Hogwarts’ John Wick

74: Snake King Vs John Wick!

That missing eye must have been injured by John last time.

John was slightly crouched, taking a stance as a wild animal. With his eyes tightly shut, John kept tapping the ground with his wand.

As the basilisk charged, he activated his flying boots to dodge. John waved his wand, sending bursts of white light onto the basilisk's body.

"Ego sum draco."

The sword blade ignited with fierce flames. John swung it down, slicing the basilisk's scales, and the sword got stuck.


The basilisk, in pain, twisted its body, causing John to lose his footing.

Aiming his wand at the basilisk's wound, John kept attacking.




Three consecutive white blasts struck the basilisk, scattering scales from its wound.

In pain, the basilisk crashed into the sewer wall, causing John's back to slam against the wall.


He nearly got crushed.

The impact embedded the sword deeper into the basilisk's body. Reluctantly, John let go of the sword.

Perhaps due to its old age, the basilisk's other senses, aside from its eyes, were much weaker.

John used a Transfiguration spell to turn the surroundings into sharp thorns, but the basilisk's hard scales crushed them, clearing a path.

"Trying to escape?"

Noticing the basilisk's attacks weakening, John realized it wanted to leave the unfavorable environment. Although the sewer was large, the basilisk's enormous size made it less agile.

The basilisk opened its mouth, spewing venom. John used the Shield Charm to block it, but was surprised to see the venom corroding the shield.

"So fierce."

Startled, John quickly dodged.

After spitting out the venom, the basilisk seemed to weaken. John seized the opportunity to cast a spell.


Flames shot out from the wand's tip, forming a fiery cloud. John waved his wand, directing the flames towards the basilisk.

The basilisk hissed in pain from the flames and turned to flee down the sewer. Seeing it try to escape, John extended his right hand and clenched his fist.

"Ego sum draco!"

The IronWick sword, which had been embedded in the basilisk and had its flames extinguished, reignited. The basilisk, now burning, writhed in agony.

It thrashed through the sewer, its tail striking John, shattering two of the protective amulets he wore.

"Fuck... almost lost my life."

Crashing into the wall, John felt like his internal organs had been squeezed together. Without the protective amulets, he might not have survived.

The basilisk fled with the IronWick sword embedded in it. John adjusted his breathing and took a strengthening potion from his small pouch, gulping it down.

Once recovered, John sensed the IronWick sword and pursued it.


"Colin, are you going?"

"Of course, I'm going to visit Harry Potter."

Colin Creevey, carrying his camera, also brought grapes and other fruits. He had witnessed the most exciting Quidditch match today and wanted to visit the injured Harry.

Feeling a bit nervous, he was accompanied by another Gryffindor student, Sylvia Bradley.

This girl was very pretty, compassionate, and kind-hearted. She was also a Muggle-born witch.

Sylvia was Colin's good friend in Gryffindor, and Colin had some feelings for her.

Colin didn't quite understand what attraction of love was, but he seemed to like this girl's company.

Originally, Sylvia Bradley didn't want to go because of the terrifying rumors about the Chamber of Secrets circulating around the school.

Muggle-born wizards like her was supposedly at risk of being purged, which scared Sylvia so much she couldn't sleep.

Fortunately, a handsome senior - John Wick had appeared in time, challenging the heir with his overwhelming strength that even Slytherin respected.

This made Sylvia Bradley feel that she might not be in as much danger anymore.

The two walked towards the hospital wing, with Colin recording Hogwarts with his camera along the way.

Just as they were about to reach the hospital wing, a loud noise came from one of the pipes.

Sylvia, frightened, asked, "What is that sound?"

"I.. I don't know," Colin replied, equally scared, and raised his camera to take a picture.

At that moment, a massive head emerged from a pipe connected to the wall, and Colin instinctively pressed the shutter button.

The basilisk burst out of the sewer, its scales shattered, the once green scales turned black, and its eyes were so scorched by fire that they couldn't open.

Hearing the shutter sound, the basilisk charged in that direction.

Colin and Sylvia screamed, feeling like they were about to die.


The basilisk's speed slowed, and John rushed out of the sewer, his eyes transforming into vertical slits. He raised his hand to summon the Ironwyk sword.

"Ego sum draco!"


The IronWick sword ignited, causing the basilisk to howl in pain. Seizing the opportunity, John drew his wand and pointed it at the two young Gryffindor students.

The two were pushed aside by a Levitation Charm. John noticed the basilisk was about to open its eyes, so he fired another white light from his wand, hitting the basilisk's head.

The basilisk turned its head in pain, and John seized the moment to shout at the two little students, "Run, go get a professor!"

The basilisk, standing at 50 feet tall, was intimidating enough to make anyone's legs go weak.

John's shout brought the two back to their senses, but it also came at a cost for him. The basilisk struck him from its tail, nearly sending him flying. Despite the pain, John cast another Reducto Curse, hitting the basilisk.

Back and forth they went, man versus serpent, with John's magical energy starting to wane.

"Vera Verto!"

Transforming a torch into a rope that wound around the basilisk, John activated his Flying Boots, stepping into the air and leaping onto the basilisk's back to grab the stuck sword hilt.




He growled in what seemed like Draconic, causing the sword to ignite with even more intense flames, scorching the scales and allowing the sword to be slowly pulled out.

As he withdrew the sword, blood splattered onto John, making his skin sting.

The rope snapped, causing John to fall, while the basilisk thrashed wildly.

Just as John was about to deliver a fatal blow, a strange chant echoed through the air.

Suddenly, the basilisk seemed to calm down and turned its head towards the pipes.

John, of course, wasn't going to let it escape. Just as he was about to make a move, a spell glowing white hit him.

"The Fuck!"

With his protective charms exhausted from the battle with the basilisk, John was flung back, pain shooting through his back.

Turning around, he saw a figure jump into the pipes with the basilisk.

John wanted to give chase but found himself powerless. He cursed bitterly, "Tsk* No honor among youngsters, resorting to sneak attacks."

The commotion quickly attracted the professors' attention, and Colin and his companion had brought them over.

Seeing who had arrived, John almost fainted.

"Uh... John, are you alright?"

Lockhart, with curlers still in his hair, asked. 'This motherfucker..' John snapped, "I'll live!"

Rubbing his back, John stood up. If any other professor had come, he would have gone after the basilisk through the pipes.

Unfortunately, it was Lockhart. John figured that with him, at best, they could provide the basilisk a hearty meal.

John's attitude was far from friendly, and Lockhart awkwardly smiled.

"What happened here?"

Other professors arrived one after another, and seeing the state of the corridor, Professor McGonagall's eyes widened in shock.

John immediately threw Lockhart out to cover for him. All he wanted now was to lie down; he had taken a Blasting Curse to the back and felt like his waist was about to break.

Lockhart quickly understood, vividly recounting how he had battled the monster.

The professors who arrived shifted their focus to John, but his face didn't look good.

"John Wick, what's wrong?" Professor McGonagall was the first to notice something amiss. John's face was pale, his lips bloodless.

Professor Snape stepped forward to examine him and noticed the blood on John's clothes. With a furrowed brow, he said, "There's poison in here."

This statement alarmed everyone, but fortunately, the hospital wing wasn't far, and they carried him over.

Meanwhile, Harry, having learned that Dobby had controlled the rogue Bludger, was furious and wanted to strangle the house-elf. Upon learning that the Chamber of Secrets had been opened before, he wanted to ask more questions, but then he heard a commotion outside.

Dobby disapparated.

Harry quickly lay down and pretended to sleep, cracking open one eye to peek at the doorway.

The first person he saw was Snape, who seemed to be carrying someone.

Next was Professor McGonagall, followed by Professor Sprout. Professor Flitwick was too short for Harry to notice.

Finally, Dumbledore arrived.

They gathered around the hospital bed, and Dumbledore's serious expression relaxed slightly. "Thank heavens, you saved two young wizards."

Thanks to John's warning, Dumbledore had instructed the professors to increase their patrols, which was why they arrived so quickly.

(Like fuck they arrived quickly)

Colin, having seen the basilisk, frantically alerted all the professors.

Dumbledore knew that without John, the two young wizards would likely have died.

Madam Pomfrey came over and screamed because John looked like he was about to die any second.

After an examination, it was found that the most severe injury was the Blasting Curse, but John's tough constitution meant he'd be fine after a night's rest.

The blood was poisonous, but luckily John had an unnaturally strong resistance to poison, so he might just have some stomach trouble.

The professors all breathed a sigh of relief. Dumbledore had things to discuss but decided to wait until the next day.

After the professors left, Harry got out of bed and walked towards John.

John's first words left Harry stunned.

"H.. Harry,"

"D-don't worry John.. you'll be alright!" Harry had moist eyes looking at his injured friend.

"Harry.. get me.."

"Yes! What is it!?" 

"Stop acting like we are in a war movie and ..get me a toffee from your get-well pile of gifts."


John's stomach growled; he hadn't eaten yet...


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