Hogwarts’ John Wick

63: Restoration and Assistants

John headed to Hagrid's to ask for some oak resin.

Making and repairing wands is a complicated process. It requires not only finding materials but also patient crafting and waiting.

When he arrived at Hagrid's hut, Lockhart happened to be pestering Hagrid, trying to show off his knowledge by teaching a magical creatures expert how to prevent water demons from getting into wells.

John walked over and knocked on the door. Hagrid, relieved, hurried over to open it.

Lockhart was still trying to sell Hagrid his book but froze upon seeing John enter.

"Professor Lockhart, I believe you have some textbooks to take care of."

John glanced at Lockhart, giving him a reason to leave.

Lockhart quickly nodded as if just remembering, "Yes, yes, I almost forgot. Thank you, Mr. Wick."

He hurried out as if chased by a dragon, leaving Hagrid puzzled. But with a friend visiting, Hagrid was delighted.

"John, I was just wondering when you'd come by. Everything you asked me to buy is here."

Hagrid pulled out a large bag of materials John had requested.

John was invited to sit down, enjoying a cup of hot tea and rock cakes.

"Hagrid, do you know where I can find some oak trees? I need some oak resin."

Hagrid waved his large hand and patted his chest, saying heartily, "Of course, there's no place in the Forbidden Forest that I don't know. Wait a moment, and I'll get some for you."

"Thank you, Hagrid."

Hagrid was always so enthusiastic. After agreeing, he headed towards the oak trees to get some resin for John.

While waiting, the wooden door was knocked again. It was Harry and his friends.

"John, you're here?" 

Seeing John, Hermione was pleasantly surprised.

John was puzzled until he noticed Ron's pale face.

"What's wrong with him?"

Harry, angry, said, "It's Malfoy. He cursed Ron. We were hoping Hagrid might be able to help."

"Well, you're out of luck. Hagrid just stepped out."

John let the trio inside and saw Ron looking miserable, as if he was about to vomit.

"He's been hit with the same Curse he used on Malfoy that day."

John had been reading a lot lately, practically every day. Seeing Ron's discomfort, he deduced it was the Slugulus Eructo.

Just then, Hagrid returned and was even happier to see the trio.

"Here, take this. It'll be easier to throw up with it."

Hagrid handed an iron bucket to Ron. John approached Ron and said, "Lift up your shirt and show your stomach."

Ron looked bewildered, but Hermione and Harry quickly helped.

As his shirt was pulled up, Ron's stomach was revealed, showing lumps that looked like small worms moving inside.

"I think I can fix this."

John pondered for a moment, then held his wand in his left hand and pointed it at Ron's stomach.

"Evomam Immunditiam."

A white light hit Ron's stomach, making him feel as if he'd been punched.

Ron grimaced, hugged the bucket tightly, and vomited.

He expelled five or six slugs, finally feeling relief.

"Ohh! That was amazing, John! Where did you learn that spell?" Hagrid asked, clapping.

John, keeping a straight face, said, "Of course, in the library."

In reality, he had learned it in the Gryffindor's secret room, where there were many strange curses and spells.

One particularly evil curse called the Blood Curse was inherited through bloodlines. Those afflicted could transform into a snake, known as a blood-cursed lycanthrope, and would eventually turn into a real snake over time.

This made John very curious about what would happen if a blood-cursed lycanthrope were bitten by a werewolf, and how the two curses would interact.

Hagrid had returned with the oak resin, and John decided not to stay any longer.

He placed the materials Hagrid had bought into his small bag and bid farewell.

"I'll be leaving now, Hagrid. Thanks again for your help."

Hagrid repeatedly said it was no problem. After John left, he remarked, "John is the most talented young wizard I've ever met, just like Riddle. Ah! I should have not said that.. No, no, ehm, what I mean is you all are excellent too."

Seeing the trio looking at him, he quickly waved his hands.


"No, don't mention that name!"

Hagrid didn't want to bring up the past, and the trio exchanged looks, realizing that this name held a special significance for Hagrid.

However, they didn't pursue the matter further. Although Hagrid was a bit of a blabbermouth, it was clear he didn't want to talk about this particular topic.


Back in the Gryffindor Chamber of Secrets, John used a branch from the Whomping Willow to create the wand wood, then inserted a unicorn hair.

After completing this, John smoothed out the rough edges and soaked it in oak resin.

Oak is a magical wood; it's said to contain magical properties within. A wand soaked in oak resin would better align with its wizard.

After finishing the repair, John gathered materials for alchemy.

He discovered that crafting items accelerated the leveling up of his alchemy skill.

Although there was no visible experience bar, he could feel the progress.

After crafting a batch of items to be sold in Johnny Silverhand's shop, John returned to his dormitory and had Basil deliver them.

The shop's business was still lukewarm, but its reputation was gradually spreading.

Tommy Shelby wrote a letter mentioning that some wizards in Knockturn Alley had peculiar ideas about Johnny Silverhand's shop.

John replied, advising him to handle it cautiously and preferably without alerting the Aurors.

Recently, the Aurors had been cracking down on Dark Arts items, and Johnny Silverhand's shop had a few.

John also told Tommy to start contacting a few werewolf friends; he was preparing for a big move.

Damocles had already been notified by the Order of Merlin about the award ceremony, and barring any unforeseen circumstances, he was set to receive the First Class Order of Merlin.

The announcement would be made public sometime between October and Christmas.

After sending the reply, John left the chamber.

Since he had promised to let Lockhart stay at the school, he naturally wouldn't go back on his word.

Arriving under the Whomping Willow, he froze the Whomping Willow and entered the passage. The cabinet in the Shrieking Shack was still there, and John moved it away with a levitation spell.

When it was time for the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, students were surprised to find John standing next to the podium.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I apologize for the disastrous last class. After some reflection, I realized that overly novel teaching methods are not suitable for Hogwarts, so I have decided it is time to show my true skills."

Lockhart never wrote a draft for his boasts. Flashing a bright smile, he said,"Mr. John Wick is the assistant I invited. He will be responsible for some assistance in teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts. Of course, he has already been familiar with it under my guidance in advance."

Everyone looked at John in disbelief. John rolled his eyes. This Lockhart was really good at acting.

He lifted the cabinet covered with cloth, revealing a cabinet that Neville felt familiar with.

Lockhart, with a confident smile, said, "Now, everyone line up. We are about to start a great and lively lesson!"

Lockhart had a knack for stirring up emotions. Even the most disappointed students couldn't help but feel a bit of anticipation.

Seeing the tables in the way, John drew his wand and transformed them into barriers around the front of the classroom.

This display of Transfiguration was impressive. If Professor McGonagall had seen it, she would have awarded points.

Lockhart, in his flamboyant robes, walked out as if he were a rooster wearing a crown.

"I am going to teach you your first proper lesson: how to defeat a troll!"

Lockhart was very good at memorizing scripts. As long as it didn't involve practical skills, he could be called the king of rhetoric.

This was evident from how he wrote vivid accounts from stolen stories. He pompously talked about his book, *Holidays with Hags*, and introduced the troll's weaknesses.

"A troll's head is very fragile. We only need a simple Levitation Charm to make its club hit its own head to defeat it."


Lockhart clapped his hands, and John stepped forward. Lockhart said, "My assistant will now give you all a demonstration."


The young wizards were puzzled. John gently waved his wand, and the previously locked cabinet opened.

From within the cabinet came a low grumbling sound, which filled the expressions of the trio with terror.

They were all too familiar with this sound—it was the noise a troll made, just like the one they encountered in their first year.

But then they were confused.

The cabinet was so small—how could it contain a troll?

John used Occlumency to construct the image of a troll in his mind.

The Boggart, mistaking his thoughts for fear of trolls, transformed into a troll and pushed open the cabinet door, stepping out.

"It's really a troll!" Ron exclaimed in fright.

John focused on the club in the troll's hand. As it lumbered towards him, he acted decisively.

"Wingardium Leviosa."

The troll's club floated uncontrollably into the air, then came crashing down heavily on its own head.

The boggart, who turned into a troll, had the characteristics of a troll monster, and fell to the ground with a dizzy head.

The giant monster was easily deveted, and everyone applauded after they reacted.

Lockhart came out and said loudly: "As expected of my teaching, Mr. John Wick performed well, Slytherin plus 10 points!"

This class changed the previous bad reputation of the DADA class, in the lively class, the boggart, who turned into a troll, was smashed again and again.

After the class, everyone changed their previous reputation, and Lockhart became excellent.


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