Heroes of the Restricted Zone

Chapter 95

Chapter 95
The commercial director had a good idea, and the omnipotent media soon discovered that a pair of gossip couples who were still being hyped up had actually partnered in a commercial for Clear Shampoo, and in this commercial, They are playing a couple!
When they heard the news, they were all overjoyed—we finally caught your fox tail!Hahaha!
Here is the ironclad evidence!Let's see how you can argue!

Play tricks in front of our uncrowned king?That's just self-defeating!

After Sharapova's commercial filming is over, she will spend a few days in St. Petersburg.She thought that after clarifying the misunderstanding between herself and Chen Yingxiong, there should be no troubles, but when she walked out of the hotel gate, she realized that she had made a mistake - she forgot that the reporter and Chen Yingxiong were not in the same gang!

Crazy reporters flocked to her, holding microphones, recording pens, video cameras, cameras, mobile phones...

"I heard that you collaborated with Hero to film a commercial?"

"Does this prove that you are a couple?"

"How does it feel to work with your boyfriend on a commercial?"


Sharapova fled in a panic and retreated to her hotel room.

But this time, she didn't regretfully blame Chen Yingxiong for it.

She waited for her breath to calm down, and called her manager Essenbud: "Max, do you have a way to get the hero's contact information? Uh, I mean, it's best to use the mobile phone number..."

Max Eisenbud was a little surprised. At the shooting scene of the advertisement, he already knew that the rumored boyfriend of Sharapova was the tall hero, and he also knew that the two of them were not actually a "rumored couple". , otherwise their relationship at the beginning would not be so bad, it was completely point of view.

That's why he was surprised by Sharapova's call.

"What do you want his phone for, Maria?"

"I just left after filming the commercial that day. I forgot to communicate with him about something... Anyway, please help me get his phone number first, Max! That's it." After finishing speaking, Sharapova hung up the phone.

Standing at the window of the hotel room, she could just see the gate downstairs, where many reporters gathered.

It seems that these people will not leave for a short time...

She sighed, pursed her lips, and frowned, thinking about what to do next.

I really didn't expect that rumors of filming commercials with Chen Yingxiong would leak out so quickly... And I'm so lucky that I was filming with him in the "Couple Story", playing a couple in the commercial.The ad hasn't come out yet. If the ad comes out, won't the media have a better chance to take advantage of it?

Although the misunderstanding between her and Chen Yingxiong has been eliminated, there is no longer any dissatisfaction and disgust.But asking her to be a couple with him... She felt that she still couldn't do it.

Although Chen Yingxiong has a good figure and is not ugly... But this is not a reason to convince her.

What's more, this identity was forcibly installed by the media.

Chen Yingxiong had a very busy week this week, but it was also full of drama, which even made him feel that the time passed quickly-this is often the feeling when life is full.But he doesn't feel like his life is fulfilling.

After last weekend's game against Vladivostok Solar, he went to his teammates to go to the bar, met Sharapova, and a fantastic week officially kicked off.

During this week, he experienced several quarrels with Sharapova, followed by inexplicably becoming Sharapova's "gossip boyfriend", experienced a battle of wits with the media, and successfully signed a Endorsed commercials, became the spokesperson of Ching Yang, and then he shot the first commercial in his life.

In the end, he was on the set and shook hands with Sharapova, who had been fighting for a week. It could be considered a "perfect ending"...

He also felt that the story should end here.

He and Sharapova will have nothing to do with each other except for this ad.After all, she is the world's number one women's tennis star, and she has a lot to do.

Then came the seventh round of the away game against Tomsk, and Chen Yingxiong was busy.

This week's frequent activities and quarrels, as well as various scandals made him unstable, and his consecutive scoring record finally ended in this round of the League Cup...

He failed to score. Zenit St. Petersburg finally relied on Domingos' goal to win the away game 1-0 and continue to lead the league standings.

The commentator Shirgeevsky expressed regret: "...he must have been affected by this week's scandal! It's a pity that he had the opportunity to go further..."

Of course, Chen Yingxiong also felt it was a pity. Did you not see him desperately looking for a goal in the game?But who made this week too hard and hectic for him, his mind was not even on football, he was busy fighting with Sharapova, dealing with reporters, and shooting commercials...

Advocaat was very calm about Chen Yingxiong's performance after the game. Instead of pointing at Chen Yingxiong's nose and scolding Chen Yingxiong for his poor performance in the locker room, he expressed his understanding of his performance.He defended Chen Yingxiong at the press conference: "...when he scored consecutive goals, you exclaimed that he was a monster, hoping that someone could stop him. Now that he stopped, you criticized him for being in a sluggish state , I wasted my extra experience on women and business activities... To be honest, you are too demanding. Actually, I think the current hero is very normal. I don't worry about him at all. A little bit worried... now it's fine, my heart is back in place."

In order to prevent Chen Yingxiong from going astray at the beginning of his career, and to make this rebellious player obedient, it can be said that he took great pains.

In less than a year of contact with Chen Yingxiong, he is also running in, looking for ways to discipline Chen Yingxiong.Later, he discovered that Chen Yingxiong's personality is very tough, and he has the ability to self-regulate when facing setbacks. He only needs to worry that he will lose control when the situation is too smooth.What I should do is not a strict discipliner, but a friend—you must stand up without hesitation when he needs support, let him feel your support for him, and make him feel that he is worthy, so that He will be willing to listen to himself.If you stand on the opposite side of the hero, it's over...

It must be that when two tigers fight, one will be injured.

This is not good for yourself or the team.

The current Zenit basically formulates tactics around the characteristics of Chen Yingxiong. He is the bridgehead of offense and the beacon of all offenses.

In Advocaat's view, not scoring a goal in a game is just a matter of luck. At least in the game, Chen Yingxiong's attitude is as serious as ever, which means that he does not have the attitude problem of passive sabotage.

The question of luck is easy to talk about, but the question of attitude is a question of principle.

So he supported Chen Yingxiong.

Chen Yingxiong, who didn't score a goal in the game, was already very depressed. As a result, when he passed the mixed zone after the game, the reporters all used this as a scandal, which made him feel even worse.

"May I ask the hero, is the lack of goals related to this week's scandal?"

"Does your relationship with Sharapova stress you out? After all, the two of you..."

"There are rumors that you two had a quarrel at the commercial shooting site. Will this affect the relationship between you?"

These reporters rushed forward in a swarm, scrambling to throw their questions to Chen Yingxiong, without any order.

Chen Yingxiong didn't expect that he and Sharapova have nothing to do, but he and the media still have something...

He didn't know how the media knew about the commercials he and Sharapova made together, and he didn't want to delve into this issue.He is telling the truth now: "I have nothing to do with her, we are just shooting a commercial together, I didn't know this beforehand..."

Chen Yingxiong told the truth in front of the media, but the media still didn't believe it, insisting that Chen Yingxiong was deceiving them.

"If it has nothing to do with her, then why did you guys get together before the commercial?"

"Yes yes! How do you explain Sharapova walking out of your apartment building..."

"Stop quibbling, hero! You are all filming commercials together, why don't you pretend you don't know each other!"

"How can it be such a coincidence? Just a few days ago when Sharapova came out of your apartment, you became the spokesperson of Ching Yang on the back foot, and you and Sharapova filmed commercials together?"

The reporters questioned again.

Each of these questions is a criticism of the heart, basically implying that Chen Yingxiong relied on Sharapova to get the contract of Ching Yang's endorsement, ridiculing Chen Yingxiong for eating soft food...

Chen Yingxiong didn't like to hear these words. Although he was not a chauvinistic man, it was still unacceptable for him to eat soft food from women.

He glared at the Russian reporter who asked the question.

"The fact is that I have nothing to do with her! The endorsement of Ching Yang is such a coincidence. As for whether you believe it or not, I don't care anyway. You can go and investigate, aren't you all very awesome and capable? Then you go Investigate, investigate whether I really had an affair with her!"

Chen Yingxiong waved his arms, with a look of "show evidence if you have the ability", and someone from the reporters immediately challenged: "Sharapova came out of your apartment building and filmed commercials with you again. Is such evidence not enough to explain the relationship between the two of you?"

Chen Yingxiong turned his head and looked at the reporter who was speaking. He was a fair-looking man with gold-rimmed glasses who looked gentle, but the color in his eyebrows made him lose his demeanor, which made him a little disgusting.

Chen Yingxiong nodded to him and another fat middle-aged man beside him, and said: "You interview me here with him, and then walk out of this stadium together. I can take a photo and say that the two of you are basic." Are you okay?"

The person who was asked was stunned and did not respond.

The reporters next to me were also taken aback. This metaphor is really... too in line with Chen Yingxiong's style...

By the time they all reacted, Chen Yingxiong had already left the mixed zone.

He doesn't want to continue entangled with this group of people here, it's not good for him.

But his brows were frowned—it was the same for two consecutive games. These people seemed to only care about their relationship with Sharapova, but they didn't care about football itself at all.I am a player!Not some gossip boyfriend!
It seems that this matter is more troublesome than I imagined...

Looking at Chen Yingxiong who was going away, a group of reporters waved their arms and shouted, hoping that Chen Yingxiong could hear their voices and stay. It is best to turn around again and let them continue to ask a few questions.

At this time, the group of reporters seemed to have no memory of how they shouted and scolded Chen Yingxiong just now.

If they think Chen Yingxiong is just a bunch of arrogant shit, then they are just a group of flies buzzing around the shit. Without the shit, the existence of the flies is meaningless. Without the flies, the shit or shit...

(End of this chapter)

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