Heroic King

Chapter 12: Sacrifice and march into the necropolis!

Lin Han's surprise is not an exaggeration. This attribute of the Dark Spirit Archer has far surpassed other arms of the same rank, and it can even be said to have reached the level of the fourth-rank arms. Except for the lower attack, other attributes are no compromise. The attributes of the fourth-order arms.

Of course, it is not absolute that this attack is low. The dark spirit shooter itself is a long-range unit, and its attack power is definitely much lower than that of melee units. These guys have a very fast attack speed, and the 2.0 rate of fire can already be compared to many shooter units. , and the 40-meter range even completely exploded the skeleton heavy crossbowmen.

Moving speed? Not to mention, can your average two-legged run outrun this four-legged one? It must not be able to run, let alone the wind of the dark spirit at night, the movement speed is directly doubled, and a lot of people can almost be killed by flying kites.

Graveyard players have always had two entanglements. One is that the attack of the troops is too low, and the other is that the speed of the troops is too slow. Especially in the early stage, the low attack power of the skeletons is not enough for the first-order troops of other races. By comparison, there is finally a first-order unit of the dark elves - the stalker, which has the same attack as them, but the speed and short-term stealth ability have completely destroyed the skeleton. The most ruthless is that after the stalker has been promoted to an assassin, he has long-range attack and poisonous shooting capabilities, and once again blew the skeleton archer to the ground.

And the speed, this is not to mention, except for the third-order arms wandering soul and the advanced death knight of the black warrior, the cemetery family really does not have a few faster races, if you really want to care, vampires can also Count one, after all, it is also a flying unit. The appearance of the dark spirit shooter almost made up for the vacuum period of the lack of speed of the early arms of the cemetery clan. The ultra-long range, extremely fast speed, and the ability of the dark spirit shooter to reduce the enemy's attack and defense are simply perfect.

"This is an altar surrounded by the power of death, where you can recruit troops with gold coins and resources, or sacrifice your troops to obtain more powerful undead troops."

When Lin Han built the altar of the underworld and was about to approach, a detailed introduction popped up in front of him. The altar of the underworld is now a first-class, and can provide Lin Han with 12 units of dark spirit shooters every day. Of course, this also It is not absolute, there is also a special function in the altar of the underworld, that is, sacrifice, sacrificing low-level troops as sacrifices in exchange for higher-level troops.

This kind of building, which Lin Han had encountered in the wild, was called the Highland Temple. It could sacrifice certain types of troops in the team in exchange for more advanced troops of the same type. This kind of sacrifice is absolutely beneficial to the cemetery clan, because the lord of the cemetery clan can learn the spiritism, which can convert part of the enemy's corpse into the first-order unit of the cemetery clan - skeleton after the battle is over , but in fact it is very pitiful. It takes more than 5,000 units to sacrifice a sixth-order corpse witch with a skeleton. It is possible that a player has worked hard to save a skeleton for a month, and it is time to sacrifice. , but only changed to a few corpse witches.

The lower the level of arms, the more you need to exchange for high-level arms. Someone did experiments in the previous life, taking the sixth-order corpse witch of the cemetery family as an experiment, and the skeleton was sacrificed to a corpse witch. It takes more than 5,500 units, but only about 1,000 units are needed for zombies, 500 units for wandering spirits, 100 units for fourth-order vampires, and only 10 units for fifth-order black warriors. The so-called cemetery players' idea of ​​using spiritualism to convert skeletons and then exchange a large number of high-level units for battle was also completely defeated by this experiment. The system of the Eternal Realm is known as a terminal brain with more intelligence than human beings. How could this happen? Obvious loophole.

However, this altar of the underworld is not for the sacrifice of ordinary troops. If Lin Han guessed correctly, this altar of the underworld should be used to summon the troops of the underworld. As for the number of sacrifices, he only needs to test it to know. Thinking of this, Lin Han took out three troop cards from his backpack, which were the troop cards obtained in the fifth wave before.

"Army Card - Ghoul [50], after using it, you can get 50 units of the first-order hidden unit - Ghouls."

When cleaning the battlefield, the battlefield report and the mission report overlapped each other, so Lin Han only saw the mission report but not the battlefield report. In fact, the fifth wave of monsters was quite generous, except that he left a lot of money for Lin Han. In addition to the resources of the ghoul, there are also three ghoul class cards, all of which are 50 units. It is a pity that there is no arm card for the skeleton spear thrower. If there are, Lin Han may consider them at a high price. Sell ​​it. During this time, the hidden long-range troops of the first order will be bought at a large price.

"Do you want to sacrifice ghouls? Please note that your current permission for the altar of the underworld is at the primary level, and the sacrifice will only get dark spirit hunters. After sacrificing 150 ghouls, you will get 30 dark spirit hunters. , do you want to offer sacrifices?"

When Lin Han used the sacrifice function and chose to sacrifice ghouls, he also got a prompt, and when he transferred the sacrifice target to the skeleton heavy crossbowman, he found that the 200 units of the skeleton heavy crossbowman actually only It can be exchanged for 20 units of Dark Soul Hunter, which means that the evaluation obtained by a ghoul during sacrifice is equal to the evaluation of two skeleton heavy crossbowmen. The feature of hidden arms will be added to the sacrifice arms when sacrificed. It received a lot of evaluation points, which was finally confirmed by players who discussed it for a long time in the previous life.

If Lin Han was an ordinary player, he would definitely keep the ghouls for himself. After all, this is also a hidden unit. Both attack and speed are very good, but now Lin Han has a very crazy idea. , he wants to build a powerful long-range army. This idea is not unthinkable, but not many people have succeeded. It is good to deal with the first- and second-order arms, and the speed of the third-order arms is very fast. The unit will be approached by the enemy before it has attacked a few times. The long-range unit itself is synonymous with vulnerability, and it also has the effect of halving the attack after getting close. Once it is approached, it is really not far from death.

"The sacrifice is successful, and you have obtained 30 units of dark spirit shooters." As a black mist enveloped all the ghouls, Lin Han also got a prompt. After the black mist disappeared, a team of dark spirit shooters emerged from the underworld altar. Zhong walked out slowly, plus the 12 units of Dark Spirit shooters that Lin Han had normally recruited before, there were 42 units in total.

The dark spirit shooter with attributes comparable to Tier 4 troops joined Lin Han's army, which instantly boosted Lin Han's self-confidence. Now that his strength has been greatly improved, Lin Han turned his attention to the piece not far from the town. on the cemetery.

Lin Han still remembers the mission he accepted - cutting grass and rooting. This mission requires players to kill the Skeleton Archer King in the necropolis. Now the Skeleton Archer King is marked as weak, and his strength is definitely not as good as when he attacked the city before. , The most important thing is that now Lin Han has the powerful arm of the Dark Spirit Archer, and there is absolutely no problem in confrontation. The Dark Spirit Archer is a powerful arm that is not like the archer arm at all, at least Lin Han has not seen any three. Tier marksmen can have 4 points of defense.

After adding the Dark Spirit Archer into the army, Lin Han checked the attributes of these guys. One of the problems he was most worried about was that these units would not be improved by the attributes of the Undead Wrath suit, but when he saw that the Dark Spirit Archer's defense had been improved At 6 o'clock, he knew that this time he really made a lot of money.

The Wrath of the Undead suit can increase the undead unit's attack by 4 points and defense by 2 points, and also increase the overall attack by 10%. With the lord bonus and archery bonus, Lin Han estimates that these guys are likely to hit the skeleton with one arrow at a time.

"Enter the battle, enemy troops: 20 units of skeletons, 20 units of skeletons, 20 units of skeletons."

"Ding! Skeletons join the battle, enemy troops: 15 units, 18 units, 23 units."

"Ding! Bones join the battle, enemy troops: 20 units, 20 units."

All around the necropolis are skeletons and skeletons, which almost blocked the road to the necropolis. Lin Han walked a few steps and was directly pulled into the battle space by three monsters. This is also a special system of the Eternal Kingdom. After the player enters the battle space, the enemy can continue to enter, and the enemies who enter later will appear around the player according to the position at the time of entry, and the battle space will also expand.

As the first-order arm of the cemetery family, skeletons are obviously not enough to see. As Lin Han expected, dark spirit shooters will shoot one arrow at the skeletons, and they will never give these guys a chance to fight back. All the The enemy was directly shot and killed before they got close, and the power of pure long-range troops began to gradually manifest at this time. When dealing with low-level troops, the attack of a large number of long-range troops was simply torture.

"Ding! The battle is over, you gain 58 experience points, you gain 1 unit of wood, you gain 1 unit of ore, the Dark Spirit Archer gains 78 experience points, and the Skeleton Heavy Crossbowman gains 38 experience points."

The battle was over soon, and Lin Han and his troops gained very good experience. It takes a full 4,000 experience points to upgrade from level 3 to level 4. This is enough for him to fight for a long time. Of course, this is not absolute, if he can For a very large-scale battle, you might be able to improve several levels at a time.

Based on the principle that no matter how small mosquito legs are, Lin Han cleaned up all the skeletons and bones around the cemetery, which brought him more than 1,000 points of experience and dozens of units of resources to start with. The skyrocketing, dark spirit shooter needs 3000 experience points to upgrade from level 1 to level 2, which surprised Lin Han.

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