Heroes of the Restricted Zone

Chapter 77 Unspoken Rules

Chapter 77 Unspoken Rules

Zhong Dajun, who had obtained Chen Yingxiong's permission to interview, was ecstatic. When he got home, he was busy sorting out the questions he would ask Chen Yingxiong tomorrow.For example, "How did you go to Russia?" "How did you get into Zenit?" "Scoring ten goals in eleven rounds is a remarkable achievement. How did you do it?" "Is your life in Russia still worth living?" Get used to it", "What's the difference between Chinese football and Russian football"...and so on.

But what he didn't know in his excitement was that today's incident had aroused such a large crowd, did it really not leak out at all?
In the bar, Chen Yingxiong met a reporter who claimed to be Jinguan Express and wanted to interview him.

"Our Jinguan Express is much better than Shuxi Metropolis Daily! In the whole of Chengdu, our Jinguan Express is the number one in terms of sales, and Shuxi can't compare!" The reporter who called himself "Xie Liang" He spoke eloquently.

Although he has agreed to be interviewed by Shuxi Metropolis Daily, there is no rule that he is only allowed to be interviewed by one media.

Chen Yingxiong feels that if he wants to be famous, more media coverage is always a good thing.As for the grievances between Shuxi Metropolis Daily and Jinguan Express, he has nothing to do with it.

He and Dracula looked at each other, then nodded and accepted the interview request from Jinguan Express.However, like the Shuxi Metropolis Daily, they have to wait for a phone call tomorrow to confirm the specific interview time.

The next day, Dracula received a call from Xie Liang.

The two parties agreed on a time at ten o'clock in the morning, and the location was in a teahouse near the community where Chen Yingxiong's family lived.

After Xie Liang came, he didn't start the interview right away, but chatted about other things.For example, the environment of this teahouse is good, the weather is pretty good today, and now the prices are soaring, pork is almost unaffordable...

At first, Chen Yingxiong thought that high-level journalists should first chat with the interviewees to get acquainted with each other and get closer before starting the interview, so that the interviewees can relieve their tension.He also secretly praised the standard of this reporter.

Who would have imagined that they would go on like this for almost 10 minutes without seeing the other party get to the point.

Chen Yingxiong began to feel strange.

Dracula also felt baffled listening to it.

Chen Yingxiong simply went straight to the point: "Excuse me, Reporter Xie, are you here for an interview or for tea and chat?"

"Oh, an interview is a chat, and a chat is an interview...you know, it's less likely to feel nervous..." Xie Liang laughed.

"I'm not nervous at all, you can start directly." Chen Yingxiong shook his head and said.

Xie Liang was stunned for a moment, he found that the person in front of him seemed a little out of character...

Chen Yingxiong didn't know what he was going to do, so he just looked at him like this.

Xie Liang coughed: "It's like this, Mr. Chen... We can make a big manuscript for you, focusing on..."

Chen Yingxiong nodded: "That's good!"

This is exactly what he wants. The more attention the media pays, the more famous he will be. With fame, his parents can see his news at home in China.

"But that needs...everyone knows." Xie Liang laughed.

Chen Yingxiong also laughed and asked, "Know what?"

Xie Liang scolded in his heart what kind of brains this is!

He immediately frowned and poured out his bitterness to Chen Yingxiong: "Now the layout is tight and the competition is fierce... There are so many news to be published. Tomorrow is Monday, which happens to be the time when the two-day backlog of manuscripts will be published. I'm afraid there's no room for your stuff..."

Chen Yingxiong, who was one day later and one day earlier, didn't care, anyway, he had plenty of time: "Oh? Then wait for Tuesday. It's okay, I'm not in a hurry."

The flesh on Xie Liang's face twitched——Ge Laozi, I've never seen such a melon!Don't you fucking know, or are you just pretending to be confused?

"Tuesday...Tuesday...Oh, I remembered that there is a big topic on Tuesday, that might be..."

"It's okay, Wednesday is fine. I'm really not in a hurry, don't force it." Chen Yingxiong fully understood the other party, and he felt that his behavior in front of the reporter was simply too understanding!The reporter must have been tearfully grateful for his reasonableness, and then tried to say good things about himself in the report.

Xie Liang lowered his head, hiding his ferocious expression of gnashing his teeth - he doesn't believe that there are such ignorant people in this world. Could it be that they are here to amuse me?
When he raised his head again, the ferocious expression was gone, but his face was obviously not very good-looking.

Chen Yingxiong felt strange: "Is your stomach uncomfortable?"

Xie Liang almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Let's put it this way... If you want me to write a big manuscript for you, you have to... be serious!" Xie Liang made a movement of counting money.

Chen Yingxiong's eyebrows were immediately drawn together.

"Sorry, I didn't hear clearly, what did you just say?" He turned his ear.

"I mean, give red envelopes! Give red envelopes! It's in the news these days, if you don't give red envelopes, you can't compete with those who give red envelopes. If you don't give red envelopes, you can only be in the corners. If the red envelopes are thicker, you will let them go." Go to a prominent position! Do you know?" Xie Liang simply went all out and taught the two masters a lesson.

Chen Yingxiong grinned. He used to think that being able to be published in the newspaper was awesome, but he didn't expect that it had something to do with how much money was stuffed...

"So, I interview you, write articles for you, and if you give me a red envelope, I can get you a big article! In a prominent position, on an important news page, not on an education page or a mother and child page. You Understood?" He really almost added "Guawazi" at the end.

If it weren't for seeing that the other party was much taller and stronger than himself...

Chen Yingxiong frowned again, and he shook his head: "If that's the case... I don't think I need to accept your interview, Mr. reporter."

Xie Liang froze for a moment: "Are you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure!" Chen Yingxiong pointed to himself with his thumb, "Who do you think I am, Mr. Reporter? I will never pay for my newspapers because of my own strength! I have published so many newspapers in Russia. No rubles! How dare you ask me for money?!"

He stood up suddenly, with a height of 1.9 meters [-], which gave people tremendous pressure.

Xie Liang was afraid that the boy would punch someone, so he begged for mercy: "If you don't interview, you won't interview..." Saying this, he got up and slipped away.

He didn't expect this person to be so hot-tempered, and he would change his face if he disagreed with each other.

But he forgot that he was not the same, and his face changed like turning the pages of a book.As soon as I heard that there was no money to take, it was like a dead mother.

Xie Liang escaped from the teahouse, then turned around and stared at the teahouse.It was as if it was the teahouse that gave him the embarrassment.

"Damn it! You are crazy about hammers! You can tell you are a liar at a glance! If you want to cheat some money, let me expose you as a bastard!"

With a harsh word, he turned and walked away.

After Chen Yingxiong saw the reporter go away on the second floor of the teahouse, he snorted: "How dare you ask me for money? Only other people have given money to me. When did I give money to others for no reason?"

At this moment, Dracula's cell phone rang.

"Zhong Dajun is calling." Dracula glanced at the caller ID and said to Chen Yingxiong.

Chen Yingxiong said to Dracula: "Ask him first if he wants a red envelope."

After Dracula answered the phone, he said, "Hello, Mr. Zhong Dajun. Do I need to pay for your interview and to be published in the newspaper?"

Zhong Dajun was stunned for a moment - where is this?Why did you suddenly ask this question.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly, rolled his eyes, and seemed to understand something, and quickly said firmly: "No! I am a reporter, a qualified reporter, how can I do something like receiving a red envelope to write a manuscript? What we are after It’s the truth of the news, not money tainted with the smell of copper!”

This sentence was so righteous that even I felt that my image suddenly became more and more righteous.

Unexpectedly, Dracula over there just oh, and said to the hero next to him: "He said he won't charge money."

"Then let him come." Chen Yingxiong waved his hand.

Dracula told him the address of the teahouse, and Zhong Dajun said he would come in about half an hour.

When Zhong Dajun hung up the phone, he knew that he must have been preempted by someone, but it seemed that that person didn't succeed, just because he wanted a red envelope?

He congratulated himself on being lucky.

Which idiot came across such good news and even offered to ask for money?Is it true that he is used to being an uncle and thinks that he is really an uncrowned king?Everyone should give themselves face?
That's right, I usually take money from others. For example, if those clubs want to boast a few words in the newspaper, they have to give red envelopes. If I don't give it to me, I won't welcome them.But what news is this?The image of Chinese football is so ruined, giving money to Lao Tzu may not necessarily sing their praises!Now this person has worked hard in a foreign country. What does he mean to countless Chinese fans who have been disappointed?Doesn't he know the colleague who was one step ahead of him?Why do people care so much about who "HERO_CHEN" is on the Internet?So many people follow?Isn't it because this person gave many Chinese fans a little psychological comfort?In the Russian league, in the ice and snow, ten goals were scored in eleven rounds of the league!Has any Chinese former overseas player achieved such efficiency?

This kind of news, I have to pay for it!
Zhong Dajun is now pinning all his hopes on Chen Yingxiong, as long as this interview topic is successful, it is bound to have a big turnaround!Defeating Jinguan Express is just around the corner!His position in the newspaper is naturally more important.

With such a mood, Zhong Dajun drove to the teahouse that Dracula mentioned by himself, fearing that he would be preempted again—this is my exclusive!None of you want to get your hands on it!

Zhong Dajun successfully interviewed Chen Yingxiong.

The two ordered two cups of tea in the teahouse and chatted for a full two hours - this number greatly exceeded the half an hour that Zhong Dajun expected to prepare.

With Xie Liang as a foil, Chen Yingxiong also felt that this Zhong Dajun seemed more reliable.

He even ate lunch in the teahouse—Zhong Dajun originally invited Chen Yingxiong and his foreign agent to eat authentic Sichuan specialties, but Chen Yingxiong said that he had already taken Dracula to eat all the time when he returned home.They handed over a few light meals directly in the teahouse, and continued chatting while eating.

The interviewee doesn't care so much, Zhong Dajun is naturally happy to see the success.That's okay, at least you don't have to worry about interrupting the atmosphere, and it's not easy to talk later.

Why did you chat for so long?
This is all because the stories told by Chen Yingxiong are so fascinating!

Yes, the whole interview has been a one-man show for Chen Yingxiong since Zhong Dajun asked a few questions in a regular manner at the beginning. He talked endlessly, and Zhong Dajun only occasionally interjected to ask the doubts in his heart.

Through Chen Yingxiong's narration, Zhong Dajun knew the reason why Chen Yingxiong left his hometown to go to Russia, because he was black-footed by Meng Ran in the club to abolish him, so he was furious and hit Meng Ran fiercely, causing He was expelled from the team and lost his chance to become a professional player and play for his hometown team.

After that, his father secretly borrowed money and took him on an epic trip to Europe.Go to those European clubs with the cheek to sell door-to-door.

Then finally came CSKA Moscow, where they were not treated with kindness and respect, but ridicule and ridicule, and teasing.Chen Yingxiong finally broke out, accumulated almost a month of unwillingness, pressure and anger, at this moment came a total explosion!He gave the Central Army youth team a hard lesson, and then categorically rejected the other party's invitation.

Zhong Dajun was completely fascinated by what he heard, and he could even outline in his mind what Chen Yingxiong and his father had experienced in Europe.

They are indomitable, they don't give up and don't abandon, so they have reached the end of the journey all the way.Finally tasted the wine of victory in Zenit St. Petersburg and became a member of the Zenit youth team.

He can somewhat understand why Chen Yingxiong was able to succeed in that strange country...

Such a stubborn and strong person, success is not accidental, right?

"It's just like a novel..." After listening to this experience, he sighed. "But life itself is stranger than fiction. Ha!"

Chen Yingxiong did not tell him about the relationship between himself and his agent. It is also easy to explain that he can score ten goals in the eleventh round of the Russian Super League-an ability that is not found in domestic clubs. In the Russian League, the level of experience is higher. In the training, the ability hidden in the body was discovered, so it was awesome... This is very simple, there is no BUG.

After the interview, Zhong Dajun also solved the car problem.

He brought Wang Yongjun's account number, but he kindly reminded Chen Yingxiong: "The car is only 38...not 40."

Chen Yingxiong waved his hand nonchalantly: "Give me the account number, and I'll transfer the money directly to that person. Even if it's a compensation for a new car. It's okay, if it's too much, it's a compensation. After all, he smashed his car..." He now I also felt that I was too ruthless last night and directly smashed his new car... But who made the other party look down on me first?
Seeing Chen Yingxiong's appearance, Zhong Dajun believed that he had made the right bet, not only this time, but also in the future.Such a person... can't fail!

After getting the first-hand and most detailed information, Zhong Dajun happily bid farewell to Chen Yingxiong and his cool agent, and couldn't wait to return home, made a phone call to announce the good news to the editor-in-chief, and then began to write at his desk, writing these materials Organize it and write it into a press release that can be published in the newspaper.

He dared to bet that the whole of China didn't know about this information, and it was the only one he had!
What does exclusive mean?It is impossible for a journalist not to know.

He even felt that one issue of the newspaper could no longer be produced, and he might want to do a serial or a special issue...

This is crazy!So awesome!

Thinking of the grand occasion at that time... Zhong Dajun, who was writing the manuscript, couldn't help shivering. He was so excited that he had goose bumps all over his body.

(End of this chapter)

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