Hokage no Uchiha family’s son of calamity

Chapter 14

Chapter 14

“You you, you don’t eat me, my meat is not delicious.” The little rabbit said pitifully.

“Then tell me about your origins, why do you have white eyes in a rabbit?” And also talk? Boshanti slipped the rabbit in front of him.

It was Boshun’s action that made the originally scared rabbit suddenly look surprised.

“Huh? What is your situation? Bo Shun asked puzzled.

The little rabbit asked and answered, and said with some excitement: “It’s you, the person I’m looking for is you!”

“What is it that you are you?” Are you a little Nezha? “Bo Xun is even more confused now, is this rabbit some kind of mad rabbit disease?”

Thinking of this, Bo Xun suddenly became disgusted, and straightened his arms, keeping the little rabbit away from him.

“Hey, what’s your expression? Are you disgusting Miss Ben? The little rabbit instantly saw Bo Xun’s thoughts, and became open and clawed again.

“Answer my question, and how did you know about me?” Make it all clear, or I’ll chop you up and eat it! Bo Xun’s eyes suddenly became fierce, and the little rabbit was scared to quickly become honest.

“My name is Tai Tu Jupiter, and I come from a place similar to the three holy places, but I am the only one left in our clan!” Huixing said!

When Bo Xun heard this, he was almost choked to death by his own spit, and quickly interrupted: “Cough cough, you said that your name is Datu Jupiter!”

“yes, what’s the problem?” Huixing looked at Bo Xun innocently and said.

What’s the problem? Is that a big problem? Why did the big tube wood appear now? I’m not well developed!

However, thinking that this Huixing was frightened by himself just now, it is estimated that he has no strength, so he breathed a sigh of relief, “No problem, you continue.” ”


“My white eyes are born, and we are born to speak.”

Bo Shun then remembered that Kaguya’s body was a rabbit!

“As for why you said I knew you, it was because five years ago, I was sleeping and suddenly had a strange dream that a person with heavy eyes would save me.”

“You wait first.” Boshen interrupted.

“What’s wrong?” Huixing said.

Bo Shun asked his doubts, “Why should I save you?” ”

Ai? Doesn’t it work? Huixing was stunned at first, and then he saw his big eyes become misty, and one by one large tears fell on Bo Xun’s hand holding Huixing.

“Don’t cry.” Bo Xun had a headache, why did this little rabbit look so dumbfounded.

“That… So can you nine nine me? Huixing said pitifully, with anticipation in his eyes.

Bo Xun knew that as long as he refused, the next moment, the little rabbit would have to cry.

So he said, “Let’s talk about what problems you’re having. Bo

Xun decided to find out first, maybe there will be some windfalls.


Huixing began to describe it in detail.

“Our Datumu family was originally divided into the main vein and the servant, at the beginning, the main vein was my ancestor, which belonged to the Datumuhui or something, and the servant was the Datumu or something!”

Bo Xun didn’t expect that Da Tumu actually had such a history, so he listened more attentively.

But think about it, it seems to be true, if nothing else, the light name is like, such as the big tube wood style, like the sort number.

“Until my grandfather’s generation lived in the house, the servant didn’t know where to get the divine tree seed, which led to a great increase in the strength of the servant and overthrew my father’s rule.”

“Later, the main vein was reduced to a servant, and the servant became the master!”

Speaking of this, Huixing’s mood became a little low, but he quickly adjusted.

Bo Shun suddenly thought of Kaguya, she came to Earth as a servant, but I don’t know why I sneaked up on Kaguya, after listening to Hui Xing’s words, Bo Shun figured it out.

Mentioning Kaguya, Boshun looked at the rabbit in front of him and asked, “Then do you recognize Kaguya?”

“Hey? You know my sister? Huixing blurted out, looking at Bo Xun with some surprise.

As if he knew something shocking, Bo Xun asked: “I just know, so do you know that your sister has also come to this world?”

“What? She’s here too? Where is she? Take me to him! Huixing suddenly became excited.

“You can’t see her now, and I don’t have the ability to take you to her now.” Boshen shrugged, indicating that nothing could be done.

Huixing calmed his mood for a moment, and then continued: “I was originally sent to this world to plant divine trees, but this world is not simple, at that time, there were many people named Onmyoji, who were very strong, and there were also many holy places, unlike now there are only three holy places.

“At that time, their cultivation required natural energy, but because the Divine Tree frantically absorbed the natural energy in the world, it was finally discovered by them.”

“So a big war broke out.”

Bo Xun asked eagerly, “What happened then?” ”

Don’t blame him for being anxious, the main thing is that Huixing tells everything he doesn’t know, which evokes his story addiction.

“The final result is that the Onmyoji is dead, countless holy places are collapsed, and I am also seriously injured and dying, and I have to find a place to sleep and recover from my injuries.”

“It wasn’t until I woke up five years ago to see that the world had changed a lot.”

“I lean, you are so powerful!?” Huixing’s words startled Bo Xun, alone, picked a planet!

“Hmph! Is that! Huixing proudly tilted his neck that was not there at all.

Just when Bo Xun wanted to offer Huixing like an ancestor, who knew that Huixing’s words turned sharp, and directly made Bo Xun’s waist pole harden again.

“But after that big battle, my strength has been completely gone, and now I can’t even use my eyes!”

The corners of Bo Xun’s mouth twitched slightly, are the women of your Datumu clan so stupid and sweet? I didn’t have any vigilance at all, and I just shook out my old bottom!

It can’t be that big war that broke the brain, right?

“After waking up, I found that there was no breath of the divine tree, it must have been destroyed, so that those guys will definitely kill me when they arrive and find that the divine tree is gone.”

“So I came out to look for the heavy pupil and wanted him to protect me.”

“In the past five years, I have searched for many places but have not found it, but today I finally found it, he!”

Huixing smirked while rubbing his head and grabbing her hand, as if to show favor.

“Why should I protect you? And as long as you recover your strength, those people won’t necessarily be stronger than you, right? Boshen asked.

“There are still people who are better than me, and it is not so simple to restore strength.”

“So I can only find someone powerful in the future to protect me!” Huixing seems to be praising his witty choice!


Ask for collections, ask for praise.

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