Hogwarts: Incredible understanding, counterfeiting of the Philosopher’s Stone

Chapter 016

Hogwarts is such a blessed place!

Du Wei spent 5,000 comprehension points without hesitation.

Sorry, grandparents.

Du Wei thought silently.

Analysis: The Lemay couple’s bodies require 20,000 points, and they may not be able to recover immediately.

Anyway, now that the Magic Stone is saved, the two elders will have no problem living for another six hundred years.

But these days through the analysis of the Philosopher’s Stone and the Elder Wand.

Du Wei felt that he had vaguely touched the shadow of immortality. for real.

Live forever and never grow old.

Magic stones, Horcruxes, etc. are all so weak! study!

Keep learning!

Comprehension Points – 3000

Comprehension Points – 2000

The knowledge of an unknown Hogwarts professor who goes by the pseudonym Half-Blood Prince and whose real face offline is a greasy-headed old bat.

Just like that, it got into Du Wei’s head.

Water of Life and Death, Polyjuice Potion, Potion of Eternity, Potion of Love…

Shen Feng has no shadow, the golden bell hangs upside down, and the earplugs are closed to listen……

I have to say that Professor Dumbledore is a great person!

Dumbledore on the side did not know that Duwei was studying on his own.

He just felt a little strange.

Is Du Wei really interested in potions?

His family study should be alchemy!

But Dumbledore said nothing.

Today he defines himself as a Hogwarts tour guide.

Moreover, if Du Wei opened his mouth to disturb him at this moment, he would be choked again!


A huge shock suddenly struck.

It was as if the whole castle had been hit by an earthquake.

Du Wei woke up from his thoughts, and his first reaction was: Could it be that he has done too many bad things and was punished by God?

Dumbledore was obviously shocked too.

He hurried out of the castle, wondering what the noise was.

Du Wei hurriedly followed, forgetting to put down the book in his hand.

The whole of Hogwarts is not so much about the safety of the castle as it is about being safe with Dumbledore

“Dumbledore, Maxim is outside the gate, saying that you took away her students. I have already explained to her, we have not started school yet, how is this possible?……”

Not far behind Dumbledore.

A handsome black-haired boy came out.

Professor McGonagall’s voice became quieter and quieter.

“Dumbledore, did you really steal a Beauxbatons student?”

The vice-principal lowered his voice and asked in a low voice as he approached Dumbledore and looked at the boy behind him.

Duwei already knew what was going on.

He grinned and smiled at Professor McGonagall.

He looked sunny. Cheerful, well-behaved and sensible.

The principal sighed.

“Come with me, Minerva, I think I can discuss this with Madame Maxime”

“That’s true!”

Professor McGonagall said in a tone of hatred, but she still followed Dumbledore.

“who is he?”

“He is Du Wei……Du Wei, just stay here, it’s okay, don’t be afraid.”

Dumbledore seemed to have remembered something terrible and stopped Du Wei from f

ollowing him.

Du Wei:…… afraid of what?

It’s you who should be afraid, right, principal?

To add fuel to the fire of Principal Dumbledore.

Du Wei did not hesitate to use the skill he had just learned: apparation!

Minerva McGonagall:? ? ?

Albus Dumbledore:!!!

“Dumbledore, is Duwei the student you stole?”

Professor McGonagall stared at the place where the boy disappeared and sighed leisurely.

Dumbledore felt very ashamed:”Sorry, Minerva, I caused trouble…….”

“If it were me, I would grab it too!”

“I shouldn’t have counted on you if I had gone to deliver the admission letter myself……”

After Minerva McGonagall finished speaking, her eyes became firmer.

She had just experienced Mrs. Maxim’s strength.

But the Vice Headmaster of Hogwarts is not a vegetarian either!

A little wizard who can apparate at the age of eleven!

A little wizard who can apparate inside Hogwarts Castle!

A little wizard who can cast spells without a wand to break the anti-Apparition!

Hogwarts is decided!

Not even if Merlin comes!

Hogwarts castle front entrance



“My dear grandson!”

“Where have you been?”

“When did you learn to apparate?”

Nicolas Flamel, Perenal Flamel, and Olim Maxim are all here.

After greeting each one obediently ,

“I just visited Hogwarts with Principal Dumbledore!”

“Look, I found a potions book with interesting things in it……”

Du Wei’s childish words are unbridled.

The Flamel couple looked at each other.

Madame Maxime was furious

“Such a broken book”

“Beauxbatons has more and better potions books”

“Not only potions books, but also transfiguration and magical animals……”

“With all due respect, I haven’t found any good seedlings of transfiguration in the whole of France.”

In a burst of golden flames, Dumbledore and his assistants came out.

Duwei saw the figure of the phoenix.

Only the phoenix could allow Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall to come over so quickly.

Hogwarts’ The Apparition restriction is for everyone.

Including the principal and vice-principal.

On the other side,

Madam Maxim only sees the arrogant woman who interrupted her – Minerva McGonagall!

The vice-principal of Hogwarts.Professor of Transfiguration Class

《Contributing Editor of Transfiguration Today.

Madame Maxime took a deep breath.

She has the blood of a giant. Not only is she tall, but she also has a firm and persistent personality.

At this moment, countless thoughts arose in her heart:

This old woman was right.

She is qualified to say this.

But it’s even more impossible for me to give in!

There is no retreat behind you!

Beauxbatons has been silent in the wizarding world for too long!

Wizards need to hear Beauxbatons’ voice!

Furong’s character is too weak, and her talent is not top-notch.

Only Du Wei can.

He will shoulder this mission!

It was fate that brought him to Nico Flamel.

It is Merlin who is looking after Beauxbatons.

I, Olim Maxim, will never retreat!


Never felt better than this. rush!

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