Hogwarts, where the stars shine

Chapter 28, Black Stars

Without any benefit, Mesa wanted to take a look at the list of graduates from previous years. Of course, it was not to admire the grace of his predecessors, but to confirm some puzzling things.

On the train bound for Hogwarts, Lilia Shafiq was silent for a while after hearing her name: Coincidentally, at the opening dinner, all the Slytherins also showed hesitation after hearing their name.

The two abnormal behaviors illustrate that the surname Black is special.They all briefly thought of Mesa as a member of the Black family.

Because of this, Mesa wanted to check the list of graduates from previous years to find out whether there was a blood relationship between himself and this pure-blood wizard family.

If you have nothing to do with this family, you should learn more about the past of the pure-blood family.

If he is really related to this family, will the name Black bring him more troubles or more benefits?

No matter what the outcome is, it is right to understand the relationship between oneself and the Black family. This is called being prepared.

Mesa leaned against the table and reached out to stroke Mrs. Norris's gray fur.In fact, Mesa does not like cats, but the smart Mrs. Loris is an exception. The bond between it and its owner is extremely close, and the most important thing is that it is very loyal.

"Can I see the list of past graduates?" Mesa said softly, "This is very important to me."

"Okay." Filch hesitated for a moment, and then said, "But you can only watch it here, you can't take it away."

It's just a list of students, and it's not a valuable item. It doesn't matter if the students take a look at it.The reason why Filch seemed hesitant was simply a sign of distrust towards students.

Filch turned around and walked to a locked cabinet, took out the key, opened the cabinet, and took out a thick book.The book was as thick as a yellow pages phone book.

Taking the "phone book" from Filch's protruding knuckled hand, Mesa couldn't wait to flip through it, his fingers quickly running through the rows of unfamiliar names.

After a while, Mesa's slender fingers stopped for the first time - Regulus Black, a Slytherin student who had graduated from Hogwarts ten years ago.

I have to say that the astronomy classes offered at Hogwarts are very useful.No, Mesa used what she learned in astronomy class today.

Regulus is a star in Leo, also known as Regulus. It is a quadruple star in Leo, and its main star is the brightest star in Leo.

Tapping his fingers on the yellow page twice, Mesa asked himself: The same name is Star and Black is the surname. Is this a coincidence, or is it a rule of naming for the Black family?

Mesa didn't dwell on the first name for too long. He continued to flip through the pages, his fingers quickly running through each name.Mesa didn't stop again until the name Sirius Black came up.

Sirius, the star A in Canis Major.Whether in the east or the west, there are numerous records of this star, the brightest star in the sky and night. This is how "Look northwest and shoot the Sirius" comes from.

"What are you looking for?" Filch asked, "You are flipping through the pages so fast, can you really see clearly?"

"All the names related to Black." Mesa did not choose to hide it from Filch. This was not a secret that needed to be kept.Mesa's last name was clearly there, and his purpose of checking the list of graduates could not be hidden from anyone who was interested.

Filch's bulging light-colored eyes looked a little confused, and he asked again: "Then what did you find?"

"Regulus and Sirius." Mesa said, lowering his head and continuing to turn the pages of the book. "Do you have any impressions of these two graduates?"

Filch thought about it for a while, and it seemed that he was recalling it too hard, causing the flesh on both of his chins to tremble, as if the flesh was also exerting force together.

He said: "Regulus Black... I don't have much memory of this name, but Sirius Black is still fresh in my memory."

"That's a complete bastard. He knows how to cause trouble all day long. His record of violating school rules can fill a cabinet! Now he is imprisoned in Azkaban by the Ministry of Magic. He really deserves it!"

No need for Filcido to explain, Mesa also knew about Sirius Black.

As a notorious criminal and dark wizard, Sirius' name has been mentioned in several books.Mesa happened to read the books at Flourish and Blotts.

The trophy display room did not become silent because of the silence in Mesa. Filch seemed to treat Mesa as a tree hole and poured out his bitterness.Filch listed Sirius Black's "crimes" one by one in chronological order.

Of course, Filch would also mention Sirius's accomplice, James Potter, who he also hated.The two were always inseparable during school, and the best thing they could do was wear a pair of pants.

But the friendship between Sirius and James is not what Filch wants to express. What he wants to say is: Sirius Black deserves to be caught because he is evil by nature.

If the school allowed Filch to use corporal punishment, it might be able to educate Sirius about his bad deeds and prevent him from committing evil deeds that would result in a life sentence after graduation.

With Filch's endless complaints and the sound of turning pages, Mesa found more wizards from the Black family - Andromeda Black, Narcissa Black, and Bellatrix. Black.

Likewise, Andromeda is the constellation Andromeda, located north of the celestial equator.Bellatrix is ​​Rigel, also known as Gamma Orionis, the third brightest star in the constellation Orion.

The only difference is Narcissa Black, who doesn't seem to follow the Black family naming convention.

Mesa thought about all the astronomy knowledge he knew, but could not find a star name related to "Narcissa". The only thing he could think of was "Narcissus".

Perhaps Narcissa Black's name was just an accident.

It was just like the surprise that Narcissa and Regulus were all Slytherins, but Sirius was sorted into Gryffindor.

The list of past graduates was turned over page by page, and a string of names passed through Mesa's fingertips.Not only tonight's time has passed, but also the green years of these names.

After a long time, Mesa returned the student list to Filch.

Tonight, Mesa used this roster to travel through hundreds of years and met wizards from the Black family one after another.

Starting from Regulus Black and ending with Sirius Black I, there are more than twenty members of the Black family identified by Mesa.

Among the more than twenty Blakes, most of their names are related to stars.For example, Alphard from Hydra, Arcturus from Boötes, Cassiopeia from Cassiopeia, Orion from Orion, etc.

In addition, the Black family also likes to name their descendants after their ancestors.

For example, "Phineas" and "Regulus" appear twice, "Signus" appears three times, and "Arcturus" also appears three times.

The Sirius Black who Filch never forgets, the prisoner who was caught in Azkaban for his own fault, should be called Sirius Black III.

The rate of repetition of names in the Black family is simply outrageous.

But even with the highly repetitive names of the Black family, Mesa Black could not become Mesa Black II, and he could not even find anyone with the same middle name as his.

Mesa's full name is Meissa Marius Black.His name fits perfectly with the Black family's rules for naming their descendants.

Mesa is Lambda Orioni, a blue giant star, and its middle name, Marius, refers to a crater on the moon.However, among the Black members provided on the student list, there was neither Mesa nor Marius.

Mesa frowned as she made her way back to the Slytherin common room, the results of tonight's quest being puzzling.Yes means, no means no, and Mesa didn't like this specious outcome.

The pale moonlight shines through the window lattice, decorating the stone-paved corridor with a silvery glow.This is a period of time when the Internet suppresses clouds.

Mesa sighed in the empty corridor. No one knew his regret at the moment, and no one knew the expectations in his heart.

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