Hogwarts: Starting from Creating the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 22

Chapter 022 Hermi1’S Apology

Artel sat there and continued to eat, glanced at Hermione, who was beside him, and asked:

“Are we going to class together soon?”

“Huh? Oh, yes, there’s a class of Professor McGonagall’s Transfiguration this morning, which our two academies attended together.”

“But the history of magic in the afternoon our two academies are not together, it’s Gryffindor and Ravenclaw, but spells tomorrow and potions on Thursday, and Defence Against the Dark Arts on Friday and three times a week Greenhouse herbal class, both of our colleges take it together.”

Hermione said that the two academies have a lot of classes together, and there are not many first-year junior wizard courses. Apart from classes, they can meet at other times.

“No flying lessons? I’m kinda interested in those brooms.”

Artel asked curiously, he remembered that the flying class was also taken by the two colleges together, and Harry was also discovered by Professor McGonagall because of the conflict with Malfoy.

“Flying lessons don’t start until the second week, not this week.”

Hermione flipped through the class schedule, clipped it into her book, glanced around, and sighed softly:

“I’m sorry I caused you trouble.”

“It’s none of your business, I wanted to teach her a lesson.”

That little bitch from Pansy was mad at him in the morning, and Artel wanted to deal with her then.

“You don’t need to comfort me. If I hadn’t come to eat here, you wouldn’t… Fortunately, the principal didn’t punish you, otherwise I would really regret it.”

Hermione’s tone was faint, still annoyed by what had just happened.

She didn’t expect that she would cause Artel trouble, but then again, the little wizards at Slytherin were really unfriendly.

“If only you were in Gryffindor, the atmosphere in Slytherin is really not very good. Look at Gryffindor, everyone is very friendly.”

Hermione glanced at Gryffindor’s twin brother and whispered:

“And I heard them say that Slytherin is a dark wizard reserve, which specializes in training dark wizards.”

Artel ate the potatoes and laughed when he heard the words:

“Don’t listen to their nonsense. Every academy has produced dark wizards, but there are more Slytherins. You must know that Merlin is also a Slytherin wizard. The academy doesn’t mean everything. The most important thing is the wizard’s own choice.”

“I chose Slytherin, not Slytherin who chose me, that matters.”

Hermione was a little surprised even though she didn’t understand, and she felt like Artel was glowing when she spoke.

Seems to be more handsome than usual.

Hermione’s cheeks turned red, she smiled shyly, tilted her head to look at Artel, and said nothing.

“Do you eat that much in the morning?”

Artel glanced at it, and there was nothing left on Hermione’s plate, like a slice of toast and a glass of milk.

“I’m not used to eating too much in the morning.”

“You should learn from him.”

Artel pointed to Ron behind him, the kid munching on steak.

This Weasley, who doesn’t usually eat good food, is eating in revenge. After a few days of eating a lot of meat, the situation should improve.

“His appetite looks really good.”

“His name is Ron Weasley, and the twin over there is his brother, and that one, our prefect, is also his brother, and they’re all Gryffindors.”

Hermione introduced Artel, then pointed to Harry Potter beside Ron, and said:

“His name is Harry Potter, he’s a celebrity, and I’ve actually seen his name in several books and heard he’s done some amazing things.”

“Looks like you’ve made a lot of new friends.”

Artel knew all the people Hermione had introduced. Hearing him say this, Hermione pouted and said:

“Actually, they’re not friends. They just got to know each other at dinner last night. Neville told me yesterday that he wants you to come to Gryffindor too.”

“That’s such a pity.”

Artel took out his pocket watch and checked the time. There were still more than forty minutes before class. He looked at Hermione who was doing nothing, and leaned into her ear:

“If you’re bored, the first session of Transfiguration is about how to turn a match into a needle, maybe you can try it earlier.”

Artel sat up straight and continued eating his omelette, Hermione’s face flushing red, not daring to look at him.

“You, how did you know.”

“I dreamed about it last night, and I think I am a genius of prophecy.”

Artel pretended to be mysterious.

Hermione didn’t quite believe it, but she took out the book and studied it.

After Artel finished eating, he and Hermione left the Great Hall, ready to go to the Transfiguration classroom.

On the other side, Neville, who had been waiting in Gryffindor for a long time, also quickly followed, and complained to Artel on the way, saying that some Gryffindor students had just seen them clash with Pansy, and some people slandered them. Artel and Hermione or something.

Some people even say that the two of them fell in love in the Muggle world.

Artel didn’t feel anything, but Hermione was shy.

When they got to the classroom, there were already some students waiting for class.

Professor McGonagall’s tabby cat was sitting on the podium, and Artel walked over and saluted her.

Hermione and Neville followed Artel, not sure why he did it, but saluted the tabby at the gesture of Artel’s eyes. *

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