His Beautiful Addiction

Chapter 447  Who wouldn't fall

Chapter 447  Who wouldn't fall

Xavier knew many people. And he was popular among the women. The way they looked at her and wondered who she was. Even though they were smiling, most of their stares were filled with jealousy, and some weighed her and what she wore. Thankfully, she had worn a pretty costly dress and did not try to save all the money.

She hated social circles, but she was most grateful because Xavier did not leave her side, as though he knew the women were waiting for him to leave her so they would pry into who she was.

He held her close wherever he went. He introduced her to his friends, and those who asked, he told she was his date for the night.

She greeted and interacted with his friends when she needed to, but kept quiet for most of the time.

 After Xavier was done with the greetings, Xavier paid attention to her;

''He's the son of the prime minister. He throws parties almost every week, a spoiled son. ''

 Xavier commented as they took a glass of wine from the server, who had walked past them with a tray. Ari chuckled;

''Says the dutiful son of the Howells family.''

Xavier frowned; ''what do you mean? I'm nothing like him. ''

Ari rolled her eyes; ''The only difference between you two is that you're more good-looking, and maybe a little more responsible. Other than that, you're just as spoiled. ''

''Really, how did you come to this conclusion?''

Ari laughed and wanted to reply, but she was interrupted by a feminine voice.

''Xavier? ''

They both turned in the voice's direction, and standing there was a woman. A very gorgeous-looking woman.

Her eyes lit up when she saw it was Xavier;

''Xavier! It's been a while.'' She exclaimed as she hugged him without notice.

Xavier was taken aback for a moment, and then he patted her back.

''yeah, it's been a long while. How have you been? ''

''I'm fine, and you? I heard about your breakup. I'm so sorry. ''

She said and her eyes turned to Ari, as though she was just realizing that someone was standing there.

''Uh, who is she? '' She asked;

''My date,'' Xavier said, pulling her closer to him.

The woman smiled faintly at Ari and turned back to Xavier.

''I did not think I would see you here. Let's catch up some time, okay?. '' Xavier nodded and she waved and walked away.

Ari had not felt this small in her entire life. Right, the woman looked richer and a little more sophisticated with elegant poise, and the way she had carried herself with the look she had given her made Ari want to disappear into the ground.

She had social anxiety, and that woman had just made it worse.

Ari stared at her glass as her mind wandered; she wished the party would end already and they would just go home.

''she was my ex. '' Xavier said;

Ari did not want to know who the woman was, but now she was forced to know. She nodded slightly and turned away from him, drinking from her glass.

The place was becoming suffocating for her, as she was now more conscious of the eyes on her, which she had not paid attention to before.

''I want to use the restroom. ''

She said to Xavier and walked away before he could say anything. Ari found her way to the restroom, and she walked to the sink; she was about to turn the tap on when she overheard two women discussing in one cubicle.

''Did you see the woman Xavier was with?'' One woman asked, and the other laughed;

''Yeah, he doesn't surprise us at all. Wasn't just two weeks ago that he broke up with Melissa and he's already with another woman?''

''Is that a surprise? That's so like him. I'm sure it was because of the serial cheating habits that Melissa left him.'' the other woman said;

''Yeah, I think so. She's too good for him, by the way. I can't imagine what she must have gone through. Pft, that woman he's with must think she's the price now, ''

They both laughed;

''You can't blame her though; Xavier knows how to treat women well, too well that you can't help falling for him, and then he has you right where he wants you, and suddenly he doesn't want you anymore; '' The woman sighed.

''Don't pity her. You wouldn't say she did not hear the rumors. She wants the lifestyle, so she should be ready to face the consequences of dating a Casanova.''

Ari's hands trembled as she stared at the tap for a few seconds, then she turned and left before the women came out. As she walked back to the party hall, her throat tightened, and she could barely breathe well.

This was a mistake. She should never have come here.

Ari thought. The women were right, anything she got out of this was her fault. She heard everything people said about him, and she still let herself fall for him.

So many people were watching her, so she had to pretend to be fine. When she saw Xavier, she put up a smile and walked to him.

Xavier came close to her, and whispered;

''Let me see the celebrant for a minute, then we can go home, okay?'' His voice was low and husky, the kind most women liked, and he smelled good, such that when he pulled away, she longed for him.

 Ari nodded as she held her breath and only breathed out when he walked away from her.

She laughed at how miserable she was. How was she still affected by him, even after what she just heard in the restroom?

She wanted to berate herself for feeling this way, but it was not her fault. He was handsome, funny, smart, treated her so nicely, caring; she could hardly find a fault in him. Who wouldn't fall? She bit her lower lip as she lowered her head; now she just wanted to go home.

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