Hogwarts Emerald

Chapter 23: A Halloween prone to trouble

A thousand bats flew and circled around the walls and ceiling, causing the candle flames inside the pumpkins to flicker. 

To make toffee apples, you insert a stick into an apple, then dip it into a pot of toffee syrup, sometimes coating it with nuts. This was the food that had piqued Eda's curiosity, reminding her of oriental candied hawthorn sticks.

Golden trays also held pumpkin pies and roasted pumpkin seeds, while the drink options included chilled pumpkin juice and hot apple cider.

At the teacher's table, the professors were also enjoying the feast. Dumbledore was happily chatting with Professor McGonagall. It was shaping up to be a perfect Halloween banquet, at least until Filch showed up.

The school caretaker, Filch, burst into the Great Hall with a look of sheer terror on his face. Eda was sipping on hot apple cider, a popular fruit wine she found quite delightful.

Filch, panting heavily, made his way to Dumbledore and said, "There's a student lying in the underground classroom... he's been attacked!"

After speaking, Filch bent over, hands on his knees, clearly exhausted from running all the way from the underground classroom to the Great Hall.

With his words, the previously noisy hall fell silent. Some students wondered if this was a Halloween prank, but it wasn't April Fools' Day, and Filch wouldn't joke about something like this. The brief silence was quickly followed by terrified screams and a chaotic uproar, the noise seeming capable of shaking the enchanted ceiling of the Great Hall.

The professors at the staff table stood up, trying to calm the anxious students, but the panic didn't subside.

Professor Dumbledore shouted, "Silence!" The headmaster's intervention brought a temporary calm, though fear and unease continued to spread among the students.

"All students return to your common rooms under the guidance of your prefects. Upper-year students, make sure to look after the younger ones," Dumbledore announced.

Charlie Weasley stood up, raising his wand, which emitted a bright light. He shouted, "Everyone, follow me! Stay together and look after your neighbors. First-years, don't be scared, stick close to me!"

Charlie methodically organized the Gryffindor students, ensuring they left in an orderly fashion. Sixth- and seventh-year students positioned themselves around the younger students, providing protection.

Students from other houses also began to leave the Great Hall under the guidance of their prefects, returning to their respective common rooms.

Several teachers, following Dumbledore's instructions, accompanied the student groups to ensure they safely reached their dormitories.

As the students gradually exited the Great Hall, Dumbledore, along with the remaining professors, followed Filch to the scene of the incident.

Dumbledore did not blame Filch for his earlier reckless behavior, even though it had caused panic among the students. He followed Filch, realizing that a student being attacked was an incident that hadn't occurred at Hogwarts for many years.

The eyes hidden behind the half-moon spectacles were filled with anger. Dumbledore was very angry, but he couldn't afford to show it. He needed to remain rational at all times because he was the headmaster of Hogwarts. He was Dumbledore.

Filch led the professors to the scene of the incident, which was in an abandoned underground classroom. It was Mrs. Norris who had initially discovered the student. When Filch arrived, he saw the student lying on the ground, his mind went blank, and he rushed to the Great Hall to report the situation.

The group arrived at the underground classroom, which hadn't been used in a long time and was located in a secluded area. Normally, very few people passed by here, especially on a day like today.

The attacked student lay on the cold floor of the empty classroom. With a wave of Dumbledore's hand, the torches in the classroom ignited, illuminating the room that had been shrouded in darkness.

The boy lying on the floor was pale, his eyes closed, but there were no visible injuries. Professor Sprout, the head of Hufflepuff House, immediately recognized the student as one of her own.

She rushed to his side, gently calling, "Daniel, Daniel..."

The student on the ground did not respond to her call, but Dumbledore, who was checking on the student, reassured her, "Pomona, he's fine. He's just unconscious."

After speaking, Dumbledore took out his wand and cast a spell on Daniel. Under the effect of the spell, the student named Daniel slowly regained consciousness.

When he woke up, Daniel's face was filled with fear and unease. He broke free from Professor Sprout, crawling backward on his hands and feet, as if terrified of being hurt again. He retreated all the way to the corner of the room, curled up, hugging his knees.

"Daniel, Daniel Bell, it's me..." Professor Sprout comforted her frightened student.

Seeing Dumbledore and Sprout, Daniel Bell calmed down slightly, but tears started to flow. In front of the teachers, he cried like a child.

At Dumbledore's gesture, Snape stepped forward and handed a potion to Professor Sprout. She quickly administered it to Daniel, and after drinking the potion, his condition improved.

"Thank you, Severus," Sprout said gratefully.

Snape waved off her thanks and stepped back to join the other professors.

"Child, tell me, how did you end up here?" Dumbledore crouched down to maintain eye contact with Daniel and asked gently.

"I don't know... I don't remember..." Daniel's eyes were filled with fear as he tried to recall how he ended up in the classroom. The more he tried, the more terrified he became.

"Can you tell me what you did today?" Dumbledore continued, his hand gently rubbing Daniel's back to soothe him.

"I don't remember... I don't remember anything..." Daniel responded, his voice becoming more panicked. He had no recollection of his activities that day.

Daniel's memory was clearly compromised, and continuing to question him wouldn't yield any results. Dumbledore waved his hand in front of Daniel, causing him to slump into Professor Sprout's arms.

Dumbledore exchanged glances with McGonagall and Snape before asking Sprout, "Pomona, he's from your house. Has he exhibited any strange behavior recently?"

Sprout frowned, thinking carefully. "No, Daniel is usually a quiet child who doesn't seek attention. Nothing unusual lately. I'll ask some of his closer friends in the common room later."

"Pomona, you and Poppy should take Daniel to the hospital wing. He needs rest and treatment now," Dumbledore instructed. He glanced at the gathered professors and continued, "Everyone, please return and calm the students."

Professor Sprout and Madam Pomfrey left first, carrying the sleeping Daniel Bell. The other professors began to leave as well.

Snape lingered, exchanging a look with Dumbledore before heading not to the Slytherin common room, but towards Benedict Foley's office.

Professor McGonagall remained. "Albus, that child..."

"His physical injuries aren't severe. I believe the greater damage is psychological and mental. The most evident issue is his memory," Dumbledore answered, while inspecting the classroom.

"This is a serious attack. If Filch hadn't found him by chance, who knows how long Daniel would have lain in this cold underground classroom!" McGonagall exclaimed angrily.

Professor McGonagall remembered Daniel Bell well. He wasn't remarkable, but he never caused any trouble. Daniel was one of the most ordinary students at Hogwarts.

"Yes, that's likely why the attacker chose this place. It's secluded and not easily discovered. The later he was found, the less likely the attacker would be caught," Dumbledore said, finishing his examination of the classroom and leading the way out.

"Do you think this was done by one of the professors, or did someone from outside the school get in?" McGonagall asked, following Dumbledore. She didn't suspect the students, believing they wouldn't and couldn't commit such an act.

"It's unclear for now. I have my suspicions, but nothing confirmed," Dumbledore replied, his eyes gleaming with wisdom. "Minerva, what do you think?"

"All the teachers were at the banquet, and since it was Halloween, everyone arrived early. I lean towards someone 'invading' Hogwarts..."

"Minerva, remember, the attack might have happened long before the banquet," Dumbledore said. "I know you don't want to believe a fellow professor could be responsible."

"If it truly was..." McGonagall trailed off, not wanting to think it was someone within the school. "Albus, if it was, I will personally see to it that they are caught!"

"I don't want it to be true either," Dumbledore said. "Now, Minerva, you should return to Gryffindor. I've heard that Gryffindor has three very unruly first-year students lately."

The three students in Dumbledore's words naturally refer to the trio of deducting points headed by Eda and supplemented by Fred and George. Professor McGonagall is helpless with these three students, and loves and hates them at the same time.

"I hope the three of them can behave themselves today and stop causing more trouble." Professor McGonagall said helplessly.


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