He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 353: The Master, Nephew, Disciple-III

When early morning came, a woman with a long black hair stepped from the black door of Wang Li Lei's house. Coming to the house very early in the morning where the Sun had just come up with very little lights, Yue was alone in the backyard with no one greeting him. He didn't mind the silence, it was better than having tailed with the maids who always asked for his instruction as if they didn't have the initiation to do anything by themselves.

He walked toward his room and stopped when he reached the empty desk that had only a pen with nothing around it and placed the bag he brought to the surface of the desk. He had took one day leave from his work to find a few things regarding her fellow disciples of his uncles, Tian Yi. They had settled themselves in places they wanted to stay and only a few was able to be touch in contact with him. The last one he had spoken with was Tian Er who was currently staying in Japan who had given him the news that Tian San, one of the disciple who had now taken the name Chengye was still alive.

He didn't see Tian Yi all around the house and the maids know very limited news about him. Only one thought came in his mind that Tian Yi knew Chengye was still alive and went to find him. Which mean he would have to say goodbye to the house today.

When morning came, Xiao Yun seated on the right next to Wang Li Lei ate silently with Qing and Wang Shi Ning. After last night she had went out of the room silently, Wang Shi Ning and Qingge didn't seem to know and had gone back to sleep. Yue come by her side, placing the plate and left from the place after seizing both Qingge and Wang Shi Ning.

"Who is the two guests?" asked Yue when he found a maid passing.

The maid looked at the table noting he was speaking of the new guests and replied, "They are the master's cousins. Yesterday they came to stay at the house for a few days." Yue waved his hand for the maid to resume with her works and he hummed. A day was enough to change a few things inside the house but he needed to resign from his position now and after the breakfast, he went from the dining room to find Jang Hyun who had taken control of the house. When he found the secretary, he was amongst the people while managing the security of the house, seeming busy with no time on hand.

"...move the rest of the things in the West wing." He heard him say and when the people left after receiving instructions, Yue walked toward him.

"You have came back, Ms. Yue." Jang Hyun spoke when he saw him stopped in front. "Would you please take a new basin of water to the guest room in the first floor?"

"Before that sir, I have something to say." Yue didn't have time and thought he should go to assist his uncle before anything get worse. Because Chengye or Tian San was a man with only one marble. He wasn't only crazy but a psychopath who could only be controlled by Tian Yi in the past. But after what happened, he doubt Chengye would still trust Tian Yi, making him nothing less than a crazed loose dog from the kennel ready to bite anyone's neck to death.

Just then at the same time, Jang Hyun received a voice speaking through his earpiece. Pushing one button he spoke to the person from the earpiece and knit his brows to then speak, "There are still matters I have to attend, Yue if you have anything to say you could come later again to the housekeeper's room. Excuse me." and the man went just like that ignoring his words.

Yue sighed, the house was always busy with maids and securities around but today for some reason the house seemed busier than the other days. Should he stay for a bother couple of days in the house? But his uncle is now perhaps in a tense situation and he has to locate where Tian Yi was, leaving him with only a very less time.

Remembering he had been instructed to bring a water basin, Yue left from the place to do his job. Passing out of the corridor with a water basin filled with cold water, he saw the maid running out and took the opportunity to stop her, "You."

The maid who was called instantly stopped still in front of Yue, afraid that she had done something wrong as Yue rarely speak apart from giving scolding and warnings. "Yes, Ms. Yue?"

"Who is in the guest room of first floor?" The maid drew her brows trying to remember but she wasn't assigned to the first floor thus she knows even less things than Yue.

"I don't know miss. I only heard that the person who was in the first floor was wounded and had took rest at that room for days to recuperate from health." Wounded? Yue narrowed his eyes.

"Okay you could go." waved Yue and he continued padding his path toward the room where he was instructed to.

Xiao Yun meanwhile who had took breakfast and had a change of clothes was inside the room where Tian Yi was with a doctor who had come to treat Tian Yi and his wounds when she heard a knock.

Yue came inside the room with one hand holding the water basin and turned the knob down. "I came to bring the water basin."

"You could put the basin here." Xiao Yun instructed and went to speak to Wang Li Lei. "I will be going to the company around afternoon, Shi Ning want to come with me so I will bring her and Qingge for a breather."

"Did Shi Ning put you up into it?" Wang Li Lei asked, knowing how Wang Shi Ning loved her company's brand very much and Xiao Yun giggled.

"A little but there is no harm, I heard she also planned to work in a designing company, it would be great if she could study from me for the future." Wang Li Lei gave a thought and agreed, though Wang Shi Ning was bad at studying doesn't mean he didn't have a talent in the field of fashion and management.

Yue heard the little words they spoke but he was more interested to the person laying on the bed and peeked to see the face but the bed was covered by Xiao Yun and the doctor who had sat around the corner of the bed. Seeing the desk beside the head of the bed, he went to the place where it was wider and had a better view for him to see the patient. Placing the water basin carefully, his black eyes moved to the bed only for the hold in his hand loosened in surprise and a sound of clank filled the room to surprise Xiao Yun and Wang Li Lei.

Yue didn't believe what he saw, the person sleeping in the bed with wounds around his body was none other than his uncle, "Master!" he called.

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