Hogwarts: more magic than magic

Chapter 27 "Corpse Divisor"'s Untraceable Stretching Box (Please collect! Please reco

Chapter 27 "Corpse Divisor"'s Untraceable Stretching Box (Please collect! Please recommend!)

He lay in the infirmary for another three days, he couldn't stay any longer!

The terrifying resilience brought about by the combination of talent (unyielding) and potion made his injuries no longer affect his actions at all.

Under Keez's strong request, Madam Pomfrey finally agreed to his request to be discharged from the hospital.

Of course, he chose to leave the hospital today because it is already Friday! Tomorrow the school will be on holiday, and he can check the traceless stretching box of the 'Divider' in the lounge with more peace of mind.

He quickly packed up his things, and threw the big bag of stone cakes that Hagrid brought him into his non-traceable stretch bag.

He went to the banquet hall to have dinner first, he almost threw up after eating the sick meal specially prepared for him by Madam Pomfrey these days.

"Hi, Keez, are you recovering?"

"Hi! Nice to see you again so soon!"

"Hey, Keez, you're out of luck! But I'm glad to see you recover so quickly!"

On the way, many classmates who were not very familiar with him, or even had no contact with him at all, greeted him. It seemed that this was because the enthusiasm brought about by being on the "Daily Prophet" had not subsided.

When I came to the banquet hall, I glanced around and didn't find Judith, but I saw Harry and the three of them sitting together eating and discussing something.

Keez went over and sat down.

"Kiz! You're out!" Harry was glad to see him.

"Oh! Keiz, you came out so soon?" Hermione was a little surprised, and then said worriedly, "You have been seriously injured twice, are you sure you don't want to stay at Madam Pomfrey's place for two more days?"

"Look at you! Dude, you're as good as you are! I really envy you. I don't have to go to class for so long? If only I could have so much free time!" Ron expressed his opinion enviously, "Look, I have such a thick pile of homework for Potions class. When I think of Snape's dead face, I feel like throwing up... ouch!"

Before he could finish his sentence, Hermione poked him hard.

"Ron, keep your voice down when talking about Professor Snape, especially when he's right behind you." Keiz thought it was a little funny, and said to Ron looking at the big bat-like Professor Snape who had just floated behind Ron.

Ron showed an expression as if he had eaten Ollie, and pursed his lips and said, "Too bad, I don't think I can pass the Potions class this semester!"

Hermione leaned over and whispered, "We discovered a secret. Professor Snape seems to have a plan for something hidden in the school."

"Hermione!..." Harry said a little nervously.

"It's all right, Harry, Keeze has the right to know, and he went that night." Hermione turned her head and showed Harry a calm expression, and then said to Keeze, "Remember? Last time Harry and Ron, two idiots, were tricked into a duel, the door we entered together, and Snape wanted to get what was hidden inside the door!"

"Huh???! Is it Dumbledore's new arrangement?" Qiz thought in his heart, it seemed that Dumbledore didn't seem to be planning to stop the test and training of the three little ones, even though the first level boss he set was almost pushed by himself.

"We don't know what's hidden behind that door yet, Keiz, you're very smart, if you have any ideas, please let us know, or help us find a way." Hermione continued.

"You can ask Hagrid." Although Keez was a little curious, he didn't want to care about the three little ones.His participation in the action of the three of them again should be at the next showdown with Dumbledore, so he drew the attention of the three of them to Hagrid, "After all, he is the key keeper of Hogwarts, and he should know what is hidden behind every door."

"Yes, you're right, I think so too." Hermione shared her plan with everyone excitedly.

. . .

After dinner, and after chatting with Harry and the others for a while, Keez returned to the Ravenclaw common room.

Opening his bedroom door, a familiar aura rushed towards his face, and he slammed into the little bed he hadn't seen for a long time.

The familiar soft texture aroused his procrastination, and he decided to sleep first and watch it at night.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!" There were bursts of melodious bells from the clock tower in the distance outside the window, waking Qizi from his dream.

As soon as I closed my eyes, it was time to turn off the lights.

After waking up, Qiz rolled his eyes repeatedly on the bed with his eyes closed, then opened his eyes, stared at the ceiling in a daze for a while, then sat up, lifted the quilt, stretched long, and sat on the edge of the bed in a daze for a while before standing up and changing his clothes.

He picked up the mechanism that fixed the wand from the bedside table, tied it to his arm again, and then did a little warm-up exercise to relax his body.

Soon, Chizz's arm muscles agitated, and he controlled the mechanism that fixed the wand to lower the wand to his palm. He grabbed the wand and waved it in the air, casting a few spells.


The first is the anti-jamming spell, silent, an invisible barrier spreads from the tip of the wand to the surroundings until it touches the surrounding walls. This spell is generally used to isolate sound and prevent eavesdropping.

Then there was "Trap the Enemy!" An invisible barrier immediately formed in the room, hiding Qizi inside the barrier.

Keiz was still not at ease, and waved his wand again to release a thief induction spell. This spell impressed him deeply. In the sewer of Knockturn Alley, he fell on this spell, so he was very impressed with this spell, and practiced it a lot at home.

That's it, he can't do more.

"Simulator, extract the stored non-traceable expansion box." Chiz gave an instruction in his heart.

[Use three energy points to extract the traceless stretch box, extraction is in progress, please wait a moment. 】

Soon, an old and tattered black leather suitcase appeared out of nowhere and hit the ground heavily. Fortunately, he had cast the anti-interference spell, otherwise this would have brought him quite a bit of trouble.

Keiz observed the box carefully. It looked dirty, with a lot of dirty things on it. The leather was very old, and several pieces of leather seemed to fall off at any time. The handle was made of brass. On both sides of the handle were two green and rusty copper buckles. There was a brass turntable under the handle. I don’t know what it was for.

He didn't notice the turntable last time, so he flicked it lightly.

Nothing happened, just when Chiz thought it was just an ordinary decoration, he opened the copper buckle on the top and gently opened the box.

Instead of the thin, pierceable transparent membrane the last time Keiz opened it and threw something in, the box now appeared to be just an ordinary empty box.

"What's going on?" He was taken aback, if he hadn't clearly remembered that he had thrown a lot of things into the box when he opened it last time, he would have thought it was an empty, ordinary box.

He suddenly realized that it was because he moved the brass turntable just now, which seemed to be a brass turntable that could be used to switch to Muggle mode.

After closing the box, he carefully turned the brass turntable back to its original position. After opening the box again, the familiar transparent film appeared inside. Through the transparent film, he could see the mountains of things in the box.

He took a deep breath, stepped one leg into it, and then the foot he stepped into the box did not feel the landing point, but a suction force came from under his feet, pulling him forward and falling, and the whole person fell into the box in an instant.

"It's really big here!" Qiz fell on his back among the sundries, looking at the vast area here, he let out a heartfelt admiration.

You must know that the traceless stretching bag he made himself with the traceless stretching spell is only the size of an ordinary box, and it is almost as big as several football fields.

The person who made it must be a powerful wizard with high attainments in the Untraceable Stretching Curse. Chiz's level in this area is only equivalent to that of a freshly graduated Hogwarts student. To create such a large area of ​​space, he dare not even think about it.

I believe that only the box that Newgate used to hold magical creatures can compare with it.

After a brief amazement, he began to explore here.

"Damn! Oops, Oops! Dead!" After walking only a small circle, he realized how much trouble he had caused. This was not a simple suitcase of a poor mad wizard, but it was clearly a material warehouse of a super powerful force.

Compared with the piles of golden dragons here, the gold and silver treasures that Harry Potter's parents left for him in the underground vault of Gringotts are only a drop in the bucket.

Now he finally understands why the three pure-blood families must trouble himself and Judith in the simulation, not only because he has been bullying their family children, but also because he has taken over one of their large material warehouses in one pot.

The repeated disappearances of family members in the simulation should be caused by the mysterious force searching for this suitcase.

"Heh! Heh! Heh!" Then he smirked unconsciously again. This is a huge wealth that he can't spend or earn in a few lifetimes.

Besides, besides the gold coins, there were many other precious items in it. Not far away, Qiz saw many precious potions that he had talked about in potions class, and he had never even seen a large part of them.

He walked to a tightly sealed wooden box marked with strange symbols he had never seen before. With a wave of his wand, the lid of the box opened automatically, and what came into view was a piece of red cloth. When the red cloth was lifted, there were strips wrapped in many cloth bags.

Keiz picked up one at random and opened the cloth bag. Inside was a relatively plain looking wand, at least not as gorgeous as the one he bought at the wand shop. Opening another wand was still exactly the same.

So that's a whole box of standard wands!
This really surprised him. You must know that there are ten more boxes like this, and each box contains about three hundred bags like this. That is to say, these wands can arm an entire army of wizards.

An army of 3000 wizards is such a terrifying concept. Even at the peak of Voldemort's time, there were only 800 Death Eaters under him.

Although these are just standard wands, they don't look very powerful, but no matter what, as long as the number reaches a certain base, they are invincible.

No matter how powerful a wizard is, like Dumbledore, no matter how powerful he is, he can only face 30 to [-] people at the same time. Once he encounters an army of more than [-] people, he has no choice but to flee or capture him without a fight.

"Damn it! This thing is really hot to hold, but it's still delicious!" Qiz felt his heart jumping in his throat.

I quickly browsed around inside, and besides what I saw just now, there are many knights using enchanted weapons, armor knives, swords, bows and the like.

There is also a place the size of a football field full of shelves with all kinds of books, which is comparable to the Hogwarts library.

Just then, he stepped into a corner and found something there that made him fall silent.

There were still several rows of shelves, but the shelves were filled with glass bottles containing various human organs, and he even found half a baby's dismembered body among them.

It suddenly occurred to him that these seemed to be the sacrifices or materials in the mouth of the 'divider'.

Walking through rows of shelves, he finally found a hideous statue at the end of the shelf.

He didn't see exactly what the statue looked like, because after just one glance, he felt palpitations to death, so he quickly looked away.

He found that he didn't remember the specific appearance of the statue, and it seemed that something quickly erased the appearance of the statue from his mind. He didn't dare to stay longer, quickly put the wand in his hand, looked down at the ground and backed up quickly.

Going back to the box where the magic wand was found just now, he rubbed the strange mark on it, went to Jinlongdui again, took off his clothes and folded it into a pocket, filled a big bag, and then walked towards the exit of the untraceable expansion box. Before going out, he found the magic wand left by the dismemberer among the debris he threw in, and took it away with him.

Soon he returned to the bedroom, staring at the box on the floor in a daze, if it wasn't for Jin Long who threw it on the bed and pressed the bed into a deep depression, and the exquisite magic wand in his hand, he would have thought he was dreaming.

Mosuo was holding a magic wand that was infinitely more exquisite than his own. It was hard to imagine that it was held in the hands of an ugly and crazy murderer who lived in the sewer a few days ago. It seemed necessary to investigate the origin of this magic wand and that strange mark.

The best way to investigate the origin of the wand is of course the Ollivander wand shop, but after knowing that Slytherin seems to be able to control the pure-blood family, he has resistance to all pure-blood families. Unfortunately, the Ollivander family belongs to one of them.

He didn't want Dumbledore to know that he was in such trouble for the time being, so he had to ask Professor Flitwick, who had a deep research on wizard duels and wands, first.

There is also that mark, which seems to have not been seen before. Although he has recorded all the books in the library in his mind, he still needs time to retrieve them.

Let's talk about everything in class next week!
At this time, there was already a bright moon hanging on the sky outside the window, and he put the box back into the simulator. Although he felt sorry for the energy point, it was the only place where he could feel at ease, especially after discovering the unknown statue, which made him even more frightened.

So throw it back in the simulator, whatever that statue is, let it fight the simulator.

Keiz removed the spell, lay back on the bed and started tossing and turning. Tonight was destined to be another sleepless night.

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(End of this chapter)

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