Heroes of the Restricted Zone

Chapter 165 The North Wind That Blows (3450 Monthly Ticket Plus Update)

Chapter 165 The North Wind That Blows (3450 Monthly Ticket Plus Update)

Relying on Chen Yingxiong's goal, Zenit St. Petersburg took a one-goal lead at home.Until the end of the first half, the score did not change.

Pellegrini hurried back to the locker room, not only him, but other Villarreal players also trotted all the way back to the locker room-it was too cold for them outside!But what makes them colder is the heart... the heart is colder than the body.

Down by a goal away from home, and worse, they have no hope of winning at all.

This game is too hard to play!

Contrary to them, Chen Yingxiong raised his fist when he left the court.He was met with huge cheers from the Zenit fans.

Chen Yingxiong completely conquered the hearts of these picky Russian fans with his goals one after another.Russia is a country full of xenophobia and racism, and few foreigners are not discriminated against here.When Chen Yingxiong played away games, he often heard those whooping sounds, and fans threw bananas at him to humiliate him.

But in St. Petersburg no one would ever show anything like that to him.

Like the name on his jersey, he is the "Hero" of the city.

※ ※ ※

During the intermission, Advocaat did not praise Chen Yingxiong's goal. For him, it is normal for Chen Yingxiong to score at such an opportunity-this kid's header is already No. 1 in Russian football that's it.

He was criticizing Chen Yingxiong.

"What experiment did you waste 20 plus minutes on? What do you think, hero? Do you think the weather and the field are suitable for you to hold the football under your feet and play a turn volley?"

Chen Yingxiong looked obedient and honest when he was scolded by the head coach with his head down.But if someone could lie under Chen Yingxiong, he would definitely be able to see him winking and making faces.

Advocaat didn't continue to scold, he was very particular about this speed.He knew that a young player with Chen Yingxiong's character could not withstand blind criticism, which would only push him to the opposite side.

The so-called candy is the only way to deal with young people.

So Edvocaat affirmed Chen Yingxiong's hard-working mentality as soon as he changed the subject: "Of course, it's good to want to improve, and there's no problem with that. But you have to look at the venue..."

Chen Yingxiong raised his head, "I see, sir!"

A smile appeared on Advocaat's face, he knew that he had a good grasp of this speed.

Then he began to summarize the first half for the team and look forward to the second half.

※ ※ ※

In the visiting team's locker room, Villarreal's team is not in a good mood.Although the air conditioner was on in the locker room, the atmosphere was as cold as subzero.

Looking at these dejected players, Pellegrini sighed in his heart-if he was not afraid of hitting the already poor morale, he really wanted to sigh directly.

Morale is as low as the temperature outside... How can such a player be expected to achieve good results away from home?
Now, he doesn't even think about a draw, let's lose less and win...

Lose a few goals less, 0:1 is the best, and we will have a chance to comeback when we return to our home court.

Thinking of this, he decided to continue to strengthen his defense.

But first, he had to get his morale up.

"Ahem! Heads up! We're only one goal behind, it's no big deal... In fact, under such circumstances, you only conceded one goal, and your performance is already very satisfying to me!"

Pellegrini worked hard to look confident.

"In the second half, we defended and counterattacked. We defended firmly and waited for an opportunity to counterattack. As long as we have the ball, we pass forward and give the football to Llorente!"

In fact, the counterattack is not important at all, the important thing is the defense... But Pellegrini dare not tell the players about his thoughts, because the morale will probably drop to minus [-] degrees...

※ ※ ※

The intermission passed quickly amid the cheerful singing of Russian fans, and players from both sides reappeared on the field.

After 15 minutes of air-conditioned warm air blowing, the Villarreal players looked a little morale when they came out.

However, the still snowstorm, the boos of Zenit fans in St. Petersburg, and Zenit's offensive quickly knocked down their morale that had just recovered.

Advocaat's request to the team is to continue to go in the air in the second half, because from the observation of the first half, Villarreal's morale is very low, and their level of air defense is not very good.Therefore, we must continue to exert pressure from the air and completely defeat the opponent.

This game is like the bombing of Yugoslavia by NATO and the United States. If you don't enter the ground troops, it will be an air strike.Relying on the fact that I am stronger than you in the air, hitting you in the air is like playing a game.The troops of the Yugoslav Alliance wanted to fight back, but they had no choice but to watch the war situation quickly fall to the enemy.

For the sad Villarreal, they are the poor Yugoslavia, and Zenit is the damn NATO and US imperialism.

The air raid sirens sounded in their hearts time and time again, each time making their hearts tense.

Xigan was secretly surprised, the number 99 had never been heard of before, but seeing his obvious advantage in the air, his header and physical fitness are quite good.Why is such a powerful player so little known in the entire European continent?

※ ※ ※

Chen Yingxiong found that he was not only facing a Xigan, he was also facing Fuentes.The two central defenders took turns to defend him, especially that Fuentes.

Chen Yingxiong didn't mind abusing this Argentine central defender who was ten centimeters shorter than himself.

No matter how good the heading technique is, what good is it?The height disadvantage is so obvious, no matter how much you can jump, can you still jump better than me?
So when Fuentes was mercilessly knocked to the ground by Chen Yingxiong, he learned to be good, and he learned to call for help.

Xigan and Fuentes fight Chen Yingxiong!
Chen Yingxiong found the space behind the two of them.

When only Xigan played against him before, even if there was space behind him, Fuentes could still make up in time, so although Krzakov also stepped in to catch the ball, generally speaking, he didn't shoot when he stopped the ball Here's the chance.

It's different now, the two central defenders rushed up, isn't this a great opportunity?
So when Chen Yingxiong got another chance to compete for the top in the penalty area, he didn't directly head the goal, but chose to ferry the header!
With a light touch, the football avoided the blockade of Xigan and Fuentes and fell into the space...

"Kerzakov! He got the ball, there was no defender... shot—"

Silgeevsky suddenly became agitated, as he followed him and shouted: "GOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!!"

"2:0! Zenit St. Petersburg leads 2:0! It's a fantastic first leg!"

After the goal, Kerzakov did not run to celebrate, but turned around and hugged Chen Yingxiong, thanking him for his assist.

※ ※ ※

Pellegrini didn't even have any angry movements or expressions in the face of this conceded goal. His face was numb, as if his face was frozen.

In fact, when he saw that Chen Yingxiong, surrounded by two central defenders, did not push the football towards the goal, but rubbed it behind, his heart jumped wildly, and he suddenly realized what he had overlooked.

So when Kerzhakov put the football in the goal, he was not surprised.Because it was doomed from the time when Chen Yingxiong rubbed behind the header instead of shooting directly.

He just thinks that today's luck is really bad-his team has encountered an opponent with extremely different styles, and the weather and field conditions are not good. These things are combined... This road trip is not good or bad.

In the next game, in order to avoid conceding more goals, Pellegrini replaced Matias Fernandez with an Argentine player, Gonzalo_Rodriguez. A player who can play as a centre-back or as a sweeper.

And Pellegrini asked him to go up to fight the scavenger. When Xigan and Fuentes rushed to defend Chen Yingxiong, Rodriguez escorted them behind and did not give Kerzako Husband or someone else will plug in the opportunity to pick up the leak.

After changing people, the effect is immediate.But at this time, it can only be regarded as a remedy for the dead... The score is already two goals behind, and the game back to the home court is difficult to play.But what can he do?

There was really nothing he could do.

He sat on the coach's bench with a blank face, the wind was blowing, the snow was drifting, and his heart felt as if it had fallen into an ice cave.

He no longer thinks about how the game is going. His thinking has crossed the game and returned directly to the home court.He was thinking about how to reverse this bad situation at home... Judging from Zenit's central defender, he is tall and strong, with an excellent header, but his turn is slow... Maybe there is something to play on the ground?

Well, the goal is to comeback at home!
※ ※ ※

In the end, Zenit St. Petersburg defeated the Spanish powerhouse "Yellow Submarine" Villarreal 2:0 at home.

Just looking at this score may make people feel a little surprised, because everyone has the impression that Villarreal is much stronger than Zenit St. Petersburg. How could they lose so cleanly?

But everyone who has watched this game will think - only lost two goals, Pellegrini's team is really lucky!
For Zenit, it is good to get a victory and two goal difference at home, but we must also be careful about Villarreal's comeback after returning to the home court. After all, the difference between the two goals is not too big. Big, if you go back to your home court and play crazy, anything is possible.

So after the game, Advocaat didn't say with joy, "Half of us have already entered the top [-] of the UEFA Cup." On the issue of promotion, he was very conservative.

Chen Yingxiong is much more arrogant. He has now scored three goals in the UEFA Cup. When interviewed by reporters after the game, he said that this is not his limit.

"This is not the end, this is just the beginning!"

When he said that, he pointed to the camera, so the reporters tacitly raised their cameras and shot wildly, freezing his arrogant appearance, and there will be good photos in tomorrow's newspaper...

※ ※ ※

PS, the number of 3444 monthly tickets is too ugly... Everyone, work hard and pass this number!

In addition, a new weekend is coming, and the second book review prize-giving event is about to start~
This time, I hope that everyone will add the word "event" to the title of the book review you participated in, so as to facilitate the moderator's screening and evaluation.

Similarly, two excellent book reviews will be rewarded with 588 starting point coins, and three encouragement awards will be 100 starting point coins.

The first phase was very successful with everyone's active participation, and I hope everyone can support this phase!

(End of this chapter)

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