Hero’s Creed

Chapter 26 - Encounter Adventure

  In less than a second, as his right foot stepped on the ground, Downton’s eyes made the sudden sunlight tingle, and he couldn’t help closing his eyelids.

  Unlike the dark environment of the underground city, the town of Crow Ridge is bathed in the summer sunshine. Although it is still ruined and corrupt, it has a slight breath of warmth.

   “Fourth, vigilance!”

   Downton directed the ghoul to stand in front of him, covering the eyes with his left hand and opening a gap.

   In the corridor, the silence was silent, and the sunlight passed through the rotten roof, leaving a beam of light, and you could clearly see a grain of dust rolling and rolling.

   “Open the way!”

  Following Downton’s order, the No. 4 one yard took the lead, rushed down the stairs, exited the hotel, and ran quickly towards the outside of the town.

   Downton followed, in order to facilitate the movement, he and No. 4 were all wearing leather armor, and the torn dragon tooth was also put into the war space, with a Roman short sword.

   As long as he doesn’t run into the suspected ghoul, Downton is almost safe. The teenager who had a great chance of dying against ordinary ghouls has now become a killer.

  Enjoying the warm summer breeze, looking at the low shrubs, Downton had the feeling of jumping from the sea to the sea.

At the entrance of the town, a wandering ghoul saw Downton and immediately rushed up like a mad dog hungry for several months.

   Downton leaned forward and accelerated with several large strides, and threw No. 4 behind him, then a giant jumped, leaped high, and ran directly over a distance of ten meters.

  The right-handed dagger was held high, and Downton slashed toward the ghoul’s head with the impulse of his body falling.

   Giant beheaded!

   Zira, the ghoul is like cream cut by a hot knife, and the whole body split into two without any suspense.

   “Fourth, go forward!”

   Downton didn’t look at the corpse ghouls, waved his right hand forward, like a hurricane, continued to sprint!

   was plowing the rotten soil with his claws, the magpie-eating crow was startled, flapping his wings and rushing towards the sky, a series of noises also seemed to curse Downton.

   walked nearly two-thirds of the way. Downton did not see a ghoul. Not only did he not relax, but he was more cautious.

   “So quiet? It seems too abnormal!”

  While taking a break from walking, Downton took out the magic book and asked.

   “Be careful not to make a big mistake!” Homer projected the text, “Wait for a chance, buy some investigative magic jewelry, it will make your situation a lot safer.”

   “Buy a horse first, it’s a waste of time.” Downton smiled happily, thinking of the gold coins in the purse. “I’m here!”

   “Sure enough, it’s a common people, look at your little bit of prosperity, barren as a goblin!” Homer poison tongue.

“Then buy a Franconia pure-blooded horse, I heard that there is still a trace of Yalong’s power in their bloodline, and they can travel thousands of miles a day!” Downton was ruthless. horse!”

“It’s really a shallow, ignorant, unseen citizen, I must give you the common sense of science, otherwise I will really kill my homer’s face!” Homer hates iron and steel, “When your strength is stronger, I Will teach you to arrange the summoning circle, and then grab a hot nightmare of pure blood from the Demon Abyss!”

   “When should I wait?” Downton’s eyes lit up, and as for the people in Homer’s mouth, he ignored it.

  Homer didn’t really look down on Downton, the ordinary people were just its hobby, even if a high elf stood in front of it, it would still be called ordinary people.

“Rise to the war rank, let’s talk about it, otherwise you will become the feed of nightmare with your strength of the five slags!” Homer added a little excitement when she saw Downton, “You can’t be idle during this time, you must collect summons. The material, the relatively complete soul seal, has at least 500 pieces, and the quality is better!”

   “Five hundred, does not mean to kill 500 low-level ghouls? Just looking at the materials needed for this summon, you will know that the hot nightmare must be very powerful.”

   Downton’s eyes were immediately full of expectation. Little Grand Terrace was just a highland horse. It was arrogant and ridiculous. He often rode it in front of himself and deliberately showed off.

   By the time we rode the nightmare, he must have no room for self-confidence so that he would never dare to appear in front of him again.

   interrupted Downton’s sweet dream with a sudden scream. He listened with his ears, and the faint fighting sound came with the light breeze.

   “Someone is in trouble!” Downton did not hesitate and rushed to the direction of the voice immediately.

  Homer does not comment on Downton’s behavior and will not stop it. As a man, he should have his own judgment.

   On the rotten soil, a large group of ghouls are madly besieging an adventure group.

   The war situation was precarious. Three regiments had fallen down. A dozen ghouls surrounded their ferocious bites, which made the dying mournful.

A knight wrapped in light armor roared repeatedly, holding a shield in his left hand and a three-finger single-handed sword in his right hand. He repeatedly tried to break through the siege of ghouls and rescued three seriously wounded members, but cut one. Undead, there will be more embraces.

   “Hamlet, leave them alone, rushing out while still having strength!”

   next to a soldier wearing a red armor anxiously urged, a distraction, caught by a ghoul’s claws on his arm, brought out a sparkling Mars.

   “You madman, if you had to take them, we wouldn’t be chased by ghouls!” A female knight who exhausted her magic power bravely accused Harley of tears.

   An archer with a pale face because of excessive blood loss wanted to speak, and he coughed and spit out blood.

   There were several bone scratches on the archer’s chest. If it weren’t for the knight’s cure, he would have died.

   “Can’t leave them behind.” Cavaliers Hamlet disagreed, “Keep on, you can kill these ghouls!”

“Leave him alone, let’s go, this ethical guy won’t leave them behind.” Among the three, there was a female magician holding a staff, but her magical energy was equally exhausted, a little If you are too busy to help, you have to let others protect you.

  These young people are seventeen or eight years old. After hearing that there is a tomb under the Crow Ridge, they formed an adventure group of twelve people to explore.

   The initial progress was very smooth, killing ghouls, collecting souls, and picking potions by the way, but when approaching the edge of the center of Crow Ridge, the companion responsible for the investigation accidentally attracted an elite ghoul.

   As the head of the female magician is very aware of the strength of the team, the retreat commanded the retreat, but the ghouls chased too tightly, and these unintelligent dead souls also knew to call companions by crying.

   fled here, although he desperately killed the high-level ghouls, but the whole adventure group has also reached the point where the food is exhausted.

   Although she is a war class, she has run out of magical potions and stones she has carried, and she is powerless.

   “I blame you, everyone will be killed by you!” Under the pressure of death, a blood knight lost her calmness and roared towards Hamlet.

   Others also accused Harley, if this guy was not determined to bring injured companions, slowed everyone down, and escaped early.

   “They are companions, don’t leave them behind!” Hamlet pleaded, brandishing a one-handed sword, and a golden cluster of light overflowed from the tip of the sword, followed by expanding into a halo, covering five people.

   This is a magical art, self-healing aura, after blessing, it can slowly heal the wound.

“I’m still not cruel enough, or I won’t be on the verge of extinction.” The female magician glanced at the three dying companions who were dying under the ghoul’s food and ordered decisively, “Let’s go, Harley, you If you don’t repent, let’s stay behind!”

   The red armor warrior and the knight immediately followed in the footsteps of the female magician. The archer wanted to keep up, but the leg was weak. After a few steps, he fell to the ground.

   “Don’t leave me alone!” The archer looked at the three people who wanted to leave, and cried out with screams.

   The female magician was deaf, but still could not leave. Hundreds of ghouls surrounded them, attacking frantically, blocking all the way.

   “We all blame you bad man, we are dying, do you know, we are dying!” The archer saw the knight retreating to him, and immediately struck his calf with a long bow.

   The archer is desperate. With so many ghouls, everyone is injured and empty, how can they escape?

   “It will be fine, trust me!” Hamlet was not angry and did not give up. The face under the wing helmet was still firm and inextricable.

“The last thing I regretted in my life was to team up with you, a moral addiction.” The Red Armor warriors scolded and wished to hack Harley with a knife~www.mtlnovel.com~ When Downton appeared, this adventure group also reached the most dangerous position. .

   “Save them!” Downton is not a cold-blooded person, even in danger, he has to try it.

   “Be careful, there are twenty-six low-level ghouls.” Homer pointed to the monster that needed attention, opened the space for war, and handed the torn dragon tooth to No. 4.

   “Someone is here, save us!” The desperate knight suddenly saw two figures rushing in the distance, and immediately seemed to hug the life-saving straw, shouting in her throat, and her vocal cords were almost torn.

   Downton rushed into a hundred yards, raised his hand directly, and a golden halo burst out of his fingertips.

  Blade, the golden radiance appeared on Hamlet’s head like sea sand, then sprinkled on his body, and his strength immediately filled his tired body.

   Downton waved continuously, blessing them with glory, a hundred yards, which is the limit of his magical spellcasting range. The range will not increase again until he is promoted to war rank.

   “It’s saved, it’s the glory of Hercules’ strength.” The Red Armor soldier felt the power flowing out of his body, and his spirit was instantly revitalized.

   “You have pits in your head, concentrate your firepower, attack a little, and break the siege.” Downton shouted, and several ghouls on the outside stared at him and flew over.

   “Number four!”

   Downton blessed himself with glory of strength, took away the Tomahawk, and under the command of No. 4, he immediately reached the front.

   “It’s this **** who won’t go.” The knight seemed to find a place to vent and complained loudly.

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