Hogwarts Outsider

Chapter 187: “Future”

Such dire events are unfolding across Europe at this very moment.

In London, Paris, and Amsterdam, as well as in many other major cities, the hidden wizards who fervently believe in Grindelwald’s ideology are now exposed.

Among them are those who may have never laid eyes on Lord Grindelwald himself, but their unwavering fanaticism and alignment with his beliefs are unwavering.

These thousands, possibly even tens of thousands of wizards, are the result of Grindelwald’s meticulous efforts over the past five decades.

Ever since his victory in the legendary duel with Albus Dumbledore in Berlin fifty years ago, many expected him to bring revolutionary and earth-shattering changes to the magical world.

However, the reality has proven that these changes are gradual and incremental.

Grindelwald, far from being anxious, has always been patient.

He primarily used education as a means to slowly shape the beliefs of an entire generation of wizards.

This is why, after his triumph, he assumed the role of Headmaster at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the most renowned magical institution in Europe.

However, his influence extended beyond ideology.

Grindelwald’s equally important mission was the infiltration of the Muggle world and the suppression of any opposition.

On the day of his victory fifty years ago, Grindelwald addressed his followers:

“Muggles don’t comprehend wizards, not only due to their ignorance but also because of the secrecy surrounding the wizarding world. The existence of the ‘International Wizarding Secrets Act’ and the control exercised by various Ministry of Magic departments across the world have contributed to this secrecy. It’s this lack of understanding that empowers the wizarding world.

The ‘International Wizarding Secrets Act’ not only protects Muggles from the knowledge of our existence but, more importantly, maintains the ‘mystery’ of our world. As long as Muggles remain unaware of the full extent of our realm, they won’t be curious or actively seek out our hidden world. Yet, if this ‘mystery’ vanishes, if Muggles start intentionally searching for our world, then our greatest advantage fades away, revealing our most significant weakness—the vast difference in our numbers.

Wizards are a tiny population, especially when compared to the vast numbers of Muggles. The population of Britain alone exceeds 60 million, while the number of wizards is limited, perhaps three thousand, five thousand, or at most ten thousand. If it ever comes to a battle of numbers, we wizards may find ourselves at a disadvantage.

The life of any wizard is incredibly precious, and this fact has always been at the core of my beliefs.”

And once the wizarding world loses its ‘mystery,’ and Muggles become aware of its existence, it will be catastrophic.

Even if a wizard possesses immense power, they can’t contend with countless Muggles.

Moreover, many adult wizards are not formidable spellcasters; they are skilled in family magic and daily spells, unable to master advanced spells like the Disarming Charm or the Shield Charm.

The magical world has provided its inhabitants with a life of leisure and abundance, creating a lack of motivation due to their lack of survival pressure.

This issue persists despite Grindelwald’s efforts to address it.

If an all-out war erupts and the wizarding world is exposed, it will be disastrous.

In a war, each death among ‘elite’ wizards significantly depletes their ranks, and the expectation that ‘ordinary wizards’ can suddenly rise to the occasion is unrealistic.

Young wizards cannot be expected to mature rapidly.

Fortunately, the control over the ‘mystery’ of the magical world has been maintained.

The Ministry of Magic is responsible for this task.

Their mission is to conceal the magical world’s existence and prevent Muggles from discovering it.

However, Grindelwald views this approach as ‘drinking poison to quench one’s thirst.’

The rapid development of Muggles poses a looming threat.

Their advancements, from simple weaponry to city-destroying arms in just a few decades, are astonishing.

The existence of the ‘International Wizarding Secrets Act’ and the Ministry of Magic’s control have safeguarded the secrecy and safety of the wizarding world thus far.

But what about the future? If Muggles ever actively uncover the wizarding world, the consequences would be dire.

Wizards would be at a significant disadvantage, unable to match Muggles’ sheer numbers and technological capabilities.

The Muggles would not show the same restraint that wizards have.

They would eliminate wizards with resistance capabilities and treat the rest as curiosities, perhaps even imprisoning them alongside ordinary animals in zoos.

Grindelwald extinguishes his cigar thoughtfully.

He’s seated at his desk in the Hogwarts headmaster’s office.

Normally, he avoids this place due to the incessant chatter of portraits depicting previous headmasters on the walls.

All this is what he has glimpsed in his prophetic visions—the future.

Prophecy is a unique ability, the power to peer into what might come to pass.

Yet, Grindelwald doesn’t place blind faith in prophecies. Instead, he uses them as references, not predetermined outcomes.

For Grindelwald, the future he has foreseen—a future where he is defeated by Dumbledore in a duel in 1945—is just that, a glimpse of one possible future.

He has tirelessly worked to reshape this destiny.

For a century, he has prepared for this moment, knowing that regardless of the outcome, he will have no regrets.

The final outcome, the state of the world to come, he does not truly care.

To change the future, Grindelwald must first unite the fragmented wizarding world.

Many wizards possess a sense of superiority, looking down on Muggles even as they acknowledge their equal worth.

This paradoxical viewpoint is something Grindelwald understands well.

He values Muggles greatly and believes that, unless they are enslaved or eradicated before they can pose a real threat, they may become formidable adversaries.

The wizarding world’s disunity poses a significant challenge to Grindelwald’s goals.

He will never give up on any wizard, believing that they are worth saving.

His mission is to unite all the disparate factions within the magical community.

Yet, some wizards, like Dumbledore and the recently deceased Horace Slughorn, are unwavering in their opposition.

Before launching a war against Muggles, Grindelwald cannot act recklessly.

Only when all opposition, or at least the visible opposition, has been eliminated, can he proceed.

The magical world’s secret must remain intact, even after they wage war against the Muggle world.

For the past fifty years, Grindelwald has meticulously worked towards these two goals: growing his power throughout Europe and erasing any remnants of opposition.

Today, he has achieved both.

The all-out war against Muggles is imminent, a war that will determine the fate of the wizarding world.

The outcome, the future world, remains shrouded in uncertainty.

Grindelwald does not fear the unknown.

He has dedicated a century of his life to this moment, and he will not regret the path he has chosen, regardless of the ultimate outcome.

For the greater good!

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