Hogwarts: more magic than magic

Chapter 10 Sorting and Exploration

Chapter 10 Sorting and Exploration
It was slowly getting dark.Outside the car window, there were mountains and trees under a deep purple sky.The train seemed to slow down.

"The train will arrive at Hogwarts in 5 minutes. Please leave your luggage on the train, and we will send you to school." The voice echoed on the train.The train slowed down and finally stopped.

When the train arrived at Hogwarts, there was only a faint twilight in the sky.

Keiz woke up from the dream under the shaking of Judith. "Aren't you worried about your sorting ceremony at all?"

Keiz rubbed his eyes and said indifferently, "Why worry? Will Hogwarts drive me back again? Or will Hogwarts let dragons or zombies tear me down?"

"..." Seeing his indifferent and sarcastic attitude, Judith left him in shame and walked away.

Passengers outside pushed and shoved, rushed towards the door, and got down to a small, dark platform. When they were almost gone, Keiz got out of the car.

The senior students had already returned to school in the Thestral carriage, and Judith should have followed the classmates.

The freshmen who just entered the school waited in a chaotic line under Hagrid's command.

After stepping out of the car door, the chill of the night woke up Qiz's drowsy head instantly, and he stretched comfortably.

Then a lamp flickered over the students' heads, and Keiz heard a familiar voice shout, "FIRST YEARS! FIRST YEARS HERE! Line up, line up!"

Hearing Hagrid's voice, Keiz also turned his head, and saw Hagrid's extremely huge body highlighted among a group of small people's heads moving around.

"Harry, come over here, how are you?" Hearing Hagrid greet Harry in a low voice, Keez also looked in the direction Hagrid spoke.

Sure enough, he saw Harry's figure, so he forced his way to greet him.

"Hello! Harry, we meet again." Keiz straightened his shattered wizard robes.

"Are you...?" Looking at the person in front of him who came over to say hello suddenly, Harry was a little puzzled, he didn't seem to have seen this classmate in his memory.

"It's me! Harry, Keez, who went shopping with you in Diagon Alley! Don't you remember me? My friend," Keiz suddenly responded, "Oh, by the way, I used to have a large dark spot on my face, which was removed two days ago."

"It's you! Keez...this is Ron..."

"Hello, Ron..."

. . .

By the time all the students lined up by themselves, it was already completely dark.

"Come on, come with me, are there any first-year freshmen? Be careful under your feet, okay! First-year freshmen come with me!"

They followed Hagrid at a trot, slipping and stumbling, down a dark, steep and narrow path.

At the end of the narrow path is a vast lake, which reflects a majestic castle on the other side of the lake, high on the hillside. There are many spiers on the castle, and the windows reveal light, shining on the mirror-like water.

"No more than four in each boat!" exclaimed Hagrid, pointing to a fleet of small boats moored to the shore.

Keeze, Harry and Ron got into the boat, Neville and Hermione came over to take a look, Hermione got into the boat too, but Neville got into another boat.

"All aboard?" Hagrid called, taking the boat all by himself. "Well... let's go!"

Immediately, a group of small boats rowed across the lake, which was as flat as a mirror, and headed towards the opposite castle.

Keiz stared at the huge castle soaring into the sky.This is where he will live for a long time to come.

"Heads down!" Hagrid yelled as the first boats approached the cliff.

He lowered his head immediately, but quite a large number of young wizards did not lower their heads when they heard the words. Instead, they raised their heads boldly to appreciate the lines on the cliff, and even more daring young wizards reached out to touch the cliff in front of them, catching the falling vines.

The boat carried them through the curtain of ivy that covered the face of the cliff to the hidden open entrance.They went straight along a dark tunnel, seeming to have come under the castle, and finally reached a place that looked like an underground pier, and then climbed up some steep steps to a ground paved with gravel and small pebbles.

Here, Neville finally found his toad.

Hagrid raised a huge fist and slammed it on the castle gate two or three times.


The door opened instantly.A figure appeared behind the door, and Keiz recognized Professor McGonagall standing in front of the door at a glance, and waved to her.Professor McGonagall nodded in response.

"First year, this is Professor McGonagall," said Hagrid.

"Thank you, Hagrid. I'll pick you up when you get here."

Ron saw Keiz's action just now, and asked curiously: "Do you know Professor McGonagall? This teacher doesn't seem easy to get along with."

Keiz nodded and replied seriously, "Well, you will know later, she picked me up from the Muggle world. She is a very gentle and easy to get along with"

They followed Professor McGonagall along the stone-paved floor.

It's more spectacular inside than it looks outside.

Professor McGonagall led them to a small empty room at the other end of the hall.Everyone rushed in, rubbing shoulders and huddling together, watching everything around them nervously.

Then Professor McGonagall introduced the precautions of the four colleges and branches.

. . .

"In a few minutes, the sorting ceremony will be held in front of the teachers and students of the whole school. I suggest that you tidy up yourselves and be more energetic while waiting."

Her eyes flicked back and forth, and Keiz could feel that the other little wizards were uncomfortable being stared at by her.

"I'll pick you up when it's ready over there," said Professor McGonagall. "Please keep quiet while you wait."

She leaves the room.Everyone let out a sigh of relief.Immediately began to whisper to each other.

"How are they going to put us in exactly which house?" Harry asked Ron.

"There's got to be a test, I suppose. Fred said it hurt us a lot, but I think he was joking."

"Harry, Ron, do you know that the family that adopted me has a sister who is also at Hogwarts, two years older than us." Keiz decided to scare them, and quietly pulled the heads of the two of them over. "I got some news from her, do you want to listen?"

"Tell me."

Keiz pretended to lower his voice, and said in a voice that almost everyone could hear, "She told me that she drew lots to fight a fire dragon, and some students were assigned to defeat a whole team of zombie soldiers. As for us! I don't know, maybe it will be stricter than they were back then!"

At this time, twenty or so ghosts suddenly jumped out of the wall behind him. Harry jumped three feet high in fright, and several people around him screamed loudly.

. . .

"Move forward now," said a shrill voice, "the sorting ceremony is about to begin."

Professor McGonagall is back.The ghosts floated, and the fish disappeared through the opposite wall.

"Now, stand in single file," Professor McGonagall said to the first-years, "and follow me."

They walked out of the room, through the foyer, and through a pair of double doors into the sumptuous auditorium.

This place is like a palace in a fairy tale. To be honest, Qiz was really shocked.

It's hard to believe that there's a ceiling there, and it's hard to believe that the auditorium isn't open to the air.

He heard Hermione whisper, "It's enchanted, it looks like the sky outside, I read about it in Hogwarts: A History."

. . .

"Whoever's name I call now puts on a hat, sits on a stool, and waits for sorting," said Professor McGonagall. "Hannah Abbott!"

. . .

"Hufflepuff!" Hat shouted.

. . .

Two of the trio had already entered the lion house, and then it was Keez's turn.

"Chizzy Burton!"

"Oh, look at you, how rare you are, you have a heart like a lion. Especially your talent is extremely high, so, very interesting... Where should I put you?"

Keiz tried not to think about things that did not match his identity, and at the same time he said silently in his heart: "Don't go to Ravenclaw, don't go to Ravenclaw."

"Not going to Ravenclaw, eh?" asked the small voice. "Have you made up your mind? You're going to be great, you know, Ravenclaw is the best place for geniuses, there's no doubt about it, so go to Ravenclaw!"


This time the second table on the left clapped their hands.When Keeze joined them, several Ravenclaws stood up to shake his hand.

"It's no wonder that Dumbledore didn't make trouble." Qiz's face was slightly pale, and he thought silently after he got down. "I can still enter the Lion Court when I don't get the (Lion Heart), but I can't get in after I get the (Lion Heart). Has Dumbledore predicted something? Is it because of Neville? I hope I'm thinking too much." This is actually Qiz's first test of Dumbledore.Qiz has already thought about the method of the second trial.

Then came the banquet and the school song, but Keez was in no mood.

. . . . . .

After everything was over, under the guidance of the prefects, they returned to Ravenclaw's dormitory.

Speaking of which, Judith is a student of Hufflepuff.He was thinking about things all night, and didn't pay much attention to where she was.I didn't meet her when I went back.

After packing his luggage, Keiz continued to lie on the bed recalling the episodes of "Harry Potter" in his memory until late at night.

"There have been too many coincidences. It's such a big game of wizard chess. Every piece has its own position. Even as a chess player, I used it as a piece at a critical moment. It's too ruthless, too old-fashioned." Qizi said that he can't compare now.

Now he has to arrange the second trial as soon as possible to find out Dumbledore's bottom line and means, so that he can deal with it in the simulation and get better results.I have to surpass Dumbledore to have a chance to stop Slytherin, and I can't expose myself too early. It is best to be able to solve all crises by hiding behind the scenes and manipulating forever.

 Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a recommendation.Thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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