Heroic King

Chapter 1138: Forces developed on demand

Although there are not many natural guardian hunters, the addition of this unit is good news for Lin Han, because the range of those shadow hunters has almost been determined. Although the range of about 1100 is troublesome, it is not enough for the nature guardian hunters. Words can still be suppressed.

At the beginning, Lin Han also considered building the Wall of Bones again, and then using the Eye of Calamity to suppress it, but he soon gave up this method, not to mention that the consumption of resources was terrifying, and one more thing was, The resentful spirit hidden in the black mist has begun to become impatient.

In the past two days, the shadow creatures have tried to approach the border line more than once. Although Lin Han has beaten him back several times in a row, Lin Han has also noticed that each time the enemy appears, there will be a lot more than the last time. , Do this again a few times, and there may be a situation where the army is overwhelmed.

The artillery suppression of Sky City has also been carried out many times, but the effect is not very good. If these shadow hunters do not attack, they will be completely integrated with the gray fog, and they cannot figure out the enemy's position at all. In the gray fog, All shadow units have a natural hiding ability.

Although he also tried cannon fodder tactics, the effect was not very satisfactory. The shadow hunter immediately retreated into the gray fog after attacking. Except for the magic artillery, other siege weapons were difficult to pose a threat to it. This kind of siege equipment with a slow attack speed is even less effective.

When Orianna returned with the troops, a large number of shadow creatures appeared on the edge. Lin Han was frowning and controlling the artillery to bombard the area where there might be enemies.

"Is this all the nature guardian hunters of the elves?"

Seeing a group of tall shooters with emerald green longbows behind Orianna, Lin Han breathed a sigh of relief and finally came to target those shadow hunters.

"Natural guardian hunters: 12th-order elite units of the elf tribe, legendary shooters cultivated by the elf tree, each of them is the leader of the elf tribe, they are the most dangerous hunters in the jungle, no creature can escaped their pursuit.

Attack: 6500-8000

Defense: 120

Attack: Force of Nature

Armor Type: Light Armor

Health: 36000

Attack Speed: Once every 4.5 seconds

Movement speed: 8 meters per second

Range: 1200 meters

Special abilities: 1. Nature's Blessed [The elf tree gives nature guardian hunters special power, so that they will ignore the target's defense when they deal damage to the target, but will be reduced by the damage reduction effect, and the attacked unit will receive healing within 10 seconds. Effect reduced by 80%. 】

2. Longbowman Lv8 [Nature Guardian Hunter's attack range is increased to 1200 meters, and the damage to enemies located 800 meters away is increased by 20%. 】

3. Wind of Nature Lv5 [Nature guardian hunters favored by nature can mobilize the power of nature, allowing them to have extremely high movement speed and the ability to avoid physical attacks within a certain period of time. The movement speed is increased by 200% within 120 seconds, and the physical attack evasion effect of 90% is obtained within 60 seconds; Cooldown: 300 seconds. 】

4. Curse of Nature Lv8 [Every attack of the guardian hunter of nature has a chance to trigger the curse of nature special effect, the units cursed by nature will be bound and marked on the map, and at the same time lose 2% of their maximum health per second for 15 seconds, During the restraint time, the damage dealt by Nature Guardian Hunter is increased by 50%, and the trigger probability is up to 80%. 】

5. Shattering Light Arrow Lv5 [Every time you attack the Guardian of Nature, there is a 20% chance to shoot out a concentrated light vector, which will shatter after shooting, causing 75% damage to units within a range of 10x10 meters. Attacks will trigger Nature's Curse and Nature's Blessed effect. 】

6. Penetrating Strike [The Guardian of Nature performs a charge attack, with a maximum charge time of 2.5 seconds, and causes damage equal to 25% of the maximum health value + 200% of the maximum attack power to the units along the line in the straight line ahead. The damage is reduced with the increase of the damage target. Each hit unit reduces the damage by 2%. The minimum damage is 50%. The maximum HP damage is not affected. For units above the elite level, the maximum HP damage effect is greatly reduced. Cooldown: 45 second. ]"

"This unit is very interesting."

Orianna walked over to Lin Han and whispered.

"What's the meaning?"

Lin Han was a little stunned and didn't know what Orianna meant.

"This kind of troops is cultivated by the elf tree according to the needs. It has a total of 12 different skills. Except for the natural favored skills, which must be selected, the other 5 skills can be selected by ourselves."

Orianna's next remarks made Lin Han's eyes light up. How could this 12th-order elf tribe be trained like this?

"Shadow hunters are very fast, and they are long-range shooter units with low defense, so I chose the natural curse, a skill with a restraining effect, and a 12th-order nature guardian hunter, even when facing a 10th-order shadow hunter. , the trigger probability is also quite high.”

Speaking of which, Orianna watched the natural guardian hunter in the distance shoot out an emerald green arrow of light. The arrow of light exploded directly in mid-air, turning into countless green stars that directly covered a fog, and lingered in the next moment. The fog was actually dispelled abruptly, revealing the shadow creatures firmly bound by green vines.

"Broken Light Arrow and Curse of Nature can work together. This is the reason why I chose this skill. It is a skill that can control the range and can mark the target. Under the effect of being bound, a penetrating blow can cause the greatest damage. This unit is completely for the purpose of For shadow creatures."

Between Orianna's words, the nature guardian hunters have completed a round of attacks. Just as Orianna said, after the shadow hunters were bound, these nature guardian hunters unceremoniously launched a penetrating strike.

The giant light arrows whizzed through the shadow hunter's body. These guys were vaporized directly in the light arrows. Although their attack power and movement speed were quite high, as a shooter unit biased towards the assassin, these guys were too fragile.

Just like the Shadow Guardians, the shadow-type creatures are not very resistant to beating. Each piercing blow can take away not only a few Shadow Hunters, but also the Shadow Guardian hidden in the gray fog.

The more such accidental injuries, the better, because after killing a bunch of shadow monsters in a row, Lin Han found that these guys actually dropped items.

"Crystal of Resentment: Special items, consumables; after use, dispel the cursed mist in an area."

Two dark gray crystals are in Lin Han's hands, and if you look closely, you can clearly see the gray mist in the crystals.

Trying to use the Crystal of Resentment, Lin Han got a hint that the item is a throwing object and needs to be thrown before it can have an effect.

Seeing a group of shadow hunters eager to try in the fog in the distance, Lin Han directly waved his arm and smashed towards the fog.

He needs to see the effect of this item, he has a way to clear the cursed mist, and there is more than one way, but what he needs to be afraid of now is not just the cursed mist and shadow creatures.

Those resentful spirits that have lingered in the ancient battlefield for an unknown number of years are the most dangerous. If only one or two of them are alerted, Lin Han is still confident, but if all the resentful spirit creatures in the entire ancient battlefield are attracted, Even if he doubled his troops, it is estimated that he could only run away immediately.

The resentment crystal that was thrown out began to change the moment it touched the cursed mist. The resentment crystal suspended in the air madly absorbed the cursed mist nearby. As the mist disappeared, the shadow creatures hidden in it also began to show their outlines.


When the first shadow hunter was revealed, Orianna gave the nature guardian hunter an attack order.

All the nature guardian hunters locked their targets respectively, they strode into the battlefield, green rays of light enveloped their bodies, these guys moved quite fast, and they entered the battlefield within a few steps.

The shadow hunters in the distance also locked the nature guardian hunters. The range difference between the two arms is not large. When the nature guardian hunters can attack the shadow hunters, it also means that they are exposing themselves to the shadow hunter's range.

This is a war between the two shooters. The shadow hunters shot one after another, and the overwhelming arrows seemed to be like black clouds and tilted directly towards the nature guardian hunters.

The nature guardian hunters seem to have completely ignored the black cloud-like arrow shooting. They pulled out their giant long bows, locked their targets and launched attacks. The attack on the guardian hunter failed a lot.

The completely targeted skill chosen by Orianna was of course considering the possibility of damage to Pao by the shooters on both sides. The effect of the wind of nature had already been activated, and the emerald green light that had previously covered the hunter of nature guardian was the special effect of the wind of nature.

Under this effect, they obtained 90% of the physical attack evasion ability, almost the existence of physical immunity, the shadow hunter's damage is quite terrible, but they can't hit these guys at all, almost all arrows are hit by the guardian hunter remnant film.

Occasionally, a few hunters were hit, but immediately a few rays of light fell on them, the natural healing released by the elf guardian behind.

These more than 100 units of nature guardian hunters have almost drained the recruitment quota of Marian and the elf tribe during this period. They are even more concerned about this than Lin Han. Although the skills of nature guardian hunters are not very suitable for guarding the elf tree, 12 The strength of the ranks of the arms is here, even if the skills are a little bit crooked, the attributes of these guys can't be terrifying!

The more than 100 units of nature guardian hunters directly suppressed the shadow hunters on the opposite side, and the kill prompt seemed to pop up like a screen. .

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