause settled in the call.

-Thank you - he whispered.

Billy hung up the call, and Mrs. Branovich continued with her day. The cold winter seasons were beginning, and Claudia insisted on carrying on with her long day of travel across Switzerland.

She maintained her work pace, and the Doom story for December continued.


The struggle between a hidden faction persisted until the second incident: the Hawaiian island. A rupture in time and space that stirred the Earth. In less than 28 hours, numerous places were contaminated with malevolent energy—volcanoes and surfaces soaked in excessive blood, nurturing large masses of inert tissue.

These grew in Hawaii, Belgium, and Syria. Hawaii's towering volcanoes became a vast reservoir of magma. Belgium and Syria became vessels of evil, tears of steel filled with lamentation gave rise to a tale of sorrow and resentment, enough to concentrate malevolence in its full glory.

Sadness was born from a cluster of violence. The religion of the cult became a spine-chilling root that spread among the craziest, most revolutionary, and vicious individuals.

These images are embedded by sketching large, detailed blueprints from various angles. Drawing serves as a way to concretely capture the imagination. All the plans used for Doom follow a recipe of strong realism, drawing as close to reality as possible. The drawing process is lengthy, intricate, exhausting, and somewhat unbearable.

The pleasure of crafting spectacular blueprints is hindered by the complex nature of errors in the drawings. The technology of this era differs, and the tangible impression of a picture differs from capturing a photo and printing digitally. Among the distinctive details is fine-tuning minor elements using various pigments and shades. The printing process itself is more expensive than many other comics.

The war zones eventually gave rise to new armor, and scientific equipment designed to stand against Satan's minions. As depicted in various newspapers worldwide, a legion of scientists, engineers, and soldiers was prepared to carry out the colonization of Mars. The secret phase involved mining Martian terrain, also serving as a means to expose the Cult of the Devil. Our triple agent is, in a way, detached from the chaos that Martian colonies will cause, as these still enigmatic creatures called "marines" remain a mystery to humanity.

Colonel Croffellete enters the secret mission to destabilize this covert organization, facing problems right from the moment of liftoff. An initiated archbishop infiltrates without anyone's knowledge and begins birthing a group of demons upon landing.

Mistakenly, Colonel Croffellete becomes aware of possible spies on the ship, leading to a political struggle within the massive planetary vessel kilometers in diameter. Among the factions are those traveling for money to escape poverty, honor-seeking military personnel, knowledge-hungry scientists, and shadowy politicians.

The political game becomes more complex when the archbishop ends up dead, leaving the ritual halfway complete. Any attempt to activate it would only lead to a breach of demon-infested chaos. These demons become a deranged infantry bent on massacring everything.

This activity is resented on the levels in the east wing, where weapon storage is located. The demons launch a devastating attack, which is contained by the assault team, an elite unit. In the following weeks, a hunt ensues, driven by the fear of another attack. Suspicion begins to spread, dice are set in motion not only as a means to eliminate the Cult of the Devil but also to eliminate the competition (...)


Billy continued drawing the vast spaceship and its different sections. He merged some watercolor designs for the demons, adding dark accents.

He kept drawing well into the night until his father arrived, exhaustion evident on his face. He carried some Chinese takeout on his back, embodying the situation of two workers dedicating nearly 12 hours a day to work, consuming home-cooked and non-existent meals. Chinese food, pizza, lunches, dinners, and sandwiches had become the common denominator of their father-son relationship.

-At least the new food joint offers menus with more meat, - Thomas said.

-I liked the sauce from the previous restaurant better, - Billy commented, attacking the chicken with peppers.

-Do you want more lemonade? - Thomas asked.

-Please, a bit more lemonade. Dad, do you know what the issue is with the Branovich women? - Billy asked.

Thomas seemed slightly surprised by the question.

"Did something important happen?" he inquired.

-Nothing significant, it's just that Claudia has been ignoring my calls and acting evasive. I can't figure her out, - Billy explained.

Mr. Carson adjusted his clothes and loosened his tie a bit.

-I don't understand women, son. Perhaps she's sad about the distance. She's in a new country with a new language, a new school, and even new friends, - Thomas said.

-I get that, but it's so frustrating, - Billy replied.

-I know! Just do your best. I'll call her mother and maybe she'll tell me what's going on with Claudia. Hang in there, son, -Thomas encouraged.

-Thanks, Dad. I think I'll watch a movie before bed, - Billy said, finishing his plate of Chinese rice.

-Don't stay up too late; you have school tomorrow, - Thomas reminded him.

Billy turned around and gave a nod. Spirits were quite low.


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