Heroic King

Chapter 35: Special manipulation modes, bonuses

"Damn! What kind of attack is this!"

Seeing this situation, He Hao and Zhang Liang quickly pulled the troops back. The attack of the Harpy King is too terrifying. They can attack 8 targets at a time. If they are all low-level units, 8 targets will be eliminated at one time. ! This makes it impossible for them, who are the main force of the first-tier arms and the second-tier arms, to output attacks.

"Prepare to use the cobweb trap, this guy must be well controlled, she can't be let out, or we're all over."

Lin Han said with a very heavy expression, they used to beat this guy only by using the spider web catcher to control it continuously. The spider web catcher poses a great threat to the Harpy King, but the impact time has shrunk dramatically. A cobweb trap can only control the harpy king for 5 seconds, so be sure to master the timing of using the cobweb trap, otherwise it will waste a lot of output opportunities.

"Harpy King: Tier 3 and Tier 3 leader-level creature, the king of the harpies, she has an extremely powerful storm force, and when she is angry, she will summon an endless storm to completely destroy the enemy. Attack: 150-200, Defense: 10, Health: 28000, Magic Power: 4000, Movement Speed: 3.5 meters per second, Attack Speed: once every 2.0 seconds, Range: 40 meters, Ammo: Unlimited. Special Ability: 1. Split Feather [Each attack of the Harpy King will shoot eight feathers and attack 8 units at the same time, the damage will not be reduced.] 2. Fury of the Storm [The Harpy King calls the power of the storm to attack the enemy, on the battlefield 4-8 tornadoes randomly appear on the top, the tornado will attract all the units within 3 meters around, and the units attracted by the tornado will stay in the air for 2 seconds, will take 60 points of damage after falling, and enter the stun for 2 seconds. Magic power: 500 points, cooldown for 60 seconds.] 3. Thunder Storm LV2 [The Harpy King summons the power of thunder to attack the enemy in front, causing 100 points of lightning damage to all enemies within a 25-meter fan in front. Consumption of magic power: 300 points , cooldown for 45 seconds.] 4. King Summons [The Harpy King summons elite guards to protect himself, and each summon will have 50 units of Harpy King guards to join the battle. Mana consumption: 50 points, cooldown time: 10 second.】"

After the information on the Harpy King was revealed, Zhang Liang and He Hao both took a breath. The 150-200 attack was the highest attack they had ever seen, especially the splitting feather, which was actually at the same time. Attacking 8 targets, and the damage will not be weakened, this is the most terrifying thing about this guy. Even if it is surrounded, the Harpy King can break out of the siege in a very short time, after all, the number of attacks of this thing is too much.

"It's okay, as long as we control the catcher, it's still very easy."

While pulling the skeleton over to attract the firepower of the Harpy King, Lin Han said in the team channel that the Harpy King, who he fought many times in his previous life, was very familiar with this guy's every move. So at the beginning, he did not directly let Zhang Liang and the others use the spider web trap, because it was not the time to use it.

Every time the Harpy King's health drops to a stage, she will use a skill, at 75% there is a chance to use Storm Fury, at 50% will use Thunder Storm frequently, and at 25 % of the time, the elite guards will be called frantically. These three time periods are extremely critical. In other words, if the player wants to win, they must carry it to at least 50% of the time, because after reaching 25%, the Harpy King summons The elite guards that come out will crash the player.

This is also the reason why many players who came to Whistling Valley for the first time suffered a big loss. No one expected that when the 25% health value was reached, the Harpy King would call for the guards so frantically, and wait until the players were ready to set fire and drop the eagle in seconds. When he was the Banshee King, the number of guards often exceeded 200 units.

"Spread the attack! Don't pile it together!"

During the process of being involved, Lin Han also quickly eliminated all the other harpies on the field, and when there was only one harpy king left, he began to close his eyes. Special manipulation mode, which is a mode rarely used by players in the early stage. It takes over the manipulation rights of a single unit and performs micro-operations in the range. From the time he closes his eyes, every dark spirit shooter has his consciousness. , which means that Lin Han is ready to go all out.

"Swish swish swish swish!"

When the Harpy King eliminated the last skeleton, the Dark Spirit Archer almost reached his position. The 94 units of Dark Spirit Archer were scattered into a huge circle surrounding the Harpy King. The best way for the Harpy King to split the feathers, although it is said to attack up to 8 targets at the same time, but in fact it is to attack the enemy within the fan-shaped area in front of her, that is to say, the enemy she wants to attack is only the one in front of her. .

In this way, the dark spirit shooter in the back doesn't have to worry about this guy's attack, and the unit in front of her can still start the shooter dance because the attack range of the unit in front of her will be farther than that of the Harpy King. If Lin Han makes no mistakes If so, this time, the Harpy King will never be able to hit the Dark Spirit Archer from the beginning to the end.

This is also the reason why Lin Han wants to activate the special manipulation mode. If it is only controlled by passwords, there will be problems with more passwords. It is better to control directly like this, because Lin Han directly controls every unit, so there is no need to worry about not being able to control it. situation occurs.

"I'm going, boy Lin is going to go against the sky!"

While watching Lin Han frantically controlling the dark spirit shooter to fly this big guy's kite, He Hao and Zhang Liang were both stunned at the rhythm, and the dark spirit shooter in front was firmly stuck with the harpy king's kite. The attack distance, constantly retreating and attacking, while the dark spirit shooters in the back are shooting frantically, not caring about anything else at all. When the harpy king shows signs of turning around and attacking other dark spirit shooters, Lin Han will Immediately turn the locked unit and continue to fly the kite.

Although this guy summoned 5 super-large tornadoes when his health was less than 75%, Lin Han still easily controlled the dark spirit shooter troop to avoid the tornado's attack range, and attacked the Harpy King. It still didn't stop. The Harpy King's health quickly dropped to 50%. When a huge lightning flash appeared on the battlefield, even if Lin Han tried his best to control the troops to avoid the attack range, there were still 8 dark spirits. The shooter was hit by lightning, and Lin Han had to drag these dark spirit shooters to the rear of the troops, waiting for Orianna's dark healing treatment.

"It's ready." When the Harpy King's HP was less than 40%, Lin Han began to remind He Hao and Zhang Liang at the rear, when the Harpy King's HP dropped to 30% , they are about to use the cobweb trap.

"Stupid undead! You will pay for your actions!"

The Harpy King screamed angrily, just as she spoke, a large net fell from the sky, directly slamming the Harpy onto the ground. "All attacks! Hurry up and end the battle!" Lin Han hurriedly greeted Zhang Liang and others to come together. Now the Harpy King's health is less than 25%, which means that once the effect of the spider web catcher fails, they will meet An unimaginably large number of elite guards.

"This is a brilliant victory. You and your teammates have passed through the sub-chamber - Whispering Valley. Your record will be recorded on the leaderboard for everyone to admire!"

At the moment when the Harpy King fell to the ground, the scenery around Lin Han and the others gradually changed, the battle space had disappeared, and three huge golden treasure chests appeared in front of them.

"The evaluation is being calculated. The player's dark blasphemy evaluation SS, the player who does not steal the oil: A+, the player's soul: A, the evaluation is over, now the final reward."

The golden text appeared in front of Lin Han and others, and the evaluation of SS was the highest evaluation among the dungeons. In the previous life, Lin Han had the most A+ evaluation, which made Lin Han excited for a while. The higher the evaluation, the better the rewards. As the first instance of the dungeon, Whistling Valley, the most important things to produce are resource and class cards. Of course, there are also treasures, but there are few advanced ones.

"Please select a treasure chest."

At the same time as the prompt sound came, Lin Han had already walked over to the treasure chest corresponding to him. When he touched the treasure chest, he also received a prompt from the system.

"Ding! You opened the treasure chest, you rated it as SS, you got a diamond-level treasure box x2, you got a platinum-level treasure box x3, you got a gold-level treasure box x5, and you got the reward of the first player rated as S-level. -Heart of the sky!"

At the same time as opening the treasure chest, 10 special small treasure chests were added to Lin Han's backpack. This is a more interesting reward mechanism in the Eternal Kingdom. The rewards in the dungeon are not fixed. After the player completes the dungeon The score will be based on the damage output and damage taken by the player in the dungeon. The higher the score, the higher the evaluation will be, and the more small treasure chests will be obtained by opening the treasure chest at the end.

After the small treasure chest is opened, troops cards, treasures, resource cards and special items will appear randomly. The higher the quality of the treasure chest, the better the rewards after opening. Lin Han asked He Hao and Zhang Liang and found that they Both got 7 treasure chests, but He Hao got 3 platinum and 4 gold, while Zhang Liang got 5 gold and 2 platinum.

"Damn it! I got 2 hungry wolf knight cards! Hahaha! Tier 3 arms, make a lot of money!"

"What are you, I got 3 Minotaur class cards, and they are all 50 units! I really made a lot of money!"

He Hao and Zhang Liang went crazy after opening the treasure chest. This time, it seemed that the system did it on purpose. Both of them had cards of Tier 3 troops in their white treasure chests. At this time, the number of Tier 3 troops was still very high. Few, and these two guys have obtained 100 and 150 units of Tier 3 arms at one time, so it's no wonder that they are not excited.

"Ding! You opened the diamond treasure chest, and you got the Darkblade Warlord's class card [30] x1. This class card cannot be traded, and can only be obtained by the lord who owns the underworld class arms by opening the treasure chest."

"Ding! You opened the diamond treasure chest, and you got the vampire class card [50] x2."

"Ding! You opened the white treasure chest, and you got the wandering soul card line [50] x1."

"Ding! You opened the white treasure chest, and you got a special treasure: Vitality Blood Bottle."


cough cough. . . Sorry for the delay. .

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