Heroic King

Chapter 181: Something that lord-level creatures guard?

All in all, it is a sentence, the fight will be fought sooner or later, but it must not be fought now, because in such a fight, Lin Han may lose most of the current sea clan troops.

"Damn, look for it in the underground world! Didn't you say you found an evil-eyed lord in the wild last time? Just do it to that guy!"

Looking at the center of the island, Lin Han gritted his teeth and took Orianna and the others back to the steel armored ship. At the same time, he gave Ania, who was in charge of research in Sky City, the order to be ready to resist the attack from the sea clan. , he took Orianna and Williams into the portal.

There are also boss-level creatures in the underground world. Orianna and Williams found traces of boss-level creatures several times when they were exploring. Considering the strength of wild creatures, Lin Han was not in a hurry to find these guys. , but now it seems that it is not enough to want to find trouble with these guys.

"Bring all the dark hunters, the melee troops are mainly armored dragon turtles and shadow manticores."

In the sub-city of the underground world, Lin Han and the others changed the troops slightly. The dark hunters have now become the exclusive arms of the underground world. Only in the underground world can they exert their full strength, and the dark hunters in the output It is not inferior to other long-range arms. As for the defensive troops, let the armored dragon turtles be on it, but Lin Han pondered that the evil-eyed lord might have the ability to reduce defense. Works great, but they have high health and that's all that matters.

According to Orianna's memory, Lin Han took a large number of troops to the area where the evil eye lord was located, which was near the copy of the evil eye cave they had passed before. A path led to a fog of war, which was an underground In the canyon, according to Orianna's memories, the evil-eyed lord was inside. The last time they only saw that guy's huge body outside, they didn't dare to go too deep, so they never explored this fog of war.


In the black fog, an incomparably huge figure was gradually appearing. When Lin Han and the others were getting closer, Orianna suddenly poked Lin Han, Lin Han looked back, and his expression changed immediately, because in Oriole In the direction Anna pointed, another huge black shadow was slowly moving!

"Another one?!"

Lin Han was a little surprised by this black shadow that suddenly appeared. It's unscientific. Leader-level creatures are generally powerful and have strong territorial awareness. Like this two leader-level creatures appearing in the same place at the same time, too Rare.

"I don't know, they seem to be guarding something."

Orianna's face was very solemn, but Williams didn't change much, and yes, this thing is just a skeleton, and it is impossible to change anything. Lin Han is more curious about this, something that can be guarded by a leader-level creature, That's definitely not something ordinary.

"Prepare to attack! Orianna, prepare to put a protective shield on the dragon turtle and drag that guy directly into the melee attack."

As for this leader-level creature, Lin Han is ready to attack. Although this guy's attributes are not bad, it is not very dangerous for Lin Han. At least, this creature is only a 5th-order leader-level creature. .

"Ferocious Evil Eye Lords: Tier 5 and Tier 3 boss-level creatures, extremely powerful evil-eyed monsters, when they fall into madness, these creatures will become extremely dangerous, and countless lords have wanted to kill them to prove it. himself, but fell at the feet of these creatures in the end.

Damage: 220-280;

defense: 30;

Attack method: piercing attack;

Armor Type: Light Armor;

Health: 240,000;

Movement speed: 2.5 meters per second

Attack speed: once every 2.8 seconds;

Range: 60 meters

Special abilities: 1. Searing rays [The attack of the mad evil-eyed lord will cause extremely high damage to the enemy and melt the enemy's defense. Each attack reduces the enemy's defense by 5 points. When the enemy's defense is reduced to 0, each attack Will deal an additional 10% damage, up to a maximum damage bonus of 50%. 】

2. Cross Whiplash [When the enemy is close to the Lord of the Furious Evil Eye, each attack will cause 80% of the basic attack damage to all surrounding units, and there is a 15% chance to knock the enemy back 2 meters. 】

3. Searing Fire [When the HP of the Lord of the Furious Evil Eye is reduced to 80%, there is a 30% chance to trigger this skill with each attack, causing 150% damage to all units within 10 meters of the target, with a searing ray effect. ]"

The worst habit of evil eye creatures is to reduce their defense ability, and this lord has exerted this ability to the limit. The scorching light combined with the scorching strafing attack will cause high damage to the enemy when triggered. Moreover, only At the beginning of the battle, Lin Han discovered that this guy can't hold melee at all. Any armored dragon turtle that gets close to this guy will be directly repelled by its tentacles. Even if it gets close, this guy will fly directly into the distance. The unit launched a scorching beam. Rao was a unit like the Gargoyle, and had to choose to retreat after being hit by a firing line.

However, this gave Lin Han a chance. A large number of gargoyles scattered and started to launch a fierce attack on the violent evil-eye lord. Even if the violent evil-eyed lord's attack was extremely high, he could only attack one enemy at a time, but this lord creature It doesn't seem to be stupid. When the Fountain of Life dropped to 80%, it suddenly abandoned the gargoyle in the sky, and the scorching beam suddenly fell on the distant troops in the distance. At the same time, the scorching strafing was triggered. After sweeping away, a lot of dark hunters were all hit hard, and their health jumped to less than 30% in an instant!

"I go!"

Lin Han was taken aback by such a sudden accident. Don't look at the skills of the violent evil-eyed lord. The combination of his long-range attack ability and scorching strafing is simply a bug, just like just now, a team of dark hunters, let's talk less. There were also dozens of units that were crippled by one shot. Before Lin Han could disengage all the troops, the second shot started again. This time, it also triggered the effect of scorching strafing, and the red light suddenly burst. Swipe across the body of the dark hunter, all the dark hunters attacked this time were killed in seconds!

"Armored dragon turtle! Relentless collision!"

Seeing the crimson light condensed in the huge eyes of the violent evil-eyed lord again, Lin Han subconsciously let the armored dragon turtle launch a merciless impact on the violent evil-eyed lord, and the impact of several units of the dragon tortoise burst together. The impact is extremely amazing and violent. The evil-eyed lord was knocked back a few steps, and the condensed rays swept straight into the sky, sweeping dozens of gargoyles into residual blood and disappearing.

"Is it 30%?! It's 100%!"

Lin Han was already speechless about the trigger probability of the scorching fire from the Lord of the Violent Evil Eye. When all the three attacks were triggered, when did the 30% probability become so high? If the next battle is full of such trigger effects, then he is not sure that he will be able to stop it!

"Armored dragon turtle, keep hitting me!"

However, in the attack of the armored dragon turtle just now, Lin Han seemed to have discovered something. At the moment when he was knocked back by the dragon turtle, the attack of the violent evil-eyed lord directly strayed from the target, although he said that it still caused a lot of damage to the gargoyle. Injury, but Lin Han found a way to be safe.


This time, although the armored dragon turtle was a little slower, it still knocked the violent evil-eyed lord back a few steps. As a result, the attack that was originally aimed at the long-range troops escaped again. Even if it was strafed, it was only a few steps. It's just a unit. When the next time, the crimson light condensed in the eyes of the violent evil-eyed lord, the two armored dragon turtles launched a relentless collision at the same time. This time, it was almost a perfect interruption. The violent evil-eyed lord's attack Completely strafing into the air, it didn't hit Lin Han's troops at all.

"Keep it up!"

Seeing such a result, Lin Han began to feel a little fortunate. This time, he was fortunate that he had the armored dragon turtle, which could be interrupted directly when the violent evil-eyed lord was attacking. If it was another player, he was definitely here. It is the rhythm of being alive to death!

With the armored dragon turtle, a unit that can shamelessly interrupt the enemy's attack, the next battle seems to have begun to develop safely. Although it is said that occasionally there will still be attacks falling among the troops, but as long as it is not two consecutive attacks. On the same unit, even if it's safe, Orianna's Dark Heal can quickly restore them.

"Is this guy gone? Didn't anything fall?"

When the life of the berserk evil-eyed lord was completely emptied, Lin Han was dumbfounded, because after the berserk evil-eyed lord fell, although he had experience reward and mission completion progress, this guy did not drop any 's treasure!

"So poor?"

After carefully strolling around the corpse of the violent evil-eyed lord, Lin Han was depressed. This guy didn't drop anything. This was the first time I saw it. Although the sea beasts said they didn't drop treasures, they still had treasure maps. This kind of thing, this guy is really good. After death, he really has nothing. He is poor and white, but the chance of triggering his skills is scary. If it is an ordinary person to deal with these guys, it is definitely the rhythm of vomiting blood.

"Not necessarily, Lord Lord, these guys should be guarding something. They don't have any spoils of war on them. On the contrary, it means that the things they guard are definitely not simple."

Unlike Lin Han, Orianna looked at these violent evil-eyed lords with a hint of surprise. Generally speaking, these guardians will have some loot on them, otherwise they will not conform to the rules of this world, if true If there is no loot, there is only one possibility. They guard extremely valuable treasures. The value of this treasure is enough to offset the loss of these guardians without loot!

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