Heroes of the Restricted Zone

Chapter 27

Chapter 27

"Then I just had two talent points that can be assigned, does that mean I've been promoted two levels?" Chen Yingxiong asked.

Yesenin nodded.

"Why did I upgrade? Why didn't I hear a burst of pleasant music, and then a burst of golden light glowed all over my body?"

"You really think this is World of Warcraft?" Yesenin was speechless.

"Okay, how do I level up?"

"You do some tasks, you score goals, you gain experience..."

"Mission? What mission did I complete? Why don't I know?" Chen Yingxiong interrupted Yesenin suspiciously.

"First of all, you have successfully entered Zenit St. Petersburg. This completes the mission, and it is still the main mission. Just completing this mission will directly upgrade you to a level."

Chen Yingxiong was amazed: "So powerful? Then it's not too difficult to upgrade to the next level..."

"Don't be too happy." Yesenin glanced at Chen Yingxiong, "When the level is low, the experience required for leveling up is less, and the higher the level, the more experience is needed. Leveling up is fast now, and leveling up later It’s slow. For example, when you go from the second level to the third level, it’s not enough to just complete the tasks. You scored three goals in the official league of the youth team and you were serious in training. You gain experience, then you earn a call to the first team by doing well in the youth teams, you do your second main mission and you level up again."

Chen Yingxiong roughly understands that it is similar to the system of World of Warcraft. It is to complete various tasks to accumulate experience, and at the same time to fight monsters—that is, to score goals in games and perform outstandingly in training. Gain experience and level up when you get experience.

"Then how do I know how much experience I get for every goal I score? How much experience do I need to advance to the next level?"

"The experience of scoring goals is not constant, it is exactly the same. The experience gained from insignificant goals, goals from opponents that are too weak. For example, if you score three goals in the youth team league, two Only 150 experience points per goal..."

"so little?"

"Because the opponents are not strong, and it is not an important game, so your goals have relatively low gold content."

"Then what kind of goal is considered high gold content?"

"Goals against strong teams, goals in difficult situations, goals at the last minute to come back, equalizers, seals... and the brace, the hat Tricks have experience bonuses. For example, your first ball in a game only has 150 experience points, your second goal may have [-] experience points, and the third goal may have [-] experience points .”

Chen Yingxiong found it interesting. "The more you enter, the better?"

Yesenin nodded: "Yes, that's it. The more goals you score, the more experience you gain."

"This is not bad. Forwards should be chasing goals. A forward who doesn't score is not a good forward. This system can motivate players to score more goals, which is very good." Chen Yingxiong commented.

"That's it."

"Then I just need to keep scoring goals and complete the task... What's the point of training?"

"The experience gained by scoring goals is limited, and the experience gained in training accounts for the majority." Yesenin explained patiently.

This thing is quite complicated to say, but as long as the principle is explained, it will be easy to understand.

"Why do you get more experience in training?"

"It's easy to understand. Even if you don't rely on this system and train hard on your own, you can still improve your level, right?"

Chen Yingxiong nodded.This is for sure, otherwise how can a kid who doesn't understand anything become a qualified professional player?Of course it depends on training.

"Why can you improve your level? Because you have upgraded. Why can you upgrade because you have gained a lot of experience in training."

Chen Yingxiong opened his mouth wide - training can still be explained in this way!

"In addition to allowing you to upgrade, experience can also bring bonus effects to your training. If you used to rely on training to improve in a certain aspect, it took three months. After accumulating a wealth of experience, you may only need It's been a month."

"This is good! I like it!"

Yesenin said with a serious face: "So training is indispensable, and the harder and harder you train, the more experience you will gain, and in turn, the more obvious the bonus effect of your training will be. In addition, those in talent skills Explain how many percentages of talents are added, in fact, they are all based on what you have. That is to say, the better your foundation, the more obvious the effect after you improve. For example, your jumping ability is very weak from the beginning , What’s the use of adding 15.00%? If you are good at bouncing, adding 15.00% is quite scary. So if you want to make these talents really play a powerful role, you need to work hard to improve your abilities .If you don't have a good header ability, the talent of 'Kongba' will not have such an amazing effect. Do you understand?"

Having said that, Chen Yingxiong already has a general understanding of the entire system.

To put it simply, it is to gain experience through various means, improve yourself, then gain talent points, and add talents to strengthen abilities.Training can help you learn a lot of skills, just like you have to go to a professional trainer to learn new skills after leveling up in the game, but these skills are not strong, just the foundation, you need to point out the corresponding talent to strengthen these skills, Only then can it play a powerful role in battle.

After he figured it out, he began to feel sorry for the two wrongly added talents.

He just finished reading all the talents and found that there is indeed a talent that can solve his current problem.For example, he is too easy to be watched by Skrtel and Hagen, unable to get rid of the defense and get a chance to compete for the top.Then he can choose the talent "Door Hound" to improve his ability to appear in the right place at the right time.He can also choose to click "Surprise", get rid of the defense, and improve his ability not to be easily marked...or click "Knockdown" talent, knock the opponent to the ground during the attack, and have a certain chance of not fouling.In this way, he will not be afraid to confront the opponent head-on.He had often bumped into people in header fights before and was called a foul.

What to do now?

He wants to see how many upgrades he has left. If it is fast, he can upgrade quickly and order a talent...

"How many upgrades do I have, where can I find this?"

Yesenin pointed at the bottom of the talent simulator: "Did you see your profile picture? Click it."


Chen Yingxiong clicked in and opened a new page. There was a long experience bar under his avatar. The blue part represented the experience he had already obtained, while the blank part represented the experience he still needed.

Chen Yingxiong took a look, the blue part was only half gone!
More than 5000 experience points are needed to upgrade.

If you rely on goals alone, you can count as 150 experience points for one goal, which requires a hundred goals!This has to go into the year of the monkey and the horse month?It seems that the only way to gain experience is through training...

Chen Yingxiong stood up suddenly, looked at Yesening and asked, "Do you have experience in extra training outside of normal training time?"

Yesenin nodded: "You have experience in training at any time, and you have more experience in extra training, because extra training in addition to normal training shows that you are more serious and hardworking..."

Before he could speak, he saw Chen Yingxiong leave the dining table and walk towards the door.

"What are you going to do?"

"Hang up experience!"

What surprised Zenit's first-team players was that the Chinese kid was not sent to the reserve team, and he remained in the first-team training.And when he saw everyone again the next day, he still greeted everyone warmly with a big grin.

Judging from his performance, it is completely impossible to see the impact of yesterday's training on him.

Of course they didn't know that Chen Yingxiong had already seen hope.

Yesterday he had been practicing at the training base until 11:30 in the middle of the night before returning to the dormitory... This is also thanks to the special geographical location of St. Petersburg. Due to the high latitude of St. Petersburg, which is close to the Arctic Circle, there is extreme daylight in winter, so the daytime here is very special. The night is long and the night is extremely short.Even at 11:30 in the middle of the night, the sky is still relatively bright, and there is absolutely no problem with vision.If he is a robot that can not eat, drink or sleep, he will definitely practice until [-] o'clock the next morning, and go directly to the training base of the first team to report...

The first thing he did when he returned to the dormitory after practice was to open the web page on Yesenin's laptop to see how much his experience had increased.

After practicing hard for several hours, he found that he was still 1 experience points away from being promoted, and the increase of [-] experience points was equivalent to [-] goals.

Practice has proved that the speed of gaining experience in training is indeed faster than scoring goals.Just like in the game, hanging up and spawning monsters at a fixed location is definitely more efficient than running around to do tasks to gain experience.So those power levelers seldom do missions, they just keep killing monsters in a place where monsters are dense...

Chen Yingxiong, who was sleeping on the bed last night, was wondering if what he did was considered a kind of power leveling... He seemed to have returned to the years when he locked himself in the room, frantically spawned monsters, and did missions to level up .

In order to become the first full-level player on the server, he can stay awake for 48 consecutive hours.It was with this crazy energy that he finally became the first full-level player on the server.

I don't know if with this crazy energy, he can become a hero on the green field as soon as possible?

Advocaat also noticed the changes in Chen Yingxiong.When he left the training ground yesterday, he was still downcast, obviously he was hit hard.But after one night, he actually adjusted himself, and his psychological quality is indeed outstanding.

I really didn't misread him.

Advocaat was secretly praising Chen Yingxiong's psychological quality, how did he know that Chen Yingxiong was rejuvenated for another reason...

In the set-piece tactical training, Advocaat changed Chen Yingxiong to the role of a feint again. This time Chen Yingxiong did not make any sense. He dedicatedly completed the tasks assigned to him by the head coach during the training.

Because he knows that if he completes every training carefully, he can gain good experience accumulation, so that he will be one step closer to leveling up.

When he has leveled up and has a talent point...he has already decided what talent to get, just click on that knockdown!
Of course it wasn't about knocking down Hagen and Skrtel, but about Li Hao!

Don't think I don't know what you're happy about, this breath won't be swallowed easily, Korean!

(End of this chapter)

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