Hogwarts: more magic than magic

Chapter 14 Chapter 4 Demon Lord's Minions

Chapter 14 No.14 Demon Lord's Minions
【Cut sky simulator at your service】

【Simulation starts】

[Day 0, under the provocation of Malfoy, Harry and others. . .He was still guided to the door where Lu Wei was hidden. 】

【Day 1, you heard Harry and Ron talking about what you saw behind the door last night, but you don't plan to worry about it and stay away from them.

Start to find ways to accumulate more magic knowledge, and work hard for the "magic practice" plan. 】

[On the second day, you gave up your knight training and concentrated on learning magic. After class, you used your memory to scan books in the library. 】

[On the third day, class, library, and dormitory are three points one line. 】

[In the first week, class, library, and dormitory are three points one line.

You start privately asking all about Voldemort. 】

[In the second week, class, library, and dormitory are three points one line.

Most of the books in the area open to students have been memorized in your mind in the past two days, and you set your sights on the restricted area. 】

[In the third week, class, library, and dormitory are three points one line.

You didn't find a good way to get close to the Restricted Section, after all, you're only a first year student, and you don't have a dad who's good enough to get an invisibility cloak. 】

[In the first month, you have finished reading the books in the general area, and you start to show your talent properly.

Professor Quirrell gave you the chance to be his assistant and gave you a signature authorization.

You start to borrow some banned books that Mrs. Pince allows, and you start a private relationship with Professor Quirrell.

You spend most of your energy on researching the knowledge you have gained, and you gain something. 】

[In the second month, on the eve of Halloween, the trolls came, Harry and Ron saved Hermione and became heroes again.

You spend most of your energy on researching the knowledge you have acquired, and you have gained a lot under the guidance of Professor Quirrell. 】

[In the third month, Harry won the Quidditch competition.

You spend most of your energy on researching the knowledge you have acquired, and with the help of Professor Quirrell, you have mastered this knowledge.

You told Quirrell the secret of being a silent person, he was shocked, and the face behind him almost groaned with excitement. 】

[In the fourth month, Christmas is here. In the morning, you and Judith were in the cafeteria, and a blind Slytherin disturbed you, and you chose to fight hard against it.

Get rewarded with a one-week night tour of the Forbidden Forest.

Because Christmas is approaching, Professor McGonagall has lenient you and decided to wait until you return to school.

You returned to the foster home with Judith, and you had a wonderful Christmas together. 】

[In the fifth month, the Christmas holiday is over, and you start a week-long night patrol in the Forbidden Forest.

Hagrid tells you that some strange things have gradually started to happen in the Forbidden Forest these days, and you look for opportunities to slip away from Hagrid.Following the tracking potion left on Quilo's clothes, he saw the Dark Lord who was sucking the blood of a unicorn, disguised himself as a fanatical follower of the Dark Lord, and gained his trust.

You told him about Dumbledore's plan and helped him obtain the Philosopher's Stone from Harry without touching him. 】

[In the sixth month, after Quirrell took you out of Hogwarts, you began to collect materials to refine a new body for Voldemort.

You are wanted by members of the Ministry of Magic and the Order of the Phoenix, and you are hiding everywhere. 】

[In the first year, with the help of a large number of Death Eaters, you completed the collection of materials, and made a very good body for the Dark Lord, and the Dark Lord was resurrected.

As a reward for helping the Dark Lord obtain the Sorcerer's Stone, you got Tom Riddle's diary. Under the instruction of the Dark Lord, Tom Riddle in the diary began to teach you a lot of black magic knowledge.

Although Tom has restrained himself, you are still gradually falling into a half-mad state under the influence of black magic, and you are immersed in the torment like soul tearing all day long.

But this does not affect your extremely high talent and affinity with magic power. You even came up with a few ideas that caught the eyes of the Dark Lord in a half-mad state, and he decided to formally accept you as his disciple. 】

[In the second year, the Dark Lord almost recovered, and began to gather his followers.

You are beginning to bear fruit in the realm of wizarding practice, and the madness is making you extremely irritable. 】

[In the third year, the Dark Lord officially announced his return, pointing his wand at the entire wizarding world.

He defeated Dumbledore in a head-on fight, officially declaring his return as king.

With the help of Phoenix, Dumbledore escaped with Harry and others.

You have made more achievements in the field of wizard training, and the madness has further intensified, which has already affected your normal work. 】

[In the fourth year, the Dark Lord completed the unification of the wizarding world, began to clean up a large area of ​​wizards, and hunted down Harry and others who had fled.

Judith and others escaped with your plea.

Your research is stuck in a bottleneck, and you are even crazier. 】

[In the fifth year, Grindelwald was taken away by Voldemort for torture, Dumbledore came to the rescue, and finally died in Voldemort's trap.

The Dark Lord finally got the Elder Wand of his dreams, and continued to search for Harry and others.

Your research stalls, and after a total loss of consciousness you find Judith dead in your arms. 】

[In the sixth year, Harry and others were arrested while searching for food.

Voldemort got the invisibility cloak, and your research has made a breakthrough, but you haven't gotten any valuable results.

Your daily waking hours are running out. 】

[In the seventh year, an old wizard who claimed to be an unknown elder offered Voldemort the legendary method of becoming a 'God', through the three 'rights' that Voldemort had obtained, that is, the so-called Deathly Hallows method to become the God of Death.

You are no longer able to conduct research on your own, and the Dark Lord has locked you in an isolation room. 】

[In the eighth year, Voldemort began to prepare for the 'god' ceremony.

Years of black magic research has greatly damaged your health. One day, you were locked in the isolation room and felt that your time was approaching. You quickly regained your senses and began to sort out these years of research, and then started your first wizard breakthrough. After successfully entering the next realm defined by yourself, you died. 】

[This simulation is over and the settlement is in progress. . . 】

Just as Chez had thought before, if he stayed in Dumbledore's camp, it would be difficult to find a way for wizards to practice without being exposed to extreme black magic. According to logic, even if he made a breakthrough in the future, he would probably be suppressed by vested interests in various ways.

Moreover, if you think about it carefully, is there really no way for wizards to practice?Is it true that no one has ever researched something that a teenager like myself can produce in a simulation for seven or eight years?Or was it never thought of?
This is unlikely.

Because the battles between wizards and the Holy See that appeared many times in the simulator, as well as the existence of 'Reaper', all proved how powerful the wizards were once.

Ancient wizards could even survive being hunted down by gods.In the story, in order to plot against the three brothers, "Reaper" even gave his own three "rights" as bait.

Although the story may not be true, it is enough to arouse Chiz's vigilance and thinking.

[Settlement completed, please choose one of the following three rewards]

[1. (Immature wizard promotion method): After using it, enter the next stage of the current wizard level, and you will die within three seconds after using it.

2. (Black Magic Lv3): The black magic taught by Tom Riddle, be careful, unless you have strong spiritual power and a firm mind, otherwise even if you just understand it, you will gradually fall into darkness and cannot extricate yourself.

3. (Magic Knowledge Lv4): The magical knowledge accumulated by a talented wizard in the first half of his life. ps: The vast amount of magical knowledge you have acquired through (photographic memory) has been mastered under the teaching of Quirrell.Although the total amount is small, it is better than safety. 】

[Additional reward (madness): After active activation, half of sanity will be lost and sanity value will be locked, gain immunity to black magic erosion, the power of black magic used has a [-]% chance to double, and black magic attacks and effects received will be halved. ps: Only a lunatic can use real black magic, you become stronger as you become insane. 】

"I'll choose 3." The rewards offered this time were all good, and Qiz pretended not to see the mocking No. 1 reward.

Level 2 magic knowledge saved him almost half a year of energy. [-] can't be selected for the time being, he is afraid that the black magic aura on his body will be discovered.This extra talent reward came at just the right time. From now on, he wouldn't have to be afraid of Voldemort's notebook. When the time came (Mad Demon) opened it, he wouldn't even recognize his father when he came.

It was already late at night, and his eyelids couldn't hold it anymore.

Keiz felt that he could only get here tonight, and the energy of the simulator was almost consumed, and the remaining part had to be used to prevent emergencies, and there were still several days before Voldemort's first attack.

It is impossible for him to follow the Dark Lord like in the simulator, he has no future, and he will definitely be jumped out by Slytherin to die in the end, so he has to plan well.

Then I fell into a sweet dreamland.

(End of this chapter)

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