Hogwarts: Incredible understanding, counterfeiting of the Philosopher’s Stone

Chapter 035

【Spend 30,000 comprehension points to parse Newt’s suitcase? 】


Du Wei decisively refused.

He knew the box would be expensive.

But I didn’t expect it to be so expensive!

It seems that this suitcase is more than just a space magic.

Even the Magic Stone and the Elder Wand only cost 10,000 comprehension points.

I took another look at my 12,557 comprehension points. poverty!

So poor!

After realizing his poverty.

He looked at the three people in front of him.

Dumbledore seemed useless for the time being, he was already immune.

Every time it’s +9, +99, stingy!

Tina and Newt seem to have good tempers and will be working together for a long time in the future.

Still not angry with them anymore.

It seems that if you want to gain some understanding, you have to rely on those cute little wizards!

Let’s start school soon!

Just when Duwei was looking forward to the start of school, Newt stood at the entrance and said proudly:

“Welcome to my world!”

After entering his own territory, he seemed to have changed.

In addition to carefully introducing the characteristics and eating habits of various magical creatures, he actually turned Duwei and Dumbledore into his workers.

They cleaned the nests of birds and snakes. Feed the Poison Horned Beast.

After walking and stopping like this, I finally saw the fire dragon.

A juvenile fire dragon more than three meters tall.

The process of getting the fire dragon’s blood went smoothly.

The legendary ferocious fire dragon, under Newt’s command, seemed to The college students were as obedient as they were.

They didn’t even resist at all when they were drawing blood.

But as they watched Du Wei pour a tube of fire dragon blood mixed with red potion directly into the little thunderbird’s mouth, they didn’t dare to blink. They were afraid that the little thunderbird would be the next second. The cub exploded and died.

This is crazy!

No wizard has ever tried to use the blood of a fire dragon to feed other magical creatures.

Money is not such a waste!

They don’t even understand what Du Wei said about”assisting the cub to absorb magic.” What does”energy” mean?

Du Wei didn’t explain.

Soon they understood.

The little Thunderbird baby was far different from her mother’s size.

Jacqueline was more than three meters tall, with a wingspan of nine m.

The little thunderbird that had just hatched spread its wings, just enough to cover Du Wei’s palm.

It swallowed the first tube of dragon blood without hesitation.

Then it happily rubbed Du Wei’s fingers.

Everyone saw the little cub. There was nothing unusual, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

But the next second, the little ptarmigan opened its mouth again.

Du Wei started feeding again without hesitation.

The little bird’s belly seemed to be a bottomless pit.

Second tube.

Third tube….

By the fifth tube, Newt finally couldn’t help it anymore.

“Don’t give her a drink, or she’ll burst…….”


The little ptarmigan burped loudly.

A stream of blue-white flames spurted out, startling everyone.

The flames sprayed out half a meter away!

Then a small group of unknown objects squeezed out from behind.

Newt Scamander looked at Thunderbird, who had had enough to drink and closed his eyes to rest.

Then he looked at Du Wei, who looked indifferent.

He felt so magical.

He raised a fire dragon that could breathe fire, and a thunderbird that could create lightning.

But he never thought that the Thunderbird could breathe fire!

Merlin’s beard!

So can I cultivate a fire dragon that can create lightning?

Flying horned beast?

An invisible Xiu Xiu?

Ah, I still don’t want this anymore. I can’t control it.

【Newt Scamander is shocked, Insight Points +999】

【Tina Goldstein Shocked, Insight Points +999】

【Dumbledore felt terrible, comprehension points +999]

Duwei smiled and accepted this wave of comprehension points.

For him at this stage, no potion or magic spell is as real as the point of understanding.


Principal Dumbledore, what’s wrong with you?

I am a future outstanding student at Hogwarts!

You recruited the students yourself!

Who do you think is scary?

Of course Dumbledore felt terrible.

He already has a”clear” un

derstanding of Du Wei’s potion and alchemy abilities.

Now look at the flames that the little thunderbird is breathing.

(We will stop updating novels on this site, move to our new site: https://readwn.com///)

What he thought about was the past.

Why was Newt Scamander forced to drop out of school?

The charges were possession of dangerous magical animals and harming classmates.

Why did Hagrid have his wand broken?

The crime was that he released the monster in the secret room, causing the death of his classmates.

If Du Wei is expelled from school one day…… ah!

Dumbledore finally remembered where his sense of crisis came from that day!

“Hogwarts cannot let me drop out of school under any circumstances!”

Drop out of school!

No matter what the circumstances!

No way!

He has already planned it!

No, I have to find a way to prevent this terrible thing!……

The innocent Duwei had no idea what Dumbledore was afraid of.

But what Newt arranges next will be a bit scary.

“Now that I’m here, there happens to be some Moon Chi Beast poop that needs to be cleaned up…….”

Duwei and Dumbledore looked at each other.

The cunning principal spoke first:

“Newt, there are still many things waiting for me to deal with in the school. Now that you have reached an agreement with Duwei, it is time for me to go back and deal with things.”

Dumbledore, you are shameless!

What can happen to you in the school?

Don’t think I don’t know.

You even leave the affairs of new students to Professor McGonagall!

Duwei was helpless and furious in his heart.

But he could only look at the principal’s face. The figure disappeared.

The Scamanders naturally focused their attention on Duwei:


“I also need to deliver medicine to Mrs. Jacqueline! Her other two cubs are also in poor health…….”

Du Wei grabbed the potion that had been prepared on the table.

Following what the principal did, he apparated and disappeared.

Tina: Go ahead and do it!

Newt: I don’t……I’ll go, I’ll go!

Duwei hurriedly fled to Jacqueline’s lair.

But she was not seen.

There were only two cubs, and when they heard the sound, they opened their big mouths and asked for food.

He looked very familiar.

Du Wei didn’t bother to care about them.

Although we know that natural selection is a law of nature.

But the one in my pocket looks cuter than them.

The little cub ate and drank enough, burped and fell asleep.

More peace of mind.

After a while, Mrs. Jacqueline also flew back.

There are several huge field mice in his mouth

“Are you just giving this to your children?”

Jacqueline was startled by Du Wei’s voice.

She didn’t expect that Du Wei would come back.

Du Wei looked at her exhausted and quickly took out jars of dark brown potion.

This was what he asked Made by Dumbledore and others, specifically for Jacqueline’s treatment and recovery.

Jacqueline dragged her exhausted body, tore the field mice into pieces and fed them to the little guys.

Duwei watched quietly, sighing at the greatness of mother’s love.


Little guy As soon as he swallowed the field mouse in his mouth, a large black and white lump came out from under his buttocks.

It seemed to be wrapped in a layer of membrane.

It was round and round. It was excrement.

Du Wei’s whole body felt bad.

“Are you going to eat this?”

Jacqueline finished feeding the other little guy.

Then she sighed.

“if not?”

“The children’s father ran away long ago, so I can only take care of them alone”

“In fact, this is normal among birds. Nestlings digest food quickly, and we don’t have the ability of humans to harvest and store food…….”

Du Wei understood.

I have seen this phenomenon in popular science videos in my previous life.

But I saw it with my own eyes now.

It is also a magical creature that can communicate with itself.

See clearly.

But it was still a big shock.

He thought back to the scene where he had just fed the little guy in his arms.

There seems to be a group……

Can’t think about it! no way!

Du Wei took out the magic potion he brought

“Come and try it, drink it and you will have a strong body!”


Late, sorry!

It has a plot and everything, but I’m not satisfied with the few drafts I’ve written.

I still figured it out after asking someone for help.

Keep coding!

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