Hogwarts’ John Wick

52: Punishment and Flying Boots

 "I don't think I'll lose points for this, right?"

John asked sincerely, which made Professor Snape's face darker.

 "John Wick, your Muggle father broke into Hogwarts illegally and crashed into a very rare Whomping Willow."

Professor Snape's mouth twitched, as if he was amazed at the Muggle driving a flying car.

He opened the evening edition of the Daily Prophet with a look of disdain and said, "Moreover, six or seven Muggles reported seeing an old car flying over the post office."

This incident involved the Statute of Secrecy, and having Watson Wick, a Muggle, enter Hogwarts was a severe violation of school rules.

John realized the gravity of the situation, especially since both Professor McGonagall and Professor Dumbledore were involved.

Harry and Ron trembled, while Watson finally understood that he had made a mistake that might get his son in serious trouble.

"Professor, if there's any punishment to be given, it should be to me. Don't blame the children!" Watson said righteously, making Harry and Ron think this adult was very reliable.

Professor McGonagall, with a stern expression, raised her wand. Harry feared she might turn him into a mute snuffbox.

However, Professor McGonagall only lit the fireplace and then asked everyone to sit down.

"Explain," she commanded.

Professor McGonagall's expression was just as stern as when she caught them out of bed last school year. Harry and Ron felt there might still be a chance to explain themselves. "It's not our fault. The barrier at the station wouldn't let us through," Harry said.

He explained the problem with the barrier, but Professor McGonagall's lips were white with anger as she coldly retorted, "Why didn't you send an owl to inform us? I believe you have an owl, don't you?"

Harry was left speechless, only now realizing that he could have done that.

Professor McGonagall then turned to Watson Wick, her mouth opening slightly as if to say something but then closing. She left the matter to be handled by Dumbledore, as he was the headmaster.

When Dumbledore arrived, his usual smile was absent. He addressed Watson Wick, "I'm sorry to meet you again under these circumstances, Mr. Wick." (A/N: Dumbles visited their house after John's dragon blood awakening, remember?)

"This is entirely my fault, Professor Dumbledore," Watson admitted, feeling deeply ashamed.

Watson sighed and asked, "This won't affect my child, will it?"

"Mr. Wick, if you were a student, I would be writing a letter to your parents. However, I will arrange for someone to escort you home and ask that you do not mention this incident to anyone."

This was good news; at least Watson wouldn't need to have his memory modified. The news about a Muggle flying a car into Hogwarts also needed to be contained.

Dumbledore turned to John and softly said, "John, as punishment, you will be responsible for taking care of the Whomping Willow until it recovers."

Why did he have to take the fall for something his father did?

John felt helpless but agreed nonetheless. After all, Dumbledore was already being very lenient. Considering what Watson had done, it wouldn't have been surprising if they had erased his memory and left him in the outskirts of London.

"I understand, Professor Dumbledore," John nodded obediently.

Dumbledore then looked at Harry and Ron, who were awaiting their verdict like condemned prisoners.

"We're getting expelled, aren't we?" Ron despaired.

Harry anxiously watched Dumbledore, who said sternly, "Not today, Mr. Weasley."

"But I must make you understand the seriousness of your actions. I will be writing to your families."

"And I must warn you both, if there is another incident like this, I will have no choice but to expel you."

This outcome made Professor Snape feel as if he'd just eaten a Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Bean with an earwax flavor.

As for Ron Weasley, writing to his family would have a significant impact. But for Harry, whose only family consisted of his indifferent aunt and uncle, writing to them was essentially pointless.

What's more, Professor McGonagall, citing that the two had arrived at school by flying car before the start of term, didn't deduct a single point.

This was pure favoritism!

Professor Snape expressed serious objections. Seeing the gloomy expression on his head of house, John knew that Snape was itching to deduct points.

Surely he wouldn't take it out on him, right?

There was only one Slytherin student present: himself. Harry and Ron were Gryffindors and under Professor McGonagall's jurisdiction.

"Get Mr. Watson Wick to the station already!" Professor Snape snapped, his voice dripping with sarcasm as he saw John's expression.

John wisely chose not to provoke him further and escorted his father, Watson Wick, to the station.

Hagrid was waiting there. When he saw John approaching, he waved enthusiastically.

"Hagrid, sorry to trouble you," John said, relieved to see him.

He earnestly added, "If my dad gets too noisy, feel free to knock him out. Thanks."

This filial act prompted protests from Watson Wick, while Hagrid chuckled awkwardly, assuring them he wouldn't resort to such measures.

Facing Watson's dissatisfaction, John swiftly neutralized the situation.

"I'll write to Mom," he said calmly.

Watson fell silent immediately. When he returned home, Mrs. Wick, having received the letter, awaited him.

It was said that Watson took a week off from work after that day, claiming he was sick.



[Hogwarts Phase Two Task Activated: Survive the Second Year as a Magical Apprentice. Task Rewards: +1 Magical Blood, +3 Attribute Points]


[Triggered Care Task: Take Care of the Whomping Willow Until It Recovers. Reward: get the blessing: Botanist]

[Botanist: Increases the success rate of cultivating plants.]


[Triggered Challenge Task: Maintain Top Grades Until the End of the Term. Reward: +1 Attribute Point, Diligent Scholar Blessing]

[Diligent Scholar: Studying continuously for more than two hours grants an efficiency boost for one hour.]

"System, you're only activating now. Were you waiting to see if I'd get expelled?" John mused aloud.

After sending off his father, John's Hogwarts Phase Two task was initiated.

He seriously suspected the system had only activated now because he was previously at risk of being expelled.

Thankfully, everything turned out well. Dumbledore wasn't like Phineas Nigellus Black. If he were, John reckoned that three students would have been sent away today.

After all, being rated as the most disliked headmaster in history was a unique distinction.

John had missed the feast, so he decided to head to the kitchen to see if he could scrounge up a dinner.

The house-elves at Hogwarts were honored to serve Mr. Little Wizard.

After securing a meal, John didn't return to his dormitory but instead went to the Room of Requirement.

After pacing three times in front of the large tapestry, John entered the training room.

It had been a while since he was last there, and a layer of dust had accumulated.

Using magic, he swept the dust out the window and then drew the Iron Wick Sword from his small bag.

At the same time, he took out the flying boots and put them on his feet. Initially too large, the boots adjusted to fit snugly once his feet were inside.

They felt perfectly comfortable, as if he weren't wearing shoes at all.

"Abraxan feathers are lighter than spider silk, plus they have a levitation charm attatched," John noted.

He clicked his heels together, and two wings extended from the sides of the boots.

With a gentle leap, John soared three meters high, the small wings on his boots fluttering to keep him aloft.

Gripping the Iron Wick Sword, John recited an incantation to the blade.

"I am the dragon."

As the incantation was uttered, the runes on the sword glowed red, and flames ignited along the blade.

In the training room, ten enormous humanoid targets floated in the air. With a single, decisive stroke of his flaming sword, John cleaved through the targets, leaving them split apart.

The flames licked along the cuts, setting the targets ablaze.

Without using his wand, John effortlessly destroyed all the humanoid targets.

As the fire consumed the remnants, John landed on the ground, surveying the damage he had inflicted.

He called out to the training room, "Difficulty mode."

This training room had four modes: Training, Beginner, Difficult, and Master.

The training mode featured static humanoid targets, suitable only for testing purposes.

The beginner mode introduced evasive maneuvers, while the difficult mode brought forth puppet-like attacking mannequins.

John had previously attempted the difficult mode but had always been hindered by the quality of his sword.

Now, with his new weapon, John decided to see if he could conquer the challenge.

As the order was issued, the human-shaped targets were taken back, and five wizard-like puppets walked out of the fireplace.

After the puppets appeared, they began to attack John.


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