Heroic King

Chapter 177: The curtain of the Age of Navigation is lifted [The third update, continue to ask for

The end of the faction war brought a rare crazy scene in the dark camp. In the following time, all players were making various preparations. In the market, the prices of various equipment treasures and special treasures began to rise. , At the same time, some treasures that are said to be combined appeared in the market, which caused huge fluctuations immediately after the appearance of treasures.

As early as the beginning of the game, players have guessed that this game should be the same as Heroes and Invincible, with combination treasures, but the unknown combination formula is a headache for many people. If there are not many treasures, players can consider buying them all. Let's experiment side by side. The problem is that in this game, there are hundreds of green-level treasures alone. How can they experiment?

Of course, there are also some unbelieving players who have experimented with some combination formulas. However, if you want to truly become a high-level combination treasure, how can you only combine it once or twice? Besides, some combination treasure accessories are also combination treasures, and there are many combination formulas. Superimposed, Lin Han and the others all admire the players who combined the formulas in the previous life, these are all talents!

These treasures sold by the profit-seeking chamber of commerce have aroused the interest of many players, but the name of the seller, the profit-seeking chamber of commerce is biting very hard, protecting the seller's privacy and refusing to disclose any information, which makes Many people are very disappointed. If they can know the treasure seller, maybe they can buy the combination formula there. Although the cost is a bit big, it is not a big deal for organizations such as super guilds that rich people can afford. question.

"Blessing gem: blue level 2 special treasure, combination needs: Blessing Heart, Vitality Blood Stone."

"Blessed Blood Bottle: Blue Level 4 Special Treasure, Combination Needs: Lucky Clover, Blessing Gem."

This is a formula recorded in Lin Han's head. For him, the biggest difficulty of combining treasures has been overcome, and the rest is to collect the combined accessories for assembly. As long as there are enough gold coins, he can quickly Get the treasure you want.

"Blessed Blood Bottle: A blue level 4 special treasure that increases the health of long-range troops by 25%, melee units by 20%, and increases the defense of all troops by 5 points. When the troops are attacked, there is a 30% chance to reduce it. 5-10 points of damage, at least 1 point of damage."

Blessing blood bottle, this is one of the accessories of the set-vital blood bottle, and it is also one of the main accessories. After completing this item, Lin Han has already started to prepare another accessory - life blessing pendant. One of the two accessories is a Increase health value and improve defense mainly, one is mainly for recovery and shield, the vitality blood bottle formed after the assembly of the two pieces of equipment is an orange 1-level combination treasure, and its effect can greatly increase the survivability of troops .

What Lin Han thought was to make a blood bottle of vitality as soon as possible to cooperate with the messenger of death to gain a great advantage in the middle of the game. Although the basic attributes of the messenger of the **** of death are very low, as long as the treasures are properly matched, they can still explode extremely terrifying output ability. , their death touch ability combined with death harvest will not only pose a high threat to high-level enemies, but also have an absolute harvesting effect on low-level troops.

As for the problem of attributes, this can be compensated by special treasures and high-attribute suits. The vitality blood bottle can greatly enhance the life ability of the troops. The defense is strengthened by another special combination treasure - the shield of the mountain blade.

Lin Han likes this combination treasure very much. He had assembled it in the previous life. Therefore, in Lin Han's memory, he is quite familiar with the accessories of this combination equipment.

"The shield of the mountain blade: a purple 4-level combination treasure. It is said that this rune shield has a magical ability. It used to be able to resist the full blow of the legendary powerhouse, but in the long years, people have forgotten how to stimulate it. All power, even so, it will still bring strong defense to the lord. Increase the defense of the equipped unit by 15 points, reduce the physical damage and magic damage received by 15%, and will have 10 when receiving physical attacks. % Damage Rebound."

The level of the mountain blade shield is not high among the combined treasures, but its effect is very useful. 15 points of basic defense can bring extremely high survival attributes to the troops, and 15% physical magic double damage reduction makes the troops in There is also a good survivability in the melee. The final damage rebound is purely an additional attribute. Although it is not high, when it is combined with some special abilities, the degree of disgust is not ordinary, such as the armored dragon. turtle.

This product itself has a good physical rebound ability, plus the 10% rebound, Lin Han estimates that any physical arm will ignore the existence of this guy at the first time after seeing the armored dragon turtle. There is a physical counter-injury, how can this be fought.

Only the nine-tailed fox knows how much Lin Han earned in this combination treasure sale event, but while admiring Lin Han's ability to make money, the nine-tailed fox also felt incredible about Lin Han's spending ability. The sale price of the combination treasures allowed Lin Han to instantly become one of the top ten riches in the dark camp, but this gold coin didn't stay in Lin Han's hands for a long time before it became a combination treasure again.

It's just that these combination treasures are not ordinary combination treasures. Several accessories of the Blessing Blood Bottle cost Lin Han a lot of gold coins. The price of treasures that can increase the upper limit of health is generally expensive. The more terrifying it is, in the later stage, it shows signs of doubling. In addition to collecting combination treasures for himself, Lin Han is also collecting combination treasures for several other heroes, such as the shield of the mountain blade. In addition to him, Williams also has a big need to get one, and the same is true for the vitality blood bottle.

This is the demand for combined treasures in the game, because most of these treasures are used by their own troops, so there is a great repetition in the demand. Although Lin Han himself said that he sold a part of the combined treasures , but most of them are left to Orianna. As a result, the strength of their heroes has also been partially improved. At the same time, good news has begun to come from Ania, the deep-sea giant turtle. The lord's research has made further progress, but there is still no way to revive it. With this guy's power, Lin Han doesn't seem to be able to revive it now.

"Make the armored dragon turtle first, and the rest can be ignored."

In this regard, Lin Han is not too anxious. The progress of the giant tortoise lord can be slowed down, but the sea clan troops must start production immediately. At the same time as the faction war is over, there are already docks in the coastal area that begin to sell ships. .

Lin Han had seen these ships, but he was not in a hurry to buy them. An ordinary ship can accommodate more than 5,000 troops, requiring 200,000 gold coins and 100 units of wood. This is only the lowest-level ship. There are some special ships to refresh, and Lin Han's goal is these special ships, such as steel armored ships.

Although the attributes of special ships are much higher than ordinary ships, their prices will increase a lot, and special ships will consume different resources. If you are not prepared, you will regret lifelong regrets. Happening.

Naturally, this situation will not happen to Lin Han. In fact, he already has a target of choice. The first time a special ship such as a steel armored ship is refreshed, it is a fixed position. The place where the refresh started, so far, Lin Han doesn't have to worry about someone coming to **** the right to buy the steel-framed ship. Another point is that the land of the dead is located on the far right of the mainland, and now most of the docks that players are looking for are on the left. That is to say, after purchasing the ship, Lin Han and other players will explore a completely different direction.

Lin Han is already mentally prepared for this, which is a good thing for him, because in this way, if he finds a suitable unknown continent, he can have enough time to build the entire continent into a huge fortress. .

The most important thing is the setting of the city in the sky. There is a big connection between the eternal contract and the city in the sky. It is not an easy task to get to this point. Even Lin Han, he feels that It may take at least a few months, or even a year, to complete this possibility.


When a huge gray steel armored ship slowly sailed out of the dock, Lin Han became excited. The appearance of the steel armored ship meant that the navigation was ready. On the forum, players have been posting their sailing records. As a reference for others on the forum, but many of these players are relatively miserable existences. For example, there is a greedy player who covets those sea ruins. At the moment of approaching, the ferocious sea beast directly destroyed the ship and even fought back. The only thing he can be sure of is that it was an incomparably huge deep-sea giant squid, because the strong tentacles destroyed their ship in an instant, and the lord, who had no breathing medicine, was falling into the sea. One can imagine the fate among them, either being killed by the sea beast or being drowned alive.

"Steel armored ship: blue 4th class ship, requires the use of lord level: 20, purchase requirements: 15 million gold coins, 150 units of ore, 100 units of stone, 100 units of wood, 30 units of crystal, and 20 units of gems."

The price of steel armored ships is very terrifying, several times that of ordinary ships. The price of ordinary wooden ships is only 500,000 gold coins, while the price of steel armored ships is directly 15 million gold coins, and it also requires hundreds of units of resources. The difference is obvious.

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