Heroes of the Restricted Zone

Chapter 155 Telling You to Look Down on Me! (3300 monthly ticket plus update)

Chapter 155 Telling You to Look Down on Me! (3300 monthly ticket plus update)

When Chen Yingxiong ran to the front of the Everton coaching bench to show off his tattoos, the Chinese reporters in the media seats couldn't help laughing.

Moyes, have you seen Chen Yingxiong's character?Have you also seen the power of Chen Yingxiong's header?

Starting today, how dare you despise him?
Also laughing was Russian commentator Yuri Petrov.In Russia, everyone has gradually gotten used to and accepted Chen Yingxiong's character. He always does these unexpected but reasonable actions after careful consideration.

He knew that Chen Yingxiong was responding to Moyes' contempt for him before the game.

"Hahahaha! Remember Moyes, his name is Hero, Chen Yingxiong!"

※ ※ ※

Lombartes had wiped away his tears, but his eyes were still red.He was standing in the middle of the locker room, looking up at the TV in the locker room, which showed Chen Yingxiong pushing the football into the Everton goal in slow motion.

He remembered what Chen Yingxiong said to him when he was on the court.

"Don't waste time, Nicholas! Hurry up and go back to the locker room to wash your face and dry your tears! Then sit in front of the TV and watch the uncle, I will avenge you!"

He really did it!

Although I have been with him for a season, I know more or less the character of this person, and I know that he is habitually arrogant, but he always has the capital of arrogance-such as this time.

But he was still surprised.He didn't expect Chen Yingxiong to fulfill his promise so quickly.

He helped the team equalize and avenged himself.

Thinking of this, his eye sockets couldn't help getting wet again...

If I don't leave the field... We have now tied the score and are evenly matched in number, maybe we can really win this game!
But now...

※ ※ ※

Moyes was chagrined to see his lead evaporate.The score was equalized by a team with one less player. This does not mean that the opponent is too strong, it means that your team is too weak!

But the things that bothered him weren't over yet...

After wanton celebration, Chen Yingxiong ran all the way to him, and then posed a pose to him.Even a fool can see that he is targeting himself...

Moyes was like a mirror in his heart, knowing that this was his protest against not listing him as a dangerous person before the game.

this kid!
He shook his head helplessly.

Well, he admitted that he had misread it, this kid still seems to have two skills, at least in terms of heading...

Lescott was a little nervous, but fortunately Yabo was able to help him. If Krzakov hadn't ended, his defense would really be a problem.

Looks like I had to readjust during the intermission...

※ ※ ※

Chen Yingxiong got a yellow card for undressing to celebrate after scoring a goal, and he is used to it.He ignored the referee who played the card to him, and ran past the referee with his head held high and without squinting.

He put his jersey back on and was back on the pitch, waiting for Everton to kick off.

In other words, Everton is waiting for Chen Yingxiong and his teammates to come back quickly so that they can kick off.

In fact, there is nothing to argue about. There is not much time left in the first half of the game. Even if the ball is kicked out, it will not be long before the referee blows the whistle to end the first half of the game.

The same is true of the fact that Everton took the football out and organized an attack hastily. Even Zenit goalkeeper Malafeev did not threaten it, and the first half was over.

※ ※ ※

Chen Yingxiong, who returned to the locker room, was very happy. When he saw Lombartes, he jumped on him.

"Well, Nicholas! See how I avenged you?" He put his arms around Lombartes' shoulder affectionately.

Lombartes shook his head and murmured: "I didn't expect...I really didn't expect..."

"Ha! What's unexpected about this?" Chen Yingxiong said with a natural expression.

When he beat Lescott by jumping up for the first time in the game, he felt that he would definitely score a header in the game, because that Lescott was absolutely vulnerable!
Facts proved that he was right. If Yabo hadn't come to help defend, maybe he would have scored a goal.

Compared with Lescott, Yabo has more experience, more outstanding abilities, and caused him more trouble.

But Chen Yingxiong is still confident.

Didn't the two defend themselves just now?
So don't worry at all!
Anyone who dares to stop me will fuck his mother!

After Advocaat came in, the lively locker room gradually quieted down. Everyone looked at the head coach, expecting him to say something. Did you play well in the first half?still not good?What should we do in the second half to win the game?

These issues are what the head coach should think about, and the players are only responsible for implementing the tactical requirements of the head coach.

"You guys did a great job in the first half!" Advocaat's words received applause and cheers.

"But!" He raised his hand and his voice faded away.

"But we lost one person after all, so the second half is very critical for us. Our physical fitness will face a very severe test! For this reason, in the second half, we have to shrink the defense line, play defensive counterattacks, and avoid pressing out to fight the opponent all. Pressing all over the pitch, running all over the pitch, then we would be worn out. The attacking method is the same as we did in the first half, long balls to find heroes."

Chen Yingxiong pointed to his head with his finger, signaling for everyone to pass it here.

※ ※ ※

On the other side, Moyes was frowning and arranging the adjustment tactics for everyone in the second half.

"Carsley, pay attention to their number 99 in the second half."


"Well, interfere with him and entangle him when he is fighting for the top."

Irish international Lee Carsley (Lee_Carsley) nodded, indicating that he knew.

Lescott lowered his head with a look of unwillingness, but no one could see it.

Originally, the No. 99 was for him and Yabo to deal with, but in the actual game, it became his job alone.Now the head coach arranges Carsley to defend Chen Yingxiong, obviously thinking that his defense has failed.

Lescott admitted that under his own defense, the big man scored a goal, but after all, he only scored one goal in the entire first half.Although it was a bit difficult for him to defend, he finally managed to defend. He had so many offensive opportunities, but only scored one goal. Isn't this due to his own defense?

Lescott is unwilling to count, but he can't question the head coach's arrangement.

During the intermission, almost all discussions revolved around how to contain Chen Yingxiong.

Moyes doesn't mind his team getting a draw at home in the end. He feels that if he doesn't play away at Alkmaar in the last round, qualifying for the group is a foregone conclusion.So the mission goal of this game is not to lose.

A draw is also acceptable.

In terms of how the goals are scored, the team has done a good job, Yakubu and Andy Johnson, and Arteta in charge of the pass is impeccable, he has nothing to say.The only thing that can be said is the defense.

They were underprepared to deal with Chen Yingxiong.

Because they never expected that the big man who performed mediocrely in the previous group stage actually contained such terrifying power!

※ ※ ※

After the second half, Chen Yingxiong was under strict defense. This time it was not only Lescott and Yabo, but also an extra midfielder.

Although the opponent is far less tall than Chen Yingxiong, he is physically strong and good at heading the ball. As long as two of these three people jump up and compete with Chen Yingxiong at the same time, it will be enough for him to be busy for a while.

But Chen Yingxiong is not afraid of competing with these people.

He still jumped up to compete with them for the top.

It is impossible for him to give in, because he is the only effective means of attacking Zenit now, and Everton's pressing force in the frontcourt has not eased, so the connection between Tymoshchuk and Dominguez is not so smooth , When there are too many, you have to pass directly forward with your big foot...In addition, during the halftime break, Advocaat specially arranged such a defensive and counterattack tactic.

When a long pass from the backcourt comes, Chen Yingxiong often doesn't directly rub the ball back, because there is no one behind him, and Kerzakov is not on the court.He will give the football to Dominguez or Hill or Arshavin, depending on where he is.If it's in the middle, it's for Dominguez, and if it's on the two wings, it's for the two wingers.

Then he turned around and pushed forward, so that when the ball was kicked from the wing, he could appear in front of the goal and compete for the top.

This set of tactics is very simple, the key is whether to stop Chen Yingxiong from vying for the first spot.

Facing the double-teaming of Lexter, Yabo and Carsley, Chen Yingxiong bravely fought for the top and was able to grab the first spot almost every time.

England's commentator also had to admit that Chen Yingxiong's strength in headers is outstanding.

Of course he is outstanding, he has almost all the talents that affect the header...

With a central defender of Lescott's level, if he wants to snatch the ball over his head, he will have to practice for a few more years...

This first landing point is like an offensive rebound. Chen Yingxiong can always control the first landing point, and then pass the ball to his teammates to initiate an offense.Relying on his head skills, Zenit, who has one less person, is not at a disadvantage at Goodison Park, but it also caused Everton a headache.

As long as Zenit makes a long pass from the backcourt, Everton's defenders will be nervous, because they know that the No. 99 player is going to push the football away again...

When competing with the Everton players, Chen Yingxiong will do his best every time, which will drive the Everton players who defend him to do their best, but because they follow his rhythm, it is very Embarrassed, but also tired quickly.

Chen Yingxiong is a narrow-minded person. When others looked down on him before the game, he tried his best to prove himself in the game and tell the opponent that you were wrong.

So now every time he fights for the top of the header, it seems to be saying to Moyes off the field: "Tell you to look down on me! Tell you to look down on me!"

※ ※ ※

PS, I'm going to watch the Chinese team's game in a while, I'm afraid I'll forget it, so I'll send the 3300 monthly ticket plus, I wish you all a happy reading!

(End of this chapter)

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