Hogwarts: more magic than magic

Chapter 24 Poison Mixed With Honey

Chapter 24 Poison Mixed With Honey

On the last day of the vacation, before they boarded the train, after careful consideration, Blanca agreed to Qizi's request to learn the method of condensing the life ring, but the condition was that she and she had to participate in a trial this summer vacation.It is said that only by passing the trial can one be qualified to become a ring knight, also known as a great knight.

Keiz readily agreed.

In the evening, the train arrived at Hogwarts, and Judith and Keez got off the train together and came to the carriage.

It was the second time for Keez to do this carriage, and the last time he rode it was when he was going home.

His gaze passed over the big carriage, and stopped at the strange creature pulling the carriage—thestral.

It has no flesh at all, the black fur is tightly attached to the skeleton, and every bone is clearly visible.The head was like that of a dragon, and the pupilless eyes were white, staring straight ahead.From the hump between the shoulder bones grew wings—big, black, sturdy wings that looked as though they might have belonged to a gigantic bat.

It is said that only those who have seen death can see them. Last time, Keiz didn't see it pulling the cart.

"Did you see death?" Keiz muttered to himself.

"Come on Chizz, what are you looking at? We're going to be late for dinner." Judith pulled Chizz distracted.

"Can you see it?" Keiz jumped into the carriage and said, pointing to the Thestrals ahead. "That thing."

"What's there? There's nothing there?" Tilting her head, she looked ahead in confusion.

After thinking for a while, Judith realized, "You mean thestrals, right? This carriage is pulled by thestrals, and it is said that the only way to face death is..." Her voice became lower and lower, as if she understood something, and finally her voice was so low that Keiz couldn't hear it.

She rushed over and hugged Keiz again and began to sob softly, "I'll keep it a secret."

"??? What secret?" Kez was confused.

. . . . . .

Tonight, Hogwarts cheers for Chizz's arrival!
The moment he stepped into the restaurant, all the little wizards present were silent for a moment, and then burst into cheers, they shouted his name, "Kiz! Kiz!..."

They were very happy, but it made Keiz a little uncomfortable. He found Harry and Hermione in the crowd.Come and sit down with them.

"Are they crazy?" Keiz asked, tilting his head.

Hermione: "You're in the newspaper. That's the Daily Prophet, the most authoritative newspaper in the wizarding world in Britain!..."

"You yelled at that weird Auror!" Harry pulled out the newspaper of the day.

"You drove away a dark wizard, and a hero came to save the beauty!" Ron said enviously, "If only I came here once."

"It's best not to, you won't like that feeling." Qiz watched them chattering, feeling a little helpless.

After dinner, Professor McGonagall finds Keez.

"feel better now?"

"It's all right, Professor."

"Come with me! Mr. Principal wants to see you."

"Okay!" Keiz got up and followed Professor McGonagall to leave.


"Strawberry Cake!"

It was still the same familiar office, Dumbledore didn't seem to be there, and a group of headmasters were whispering on the wall discussing something, and when they saw the two of them coming in, they immediately became serious.

"Dumbledore has something to do, you wait here for a while, he will be here soon." After finishing speaking, he closed the door and left.

"Hello! We meet again, little wizard," said the old man in the painting hanging at the front. "I am Armando Dippet, the former principal of this school."

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Principal, I'm Chizz Burton."

"Why again this time..."


After chatting with the former principal for a while, the fireplace next to him suddenly ignited, and a tall figure with white robe and white hair came out from it.

"Hi! Mr. Keez! Long time no see. How are you on vacation?"

"Hello, Principal Dumbledore!" Keiz stood up to say hello, and then smiled helplessly, "If there is no such thing, I feel fine!"

Dumbledore waved his wand, "Would you like a vanilla pie?"

"No, I just finished eating."

"That's a pity, but I'll have to get one for myself. You know, people like sweets when they're old."

"You did a good job, I mean, you deserve admiration for your heroism." Dumbledore scooped up the cake with a small spoon, "but a dark wizard, it's still too risky for you, isn't it?"

"I saved Judith!"

"Haha!" Dumbledore smiled, "I was just like you when I was young!"

"Then add fifty points to your college. Felius will be happy to have a student like you." Dumbledore waved the spoon dipped in cream, "Ask him more, I mean your dean, he is a master of fighting!"

"Okay, I will. Mr. Principal, I have something to tell you..."

Keez informs the principal about the speculation that the trio who fought with him have driven the 'Divider' to avenge them.

"Do you have any definite evidence, Mr. Keez!" Dumbledore suddenly became serious.

"I don't think I have, Headmaster!"

"If there is no evidence, this is not acceptable." He thought for a while, "Go back and rest first! Don't act rashly, I will send someone to investigate."

"Yes, Mr. Principal!" Keiz left the office.

He didn't ask Dumbledore to give a result, but informed Dumbledore of the conflict between them in advance, because he was going to form his own forces just like in the simulation.

Start with a small organization against school bullying.

. . . . . .

three days later.

At eleven o'clock at night, Keiz came to the hall and found Filch and Mrs. Norris waiting for him.

"Come with me," said Filch, lighting a lamp and leading him out. "I think you'll have to think twice about breaking school rules in the future, don't you, huh?"

He squinted at Keiz and went on, "Oh—yes! If you ask me, work and hard work are the best teachers... It's a pity they abolished the old fashioned punishment of the past—hanging you by the wrists and hanging you from the ceiling for days. I still have those chains in my office, and I often oil them, and they may come in handy one day—well, go, don't try to run away. If you do, you won't get any good son to eat."

"Yes, sir, it's a good thing. I'm so frightened that I swear I'll never dare again." Keeze put on a pitiful look.

"Hmph!" Filch didn't have any sympathy for his confession, "It's useless to regret now, you have to accept punishment for doing something wrong!"

Keez: "No fun!"

They strode across the dark square and the still white fields beyond the castle.

The lighted windows of Hagrid's cabin could be seen, which wasn't hard to spot at night.Then, he heard a shout in the distance.

"Is that you, Filch? Come on, I'm leaving."

Filch said, "You thought you'd have a good time with that idiot, huh? Think again, boy—you're going to the Forbidden Forest! I'm wrong if you come out safe and sound."

"Yes, I'm terrified!" Keeze pretended to tremble.

As he was speaking, Hagrid came striding towards them out of the darkness, Fang following.Hagrid carried his huge crossbow and his fully loaded quiver slung over his shoulder.

"It's about time," he said. "I've been waiting half an hour. How's it going, Keez?"

"Shouldn't have been so nice to him, Hagrid," said Filch dryly. "After all, he came here to be punished."

"That's why you're late, isn't it?" said Hagrid, frowning at Filch. "You've been lecturing him, huh? This isn't the place for you to lecture people. Your task is done, and I'll be in charge from now on."

"I'll be back at daybreak," said Filch, "to pick up his wreckage."

He said so harshly, then turned and walked towards the castle, and the lamp faltered and disappeared into the darkness.

"Scared? Chez." Hagrid had a good impression of him, "but you did something wrong, and now you have to pay for it."

"Why should you be afraid? I'm so excited now!" Qiz looked excited, completely gone from the timidity just now.

"You were not like this just now." Hagrid said suspiciously, "Are you not afraid?"

"It's all just to tease him, whoever is afraid is Yaya!" He said and pointed to the big dog lying next to him.

"Woof!" Ya Ya seemed to know that he was insulted.

"Okay, we're running out of time. Let's go!" Hagrid began to equip Keez. "I'll give you this lantern, and this big knife!"

"Now listen carefully, what we are going to do tonight is very dangerous, and I don't want to put anyone in danger."

"Come here with me first—"

After walking for a while they came to an open place in the woods.

"Look," said Hagrid, climbing down and sweeping a patch of snow off the ground, "see that shiny thing on the ground? It's silver! That's unicorn blood. A unicorn in the Forbidden Forest was awakened from hibernation by something, and was seriously injured. This is the second time since Christmas. I found one dead last Wednesday - we're trying to find that poor unicorn and bring it out of its misery as soon as possible."

"Okay, I see! Is there anything else I need to pay attention to?"

"As long as you're with me or Fang, nothing in the Forbidden Forest will harm you. But it's been too cold recently, and most of the animals are hiding," said Hagrid. "But it's best not to leave the path! Well, now we're going to split up and follow the blood. There's blood everywhere, and it's evident that it's been stumbling and wandering around since at least last night."

"Yaya, do you want to follow me?" Qiz liked this beautiful big hound very much, and his intimidating appearance was unparalleled.

"Okay, but let me remind you, it's a coward." Hagrid said, "You're very brave, help me keep an eye on him, lest it suddenly get scared and run back."

"Roger that!"

"If you find a unicorn, shoot green sparks, understand? Get your wand out and practice. By the way, if you're in trouble, shoot red sparks and I'll come to you—well, take care of yourself and go."

In the Forbidden Forest in winter, the sparse canopy of the branches pointing to the sky, everywhere is white, with a lantern in hand, you can have a panoramic view of the surrounding environment under the refraction.

The unicorn's blood is silver, like mercury, shimmering, and it will not freeze, which is quite obvious on the snow.

At this time, there wasn't even a single piece of grass growing in the forest, let alone any living things, and the entire forest seemed quite quiet.

Only the sound of Chez's footsteps and Fang Fang's breathing.

Keiz took out a pie from his pocket and took a nice bite, "Would you like some? Fangya!"


"It's all for you!" Yaya swallowed the meatloaf thrown by Qiz in one gulp, watching him wanting another one.

"Okay! Last one. We have to work after eating."

After Yaya finished eating the meatloaf, he ran ahead cheerfully, and within two steps, he saw that it gradually slowed down, and then staggered and fell down, making a slight purring sound, and it fell asleep.

"I'm sorry Fangya! Go to sleep for a while. I'll pick you up later." While stroking its smooth fur, Chiz moved it to a safe place with a floating spell, and found some hay to cover it.

After finishing all this, Keiz took out a bottle of compound soup that he had prepared before going out, and swallowed it while suppressing his nausea.

I saw his facial muscles and body squirming, and soon he turned into a middle-aged man with a mouse-like look—Peter Pettigrew.

Chez played chess with Ron yesterday and won a handful of Scabbers. He tried it in the simulation before he came, and the effect was the same.

Take out the torn clothes in the backpack and change into them.

Then he took out a stone that was shining with blood red luster, held it up to his eyes and looked at it carefully.

"Poison laced with honey! Will you eat it?"

Holding the stone in the palm of his hand, he stumbled forward.

 This Sunday is recommended, tomorrow I will make some fine-tuning of the previous content, it will not affect reading, and there is no need to update the content!grateful!
  Ask for a ticket!


(End of this chapter)

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