Heroic King

Chapter 161: Follow the vine

Regarding this issue, Lin Han once told Ania, but there is no way. After Ania's transformation, the dark hunters have completely turned into dark creatures, and the soul crystals in their bodies have brought them powerful power. At the same time, it also faces the danger of disappearing in the sun. This is the biggest drawback of this unit. If it is only used in the underground world, the Dark Hunter can be said to be the most powerful unit in Lin Han's hands.

With only 4 units of dark spirit shooters, Ania can make a dark hunter for Lin Han. This is what makes this unit so scary. If Lin Han wants to, he can even make it within a day. Let Annia produce at least 1000 units of dark hunters. Of course, these dark hunters are destined to be unable to be used on the ground. Only the underground world is the battlefield for these creatures.

"Storm Shot!"

As soon as the battle started, the dark hunters showed their violent side to the enemy. The arrows swept the stalkers like a storm, and the stalkers at the front were instantly tied into a sieve. This is no joke, although each arrow The arrow can only deal 40% of the normal damage to the enemy, and it is only 20% at the lowest point. However, Lin Han now has the Star Chaser's Bow on his body. After this upgrade, this special treasure finally appeared in substance. Sexual changes.

"Star Chaser's Bow: Blue 5th-level special treasure. It is said that this used to be the sacred object of the elf marksman, and the arrows shot can even hit the stars in the sky, but after the ability of the marksman declined, this The longbow seems to have lost its former power, but it is still an artifact of long-range arms, because of its existence, all long-range arms can activate the power within themselves. Increase the damage of long-range arms by 35%, and the range of long-range arms is +12 meters. , Long-range troops Luck +2, long-range troops move speed +0.2 meters per second, at the same time reduce the 30% magic damage and 8 points of physical damage received by long-range troops, with the skill - precision strike."

After upgrading to blue level 5, the attributes of Star Chaser's Bow have been greatly improved. The most popular among players is the precision strike skill on this treasure. This is an active activation skill, and its effect can make After the ranged troops activate the skills, the damage of all skills and normal attacks to the enemy is increased by at least 50%.

"Precision Strike: Actively release skills. After use, it will give all remote units in the user's army the effect of precision strike. Normal and single-target skill attacks deal 50% more damage to the enemy, and group damage skills deal 100% more damage to the enemy. %. Lasts 60 seconds, cooldown 1200 seconds."

When this skill appears and cooperates with the Dark Hunter, it is really cruel. Storm Shot is a group damage skill. With the blessing of precision strike, the damage can be increased by 100%. That is to say, the current Dark Hunter, the storm shot shoots Arrows can cause up to 80% damage to the enemy, and this damage has to be counted as twelve arrows!

"Bound Shackles!"

Before the stalkers could make any move, Orianna's book of death and eternity opened, and dozens of storm shackles directly bound a large group of stalkers who had not yet had time to escape. The next moment, the dense The arrows swept all the stalkers into a sieve like a machine gun.

"This firepower is really exciting!"

Seeing such firepower, even Lin Han was taken aback. After the blessing of precision strikes, the Dark Hunter has really become an existence similar to a mobile machine gun. With 12 arrows, if it hits 12 On the unit, that is the highest damage. The 960% damage can almost make many players feel hopeless. This damage, combined with Lin Han's high attack bonus, has become another nightmare for the dark elf lord.


Under Lin Han's order, the dark hunter troop quickly dispersed, and the appearance of the crazy hunter hunter troop has completely replaced the positions of the dark spirit shooter and soul hunter, plus the bonus of the star chasing bow, Their basic movement speed has reached 2.6, with a 200% increase in movement speed. Without Lin Han's halo effect, they are all 5.2. With such a movement speed, the enemy will not even run away, and they will not be able to even hit. That 57 The range is not for decoration. If you hit and run, the hunters have nothing to do.

The initial idea of ​​this team of dark elves was very good. They used the Hydra to block the tide of ghouls, and then used the stalkers as bait to lure the Soul Sacrifice Knight into the trap. However, they didn't expect that when these guys appeared, there were more than 30 units of Abyss Tigers moving and observing in the sky. Lin Han knew the whole situation of these troops. The dark heavy artillery and crossbow, which is a killer that specializes in restraining defensive arms, also has a very deep understanding, which makes all the plans of this group of lords go to waste.

"Retreat! All retreat!"

The appearance of the dark hunters completely disrupted the plans of the dark elf lords. This group of long-range troops can no longer be described as terrifying. Ordinary hunters can't even hold on for 5 seconds in front of these guys. After a round of storm shooting, the hunters have Basically, all the sieves have become funnels, and they have already lost this battle.

"Don't rush to chase, I'm here to see where these guys are going, Ania, aren't you fiddling with that thing? Bring them along, we'll give them a few big gifts this time, what if you don't respect them? Row."

Lin Han stopped Orianna and others who were about to pursue. Under his greeting, all the pursuit troops followed unhurriedly. Their target was not the team of the dark elf lords, but the towns of those lords! It is better to cut one finger than to injure ten fingers. Since Lin Han wants to hit, he will definitely not be merciful.

"These guys are taking us around in circles!"

Although it was said that the IQs of the dark elf lords were not enough before, when they found out that the enemy was chasing after them, they were not stupid enough to return to their town for the first time. Isn't this an obvious way to bring wolves into the house? However, Lin Han's patience was much better than theirs. All the troops followed unhurriedly. The dark hunters shot two black energy arrows from time to time to harass their troops. This was purely the rhythm of boiling frogs in warm water. , Dark Elf lords have only two choices. The first is to lead the way, and the second is to return to the city. Although neither of these two choices is a good way, they must make a choice, otherwise, Lin Han will Slowly nibbling away at their troops.

"It can't be brought to other lord areas, otherwise we will be regarded as intruders, and then the two-sided attack will really be over!"

Although they said that they were a bunch of lords looking for trouble for Lin Han before, but when they really got into trouble, they didn't dare to rush into the area of ​​other lords. The dark elves in the underground world have their own agreements, and they rush into the area. The other lord's area is to declare war. If so, they will face the double siege of Lin Han and other lords, that is to say, they have no other choice but to return to their own town.

"Go back to their respective towns!"

The dark elf lords who had no other way of retreat could only choose this most helpless method. Under the speeding technique of the caster, they tried to stay away from Lin Han's troops, but the dark hunter's movement speed was too fast, even if it was Unleash the mass slowness method on them, and Orianna can also contact them at the first time, and the effect of arcane chaos has always been on these spellcasters. When these guys release mass slowness, not only will they not be released, but It also consumes a lot of mana, and after a few groups are slow, these spellcaster heroes have nothing to do.

"Almost there. Orianna, you controlled the Abyss Tiger to investigate the positions of those lords, Ania, Williams, ready to attack the city."

Lin Han knew that these guys couldn't hold on when he noticed the movement of the dark elf lord. Under Lin Han's watch, the group of enemies quickly divided into 5 teams and ran in different directions. Naturally, Lin Han would not let go. However, he had already given an order to Orianna, and the Abyss Tiger had followed four of the lords, while he followed one of the lords and was still chasing after them.

The lord can't take care of that much now. After a period of rushing, a towering dark elf town has appeared in Lin Han's field of vision. Lin Han watched the lord enter the town, but he was not in a hurry. Slow, let the troops start preparing for the siege formation outside the city.

Since he is going to attack the city, there will be no shortage of catapults, but the catapult Lin Han took out this time is different from before, because he took out two catapults this time, and in addition to the burning catapult, The other catapult is also a very rare special catapult.

"Plague Catapult: Special siege equipment. Number of modifications: 5 times. This is a catapult unique to the cemetery family. They can not only cause damage to the city wall, but also cause a great threat to the attack area. Plague.

Damage: 150-320;

defense: 30;

Attack method: siege equipment type attack;

Armor Type: Enhanced Armor;

Attack speed: once every 5 seconds;

Movement speed: 2.2 meters per second;

Special abilities: 1. The source of plague [The plague catapult will create a plague area every time it attacks. All life units in the plague area will suffer 25 points of poison damage per second. The plague area cannot be dispelled by magic purification, but Can be purified by holy magic. ]"

Plague Catapults, this is a siege machine unique to the Cemetery Clan. Like the Burning Catapults, they have very good additional damage. Of course, the most dangerous thing is that this siege machine has 5 chances to be modified.

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